60 research outputs found

    A case of congenital absence of numerous primary teeth treated with a denture for deciduous teeth

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    Anomalies of the number of teeth include anodontia. The congenital absence of all teeth is called complete anodontia, and that of several teeth is called partial anodontia. Agenesis of numerous teeth causes a decrease in mastication and esthetic problems, and its treatment is often difficult.In the present paper, we report the case of a partial anodontia patient congenitally missing 6 primary teeth and some permanent teeth. The patient was treated using a denture for deciduous teeth to improve his masticatory function and esthetic appearance. The patient was a one–year and five–month–old boy who visited our hospital with a chief complaint of the delayed eruption of primary teeth. There was no significant past medical history. An X–ray image showed the congenital absence of the bilateral upper primary lateral incisors, bilateral lower primary central, and lateral incisors. A lower denture for deciduous teeth was placed when the patient became 3 years and 11 months as he was old enough to have his impression taken. Similarly, an upper denture for deciduous teeth was placed at the age of 4 years and 3 months when the bilateral primary upper second molars, used as abutments, had completely erupted. Despite his young age, the patient became used to wearing dentures, and improvement of his masticatory function and esthetic appearance during the primary dentition period were achieved. A long–term comprehensive maintenance program is planned with careful attention to the jawbone, dentition, and occlusal development in order to achieve functional permanent dentition

    Leaf trichomes in Metrosideros polymorpha can contribute to avoiding extra water stress by impeding gall formation

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    Background and Aims: Plants inhabiting arid environments tend to have leaf trichomes, but their adaptive significance remains unclear. Leaf trichomes are known to play a role in plant defence against herbivores, including gall makers. Because gall formation can increase water loss partly through increased surface area, we tested the novel hypothesis that leaf trichomes could contribute to avoiding extra water stress by impeding gall formation, which would have adaptive advantages in arid environments. Methods: We focused on Metrosideros polymorpha, an endemic tree species in the Hawaiian Islands, whose leaves often suffer from galls formed by specialist insects, Hawaiian psyllids (Pariaconus spp.). There is large variation in the amount of leaf trichomes (0–40 % of leaf mass) in M. polymorpha. Three gall types are found on the island of Hawaii: the largest is the ‘cone’ type, followed by ‘flat’ and ‘pit’ types. We conducted laboratory experiments to quantify the extent to which gall formation is associated with leaf water relations. We also conducted a field census of 1779 individuals from 48 populations across the entire range of habitats of M. polymorpha on the island of Hawaii to evaluate associations between gall formation (presence and abundance) and the amount of leaf trichomes. Key Results: Our laboratory experiment showed that leaf minimum conductance was significantly higher in leaves with a greater number of cone- or flat-type galls but not pit-type galls. Our field census suggested that the amount of trichomes was negatively associated with probabilities of the presence of cone- or flat-type galls but not pit-type galls, irrespective of environmental factors. Conclusion: Our results suggest that leaf trichomes in M. polymorpha can contribute to the avoidance of extra water stress through interactions with some gall-making species, and potentially increase the fitness of plants under arid conditions

    Care needs and workload required by institutionalised psychiatric patients

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    OBJETIVOS: El propósito de este estudio descriptivo con abordaje cuantitativo fue investigar las necesidades de cuidados de enfermería de pacientes con trastornos mentales, el promedio de horas de asistencia prestadas y la carga de trabajo del equipo de enfermería. MÉTODO: El estudio fue realizado en 2010 en un hospital neuropsiquiátrico público situado en la región sudeste de Brasil e incluyó 105 pacientes. Un instrumento de clasificación de pacientes fue aplicado para caracterizar el perfil asistencial. El tratamiento estadístico fue realizado mediante Análisis de Componentes Principales y Análisis de Varianza. RESULTADOS: Predominaron los pacientes de la categoría discreta de cuidados (73,3%). El promedio de horas de asistencia varió entre 0,57 y 0,88 (enfermeros) y entre 1,97 y 3,16 (auxiliares de enfermería) y la carga de trabajo entre 119,6 y 183 horas. CONCLUSIONES: Este estudio muestra que la demanda de cuidados de la mayoría de los pacientes correspondía a un nivel discreto de dependencia y que no necesitarían estar institucionalizados. Igualmente, que las horas de asistencia prestadas por el equipo de enfermería era insuficiente para atender las necesidades de cuidado de los pacientes.OBJETIVOS: este estudo descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, teve como propósito investigar as necessidades de cuidados de enfermagem de pacientes com transtornos mentais, as horas médias de assistência dispensadas e a carga de trabalho da equipe de enfermagem. MÉTODO: foi conduzido em um hospital neuropsiquiátrico público, localizado na Região Sudeste do Brasil, no ano 2010, tendo como sujeitos 105 pacientes. Para caracterizar o perfil assistencial foi aplicado um instrumento de classificação de pacientes. O tratamento estatístico foi realizado por meio de Análise de Componentes Principais e Análise de Variância. RESULTADOS: houve predomínio de pacientes na categoria de cuidados discreta (73,3%). As horas médias de assistência variaram de 0,57 a 0,88 (enfermeiros) e de 1,97 a 3,16 (auxiliares de enfermagem) e a carga de trabalho de 119,6 a 183 horas. CONCLUSÕES: este estudo evidenciou que a demanda por cuidados da maioria dos pacientes era em nível de dependência discreta e que não necessitariam estar institucionalizados. Ainda, que as horas de assistência dispensadas pela equipe de enfermagem estavam insuficientes para atender as necessidades cuidativas dos pacientes.OBJECTIVES: This descriptive study used a quantitative approach to assess the nursing care needs of patients with mental disorders, the mean number of care hours these patients were provided and the workload these patients require nursing team. METHODS: The research was conducted in a public neuropsychiatric hospital located in south eastern Brazil in 2010 and included 105 patients as subjects. A patient classification tool was applied to characterise care profiles. Statistical analysis was performed using principal component analysis and analysis of variance. RESULTS: Patients were predominantly in the low care category (73.3%). The mean care hours ranged from 0.57 to 0.88 for nurses and 1.97 to 3.16 for nursing assistants, and the workload ranged from 119.6 to 183 hours . CONCLUSIONS: The present study showed that the care needs of most patients were at a low level of dependency and that most patients did not need to be institutionalised. Furthermore, it was found that the care hours provided by the nursing staff were not sufficient to meet the care needs of the patients

    Curriculum Development to Promote the Ability to Live in Society-Social and Vocational Independence through a Special Support Class at Junior High School

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    グロール化が一層進行するこれからの社会において,将来の就労を含む生活に向けた生活力の育成を目指し,教科「職業・家庭」に新たに社会生活に関する内容を加味した,教科「キャリアマネジメント」を教育課程に位置づけ,カリキュラム開発を行っている。評価の4観とキャリア教育における4つの基礎的・汎用的能力を用いた評価によって生徒の変容を見取り授業評価を行うことで,カリキュラムについて検討した結果,生徒や保護者,教員に対して一定の効果があった。今後は,学習過程とそれによって身につく資質・能力について整理することが課題である。With the ongoing globalization in society, it is necessary to develop a new type of curriculum to prepare today's students for their future lives, especially their careers. TI1e curriculum developed in this study places an emphasis on vocation and home life, and it includes a new subject-Career Management-which deals with social life. The lessons in each unit for this subject were evaluated using reference criteria and in terms of four career abilities. From these results, adjustments were made to the lesson content, and the effect of the new curriculum was measured. The curriculum was found to be effective for students, their parents, and teachers. It will be necessary in a future study to examine ways of developing the associated learning process and assess its effects with regard to promoting competencies

    Instituição psiquiátrica de longa permanência: perfil de pacientes e indicadores de recursos humanos

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    Este estudio descriptivo tuvo como objetivo investigar el perfil sociodemográfico y epidemiológico de pacientes e indicadores de recursos humanos en un hospital neuro psiquiátrico localizado en la región sudeste de Brasil. Los datos relativos a los indicadores de recursos humanos (2006-2010) y caracterización socio demográfica y epidemiológica de los pacientes (2010) fueron extraídos de la base de datos del sistema de gestión hospitalaria y planillas de escala de personal. Participaron del estudio 105 pacientes con diagnóstico de trastorno mental. La mayoría era del sexo masculino 60 (57,1%), edad media 52,5 (11,4) años, tiempo desde internación hasta 15 años 84 (80%) y diagnóstico principal de esquizofrenia 50(47,7%) y retardo mental 41(39%). La relación enfermería/camas varió de 0,52 a 1,15 y la enfermero/camas de 0,05 a 0,11. El objetivo es que los resultados de esa averiguación puedan aportar en la elaboración de políticas de salud mental e instrumentalizar el gestor en la tomada de decisión y establecimiento de estrategias de acción.This descriptive study aimed to investigate the social-demographic and epidemiological profile of patients and human resource indicators in a neuropsychiatric hospital located in southeastern Brazil. The data related to the human resources (2006-2010) and the social-demographic and epidemiological characterization of the patients (2010) were extracted from the hospital management system database and staff scheduling worksheets. The study included 105 patients with a mental disorder diagnosis. Most were male 60 (57.1%), mean age 52.5 (11.4) years, duration of hospitalization up to 15 years 84 (80%), and primary diagnosis of schizophrenia 50 (47.7%), and mental retardation 41 (39%). The nursing staff/bed ratio ranged from 0.52 to 1.15 and the nurse/bed from 0.05 to 0.11. The aim of this research is to contribute to the development of mental health policies and equip the administrator for the strategic decision making processes.Este estudo descritivo teve como objetivo investigar o perfil sociodemográfico e epidemiológico de pacientes e indicadores de recursos humanos em um hospital neuropsiquiátrico, localizado na Região Sudeste do Brasil. Os dados relativos aos indicadores de recursos humanos (2006-2010) e caracterização sociodemográfica e epidemiológica dos pacientes (2010) foram extraídos da base de dados do sistema de gestão hospitalar e planilhas de escala de pessoal. Participaram do estudo 105 pacientes com diagnóstico de transtorno mental. A maioria era do sexo masculino (60; 57,1%), idade média 52,5 (11,4) anos, tempo de internação até 15 anos 84 (80%) e diagnóstico principal de esquizofrenia 50 (47,7%) e retardo mental 41 (39%). A relação enfermagem/leito variou de 0,52 a 1,15 e a de enfermeiro/leito de 0,05 a 0,11. Almeja-se que os resultados desta investigação possam contribuir para a elaboração de políticas de saúde mental e instrumentalizar o gestor na tomada de decisão e estabelecimento de estratégias de ação

    A prevalência da polifarmácia em idosos com sintomas depressivos: uma revisão integrativa

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    Introdução: Os idosos e as múltiplas doenças que os acometem com o aumento da idade, ocasionam o aumento e o consumo de medicamentos e o risco de polifarmácia, que a Organização Mundial da Saúde define como tomar vários medicamentos ao mesmo tempo ou administrar um número excessivo de medicamentos, sejam eles prescritos, isentos de prescrição ou outros medicamentos tradicionais. A definição de polifarmácia mais adotada na literatura é o uso de cinco ou mais medicamentos. Objetivo: Elencar a verificação da prevalência da polifarmácia em idosos com sintomas depressivos, evidenciando como se dá todo o processo de enfermagem. Método: Revisão integrativa realizada entre os meses de fevereiro a abril de 2022. Critérios de inclusão: artigos dos últimos 5 anos publicados nas bases LILACS, MEDLINE, IBECS e BDENF nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. Os critérios de exclusão foram aqueles que não abordavam o tema do estudo, os artigos não encontrados ou que se repetiam entre as bases. Resultados: A busca resultou em 76 artigos e com aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão foram selecionados 12 estudos com textos completos, para uma discussão acerca do tema, sendo categorizada em duas partes sendo: ações para detecção da polifarmácia e sintomas depressivos entre idosos com uso da polifarmácia. Conclusões: As medidas essenciais são o rastreamento e diagnóstico precoce da polifarmácia, para uma implantação com eficiência de medidas de intervenção e, nesse processo, a enfermagem é essencial no desenvolvimento dessas medidas, atuando como educadora em saúde e promoção de saúde. É possível, pelo uso da tecnologia e inovação, facilitar esse processo de prevenção e reeducação na administração de medicamentos. O tema é de extrema importância e necessita de estudos aprofundados na área

    Effect of soy protein on the muscle in human

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    Background : In recent years, the number of bedridden people is rapidly increasing due to aging or lack of exercise in Japan. This problem is becoming more serious, since there is no countermeasure against it. In the present study, we designed to investigate whether dietary proteins, especially soy, had beneficial effects on skeletal muscle in 59 volunteers with various physical activities. Methods : We subjected 59 volunteers with various physical activities to meal intervention examination. Persons with low and high physical activities were divided into two dietary groups, the casein diet group and the soy diet group. They ate daily meals supplemented with 7.8 g of powdered casein or soy protein isolate every day for 30 days. Bedridden patients in hospitals were further divided into three dietary groups : the no supplementation diet group, the casein diet group and the soy diet group. They were also subjected to a blood test, a urinalysis, magnetic resonance imaging analysis and muscle strength test of the knee before and after the meal intervention study. Results : Thirty-day soy protein supplementation significantly increased skeletal muscle volume in participants with low physical activity, compared with 30-day casein protein supplementation. Both casein and soy protein supplementation increased the volume of quadriceps femoris muscle in bedridden patients. Consistently, soy protein significantly increased their extension power of the knee, compared with casein protein. Although casein protein increased skeletal muscle volume more than soy protein in bedridden patients, their muscle strength changes by soy protein supplementation were bigger than those by casein protein supplementation. Conclusions : The supplementation of soy protein would be one of the effective foods which prevent the skeletal muscle atrophy caused by immobilization or unloading