495 research outputs found

    Rethinking our relationship to the natural environment through legally compliant sustainable tourism.

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    Irrational exploitation has devastated the resources of ecotourism; therefore, forming a legal system of ecotourism as soon as possible and having laws to abide by it can ensure the sustainable development in South Africa. The goal is to bring to the surface a course of action taken by local agents about socio-environmental aspects. What is effective is the transformation of reality to open channels towards the participation of civil society in the decision-making process. In this paper we attempt to explore the idea of sustainability within our relationship with the natural environment. Sustainability assumes that natural and human technological resources can be utilised while maintaining the environment. Sustainability must also be understood within the context of ecological, cultural, social, economical and ethical realms. In putting this in perspective, the idea of sustainability becomes more concrete. Amongst a range of environmental constraints that are of necessity playing an increasing role in social development planning, climate change represents the most urgent and far-reaching challenge of our time. This paper is theoretical in orientation, with a keen eye on the practical implications of ideas concerning sustainable tourism that enhances our natural environment

    The Business of Climate Change: A Perspective of Environmental Performance on the Tourism Industry.

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    Climate change has increasingly attracted tourist attention in the past decade, because tourism is likely to be affected both by climate change itself and by policies implemented to address it. Corporate reaction could be viewed in three ways to climate change regulations, namely supportive, neutral or defensive. The perspective examines the critical relationship between the tourism sector and sustainable development, examining global trends and the problems they raise, exploring the current set of solutions being implemented, and offering some new ideas for better managing the relationship. The Climate and Sustainable Tourism Model that is a suitable framework encapsulates many of the issues explored and offer insights for policy makers seeking to develop better solutions to vexing climate change issues. Sustainable development is particularly important in the South African context if one considers, for example the fact that Africa has economic uncertainty, intractable conflict, rising prices for food and oil and the effects of climate change on agricultural land and tourism which are all problems that need to be addressed. The government must be the central co- coordinator and leader, because the government holds many tools, which are essential to coordinate and develop and enforce new rules. The main purpose of the regulations is to set up climate change policies, strategies, plans and measures as well as to cooperate with the private sector and with the international actors

    A Special Homotopy Continuation Method For A Class of Polynomial Systems

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    A special homotopy continuation method, as a combination of the polyhedral homotopy and the linear product homotopy, is proposed for computing all the isolated solutions to a special class of polynomial systems. The root number bound of this method is between the total degree bound and the mixed volume bound and can be easily computed. The new algorithm has been implemented as a program called LPH using C++. Our experiments show its efficiency compared to the polyhedral or other homotopies on such systems. As an application, the algorithm can be used to find witness points on each connected component of a real variety

    Farmer perceptions and responses to soil degradation in Swaziland

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    Soil degradation is globally concerning due to its adverse effects on the environment and agricultural production. Much of Swaziland is at risk from degradation. This paper assesses farmer perceptions and responses to soil degradation in 2002 and 2014, focusing on two land uses that underpin rural livelihoods: arable land and rangeland areas. It uses repeat household surveys and semi-structured interviews, in two case study chiefdoms in the country’s middleveld (KaBhudla and Engcayini) in the first longitudinal study of its kind. We find that observations of land degradation are perceived mainly through changes in land productivity, with chemical degradation occurring predominantly on arable land and physical degradation and erosion mainly in rangeland areas. Changes in rainfall are particularly important in determining responses. While perceptions of the causes and impacts of degradation largely concur with the scientific literature, responses were constrained by poor land availability, shorter and more unpredictable cropping seasons because of changing rains and low awareness, access to or knowledge of agricultural inputs. We suggest that sustainable arable land management can be enhanced through improved access to alternative sources of water, use of management practices that retain soil and moisture and greater access to agricultural inputs and capacity building to ensure their appropriate use. We suggest collaborative management for settlement planning that integrates soil conservation and livestock management strategies such as controlled stocking levels and rotational grazing could improve land quality in rangeland areas. Together, these approaches can help land users to better manage change

    Access to and use of clinical services and disease-modifying therapies by people with progressive multiple sclerosis in the United Kingdom

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    Background: According to current UK guidelines everyone with progressive MS should have access to an MS Specialist but levels of access and use of clinical services is unknown. Our objective was to investigate access to MS Specialists, use of clinical services and disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) by people with progressive MS in the United Kingdom. Methods: A UK wide, online survey was conducted via the UK MS Register. Inclusion criteria: age over 18 years, primary or secondary progressive MS and a member of the UK MS Register. Participants were asked about access to MS Specialists; recent clinical service use; receipt of regular review and current and previous DMT use. Participant demographics; quality of life and disease impact measures were supplied from the UK MS Register. Results: In total 1298 participants responded: 5% were currently taking DMT; 23% had previously taken DMT; and 95% reported access to an MS Specialist. Most utilised services were: MS Doctor/Nurse (50%), General Practitioner (45%), and Physiotherapist (40%). Seventy-four percent received a regular review although 37% received theirs less than annually. Current DMT use was associated with better quality of life but past DMT use was associated with poorer quality of life and higher impact of disease. Conclusions: Access to, and use of, MS Specialists was high. However a gap in service provision was highlighted in both receiving and frequency of regular reviews

    The local economic development processes in low-income countries: the case of the metropolis of Chegutu in Zimbabwe

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    Local authorities are widely regarded as catalysts accelerating localised processes of economic development in industrialised countries but in low-income countries they are perceived as dysfunctional, inefficient and ineffective in meeting and addressing societal demands. This abstract view is however, not grounded in empirical research. As such, utilising the case of the metropolis of Chegutu a survey was designed to empirically explicate the economic processes militating its economic development. The findings are useful to policy-makers, local government authorities and management scholars. The study's unique contribution lies in its examination of the processes of local economic development in a low-income country

    High use of private providers for first healthcare seeking by drug-resistant tuberculosis patients: a cross-sectional study in Yangon, Myanmar.

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    BACKGROUND: Drug resistance is a growing challenge to tuberculosis (TB) control worldwide, but particularly salient to countries such as Myanmar, where the health system is fragmented across the public and private sector. A recent systematic review has identified a critical lack of evidence for local policymaking, particularly in relation to drivers of drug-resistance that could be the target of preventative efforts. To address this gap from a health systems perspective, our study investigates the healthcare-seeking behavior and preferences of recently diagnosed patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB), focusing on the use of private versus public healthcare providers. METHODS: The study was conducted in ten townships across Yangon with high DR-TB burden. Patients newly-diagnosed with DR-TB by GeneXpert were enrolled, and data on healthcare-seeking behavior and socio-economic characteristics were collected from patient records and interviews. A descriptive analysis of healthcare-seeking behavior was followed by the investigation of relationships between socio-economic factors and type of provider visited upon first feeling unwell, through univariate logistic regressions. RESULTS: Of 202 participants, only 8% reported first seeking care at public facilities, while 88% reported seeking care at private facilities upon first feeling unwell. Participants aged 25-34 (Odds Ratio = 0.33 [0.12-0.95]) and males (Odds Ratio = 0.39 [0.20-0.75]) were less likely to visit a private clinic or hospital than those aged 18-24 and females, respectively. In contrast, participants with higher income were more likely to utilize private providers. Prior to DR-TB diagnosis, 86% of participants took medications from private providers. After DR-TB diagnosis, only 7% of participants continued to take medications from private providers. CONCLUSION: In urban Myanmar, most patients shifted to being managed exclusively in the public sector after being formally diagnosed with DR-TB. However, since the vast majority of DR-TB patients first visited private providers in the period leading to diagnosis, related issues such as unregulated quality of care, potential delays to diagnosis, and lack of care continuity may greatly influence the emergence of drug-resistance. A greater understanding of the health system and these healthcare-seeking behaviors may simultaneously strengthen TB control programmes and reduce government and out-of-pocket expenditures on the management of DR-TB

    Socially optimal contribution rate and cap in a proportional (DC) pension system

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    In our model, the government operates a mandatory proportional (DC) pension system to substitute for the low life-cycle savings of the lower-paid myopic workers, while maintaining the incentives of the higher-paid far-sighted ones in contributing to the system. The introduction of an appropriate cap on pension contribution (or its base)—excluding the earnings above the cap from the contribution base—raises the optimal contribution rate, helping more the lower-paid myopic workers and reserving enough room for the saving of higher-paid far-sighted ones. The social welfare is almost independent of the cap in a relatively wide interval but the maximal welfare is higher than the capless welfare by 0.3–4.5 %.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Financial crises and the attainment of the SDGs: an adjusted multidimensional poverty approach

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    This paper analyses the impact of financial crises on the Sustainable Development Goal of eradicating poverty. To do so, we develop an adjusted Multidimensional Poverty Framework (MPF) that includes 15 indicators that span across key poverty aspects related to income, basic needs, health, education and the environment. We then use an econometric model that allows us to examine the impact of financial crises on these indicators in 150 countries over the period 1980–2015. Our analysis produces new estimates on the impact of financial crises on poverty’s multiple social, economic and environmental aspects and equally important captures dynamic linkages between these aspects. Thus, we offer a better understanding of the potential impact of current debt dynamics on Multidimensional Poverty and demonstrate the need to move beyond the boundaries of SDG1, if we are to meet the target of eradicating poverty. Our results indicate that the current financial distress experienced by many low-income countries may reverse the progress that has been made hitherto in reducing poverty. We find that financial crises are associated with an approximately 10% increase of extreme poor in low-income countries. The impact is even stronger in some other poverty aspects. For instance, crises are associated with an average decrease of government spending in education by 17.72% in low-income countries. The dynamic linkages between most of the Multidimensional Poverty indicators, warn of a negative domino effect on a number of SDGs related to poverty, if there is a financial crisis shock. To pre-empt such a domino effect, the specific SDG target 17.4 on attaining long-term debt sustainability through coordinated policies plays a key role and requires urgent attention by the international community