417 research outputs found

    Conditional variances in UK regional house prices

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    The returns of house price indices for the 13 UK regions are modelled using time series processes, including conditional variances. The first conclusion is that the UK follows the USA, with some regions displaying time-varying variances and others with constant variances. Secondly, there is limited evidence of an asymmetric component in six of the seven regions displaying autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity. Thirdly, the results suggest that there are three distinct housing markets in the UK, based on common structures within their mean and variance processes, and that South West England is the region driving the other time-varying variances. Variances conditionnelles dans les prix regionaux de l'immobilier au Royaume-Uni Resume Les resultats de l'indice des prix de l'immobilier pour les 13 regions du Royaume-Uni sont modelises ici au moyen de procedes de series chronologiques, y compris des variances conditionnelles. La premiere conclusion est que le Royaume-Uni suit les Etats-Unis, certaines regions presentant des variances temporelles, d'autres des variances constantes. Deuxiemement, on releve peu de traces d'un composant asymetrique dans six des sept regions presentant une heteroscedasticite conditionnelle autoregressive. Troisiemement, les resultats indiquent qu'il y aurait trois marches de l'immobilier distincts au Royaume-Uni, sur la base de structures communes dans le cadre de leurs procedes moyens et de variance, et que le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre est la region qui dynamise les autres variances temporelles. Varianzas condicionales en los precios regionales de la vivienda en el Reino Unido Extracto Las cifras de los indices de precios de la vivienda en 13 regiones del Reino Unido se modelan utilizando procesos de series temporales, incluyendo varianzas condicionales. La primera conclusion es que el Reino Unido sigue a los EE UU, con varias regiones que muestran varianzas fluctuantes con el tiempo y otras con varianzas constantes. En segundo lugar, existe evidencia limitada de un componente asimetrico en seis de las siete regiones que muestran una heteroesquedacidad condicional autorregresiva. En tercer lugar, los resultados sugieren que existen tres mercados distintivos de la vivienda en el Reino Unido, basados en estructuras comunes dentro de sus procesos de media y varianza, y que el sudoeste de Inglaterra es la region que dirige las otras varianzas fluctuantes con el tiemp

    The potential impact of reforms to the essential parameters of the council tax

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    Council Tax was introduced in Britain in 1993 and represents a unique international property tax. There is a growing belief that it is time to reform the number and structure of council tax bands but such views have a minimal empirical base. This paper sets out to assess the impact on personal and local government finances, and extends the analysis to the role of the tax multipliers linked to each band. The research is based on the experience of a representative sample of local authorities in Scotland. A statistical revaluation for 2000 is estimated for the existing eight band system, and from this base a ten band system is calculated. Financial implications are then simulated for each local authority taking account of central resource equalisation mechanisms. The results indicate that increases in bands will have little impact on the burden of the council tax compared with regular revaluations. Changing the tax multiplier range has the greatest impact on local authority finances and council tax payments

    Can the Consumption–Wealth Ratio Predict Housing Returns? Evidence from OECD Countries

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: CAPORALE, G.M., SOUSA, R.M. and WOHAR, M.E., 2016. Can the consumption-wealth ratio predict housing returns? Evidence from OECD countries. Real Estate Economics, In Press. which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1540-6229.12135. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.©2016 American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association We use a representative consumer model to analyze the relation between the transitory deviations of consumption from its common trend with aggregate wealth and labor income, cay, and the housing risk premium. The evidence based on data for 15 OECD countries shows that, if financial and housing assets are seen as complements, investors will temporarily allow consumption to rise when they expect a rise in future housing returns. By contrast, if housing assets are treated as substitutes for financial assets, consumption will be reduced