Curriculum Development to Promote the Ability to Live in Society-Social and Vocational Independence through a Special Support Class at Junior High School


グロール化が一層進行するこれからの社会において,将来の就労を含む生活に向けた生活力の育成を目指し,教科「職業・家庭」に新たに社会生活に関する内容を加味した,教科「キャリアマネジメント」を教育課程に位置づけ,カリキュラム開発を行っている。評価の4観とキャリア教育における4つの基礎的・汎用的能力を用いた評価によって生徒の変容を見取り授業評価を行うことで,カリキュラムについて検討した結果,生徒や保護者,教員に対して一定の効果があった。今後は,学習過程とそれによって身につく資質・能力について整理することが課題である。With the ongoing globalization in society, it is necessary to develop a new type of curriculum to prepare today's students for their future lives, especially their careers. TI1e curriculum developed in this study places an emphasis on vocation and home life, and it includes a new subject-Career Management-which deals with social life. The lessons in each unit for this subject were evaluated using reference criteria and in terms of four career abilities. From these results, adjustments were made to the lesson content, and the effect of the new curriculum was measured. The curriculum was found to be effective for students, their parents, and teachers. It will be necessary in a future study to examine ways of developing the associated learning process and assess its effects with regard to promoting competencies

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