8,128 research outputs found

    CMB statistics in noncommutative inflation

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    Noncommutative geometry can provide effective description of physics at very short distances taking into account generic effects of quantum gravity. Inflation amplifies tiny quantum fluctuations in the early universe to macroscopic scales and may thus imprint high energy physics signatures in the cosmological perturbations that could be detected in the CMB. It is shown here that this can give rise to parity-violating modulations of the primordial spectrum and odd non-Gaussian signatures. The breaking of rotational invariance of the CMB provides constraints on the scale of noncommutativity that are competitive with the existing noncosmological bounds, and could explain the curious hemispherical asymmetry that has been claimed to be observed in the sky. This introduces also non-Gaussianity with peculiar shape- and scale-dependence, which in principle allows an independent cross-check of the presence of noncommutativity at inflation.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Antibiotic consumption in Portugal: 2010 and 2011

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    The use of antibiotics has contributed to a marked decrease in morbidity caused by communicable and infec- tious diseases over the past few years. The aim of our study is to evaluate the use of antibiotics in clinic in 2010 and 2011, considering two different methodologies: the defined daily dose per 1000 inhabitants per day (DHD) and the number of packages per 1000 inhabitants per day (PHD)

    DBI Galileons in the Einstein Frame: Local Gravity and Cosmology

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    It is shown that a disformally coupled theory in which the gravitational sector has the Einstein-Hilbert form is equivalent to a quartic DBI Galileon Lagrangian, possessing non-linear higher derivative interactions, and hence allowing for the Vainshtein effect. This Einstein Frame description considerably simplifies the dynamical equations and highlights the role of the different terms. The study of highly dense, non-relativistic environments within this description unravels the existence of a disformal screening mechanism, while the study of static vacuum configurations reveals the existence of a Vainshtein radius, at which the asymptotic solution breaks down. Disformal couplings to matter also allow the construction of Dark Energy models, which behave differently than conformally coupled ones and introduce new effects on the growth of Large Scale Structure over cosmological scales, on which the scalar force is not screened. We consider a simple Disformally Coupled Dark Matter model in detail, in which standard model particles follow geodesics of the gravitational metric and only Dark Matter is affected by the disformal scalar field. This particular model is not compatible with observations in the linearly perturbed regime. Nonetheless, disformally coupled theories offer enough freedom to construct realistic cosmological scenarios, which can be distinguished from the standard model through characteristic signatures.Comment: Discussion on the Vainshtein effect added. 25 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in PR

    Degeneracies between Modified Gravity and Baryonic Physics

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    In order to determine the observable signatures of modified gravity theories, it is important to consider the effect of baryonic physics. We use a modified version of the ISIS code to run cosmological hydrodynamic simulations to study degeneracies between modified gravity and radiative hydrodynamical processes. Of these, one was the standard Λ\LambdaCDM model and four were variations of the Symmetron model. For each model we ran three variations of baryonic processes: non-radiative hydrodynamics; cooling and star formation; and cooling, star formation, and supernova feedback. We construct stacked gas density, temperature, and dark matter density profiles of the halos in the simulations, and study the differences between them. We find that both radiative variations of the models show degeneracies between their processes and at least two of the three parameters defining the Symmetron model.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, matches version accepted to A&

    An analytic model for the transition from decelerated to accelerated cosmic expansion

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    We consider the scenario where our observable universe is devised as a dynamical four-dimensional hypersurface embedded in a five-dimensional bulk spacetime, with a large extra dimension, which is the {\it generalization of the flat FRW cosmological metric to five dimensions}. This scenario generates a simple analytical model where different stages of the evolution of the universe are approximated by distinct parameterizations of the {\it same} spacetime. In this model the evolution from decelerated to accelerated expansion can be interpreted as a "first-order" phase transition between two successive stages. The dominant energy condition allows different parts of the universe to evolve, from deceleration to acceleration, at different redshifts within a narrow era. This picture corresponds to the creation of bubbles of new phase, in the middle of the old one, typical of first-order phase transitions. Taking Ωm=0.3\Omega_{m} = 0.3 today, we find that the cross-over from deceleration to acceleration occurs at z11.5z \sim 1-1.5 , regardless of the equation of state in the very early universe. In the case of primordial radiation, the model predicts that the deceleration parameter "jumps" from q+1.5q \sim + 1.5 to q0.4q \sim - 0.4 at z1.17z \sim 1.17. At the present time q=0.55q = - 0.55 and the equation of state of the universe is w=p/ρ0.7w = p/\rho \sim - 0.7 , in agreement with observations and some theoretical predictions.Comment: The abstract and introduction are improved and the discussion section is expanded. A number of references are adde