1,050 research outputs found

    Glutathione-S-Transferase and Thiol Stress in patients with acute renal failure

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    Introduction: Tubular damage is common finding in acute renal failure (ARF). Various etiologies have been put forth to explain the tubular damage in ARF, one important mechanism among them is oxidative damage to renal tubules. Several biomolecules including low-molecular weight peptides and enzymes in urine have been proposed as early markers of renal failure. Current study has been undertaken to study the thiol stress and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) levels in ARF patients. Method: 58 ARF patients and 55 healthy controls were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Serum thiols, GST, malanoldehyde (MDA) and urine thiols were determined by spectrophotometer based methods. Results: Serum thiols and urine thiols were significantly decreased (p<0.0001), and serum GST and MDA levels were significantly increased (p<0.0001) in ARF patients compared to healthy controls. Serum GST and MDA correlated positively in ARF cases (r2 = 0.6938, p<0.0001). Conclusion: There is significant thiol stress and increased lipid peroxidation in ARF patients which leads to tubular cell membrane damage and release of GST into blood stream and into urine. This may be possible mechanism for the increased presence of GST in urine (enzymuria) found in other studie

    A Comparative Study Between Alcoholics of Koraga Community, Alcoholics of General Population and Healthy Controls for Antioxidant Markers and Liver Function Parameters

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    Objectives: It is well established that long-term alcohol consumption leads to liver cirrhosis and other related disorders. Sufficient work has been done on biochemical markers of liver damage and antioxidant status of chronic alcoholics in general population. In the current study chronic alcoholics from a community called Koraga are analysed for the same parameters in a view to assess the extent of liver damage as compared to healthy controls and other alcoholics. Methods: Serum and urine samples from Koraga alcoholics (n=28), general alcoholics (n=30) and healthy controls (n=31) were analysed for liver function parameters and antioxidant markers. Liver function parameters were determined by automated analyzer. Markers of antioxidant status were estimated spectrophotometrically. The data was analysed using SPSS version 16.0. Results: There was significant increase in serum AST, serum ALT, serum GST and urine GST in both general and Koraga alcoholics when compared to healthy controls (p<0.0001). Serum ALT, serum GST and urine GST activity was significantly higher in general alcoholics when compared to Koraga alcoholics (p<0.001). Serum and urine total thiol levels were significantly lower in general alcoholics when compared to healthy controls and Koraga alcoholics (p<0.0001). We have observed no difference in total thiols level between healthy controls and Koraga alcoholics, in fact, there was significant increase in urine total thiols level in Koraga alcoholics compared to healthy controls (p<0.001). On Pearson’s correlation serum AST, serum ALT correlated positively with serum and urine GST (p<0.0001) and negatively with serum total thiols (p<0.0001). Serum GST correlated negatively with serum total thiols (p<0.0001). Conclusion: Results of our study possibly indicate that the extent of alcohol induced liver damage in Koraga subjects is comparatively lower than general alcoholics, even though the alcohol consumption is found to be higher in them. There may be some mechanism that is rendering them resistant to alcoholic liver damage which needs to be explored through further studies at molecular level

    Social Cognition a Tool to Build a Peaceful and Democratic Society in South Asia: In Organizational Context

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    The South Asian region comprises of SAARC Nations Afghanistan Pakistan India Bangladesh Nepal Maldives and Srilanka The former two are predominant Muslim countries but the others have a population from different backgrounds All the nations so needs to build a mutual understanding among themselves to realize the basic values for a peaceful environment Peace building means having democracy and equality since it gives the fundamental rights to be practiced by the population The liberalism policies free trade and a view of economic development the industrial growth took place and therefore the organizations expanded themselves out of the territorial boundaries leading to a diversified work force The human capital is a real asset to the organizations and this is the reason they must be provided an environment without discriminations Trade Unions and government plays a crucial role in this This paper discusses about the functions of Trade Unions Governments and the HRM department in maintenance of peace in the organizations Besides this it also introduces Social Cognition a psychological concept which can help in bringing peace and prosperity among the individuals Peace is considered as a psychological feeling It comes gradually when the individuals are happy in their social life It is not a matter of compulsion It is essential to treat it at solitary level and then to the regional leve

    Glutathione S-Transferase activity and total thiol status in chronic alcohol abusers before and 30 days after alcohol abstinence

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    Background: Glutathione S Transferase (GST) has been involved in detoxification process in the liver and its activity has been shown to be increased in alcohol abusers. In the current work we measured the GST activity, total thiol status, AST, ALT, and direct bilirubin in chronic alcohol abusers before and 30 days after alcohol abstinence and lifestyle modification. Methods: Serum and urine GST activity and total thiol status were determined using spectrophotometric methods and serum transaminases were determined using clinical chemistry analyzer. Results: We found,significant increase in serum and urine GST (p<0.001), AST (p<0.001), ALT (p<0.001), and decrease in total thiol status (p<0.001) in chronic alcohol abusers. GST activity significantly decreased (p<0.001) and total thiol status were improved significantly (p<0.001) 30 days after alcohol abstinence and lifestyle modification. Conclusion: This study provides preliminary data to suggest the role of GST as prognostic indicator of alcohol abstinence with possible trend towards an improvement in liver function

    Formulation and evaluation of a sublingual tablet containing terbutaline sulphate: optimisation and in vivo studies

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    La finalidad de este trabajo de investigación es la formulación de un comprimido sublingual de sulfatode terbutalina de acción rápida y mejorar la biodisponibilidad y el cumplimiento de las pautas por partedel paciente. Para la preparación de los gránulos se utilizó una técnica de granulación húmeda. Seprepararon formulaciones basadas en el diseño factorial con variables de formulación 32: la cantidad decelulosa microcristalina (MCC) (X1) y la crospovidona como componente bioadhesivo (X2). Comovariables de respuesta se evaluaron la resistencia al aplastamiento, la friabilidad y el tiempo de desintegración(DT). Los principales efectos y términos de interacción se evaluaron cuantitativamente medianteun modelo cuadrático. Los resultados revelaron que la cantidad de MCC y crospovidona afectabansignificativamente a las variables de respuesta. La formulación optimizada de comprimidos contiene 31,5mg de MCC y 4,5 mg de crospovidona, se desintegra en un período corto con un índice DT de 30,2+ 5,5 seg. y tiene una resistencia al aplastamiento suficiente y una friabilidad aceptable. Las concentracionesplasmáticas de terbutalina se obtuvieron a los 5 minutos. Los resultados indican que lacrospovidona, un componente bioadhesivo, impide tragar la terbutalina, sin afectar a su liberación yabsorción. En conclusión, la formulación del comprimido sublingual se puede extrapolar a otros fármacosen los que se desee una absorción rápida.The objective of this research was to formulate a sublingual tablet formulation of terbutaline for rapidaction, and to improve both bioavailability and patient compliance to therapy. A wet granulation techniquewas adapted to prepare the granules. Granule formulations were prepared using an adapted wet granulationtechnique based on a 32 full factorial design. The formulation variables were expressed as follows;quantity of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), (X1), and bioadhesive component crospovidone, (X2),while crushing strength, friability and disintegration time (DT) were determined as response variables.The main effects and interaction terms were quantitatively evaluated using a quadratic model. The resultsobtained showed that the quantity of MCC and crospovidone significantly affect response variables. Anoptimised tablet formulation, containing 31.5 mg of MCC and 4.5 mg of crospovidone, provides a shortDT of 30.2 + 5.5 sec with sufficient crushing strength and acceptable friability, while DT for serumconcentrations of terbutaline were obtained within 5 min. The results indicate that the inclusion ofcrospovidone, a bioadhesive component, in sublingual tablet formulations, makes the swallowing of tablets unnecessary, because the release and absorption of the terbutaline in such formulations isacceptably effective. In conclusion, the developed sublingual tablet formulations is of interest, becauseit can be extrapolated to other drugs, where rapid absorption is desirable

    Review On Home Security System

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    In the present days, there is a growing interest in smart home as a way to offer a convenient, comfortable, and safe residential environment. With the use of Internet and its applications, there is much potential and scope for remote access and control and monitoring of such network enabled appliances. This paper deals with discussion of different intelligent home automation systems and technologies from a various features standpoint.The main attraction of any automated system is reducing human labor, effort, time and errors due to human negligence.This paper present a survey on all such system

    Measurement of marine productivity using 15N and 13C tracers: Some methodological aspects

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    Various experiments involving the measurement of new, regenerated and total productivity using 15N and 13C tracers were carried out in the Bay of Bengal (BOB) and in the Arabian Sea. Results from 15N tracer experiments indicate that nitrate uptake can be underestimated by experiments with incubation time &lt;4 hours. Indirect evidence suggests pico- and nano-phytoplankton, on their dominance over microphytoplankton, can also influence the f-ratios. Difference in energy requirement for assimilation of different nitrogen compounds decides the preferred nitrogen source during the early hours of incubation. Variation in light intensity during incubation also plays a significant role in the assimilation of nitrogen. Results from time course experiments with both 15N and 13C tracers suggest that photoinhibition appears significant in BOB and the Arabian Sea during noon. A significant correlation has been found in the productivity values obtained using 15N and 13C tracers

    Nitrogen uptake rates and f-ratios in the Equatorial and Southern Indian Ocean

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    We report data on nitrate, ammonium and urea uptake rates from the Equatorial and Southern Indian Oceans. Productivity (0.81–2.23 mmol N m–2 d–1) over the Equatorial Indian Ocean was low, but the f-ratio (0.13–0.45) was relatively high. In the Southern Indian Ocean total N-uptake rate varied from 1.7 to 12.3 mmol Nm–2 d–1; it was higher in the Antarctic coast (69S) and lower over most of the Southern Ocean, the lowest being at 58S. The f-ratio also showed significant spatial variation, but was higher compared to values at the Equatorial Indian Ocean. The mean f-ratio in the Southern Indian Ocean was 0.50. The nitrate-specific uptake rates and f-ratios appear to have increased significantly in the recent past relative to earlier estimates. While productivity in the Southern Ocean is comparable to that in the Equatorial Indian Ocean, higher f-ratios in the former underscore its importance in the uptake of CO


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    The Government of India created a historic act, by enacting the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), the largest employment generating programme in the world, ensuring the right to work in a country with a population of over one billion. This Act gives legal guarantee of at least one hundred days of wage employment in a financial year to a rural household, whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled and manual work. The present study was conducted in Dinara block of Rohtas district of Bihar. Ex post facto research design was followed for the analysis because the research is conducted after the occurrence of a particular incident. There are 61 villages in Dinara block, including the village of Dinara itself. Total number of 6 villages were selected through random sampling based on existence of MGNREGA Program. A total number of 60 beneficiaries and 60 non-beneficiaries of MGNREGA scheme were selected through random sampling for the present study. From the above analysis, it was concluded that 51.67 percent of the beneficiaries’ respondents is having high level of Attitude, whereas in non-beneficiaries 56.67 percent of the respondents is having medium level of Attitude. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i10.00

    Exploring Authentic Leadership through Leadership Journey of Gandhi

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    Leadership research will benefit from bringing in the subjective realities of becoming a leader by considering the leadership journey. Generating an understanding of how leaders turn episodes in time into meaningful subjective narratives helps shed light on the meaning-making process. We seek in this inquiry to understand self-awareness with a narrative meaning-making process. In this study, we adopt a narrative research approach for analyzing the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi, who is widely acknowledged as an authentic leader. The study explores individual experiences of becoming a leader and factors leading to the manifestation of authentic leadership behaviour as well as followers’ outcomes. The study will also contribute towards the understanding of triggering events experienced by the leader at different points in life which have led to self-awareness
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