72 research outputs found

    Accelerated discovery of two crystal structure types in a complex inorganic phase field

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    The discovery of new materials is hampered by the lack of efficient approaches to the exploration of both the large number of possible elemental compositions for such materials, and of the candidate structures at each composition1. For example, the discovery of inorganic extended solid structures has relied on knowledge of crystal chemistry coupled with time-consuming materials synthesis with systematically varied elemental ratios2,3. Computational methods have been developed to guide synthesis by predicting structures at specific compositions4,5,6 and predicting compositions for known crystal structures7,8, with notable successes9,10. However, the challenge of finding qualitatively new, experimentally realizable compounds, with crystal structures where the unit cell and the atom positions within it differ from known structures, remains for compositionally complex systems. Many valuable properties arise from substitution into known crystal structures, but materials discovery using this approach alone risks both missing best-in-class performance and attempting design with incomplete knowledge8,11. Here we report the experimental discovery of two structure types by computational identification of the region of a complex inorganic phase field that contains them. This is achieved by computing probe structures that capture the chemical and structural diversity of the system and whose energies can be ranked against combinations of currently known materials. Subsequent experimental exploration of the lowest-energy regions of the computed phase diagram affords two materials with previously unreported crystal structures featuring unusual structural motifs. This approach will accelerate the systematic discovery of new materials in complex compositional spaces by efficiently guiding synthesis and enhancing the predictive power of the computational tools through expansion of the knowledge base underpinning them

    The global flood protection savings provided by coral reefs

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    Coral reefs can provide significant coastal protection benefits to people and property. Here we show that the annual expected damages from flooding would double, and costs from frequent storms would triple without reefs. For 100-year storm events, flood damages would increase by 91% to US272billionwithoutreefs.ThecountrieswiththemosttogainfromreefmanagementareIndonesia,Philippines,Malaysia,Mexico,andCuba;annualexpectedfloodsavingsexceedUS 272 billion without reefs. The countries with the most to gain from reef management are Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Mexico, and Cuba; annual expected flood savings exceed 400?M for each of these nations. Sea-level rise will increase flood risk, but substantial impacts could happen from reef loss alone without better near-term management. We provide a global, process-based valuation of an ecosystem service across an entire marine biome at (sub)national levels. These spatially explicit benefits inform critical risk and environmental management decisions, and the expected benefits can be directly considered by governments (e.g., national accounts, recovery plans) and businesses (e.g., insurance).We gratefully acknowledge support from the World Bank Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystems (WAVES) Program, the Lyda Hill Foundation, Science for Nature and People Partnership, Lloyd’s Tercentenary Research Foundation, a Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation to MWB, the German International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Innovation (BIA2014-59718- R)

    Global Diversity of Brittle Stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea)

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    This review presents a comprehensive overview of the current status regarding the global diversity of the echinoderm class Ophiuroidea, focussing on taxonomy and distribution patterns, with brief introduction to their anatomy, biology, phylogeny, and palaeontological history. A glossary of terms is provided. Species names and taxonomic decisions have been extracted from the literature and compiled in The World Ophiuroidea Database, part of the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). Ophiuroidea, with 2064 known species, are the largest class of Echinodermata. A table presents 16 families with numbers of genera and species. The largest are Amphiuridae (467), Ophiuridae (344 species) and Ophiacanthidae (319 species). A biogeographic analysis for all world oceans and all accepted species was performed, based on published distribution records. Approximately similar numbers of species were recorded from the shelf (n = 1313) and bathyal depth strata (1297). The Indo-Pacific region had the highest species richness overall (825 species) and at all depths. Adjacent regions were also relatively species rich, including the North Pacific (398), South Pacific (355) and Indian (316) due to the presence of many Indo-Pacific species that partially extended into these regions. A secondary region of enhanced species richness was found in the West Atlantic (335). Regions of relatively low species richness include the Arctic (73 species), East Atlantic (118), South America (124) and Antarctic (126)

    Endo180 modulation by bisphosphonates and diagnostic accuracy in metastatic breast cancer

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    We thank the patients who participated in this study; Professor Gerry Thomas and the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Human Biomaterials Resource Centre (Tissue Bank); Professor Clare M Isacke (Institute of Cancer Research, London) for Endo180 antibodies; Dr Richard Harvey (Department of Medical Oncology, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust) for CA 15-3 antigen measurement. The Division of Cancer at Imperial College London, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust is an Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC) supported by funds from Cancer Research UK and the Department of Health (C37/A7283) and forms part of Imperial Cancer Research UK Centre (C42671/A12196). CP is recipient of a CRUK Clinician Scientist award. JW is The Flow Foundation Professor of Oncology at Imperial College London. MPC and GK were supported by donations from Tony and Rita Gallagher and Imperial College NHS Healthcare Trust Special Trustees (to JW and JS). MPC was funded by The Rosetrees Trust (Grant JS16/M59; to JW and JS). A-VF was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia fellowship (project supervisor: JS) and Imperial College NHS Healthcare Special Trustees (to JW and JS). MR-T was funded by the Association of International Cancer Research (Grant 08-0803 to JS)

    Functional materials discovery using energy–structure–function maps

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    Molecular crystals cannot be designed in the same manner as macroscopic objects, because they do not assemble according to simple, intuitive rules. Their structures result from the balance of many weak interactions, rather than from the strong and predictable bonding patterns found in metal–organic frameworks and covalent organic frameworks. Hence, design strategies that assume a topology or other structural blueprint will often fail. Here we combine computational crystal structure prediction and property prediction to build energy–structure–function maps that describe the possible structures and properties that are available to a candidate molecule. Using these maps, we identify a highly porous solid, which has the lowest density reported for a molecular crystal so far. Both the structure of the crystal and its physical properties, such as methane storage capacity and guest-molecule selectivity, are predicted using the molecular structure as the only input. More generally, energy–structure–function maps could be used to guide the experimental discovery of materials with any target function that can be calculated from predicted crystal structures, such as electronic structure or mechanical properties

    From uni- to multimodality: towards an integrative view on anuran communication

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    Intuition weaved into computation

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