26 research outputs found

    Individual- and neighbourhood-level predictors of psychotic symptom dimensions in West London.

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    Part one is a systematic review of the association between income inequality and adult mental health at the subnational level. It considers two alternative hypotheses: (i) the Income Inequality Hypothesis (IIH), which predicts an association between higher inequality and poorer mental health, and (ii) the Mixed Neighbourhood Hypothesis (MNH), which predicts a reversed association, i.e. between higher inequality and better mental health. Part two is a quantitative, empirical study into the Individual- and neighbourhood-level predictors of psychotic symptom dimensions. It involves a secondary analysis of data originally gathered from a group of participants presenting to services in West London with First Episode Psychosis (FEP). Part three is a critical appraisal of the process of undertaking the research described in parts one and two. It includes a series of reflections on various stages of the research process, in addition to a consideration of some of the broader questions and issues it raised

    Post-migration living difficulties and poor mental health associated with increased interpretation bias for threat.

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    Previous research has found associations between mental health difficulties and interpretation biases, including heightened interpretation of threat from neutral or ambiguous stimuli. Building on this research, we explored associations between interpretation biases (positive and negative) and three constructs that have been linked to migrant experience: mental health symptoms (Global Severity Index [GSI]), Post-Migration Living Difficulties (PMLD), and Perceived Ethnic Discrimination Questionnaire (PEDQ). Two hundred thirty students who identified as first- (n = 94) or second-generation ethnic minority migrants (n = 68), and first-generation White migrants (n = 68) completed measures of GSI, PEDQ, and PMLD. They also performed an interpretation bias task using Point Light Walkers (PLW), dynamic stimuli with reduced visual input that are easily perceived as humans performing an action. Five categories of PLW were used: four that clearly depicted human forms undertaking positive, neutral, negative, or ambiguous actions, and a fifth that involved scrambled animations with no clear action or form. Participants were asked to imagine their interaction with the stimuli and rate their friendliness (positive interpretation bias) and aggressiveness (interpretation bias for threat). We found that the three groups differed on PEDQ and PMLD, with no significant differences in GSI, and the three measured were positively correlated. Poorer mental health and increased PMLD were associated with a heightened interpretation for threat of scrambled animations only. These findings have implications for understanding of the role of threat biases in mental health and the migrant experience

    Local and global limits on visual processing in schizophrenia.

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    Schizophrenia has been linked to impaired performance on a range of visual processing tasks (e.g. detection of coherent motion and contour detection). It has been proposed that this is due to a general inability to integrate visual information at a global level. To test this theory, we assessed the performance of people with schizophrenia on a battery of tasks designed to probe voluntary averaging in different visual domains. Twenty-three outpatients with schizophrenia (mean age: 40Β±8 years; 3 female) and 20 age-matched control participants (mean age 39Β±9 years; 3 female) performed a motion coherence task and three equivalent noise (averaging) tasks, the latter allowing independent quantification of local and global limits on visual processing of motion, orientation and size. All performance measures were indistinguishable between the two groups (ps>0.05, one-way ANCOVAs), with one exception: participants with schizophrenia pooled fewer estimates of local orientation than controls when estimating average orientation (p = 0.01, one-way ANCOVA). These data do not support the notion of a generalised visual integration deficit in schizophrenia. Instead, they suggest that distinct visual dimensions are differentially affected in schizophrenia, with a specific impairment in the integration of visual orientation information

    Sensitivity to numerosity is not a unique visuospatial psychophysical predictor of mathematical ability

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    Sensitivity to visual numerosity has previously been shown to predict human mathematical performance. However, it is not clear whether it is discrimination of numerosity per se that is predictive of mathematics, or whether the association is driven by more general task demands. To test this notion we had over 300 participants (ranging in age from 6 to 73years) perform a symbolic mathematics test and 4 different visuospatial matching tasks. The visual tasks involved matching 2 clusters of Gabor elements for their numerosity, density, size or orientation by a method of adjustment. Partial correlation and regression analyses showed that sensitivity to visual numerosity, sensitivity to visual orientation and mathematical education level predict a significant proportion of shared as well as unique variance in mathematics scores. These findings suggest that sensitivity to visual numerosity is not a unique visual psychophysical predictor of mathematical ability. Instead, the data are consistent with mathematics representing a multi-factorial process that shares resources with a number of visuospatial tasks

    Visual population receptive fields in people with schizophrenia have reduced inhibitory surrounds

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    People with schizophrenia (SZ) experience abnormal visual perception on a range of visual tasks, which have been linked to abnormal synaptic transmission and an imbalance between cortical excitation and inhibition. However differences in the underlying architecture of visual cortex neurons, which might explain these visual anomalies, have yet to be reported in vivo. Here, we probe the neural basis of these deficits by using functional MRI (fMRI) and population receptive field (pRF) mapping to infer properties of visually responsive neurons in people with SZ. We employed a Difference-of-Gaussian (DoG) model to capture the centre-surround configuration of the pRF, providing critical information about the spatial scale of the pRFs inhibitory surround. Our analysis reveals that SZ is associated with reduced pRF size in early retinotopic visual cortex as well as a reduction in size and depth of the inhibitory surround in V1, V2 and V4. We consider how reduced inhibition might explain the diverse range of visual deficits reported in SZ. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: People with schizophrenia (SZ) experience abnormal perception on a range of visual tasks, which has been linked to abnormal synaptic transmission and an imbalance between cortical excitation/inhibition. However associated differences in the underlying architecture of visual cortex neurons have yet to be reported in vivo. We used fMRI and population receptive field (pRF) mapping to demonstrate that the fine-grained functional architecture of visual cortex in people with SZ differs from unaffected controls. SZ is associated with reduced pRF size in early retinotopic visual cortex, largely due to reduced inhibitory surrounds. An imbalance between cortical excitation and inhibition could drive such a change in the centre-surround pRF configuration, and ultimately explain the range of visual deficits experienced in SZ

    A common visual metric for approximate number and density.

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    There is considerable interest in how humans estimate the number of objects in a scene in the context of an extensive literature on how we estimate the density (i.e., spacing) of objects. Here, we show that our sense of number and our sense of density are intertwined. Presented with two patches, observers found it more difficult to spot differences in either density or numerosity when those patches were mismatched in overall size, and their errors were consistent with larger patches appearing both denser and more numerous. We propose that density is estimated using the relative response of mechanisms tuned to low and high spatial frequencies (SFs), because energy at high SFs is largely determined by the number of objects, whereas low SF energy depends more on the area occupied by elements. This measure is biased by overall stimulus size in the same way as human observers, and by estimating number using the same measure scaled by relative stimulus size, we can explain all of our results. This model is a simple, biologically plausible common metric for perceptual number and density

    Enhanced integration of motion information in children with autism.

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    To judge the overall direction of a shoal of fish or a crowd of people, observers must integrate motion signals across space and time. The limits on our ability to pool motion have largely been established using the motion coherence paradigm, in which observers report the direction of coherently moving dots amid randomly moving noise dots. Poor performance by autistic individuals on this task has widely been interpreted as evidence of disrupted integrative processes. Critically, however, motion coherence thresholds are not necessarily limited only by pooling. They could also be limited by imprecision in estimating the direction of individual elements or by difficulties segregating signal from noise. Here, 33 children with autism 6-13 years of age and 33 age- and ability-matched typical children performed a more robust task reporting mean dot direction both in the presence and the absence of directional variability alongside a standard motion coherence task. Children with autism were just as sensitive to directional differences as typical children when all elements moved in the same direction (no variability). However, remarkably, children with autism were more sensitive to the average direction in the presence of directional variability, providing the first evidence of enhanced motion integration in autism. Despite this improved averaging ability, children with autism performed comparably to typical children in the motion coherence task, suggesting that their motion coherence thresholds may be limited by reduced segregation of signal from noise. Although potentially advantageous under some conditions, increased integration may lead to feelings of "sensory overload" in children with autism

    A Mental Health Drop-In Centre Offering Brief Transdiagnostic Psychological Assessment and Treatment in a Paediatric Hospital Setting: A One-Year Descriptive Study

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    Aim: This study was part of a broader project to examine the acceptability, feasibility and impact of a transdiagnostic mental health drop-in centre offering brief psychological assessment and treatment for children and young people and/or their families with mental health needs in the context of long-term physical health conditions (LTCs). The aims of this investigation were to characterise: (i) the use of such a centre, (ii) the demographics and symptoms of those presenting to the centre, and (iii) the types of support that are requested and/or indicated. Methods: A mental health β€œbooth” was located in reception of a national paediatric hospital over one year. Characteristics of young people with LTCs and their siblings/parents attending the booth were defined. Emotional/behavioural symptoms were measured using standardised questionnaires including the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Participants subsequently received one of four categories of intervention: brief transdiagnostic cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), referral to other services, neurodevelopmental assessment or signposting to resources. Results: One hundred and twenty-eight participants were recruited. The mean age of young people was 9.14 years (standard deviation: 4.28); 61% identified as white and 45% were male. Over half of young people recruited scored in the clinical range with respect to the SDQ. Presenting problems included: anxiety (49%), challenging behaviour (35%), low mood (22%) and other (15%). Conclusions: A considerable proportion of young people with LTC in a paediatric hospital scored in the clinical range for common mental health problems, indicating a potential for psychological interventions