159 research outputs found

    Optimal design for active damping in sandwich structures using the Direct MultiSearch method

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    This paper addresses the problem of optimal positioning of surface bonded piezoelectric patches in sandwich plates with viscoelastic core and laminated face layers. The objective is to maximize a set of modal loss factors for a given frequency range using multiobjective topology optimization. Active damping is introduced through co-located negative velocity feedback control. The multiobjective topology optimization problem is solved using the Direct MultiSearch Method. An application to a simply supported sandwich plate is presented with results for the maximization of the first six modal loss factors. The influence of the finite element mesh is analyzed and the results are, to some extent, compared with those obtained using alternative single objective optimization

    Identificação de parâmetros elásticos e piezoelétricos em estruturas activas tipo placa : técnicas de optimização clássica versus redes neuronais artificiais

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    Neste trabalho são apresentados dois métodos não destrutivos para a identificação de parâmetros elásticos e piezoeléctricos em estruturas laminadas activas do tipo placa, com sensores/actuadores de superfície. O primeiro destes métodos resolve o problema inverso através de métodos de optimização clássica, minimizando a diferença entre frequências naturais experimentais e as fornecidas por um modelo de elementos finitos. O segundo método baseia-se na construção de um “meta-modelo” do problema inverso, recorrendo a Redes Neuronais Artificiais. Os dois métodos são comparados recorrendo a resultados experimentais de uma placa em vibração livre

    A numerical-experimental method for damage location based on rotation fields spatial differentiation

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    This paper presents a structural damage location method that decreases the number of spatial differentiations needed to compute modal curvature fields. The method is numerically and experimentally applied to isotropic and laminated rectangular plates, respectively. A speckle shear interferometer is used to measure the rotation fields of the laminated plate, while the isotropic plate is analysed by finite elements. It was found that the Gaussian differentiation is the most suited technique to compute the curvature fields. It is also demonstrated the superior performance of the curvature method using measured rotation fields instead of measured displacement fields

    Damage localization in laminated composite plates using mode shapes measured by pulsed TV holography

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    Three methods for the damage localization of impact damage in laminated composite plates, based on their vibrational characteristics, are presented in this paper. These methods use double pulse TV holography with acoustic excitation for mode shapes acquisition and the differences in translations, rotations and curvatures. The rotations and curvatures are obtained by numerical differentiation of mode shapes translations using a differentiation/smoothing technique. The methods are applied to a carbon fiber reinforced epoxy rectangular plate, free in space, subjected to two cases of impact damage. It is shown that the method based on curvatures allows the localization of both cases of damage, which can be undetected by visual, X-ray or C-scan inspections. The best localizations are achieved by selecting and applying the method to the most changed mode.Three methods for the damage localization of impact damage in laminated composite plates, based on their vibrational characteristics, are presented in this paper. These methods use double pulse TV holography with acoustic excitation for mode shapes acquisition and the differences in translations, rotations and curvatures. The rotations and curvatures are obtained by numerical differentiation of mode shapes translations using a differentiation/smoothing technique. The methods are applied to a carbon fiber reinforced epoxy rectangular plate, free in space, subjected to two cases of impact damage. It is shown that the method based on curvatures allows the localization of both cases of damage, which can be undetected by visual, X-ray or C-scan inspections. The best localizations are achieved by selecting and applying the method to the most changed mode

    Damage localization in laminated composite plates using double pulse-electronic holographic interferometry

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    One method for the damage localization of impact damage in laminated composite plates, based on their vibrational characteristics, is presented in this paper. This method uses double pulse-electronic holographic interferometry for mode shapes acquisition and the differences in curvatures. The rotations and curvatures are numerically obtained. The method is applied to a carbon fibre reinforced epoxy rectangular plate, free in space, subjected to two cases of impact damage. It is shown that the method based on curvatures allows for the localization of both cases of damage, which can be undetected by visual, X-ray or C-Scan inspections. The best localizations are achieved by selecting and applying the method to the most changed mode

    Interfacing polymeric scaffolds with primary pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells to develop 3D cancer models

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    We analyzed the interactions between human primary cells from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and polymeric scaffolds to develop 3D cancer models useful for mimicking the biology of this tumor. Three scaffold types based on two biocompatible polymeric formulations, such as poly(vinyl alcohol)/gelatin (PVA/G) mixture and poly(ethylene oxide terephthalate)/poly(butylene terephthalate) (PEOT/PBT) copolymer, were obtained via different techniques, namely, emulsion and freeze-drying, compression molding followed by salt leaching, and electrospinning. In this way, primary PDAC cells interfaced with different pore topographies, such as sponge-like pores of different shape and size or nanofiber interspaces. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence played by the scaffold architecture over cancerous cell growth and function. In all scaffolds, primary PDAC cells showed good viability and synthesized tumor-specific metalloproteinases (MMPs) such as MMP-2, and MMP-9. However, only sponge-like pores, obtained via emulsion-based and salt leaching-based techniques allowed for an organized cellular aggregation very similar to the native PDAC morphological structure. Differently, these cell clusters were not observed on PEOT/PBT electrospun scaffolds. MMP-2 and MMP-9, as active enzymes, resulted to be increased in PVA/G and PEOT/PBT sponges, respectively. These findings suggested that spongy scaffolds supported the generation of pancreatic tumor models with enhanced aggressiveness. In conclusion, primary PDAC cells showed diverse behaviors while interacting with different scaffold types that can be potentially exploited to create stage-specific pancreatic cancer models likely to provide new knowledge on the modulation and drug susceptibility of MMPs

    Social and economic value of Portuguese community pharmacies in health care

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    Background: Community pharmacies are major contributors to health care systems across the world. Several studies have been conducted to evaluate community pharmacies services in health care. The purpose of this study was to estimate the social and economic benefits of current and potential future community pharmacies services provided by pharmacists in health care in Portugal. Methods: The social and economic value of community pharmacies services was estimated through a decision-model. Model inputs included effectiveness data, quality of life (QoL) and health resource consumption, obtained though literature review and adapted to Portuguese reality by an expert panel. The estimated economic value was the result of non-remunerated pharmaceutical services plus health resource consumption potentially avoided. Social and economic value of community pharmacies services derives from the comparison of two scenarios: "with service" versus "without service". Results: It is estimated that current community pharmacies services in Portugal provide a gain in QoL of 8.3% and an economic value of 879.6 million euros (Msic), including 342.1 Msic in non-remunerated pharmaceutical services and 448. 1 Msic in avoided expense with health resource consumption. Potential future community pharmacies services may provide an additional increase of 6.9% in QoL and be associated with an economic value of 144.8 Msic: 120.3 Msic in non-remunerated services and 24.5 Msic in potential savings with health resource consumption. Conclusions: Community pharmacies services provide considerable benefit in QoL and economic value. An increase range of services including a greater integration in primary and secondary care, among other transversal services, may add further social and economic value to the society

    Star Models with Dark Energy

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    We have constructed star models consisting of four parts: (i) a homogeneous inner core with anisotropic pressure (ii) an infinitesimal thin shell separating the core and the envelope; (iii) an envelope of inhomogeneous density and isotropic pressure; (iv) an infinitesimal thin shell matching the envelope boundary and the exterior Schwarzschild spacetime. We have analyzed all the energy conditions for the core, envelope and the two thin shells. We have found that, in order to have static solutions, at least one of the regions must be constituted by dark energy. The results show that there is no physical reason to have a superior limit for the mass of these objects but for the ratio of mass and radius.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, references and some comments added, typos corrected, in press GR