31 research outputs found

    Notes on a Surrealist Painting

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    The Selfish Event and the Proximal-Ancillary Coverage Continuum: A Dialogical Approach to the Discourse(s) of the American 'War on Terror'

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    In this dissertation, I strive to prove that at least under certain circumstances, the fictional and the non-fictional can be seen not as separate but as part of a continuum. To do this, I divided my dissertation into two parts, one that deals with the circumstances for a reconsideration of the truth-fiction dichotomy, and one that deals with how a continuum between the two is much more lucrative from a hermeneutical point of view. In view of this, I base my arguments on two theoretical constructs, which will be explained in full in the first few pages of each part. The first part of my dissertation forwards the notion of selfish events and will focus chiefly on the literature dealing with the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, while the second part proposes the notion of a proximal-ancillary continuum and will focus primarily on the literature coming out of the American \u2018war on terror\u2019 in Iraq and Afghanistan. The first part of my dissertation is divided into three chapters, each of them dealing with either a theoretical element or a specific group of texts. While the first chapter outlines the theoretical trajectories, my argument is based on and from which it draws its substance, the second and third chapters will bring theory and practice together through an in-depth analysis of texts. In this first part, I argue that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, created an ethos of perception and cultural production that can be traced throughout the vast majority of texts that tackle the events either directly or indirectly. Because of this, 9/11 can be called a selfish event, namely one that, due to the acute effects of its occurrence, does not have the time and the cultural resources to forge a discourse of its own that could reflect upon and explain the complexity of that event, and as such it resorts to cultural artifacts that happen to be in its proximity. A selfish event, as I will argue, absorbs and contaminates these cultural artifacts to sustain its cultural authority at least until a separate discourse of its own has been created and culturally reinforced. This appropriative move then translates into a cultural practice and is reflected, as I shall show, in narratives that perform a similar appropriative move. The second part of my dissertation is divided into three chapters and focuses pri- marily on the proximal-ancillary coverage continuum and how it can be applied to the interpretation of the literature currently coming out of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In particular, this part revolves around the notion of ancillary coverage. This particular concept derives, on the one hand, from the terminological necessity of differentiating between what I call the proximal/journalistic coverage of a particular military event \u2013 in this case the wars in Afghanistan in Iraq \u2013 and the ancillary/fictional coverage of that same event, and, on the other hand, from the logical necessity of rendering two corpora of texts into two operational categories that could be defined according to a set of features. Albeit my research groups together these two corpora under the generic umbrella of coverage, the ultimate purpose is not only to bring to the surface the perceived similarities between these two types of coverage, but also to show how common features, such as the post-factum feedback, operate differently in the case of each type. Considering that proximal coverage is governed by its own internal rules and regulations, chiefly dictated by the necessities of the profession of journalism, this part of my dissertation strives, on the one hand, to identify at least in part the rules and regulations that exercise control over ancillary coverage, and, on the other hand, to define them in terms of how they operate in relation to the fictional accounts I have chosen as primary sources

    Translating Eastern European Identities into the American National Narrative

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    The purpose of this study is two-fold: to examine the absence from current cultural studies on immigration and ethnicity of the Eastern European American as a conceptual entity, and to propose and implement a new methodology of reading immigrant autobiographical narratives that seeks to make transparent the cultural and linguistic processes of translation through which immigrants negotiate their identities in America. Part I provides the methodology and contextual framework I employ in the re-examinations of Mary Antin's The Promised Land (1912) and Eva Hoffman's Lost in Translation (1989). The historical contextualization focuses on two periods that determined conceptual shifts-- the two decades of anti-immigration sentiment that led to the Immigration Acts of 1921 and 1924, and the decades following World War II, when post-Holocaust consciousness opened the door to the institutionalization of a Jewish identity that both encompassed and effaced the Eastern European one at the same time that Cold War politics hindered the development of an Eastern European immigrant space of articulation. A brief analysis of Flannery O'Connor's story "The Displaced Person" (1954) will underscore the dominant culture's difficulty in conceptualizing Eastern European difference and its place in the American national narrative. After arguing for the need that we differentiate between immigrant and ethnic narratives, I introduce the concept of "palimpsestic translation" and develop a critical paradigm that weds translation theory to the genre of immigrant autobiography and to narratives of immigration at large. Parts II and III contribute to the reconceptualization and partial reconstitution of the Eastern European immigrant American space through a close re-examination of Antin's and Hoffman's immigrant narratives as "palimpsestic translations." The two analyses address issues of historicity, literary and historical visibility, and translatability, as they pertain to and illuminate each text. The conclusion briefly assesses the status of Eastern European American studies and outlines the contribution of my proposed reading paradigm to the resuscitation of a critical and theoretical interest in Eastern European American identities. Finally, I situate my study within the larger call for a reconsideration of the relationship between Translation Studies, American and Cultural Studies, and Ethnic Studies

    Creative Writing

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    Works by Ashna Ali, Beatrice Carnelutti, Megan Pindling, Robert Moscaliuc, and Asha Sali

    Претестирование в процессе непрерывного обучения семейных медицинских сестер

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    Center for Continuing Medical Education of Medical and Pharmaceutical Personnel with Secundary Education 2, Butucului Street, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Congresul III al Medicilor de Familie din Republica Moldova, 17–18 mai, 2012, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferinţa Naţională „Maladii bronhoobstructive la copii”, consacrată profesorului universitar, doctor habilitat Victor Gheţeul, 27 aprilie, Chişinău, Republica Moldova Materialele Congresului III al Medicilor de FamilieIn theory and practice, educational evaluation is approached from several perspectives, given the complexity of teaching and learning evaluation. The concept of assessment has broadened its scope. Today, evolving from traditional formula as a learning situation in the end, assessment is organically integrated into the learning process, creating interactive and circular relationships, initially to learn the needs of learners and allow us to focus on them. Thus, the approach includes learning new skills, unlike traditionally focused on reporting and evaluation of information learned.В педагогической теории и практике оценка курсантов рассматривается с нескольких точек зрения, учитывая сложность процесса обучения. Концепция оценки расширяет сферы его применения. В настоящее время уходят от традиционной формулы, когда оценивался курсант в конце курсов. Сейчас курсант органично интегрирован в процесс обучения путем интерактивных отношений, чтобы узнать потребности учащихся, и сосредоточиться на них. Таким образом, подход включает в себя регистр обучения новым навыкам, в отличие от традиционного оценивания сосредоточенного на отчетности и оценки полученной информации

    Принципы этики и деонтологии в деятельности семейных медицинских сестер

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    Center of Medical Continued Education of Medical and Pharmaceutical Assistants, Congresul III al Medicilor de Familie din Republica Moldova, 17–18 mai, 2012, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferinţa Naţională „Maladii bronhoobstructive la copii”, consacrată profesorului universitar, doctor habilitat Victor Gheţeul, 27 aprilie, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaLife is the supreme value of the material world, and health – the highest good of man, it’s priceless. The duty and responsibility, the behavior of full devotion, care and warmth to the patient, attention rendered to the patient, so true calling in medicine. Medicine is a particularly difficult job, Modern medicine faces a number of contradictions and dilemmas, which can be solved through the development of ethical standards, guided by which nurses would be able to take decisive action, proceeding, above all, of their professional liability, but surely acting for the benefit of safety and protect the interests of the patient.Жизнь есть высшая ценность материального мира, а здоровье – высшее благо человека и это бесценно. Обязанность и ответственность, поведение полной преданности, заботы и тепла для пациента, внимание оказанное пациенту, это значит истинное призвание в медицине. Медицина это особенно сложная профессия. Современная медицина сталкивается с рядом противоречий и дилемм, решение которых возможно посредством разработки этических норм, руководствуясь которыми медицинские сестры смогли бы принимать решительные меры, исходя, прежде всего, из своей профессиональной ответственности, но обязательно действуя во благо безопасности и защиты интересов пациента

    Accessorizing (with) “Gypsyness” in the Twenty-first Century: Cultural Appropriations in the Fashion Industry

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    Prefaced with a brief discussion of representation and cultural appropriation, this article examines how the fashion industry recycles and revamps hackneyed tropes that cast Roma into narratives of wanderlust, mystique, and transgression. Such tropes perpetuate epistemic injustice, compromise understandings ofRoma and their culture(s) within non-member groups, and curtail Roma designers’ rhetorical agency. I flesh out the discussion with the case of Mexican American designer Rio Uribe and his line Gypsy Sport and argue that, despite Uribe’s investment in social justice and much touted effort toward inclusiveness, he fails to acknowledge the unethical and harmful dimensions of his work. I turn to the fashion studio Romani Design (founded by Hungarian Roma designers Erika and Helena Varga) as an example of Roma initiatives that counter appropriative practices through reclaiming the heritage for self-representation and empowerment, then envision ways of intervening in the fashion industry’s co-option and misuse of Roma’s cultural heritage