56 research outputs found

    Design of Hybrid Energy System for Railway Application (Case Study of People Mover System in Doha, Qatar)

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    This paper presents the conceptual design of hybrid energy system used in railway application. The hybrid system with batteries and energy storage double-layer capacitor is a new technology that is used under extreme climatic conditions, especially in daytime temperature up to 50°C, high relative humidity, dust and heavy rain. It is a combination of double-layer capacitors and traction batteries. It draws power both externally and from braking energy. In order to reduce CO2 emissions to the environment, energy-saving drives and energy storage are used. Also, in public transportation, Sitras Hybrid Energy System (HES), hybrid energy storage system for trams, has been developed which combines a double-layer capacitor with a nickel-metal hydride battery. The storage not only allows driving without overhead lines, it also enables braking energy to be recovered. A reliable cooling system is required to ensure that the performance of the battery and the capacitor storage is maintained for as long as possible. The results of finite element model showed the robustness for railway application. The computational model refers to proof of static and dynamic strength in accordance with EN12663. A cooling system for a tram using this innovative technology was designed and qualified for the "Qatar Education City People Mover System (PMS)" project


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    Currently, tropical peatland forests are under considerable pressure because of increasing deforestation and degradation of forests. In Kalimantan, degradation and deforestation of peatland forests are driven primarily by industrial logging,  expansion of agricultural activities through primarily conversion of forests to agricultural land and oil palm plantations. By the establishment of intensive drainage, it can induce wildfires in peatland. Unmanaged drainage ditches will alter water table levels within the site adjacent to the drainage including to surrounding peatland forest. Water table assessments were conducted before and after peatland drainage on 2007/2009 and 2012/2015 in Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan. This paper studies the effect of drainage ditches into the peatland water table. Results show the establishment of drainage ditches on this peatland landscape lowered the water table by more than 3 times from ~11.7 cm (SE = 1.5, n = 5) to ~37.3 cm (SE = 2.1 cm, n = 26). The effect on the water table was in drier months of  July-August.  Lowering the water table level altered worst the soil micro climate, peat temperature and peat water content. The results indicate the land use changes in peatland with the establishment of drainage affects peatland water table currently. In the area of less than 500 m from the drainage, the water level tends to lower toward the drainage feature. Therefore, recovery of peatland forests should be initiated by managing the landscape hydrology (i.e. water table) to restore the ecosystem and to protect the remaining peat swamp forest


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    Kudeta yang menimpa Presiden Askar Akayev membuat banyak terjadi kekacauan di Kirgistan pada Maret 2005. Seperti penjarahan massal dan kekerasan, bahkan pada tanggal 23 Maret 2005 pergerakan telah tersebar semakin luas terutama tersebar di mayoritas Uzbek, di bagian Kirgistan selatan. Kemarahan yang telah mengalami momentum, diperparah dengan kemunculan dugaan pemalsuan massal dan manipulasi selama pemilu parlemen yang diadakan dalam dua ronde pada 27 Februari dan 13 Maret 2005. Pihak oposisi yang sebelumnya terlihat terpecah kemudian seperti kembali menyatu dengan adanya kejadian tersebut. Meskipun masih terdapat dua pemimpin oposisi utama, mantan Perdana Menteri Kurmanbek Bakiev dan mantan Menteri Luar Negeri Roza Otunbaeva. Naiknya Kurmanbek Bakiev sebagai presiden Kirgistan yang ke-2 guna menggantikan Askar Akayev membuat hubungan etnis di Kirgistan semakin tidak dapat terkendali. Secara terbuka presiden Kurmanbek Bakiev mengeluarkan pernyataan tegas, tidak membutuhkan dukungan dari etnis Uzbek. Presiden Kurmanbek Bakiev mendukung kuat pandangan Kirgis nasionalis. Dalam konteks tersebut ketegangan masyarakat etnis Uzbek dan pemerintahan Kurmanbek Bakiev mulai muncul yang didasari atas dasar diskriminasi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam bidang politik, kebudayaan dan ekonomi

    Multiplikasi Tunas Belimbing Dewi (Averrhoa Carambola) Melalui Kultur in Vitro

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    Star fruit (Averrhoa carambola) is one of tropical fruits which had a high content of vitamin C, which was higher than that in apple and grape. As fresh consumption, star fruit had a good role in decreasing human blood pressure. Main constraints of star fruit development weather for conservation purpose and or for cultivation were still limited due to lack of seedlings availability. In vitro culture technique was one of the altrnative technologies capable of producing seedlings in a large quantity, uniform growth and relatively in a short period. One of the important keys in micropropagation work was the step of shoot initiation and multiplication. In this study we used two kind of explant, namely shoot with single node and shoot from germinated embrio. Experiment I, shoot with single node and shoot from germinated embrio were planted at WPM media + citric acid 100 mg/l. The next activities was focused on single node shoots which was subcultured at WPM + BAP 0.5 mg/l. In experiment II in vitro shoots from previous experiment was subcultured at WPM + BA (1 and 2 mg/l) + thidiazuron (0.1 and 0.2 mg/l). To stimulate shoot multiplication rate, shoot was subcultured at WPM or MS media in combination with IAA 0.5 mg/l and zeatin 2 mg/l. To improve vigourity of the plant, in vitro shoots resulted from multiplication media was planted at WPM or MS media containing paclobutrazol (0.4 and 0.8 mg/l) + BA 2 mg/l + thidiazuron 0.2 mg/l. Result showed that the use of single node shoot as an explant better than shoot comes from germinated embrio. Sub culture of star fruit shoot on WPM basal media containing BAP of 0.5 mg/l produce the shoot number about 4, and the shoot number could be increased until 18 by using IAA 0.5 mg and zeatin 2 mg/l. The treatment of schock temperature at 4-5oC during 4 days before planting could fasten shoot initiation time from 3 months to 1 months. An addition of 0.4 mg/l paclobutrazol on MS or WPM media containing 2 mg/l BA and 0.2 mg/l thidiazuron could improve vigourity of plantlet


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    Abstract : Human beings never be separated from the use of oral language in the form of speech acts, speech act it’s very important part in communicating. One of the interesting events studied language pragmatics is speaking events between teachers and students in school interactions. The use of language, particularly the Indonesian language in a classroom learning the realities of communication that takes place in classroom interaction. In classroom interaction, teachers have always used language to expedite the process of interaction. Teachers as having an important role in the learning process, always use speech as a medium to convey ideas to students. Teachers have a tendency to use speech acts are adapted to function and situation. Based on these events in this study, researchers examined several issues, among others, the function of expressive speech acts, mode of expressive speech acts, and the effects caused by perlocution expressive speech. The study design used is qualitative research, this type of study is a descriptive study. Based on these results, obtained results that the function expressive speech acts are widely used by teachers is expressive speech acts rebuke function, mode of speech acts which are widely used by teachers is imperative bermodus speech, and many emerging perlokusi is embarrass partner said. Key Words : expressive speech acts, Indonesian learning, students, teacher

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Komik Tanpa Teks untuk Materi Menulis Cerita Pendek pada Siswa Kelas XI SMK

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    Kehadiran media dalam proses belajar mengajar tidak perlu dipaksakan agar tidak mempersulit tugas guru. Namun, untuk membantu mengoptimalkan pembelajaran di sekolah dibutuhkan sebuah media pembelajaran. Media pembelajaran adalah alat untuk membantu guru dalam penyampaian materi di kelas. Salah satu bentuk media yang dapat digunakan adalah komik tanpa teks. Penggunaan komik tanpa teks dapat memperbaiki pola berfikir siswa menjadi kreatif dan juga membangun pembendaharaan kata. Di samping itu, siswa akan memikirkan bagaimana penggunaan kata, kalimat, unsur yang terdapat dalam cerita pendek dan menyusun cerita secara runtut. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian pengembangan yang berorientasi pada pengembangan produk yaitu media komik tanpa teks. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah lembar validasi dan angket respon siswa. Penelitian ini menghasilkan media komik tanpa teks yang dikembangkan dari teori Borg dan Gall. Langkah-langkah tersebut yaitu: (1) penelitian dan pengumpulan data, (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan produk awal, pada langkah ini terdapat tiga langkah (a) mengubah file PDF menjadi JPG, (b) mengedit komik menggunakan PhotoScape, dan (c) menyusun komik dalam Microsoft Word. (4) uji coba ahli, (5) uji coba lapangan, dan (6) penyempurnaan produk.   Kata Kunci : pembelajaran menulis cerita pendek, pengembangan media, komik tanpa tek

    Pemerolehan Bahasa Indonesia Anak Usia Balita (4—5 Tahun): Analisis Fonem dan Silabel

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis fonem dan silabel pada pemerolehan bahasa Indonesia anak usia balita yang berumur 4 —5 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian kualitatif cross sectional dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa fonem dalam ujaran anak usia balita (4—5 tahun) yang terdiri atas 4 orang anak. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode observasi dengan teknik rekam dan catatan lapangan kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data dan reduksi data. Selanjutnya mendeskripsikan hasil data serta menyimpulkan hasil analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Anak usia balita (4—5 tahun) memperoleh fonem bahasa Indonesia berupa fonem vokal [a, i, u, e, ǝ, o] dengan alofon fonem [/e/-/ɛ/, /o/-/ﬤ/] dan fonem konsonan [p, b, m, w, v, t, d, s, n, r, l, c, j, ñ, y, k, g, ŋ, h, ?] yang terdistribusi pada posisi awal, tengah dan akhir kata. (2) Pemerolehan silabel bahasa Indonesia [V, VK, KV, KVK, KKV, KKVK], (3) representasi fonem yang diujarkan anak usia 4—5 tahun berupa penggantian fonem [r>l, i>e, r>y, k>?, u>ﬤ, m>n, f>p, l>y, s>c, au>o, k>t, a>o, ai>ɛ, i>ɛ, v>p, a>e, r>ŋ, a>ǝ, u>o, d>j, j>c, ñ>n, s>ñ, h>?, b>d, ai>e, ai>o, p>b]; penghilangan fonem; penambahan fonem; dan pemerolehan bunyi perlancar, yakni konsonan semivokal [y, w] dan (4) representasi silabel yang diujarkan anak usia 4—5 tahun berupa penghilangan silabel, penambahan silabel dan perubahan silabel [VKKVKKV>VKKVKV, KVKKV>KVKV, KVKKV>KVKKVK, VKV>VKVK, KKVK>KVKVK, KVKVVK>KVKVK, KVKVK>KVK, KVKKVV>KVKKVK, KVKVV>KVKV, KVKVK>VKVK, KKVK>VKKVK, KVKKVV>KVKV, KVKVKVK>KKVKVK, KVKKV>KVKKVK]. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa anak usia balita (4—5 tahun) telah memperoleh fonem vokal dan konsonan serta silabel dalam bahasa Indonesianya sehingga diketahui bahwa semakin tinggi usianya, semakin beragam fonem dan silabel yang diperoleh.   Kata Kunci: Pemerolehan Bahasa Indonesia, Fonem, dan Silabe


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    Abstract : The object of this reseach was K.H. Anwar Zahid speech. This research was conducted because K.H. Anwar Zahid speech representattive speech that was delivered with humor and it had interesting type, modus, and strategy. This reseach was intended to find the attractiveness of the speech in terms of type, modus, and strategy contained in K.H.Anwar Zahid speech. The method used in this reseach was qualitative and descriptive reseach. The results showed that type, modus, and strategy a representative speech was delivered firmly, tow tune, but emphasizing on certain words with humor so that the audiences could understand, felt happy and satisfied. Based on the result and explanation, it can be concluded that K.H. Anwar Zahid speech had spesific sharacteristics that difference with other religious spaker. K.H. Anwar Zahid to be respected and loved by the audience Key Words: Type, modus, strategy representative action talk