185 research outputs found

    Terahertz wave transmission in flexible polystyrene-lined hollow metallic waveguides for the 2.5-5 THz band.

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    A low-loss and low-dispersive optical-fiber-like hybrid HE11 mode is developed within a wide band in metallic hollow waveguides if their inner walls are coated with a thin dielectric layer. We investigate terahertz (THz) transmission losses from 0.5 to 5.5 THz and bending losses at 2.85 THz in a polystyrene-lined silver waveguides with core diameters small enough (1 mm) to minimize the number of undesired modes and to make the waveguide flexible, while keeping the transmission loss of the HE11 mode low. The experimentally measured loss is below 10 dB/m for 2 < ? < 2.85 THz (∼4-4.5 dB/m at 2.85 THz) and it is estimated to be below 3 dB/m for 3 < ? < 5 THz according to the numerical calculations. At ∼1.25 THz, the waveguide shows an absorption peak of ∼75 dB/m related to the transition between the TM11-like mode and the HE11 mode. Numerical modeling reproduces the measured absorption spectrum but underestimates the losses at the absorption peak, suggesting imperfections in the waveguide walls and that the losses can be reduced further. © 2013 Optical Society of America

    Multimode, Aperiodic Terahertz Surface-Emitting Laser Resonators

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    Quasi-crystal structures are conventionally built following deterministic generation rules although they do not present a full spatial periodicity. If used as laser resonators, they open up intriguing design possibilities that are simply not possible in conventional periodic photonic crystals: the distinction between symmetric (vertically radiative but low quality factor Q) and anti-symmetric (non-radiative, high Q) modes is indeed here fully overcome, offering a concrete perspective of highly efficient vertical emitting resonators. We here exploit electrically pumped terahertz quantum cascade heterostructures to devise two-dimensional seven-fold quasi-crystal resonators, exploiting rotational order or irregularly distributed defects. By lithographically tuning the lattice quasi-periodicity and/or the hole radius of the imprinted patterns, efficient multimode surface emission with a rich sequence of spectral lines distributed over a 2.9–3.4 THz bandwidth was reached. We demonstrated multicolor emission with 67 mW of peak optical power, slope efficiencies up to ≈70 mW/A, 0.14% wall plug efficiencies and beam profile results of the rich quasi-crystal Fourier spectrum that, in the case of larger rotational order, can reach very low divergence

    Low divergent, high-power, single-mode terahertz wire lasers

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    We devise arrays of surface emitting THz QCLs exploiting two novel lithographic configurations: a) a dual periodicity slit architecture and b) corrugated sinusoidal wire laser cavities. Extremely low divergent optical beams, with up to 85 mW of emitted optical powers and 245 mV/A slope efficiencies have been reached

    Near-Field microscopy with phase sensitive coherent detection employing quantum cascade lasers

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    We demonstrate a novel architecture for a THz near-field probe, which enables coherent imaging with subwavelength spatial resolution using THz quantum cascade lasers. An InAs nanowire acting as a THz detector based on the field effect transistor concept is integrated inside a subwavelength input aperture of the near-field probe to detect intensity of the THz field and its phase. To determine the phase locally, the THz field is superimposed on the reference THz field incident on the aperture of the probe from the back side. In this configuration, the THz detector exhibits coherent gain and sensitivity to the relative phase between the local and the reference THz fields

    Graphene field-effect transistors as room-temperature terahertz detectors.

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    The unique optoelectronic properties of graphene make it an ideal platform for a variety of photonic applications, including fast photodetectors, transparent electrodes in displays and photovoltaic modules, optical modulators, plasmonic devices, microcavities, and ultra-fast lasers. Owing to its high carrier mobility, gapless spectrum and frequency-independent absorption, graphene is a very promising material for the development of detectors and modulators operating in the terahertz region of the electromagnetic spectrum (wavelengths in the hundreds of micrometres), still severely lacking in terms of solid-state devices. Here we demonstrate terahertz detectors based on antenna-coupled graphene field-effect transistors. These exploit the nonlinear response to the oscillating radiation field at the gate electrode, with contributions of thermoelectric and photoconductive origin. We demonstrate room temperature operation at 0.3 THz, showing that our devices can already be used in realistic settings, enabling large-area, fast imaging of macroscopic samples

    The tumour suppressor DLC2 ensures mitotic fidelity by coordinating spindle positioning and cell-cell adhesion.

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    Dividing epithelial cells need to coordinate spindle positioning with shape changes to maintain cell-cell adhesion. Microtubule interactions with the cell cortex regulate mitotic spindle positioning within the plane of division. How the spindle crosstalks with the actin cytoskeleton to ensure faithful mitosis and spindle positioning is unclear. Here we demonstrate that the tumour suppressor DLC2, a negative regulator of Cdc42, and the interacting kinesin Kif1B coordinate cell junction maintenance and planar spindle positioning by regulating microtubule growth and crosstalk with the actin cytoskeleton. Loss of DLC2 induces the mislocalization of Kif1B, increased Cdc42 activity and cortical recruitment of the Cdc42 effector mDia3, a microtubule stabilizer and promoter of actin dynamics. Accordingly, DLC2 or Kif1B depletion promotes microtubule stabilization, defective spindle positioning, chromosome misalignment and aneuploidy. The tumour suppressor DLC2 and Kif1B are thus central components of a signalling network that guides spindle positioning, cell-cell adhesion and mitotic fidelity

    High performance bilayer-graphene Terahertz detectors

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    We report bilayer-graphene field effect transistors operating as THz broadband photodetectors based on plasma-waves excitation. By employing wide-gate geometries or buried gate configurations, we achieve a responsivity 1.2V/W(1.3mA/W)\sim 1.2V/W (1.3 mA/W) and a noise equivalent power 2×109W/Hz1/2\sim 2\times 10^{-9} W/Hz^{-1/2} in the 0.29-0.38 THz range, in photovoltage and photocurrent mode. The potential of this technology for scalability to higher frequencies and the development of flexible devices makes our approach competitive for a future generation of THz detection systems

    Ultrafast terahertz saturable absorbers using tailored intersubband polaritons

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    Semiconductor heterostructures have enabled a great variety of applications ranging from GHz electronics to photonic quantum devices. While nonlinearities play a central role for cutting-edge functionality, they require strong field amplitudes owing to the weak light-matter coupling of electronic resonances of naturally occurring materials. Here, we ultrastrongly couple intersubband transitions of semiconductor quantum wells to the photonic mode of a metallic cavity in order to custom-tailor the population and polarization dynamics of intersubband cavity polaritons in the saturation regime. Two-dimensional THz spectroscopy reveals strong subcycle nonlinearities including six-wave mixing and a collapse of light-matter coupling within 900 fs. This collapse bleaches the absorption, at a peak intensity one order of magnitude lower than previous all-integrated approaches and well achievable by state-of-the-art QCLs, as demonstrated by a saturation of the structure under cw-excitation. We complement our data by a quantitative theory. Our results highlight a path towards passively mode-locked QCLs based on polaritonic saturable absorbers in a monolithic single-chip design

    Frequency and amplitude modulation of ultra-compact terahertz quantum cascade lasers using an integrated avalanche diode oscillator

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    Mode-locked comb sources operating at optical frequencies underpin applications ranging from spectroscopy and ultrafast physics, through to absolute frequency measurements and atomic clocks. Extending their operation into the terahertz frequency range would greatly benefit from the availability of compact semiconductor-based sources. However, the development of any compact mode-locked THz laser, which itself is inherently a frequency comb, has yet to be achieved without the use of an external stimulus. High-power, electrically pumped quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) have recently emerged as a promising solution, owing to their octave spanning bandwidths, the ability to achieve group-velocity dispersion compensation and the possibility of obtaining active mode-locking. Here, we propose an unprecedented compact architecture to induce both frequency and amplitude self-modulation in a THz QCL. By engineering a microwave avalanche oscillator into the laser cavity, which provides a 10 GHz self-modulation of the bias current and output power, we demonstrate multimode laser emission centered around 3 THz, with distinct multiple sidebands. The resulting microwave amplitude and frequency self-modulation of THz QCLs opens up intriguing perspectives, for engineering integrated self-mode-locked THz lasers, with impact in fields such as nano- and ultrafast photonics and optical metrology