24 research outputs found

    Sea Voyages and Occupancies of Malayan Peoples at the West Coast of South Sulawesi

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    This paper discussesthe sea voyages and trades in relation to the history of Malayan occupancies at West Coast of South Sulawesi in fifteenth century when Bugis and Makassar kingdoms started to emerge. This research used philological approach with manuscripts (lontara) as primary data sources. The results of this research suggests that the establishment of local ports such as Suppa', Siang, Tanete, Kalukubodoa, and Sanrabone along the west coast of South Sulawesi since the fifteenth century indicates the initial periods of kingdoms' maritime activities in South Sulawesi. In sixteenth century, these sailing and trading activities continued to show their progress which was marked by the establishment of networks and relationships between Bugis and Makassar kingdoms with other areas at Nusantara such as Malacca, Pahang, Minangkabau, Patani, and Champa. It was proved, then, that these sailing and trading activities have become a crucial factor which led to the establishment of cooperation and social integration between Bugis-Makassar peoples and Malayan peoples who came from Malay Peninsula and Sumatera. Malayan traders already sailed to Sulawesi since the fifteenth century and they were well accepted by Bugis and Makassar local peoples. These Malayan traders from social relation aspectwere accepted as residents, and even allowed to married with Bugis and Makassar peoples. In the long run this kind of intermarriage would integrate those Malayan into Bugis and Makassar

    Bangkala dan Binamu: Suatu Kajian Naskah Lontara’ Dalam Sosial-Politik Jeneponto Kuno

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    Jeneponto is one of the toponomi of Makassar kingdom, which is located in the coastal area of South Sulawesi, has its own dynamic history.  This study aims to explore socio-political phenomenon of Jeneponto local kingdoms, using two main toponimi of local kingdoms of Jeneponto, Bangkala and Binamu, from their establishment, the dynamic of their growth, and their relationship with the outer kingdoms in XVI and XVII centuries, so as to complete the narrative of socio-political history of Makassar.  Based on philological approach, the study relies on Lontara’ Patturioloang through five manuscripts, supported by existing literatures as well as oral tradition. At first, Jeneponto noble hegemony is controlled by Bangkala. Then, this switched to Binamu after Makassar War in 1666. As part of Jeneponto kingdom, Bangkala was firstly developed and had royal blood from Kalimporo. In its development, Bangkala then forged political alliances and genealogy with Gowa since the XVI century. As a local kingdom, Binamu had high noble degree which was rooted from Bantaeng, then it made blood connection with Tallo kingdom. However, since the XVII it established political connection with Bone kingdom. The marriage of Binamu and Bangkala nobles with high nobles of Gowa, Tallo, Bantaeng and Bone not only enhanced the degree of nobility and developed a kinship network, but also became a political strategy for piece

    Narratives Of Sexuality In Bugis And Makasar Manuscripts

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    This paper discusses a particular category of text called assikalaibineng, which contain a range of Bugis and Makasar knowledge relating to sexual procedure and relations for married couples. The sexual knowledge in these texts was mainly restricted to members of Sufi tariqa, in particular the elite, and assikalaibineng sexual knowledge was shaped by both indigenous practices and Islamic values and Sufi teachings. In this paper, I focus on the following assikalaibineng sexual knowledge: the ideology and symbols of assikalaibineng, actions to be taken by newlyweds, and the detailed threestage procedure a couple should follow during sexual intercourse. In addition, I discuss the Sufi links to assikalaibineng knowledge and the problematic textual transmission of this knowledge

    POLA HUBUNGAN SUAMI-ISTRI DALAM AKTIVITAS SEKSUAL (Tinjauan Dalam Lontarak Assikalaibineng)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan pola hubungan suami dan istri dalam aktivitas seksual yang dilakukan berdasarkan naskah Lontarak Assikalaibineng. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan filologi melalui analisis teks berdasarkan teks-teks Assikalaibineng dalam naskah lontarak Bugis.\ud Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola hubungan seksual dalam lontarak Assikalaibineng didasari oleh prinsip Islam dengan menempatkan pentingnya etika dan moralitas seksual. Ideologi hubungan seksual didasari oleh tasawuf Isjalala atau tarikat hakekat cahaya yang berisi tentang konsep ???penciptaan ???, sehingga hubungan seksual bukan sekedar peristiwa biologis, tetapi menembus hakekat religius . Tatacara hubungan seksual disebutkan sebagai pola yang dilakukan oleh Saydina Ali dan Fatima. Pola hubungan suami istri dalam Lontarak Assikaibineng dianggap sebagai seks yang mulia, etis, dan bermoral.Sehingga seks cara manusia berbeda dengan seks cara binatan


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    Abstrak This study aims to analyze the influence of natural environment and culture on Bugis cuisine in Barru. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with in-depth interviews with informants who were selected by purposive sampling. The results of the study showed that natural environment and culture have a significant influence on Bugis cuisine in Barru. The natural environment in the form of the sea and mountains becomes the main source of raw materials in Bugis cuisine. Meanwhile, the Bugis culture that values nature and life is the basis of the philosophy in Bugis cuisine. Barru's natural and cultural environment have a big impact on its Bugis cuisine. The cuisine along the seashore is dominated by natural ingredients from marine products that can only be obtained by fishers employing specific fishing techniques. The lowland environment is characterized by a predominance of pastries and other sweet and savory foods that are inspired by trade and travel culture. The highland Bugis kitchen, on the other hand, is more recognizable and modern. The degree to which the culinary practice resembles the process to which it pertains indicates the depth of belief in legendary entities


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    To save the local language from destruction, the Elementary and Secondary Education Curriculum should includeLocal Language as local content that must be learned. Butin reality, the teaching of Region Laguage still seemmonotonous and boring to the students of primary and secondary schools in Palangga, Gowa. To overcome thissituation, we held training sessions for teachers in order to utilize the computer as a learning medium. The trainingheld on the spot. The teachers are trained to use power point 2007 and installed Lontaraq character fonts into theircomputer, so they can improve their skill in learning to write, listen, and understand the language of the Bugis-Makassar. The proficiency is expected to be transferred when they teach their studentsKeywords: elementary and secondary school teachers; the locallanguage; lontaraqfont;power point; capabilities


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    Tombstone as a grave sign in acculturation between Islam dan Bugis Ethnic, is not only function as grave sign, but is also a medium for expressing culture. This research was carried out in Kabupaten Bone in 2021 with the aim of Bugis’ tombstone and cross-cultural on aspects of tombstone remains, in order to strengthen the value of diversity and pluralism of the Nation. The method used is qualitative research with the primary data source, namely archaeological data of ancient tombs. Archaeological data collection techniques are carried out by field surveys, which include the process of observing, classifying, describing in detail, measuring and shooting the findings in the form of Islamic tomb buildings. The results of the study found that the flattened tombstones typical of Bone which are conical / tapered consist of various shapes, there are mountains, trees, swords, and spearheads. The successful penetration of Islam was able to divert various local rituals and traditions into the Islamic burial system. Islam did not immediately blame various animistic practices and dynamism on the local Bugis Bone community, but was gently transferred in the form of a symbol system on the tombstones.     Nisan sebagai tanda kubur dalam Islam pada saat bertemu dengan etnis Bugis, tidak hanya sebatas sebagai tanda kubur, tetapi juga merupakan media untuk mengekspresikan kebudayaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Bone pada Tahun 2021 dengan tujuan untuk menemukan nisan khas Bugis dan silang budaya pada aspek tinggalan batu nisan, guna memperkukuh nilai kebinekaan dan pluralisme Bangsa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan sumber data primer yang digunakan yakni data arkeologi berupa nisan kuno. Teknik pengumpulan data arkeologi dilakukan dengan survei lapangan, yang didalamnya meliputi proses pengamatan, pengklasifikasian, pengambaran secara detail, pengukuran dan proses pemotretan temuan berupa bangunan makam Islam. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa nisan tipe pipih khas Bone yang berbentuk mengerucut/meruncing terdiri atas berbagai variasi bentuk, ada yang berupa gunung, pohon, pedang dan mata tombak. Keberhasilan penetrasi agama Islam mampu mengalihkan berbagai ritual dan tradisi lokal ke dalam sistem pemakaman Islam. Islam hadir tidak langsung menghilangkan berbagai praktek animisme dan dinamisme pada masyarakat lokal Bugis Bone, tetapi secara lembut dialihkan dalam bentuk sistem simbol pada nisan-nisan.Tombstone as a grave sign in acculturation between Islam dan Bugis Ethnic, is not only function as grave sign, but is also a medium for expressing culture. This research was carried out in Kabupaten Bone in 2021 with the aim of Bugis’ tombstone and cross-cultural on aspects of tombstone remains, in order to strengthen the value of diversity and pluralism of the Nation. The method used is qualitative research with the primary data source, namely archaeological data of ancient tombs. Archaeological data collection techniques are carried out by field surveys, which include the process of observing, classifying, describing in detail, measuring and shooting the findings in the form of Islamic tomb buildings. The results of the study found that the flattened tombstones typical of Bone which are conical / tapered consist of various shapes, there are mountains, trees, swords, and spearheads. The successful penetration of Islam was able to divert various local rituals and traditions into the Islamic burial system. Islam did not immediately blame various animistic practices and dynamism on the local Bugis Bone community, but was gently transferred in the form of a symbol system on the tombstones.     Nisan sebagai tanda kubur dalam Islam pada saat bertemu dengan etnis Bugis, tidak hanya sebatas sebagai tanda kubur, tetapi juga merupakan media untuk mengekspresikan kebudayaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Bone pada Tahun 2021 dengan tujuan untuk menemukan nisan khas Bugis dan silang budaya pada aspek tinggalan batu nisan, guna memperkukuh nilai kebinekaan dan pluralisme Bangsa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan sumber data primer yang digunakan yakni data arkeologi berupa nisan kuno. Teknik pengumpulan data arkeologi dilakukan dengan survei lapangan, yang didalamnya meliputi proses pengamatan, pengklasifikasian, pengambaran secara detail, pengukuran dan proses pemotretan temuan berupa bangunan makam Islam. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa nisan tipe pipih khas Bone yang berbentuk mengerucut/meruncing terdiri atas berbagai variasi bentuk, ada yang berupa gunung, pohon, pedang dan mata tombak. Keberhasilan penetrasi agama Islam mampu mengalihkan berbagai ritual dan tradisi lokal ke dalam sistem pemakaman Islam. Islam hadir tidak langsung menghilangkan berbagai praktek animisme dan dinamisme pada masyarakat lokal Bugis Bone, tetapi secara lembut dialihkan dalam bentuk sistem simbol pada nisan-nisan

    Lembah Walennae: lingkungan purba dan jejak arkeologi peradaban Soppeng

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    Buku ini menguraikan hasil penelitian yang komprehensif mengenai diversitas kebudayaan dari masa prasejarah hingga masa Kolonial di Soppeng, Wilayah budaya Soppeng yang telah mencuat sejak ditemukannya fosil Fauna dan alat-alat batu di Cabenge, membuat wilayah Soppeng cukup dikenal hingga ke Mancanegara. Hasil penelitian arkeologi dan geologi selama ini meletakkan wilayah Soppeng sebagai daerah yang memiliki bentuk kebudayaan manusia yang tertua di Sulawesi. Sekitar 198.000 tahun yang lalu wilayah ini telah memperlihatkan kemampuan manusia dalam mengeksploitasi sumberdaya alam terutama dengan memperlihatkan sumber batuan untuk digunakan sebagai peralatan dalam pemenuhan kehidupan sehari-hari. Soppeng yang kita kenal sekarang sesungguhnya telah melalui perjalanan sejarah kebudayaan yang begitu panjang, dan setiap tahapan sejarah yang dilaluinya menyisakan ciri teknologi artefaktur yang masing-masing menandai zamannya. Dengan kajian multidisipliner, buku ini menyajikan berbagai fenomena budaya, kondisi geologis dan kehidupan sosiokultural masyarakat Soppeng. Suatu budaya materi menyimpan memori tentang sistem berpikir, ide-ide inovatif dan gambaran sosiokultural yang harus diungkapkan. Diskursus dalam buku ini berkeinginan menyebarkan fenomena kultural Soppeng sebagai identitas budaya yang berdampak pada aspek moralitas yang harus dipertahankan

    Assikalaibineng : kitab persetubuhan Bugis

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    viii, 190 h