48 research outputs found


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    This study analyses the population of Bacău County focusing on two phenomena, unemployment and emigration, trying to find to what extent there is an interaction between it. Failure to find employment results into a social pressure and discouragement, and, sometimes, leads to emigration of those who hope for a better future there where they can find a job and make a better living, for them and their families. Thus, emigration is often seen as a solution against unemployment, both phenomena being part of the situation that these county is facing with. Neglecting the long-term effects, at the present moment emigration is seen as a solution for the high rate of unemployment. If emigration is seen like a salvation solution for unemployment on short and medium-term, it is hard to foresee the exactly long-term impact, but should not be neglected the risks of a highly negative long-term impact. To reduce the gaps of a descriptive analysis, were used statistical data provided by National Institute of Statistics, data that were processed and presented through cartographic method

    Consumption and hysteresis: the new, the old, and the challenge

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    Consumers are reluctant to change immediately their consumption patterns when confronted with budgetary changes, in spite of fluctuating economic conditions. Their reluctance evokes the notion of hysteresis used by economists to describe the persistent influence of past economic events. The importance of hysteresis in economic research represents a natural consequence of the development of economic sciences and of the pursuit of understanding economic systems’ evolution by taking into account their ‘memory’, their conscience of the past. The present paper represents an attempt to review some of the most relevant approaches to hysteresis in economics and to emphasise the impact of the phenomenon on macroeconomic consumption in Romania. The paper aims at reviewing the application of hysteresis to economic models, and subsequently at constructing a two-phase research on households’ individual final consumption in Romania during 1990 and 2016, employing both the unit root and the so-called ‘true’ approach to hysteresis. The research results indicated the existence of hysteresis at the macroeconomic consumption level, thus revealing several implications for economic policy, inaccessible through the standard economic models

    Deflecting Stereotype Threat Through Downward Comparison: When Comparison with Immigrants Boosts the Performance of Stigmatized Native Students

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    Two experiments examined the effect of comparison with immigrants on the intellectual performance of stigmatized native students (i.e., women and students from low socioeconomic backgrounds). It was predicted that such a comparison may boost the test performance of both groups of students rather than comparison with their counterparts who are not stigmatized. In line with this hypothesis, we found that female European students (Study 1) performed better on a math test when they were led to compare with a female immigrant rather than with another female European student. Study 2 replicated this finding in regard to the performance of native students with low socioeconomic status on a general intelligence test. Results are discussed in terms of stereotype susceptibility predicaments and their implications for native-immigrant performance gap

    The Impact of Major Crises on the Behaviour of the Consumer of Tourism Services - A Perspective on the Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis

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    Tourism is one of the industries that has experienced spectacular growth in recent decades, while obviously influenced by socioeconomic developments and transformations. Recent crises have left their mark on the development of international tourism and the behaviour of tourism services consumers, at the same time revealing tourism's surprising resilience and pace of recovery from the effects of these crises that proved superior to other industries. In this sense, the health problems associated, especially with international tourism, attract the interest of researchers from a wide area of social sciences and medical disciplines. This article aims to briefly present a perspective on the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on tourism and the behaviour of the consumer of tourism services, starting by highlighting the characteristics of consumer behaviour during major crises and bringing into focus particular aspects of the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the industry and tourist behaviour


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    The article aims at analysing the debate regarding the future of the European Economic and Monetary Union as a core structure that will be capable to ensure the development of the European Union and to reach the fundamental goal of the free movement of the capital. Considered by many built on a week foundation, the discussion regarding how the European Economic and Monetary Union must be restructured became an urgent problem to be solve in the light of the last ten years political and economic events (international financial crisis, euro crisis, the radical view of several European political leaders elected after 2014). Our research focuses on different points of view regarding the future structure and regulation framework of the European Economic and Monetary Union as a critical qualitative research in order to put together the advantages and disadvantages of such opinions and the validity of arguments in their favour. Our research has as starting point the 2012 Four Presidents Report and the 2015 Five Presidents Report facing the opinions of the academia and the European financial market reality. We analysed different future developments proposals in order to identify the validity of concepts such as a banking union, new tools and mechanisms designed to contribute to the accomplishment of a functional Economic and Monetary Union. The article ends with several conclusions regarding the process to develop a deeper Economic and Monetary Union in the EU

    Combined mechanism glaucoma asociated with Grave's Ophtalmopathy: Case report

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    A 69-year-old female presented marked vision loss in both eyes, intense photophobia and ocular pain. The patient had long history of uncompensated glaucoma, Graves ophtalmopathy, treated for several years with topical medication without normalizing the intraocular pressure. The patient undergo orbital decompression for Grave’s ophtalmopathy which ameliorated the exophthalmia. Visual assessment showed 0,08 best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in the right eye respectively 0 in the left eye, posterior chamber pseudophakic implant both eyes, posterior capsular opacification left eye. The intraocular pressure was 18-25 mmHg in the right eye, respectively 14-19 mm Hg under topical medication. The cup-disc ratio was 0.8 in the RE respectively 0.9-1 in the LE. The visual field assessment in the RE showed relative central scotoma, complete lower arcuate (Bjerrum) scotoma, generalized depresion of VF. We performed RE trabeculectomy with 5 fluorouracil and collagen implant (OLOGEN¼), with good postoperative evolution. The Visual Acuity improves significantly to 0.1, the IOP after a month was 15 mm Hg. The onset, symptomatology and general clinical context of the patient determined the focus on the neuro-ophthalmological aspect of the case, even if that meant that the control of the glaucoma, at times obviously inefficient, would remain second, from the perspective of its importance

    Challenges of Hotel Branding. An Overview of the Romanian Seaside Hotel Industry

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    Brands have well-known advantages for companies, from ensuring product differentiation to themuch appraised and hard to gain brand loyalty. Due to the particular features of services, service branding requires specific attention, andalthough it was given less consideration than product branding in the dedicated literature, duringthe past years a certain amount of attention was also bestowed on service branding. The highly competitive environment of hotel industry has claimed use of brands and brandshave become vital to their marketing strategies. In the hotel industry, brands have become qualitycues and have gained their place among the factors the purchase decision is based on. The paper is aimed at presenting several facets of branding in the hotel industry, and at brieflyasserting the current state and challenges faced by the Romanian Seaside hotel industry related tobranding

    Minori stranieri o stranieri minorenni? Il minore straniero non accompagnato tra frontiere del diritto e dispositivi di tutela

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    Il presente lavoro si concentra sulla tematica dei minori stranieri non accompagnati in Italia, categoria particolare di minori poichĂ© comprensiva di numerose implicazioni a vari livelli. A partire dal livello semantico della definizione stessa, la minore etĂ  dello straniero si presenta come una componente tra tante, ognuna rilevante per la sua specificitĂ : la minore etĂ  sarĂ  circoscritta nell’ambito della legislazione minorile, il concetto di straniero vedrĂ  coinvolta la normativa sull’immigrazione, l’essere accompagnato o meno darĂ  luogo a interpretazioni e dispositivi diversificati di tutela. Il percorso specifico di tutela e protezione apparirĂ  inoltre condizionato da ulteriori elementi come la presenza di persone disponibili alla presa in carico del minore, la volontĂ  dello stesso di richiedere protezione internazionale oppure l'emersione di tratti circoscrivibili alla tratta dei minori. In ognuno di questi casi, il progetto avviato dovrĂ  contemplare specifici percorsi di protezione. Al fine di illustrare gli elementi costitutivi, la metodologia, la finalitĂ  ma anche le contraddizioni e le criticitĂ  del sistema di tutele a favore dei minori stranieri non accompagnati, si terrĂ  conto delle specificitĂ  delle azioni previste per i soggetti di minore etĂ  in Italia, le azioni e le attivitĂ  che riguardano nel dettaglio tanto la condizione giuridica e sociale del minore, quanto quella di straniero, analizzando i vari dispositivi pensati per la loro protezione: centri di accoglienza, progetti territoriali SPRAR, affidi familiari. La moltitudine di prassi eterogenee apre la strada ad ampi spazi di discrezionalitĂ  nella gestione del fenomeno dei minori stranieri non accompagnati e il passaggio dalla minore alla maggiore etĂ  diventa particolarmente critico. Entrare in un percorso di tutele appropriato all'interno di contesti protettivi e dotati di risorse adeguate potrebbe rappresentare una buona base per la riuscita del progetto migratorio

    Consuption and cosumers in the present economic context

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    Due to the multiple interdependences emerged from the coalescence among consumer behaviour, economic and human behaviour, the vast interest in the study of consumer behaviour has led to important developments, the field being permanently enriched with new contributions. Nowadays consumer behaviour is interpreted not solely through the act of buying, but also as far as its impact on our lives, on the way we perceive our own image and ultimately on our state of being is concerned. At present, the world economy is affected by the global crisis which has left its mark on the lives of consumers almost in all markets of the world. The obvious effects and their constant mediatisation emphasize the impact of the crisis and add to the already installed state of uncertainty. The current context shaped by the economic crisis is remodelling mentalities and re-lays the foundation for a new conceptual model of determinants of consumer behaviour, thus favouring the advent of a new type of consumer – more conscious, more rational and more attentive. However, bearing in mind that these new consumers were forced to emerge due to an unfavourable economic context, there raises the question whether the new consumers, given the opportunity by the improvement of the economic conditions, would go back to their past habits, or is this a lasting change in their behaviour? This paper is aimed therefore at presenting the current frame of consumer behaviour manifestation and the main influences considered to have an impact on consumer behaviour during the historical development of the field, at describing several tendencies in consumer behaviour determined by the present context and offer a perspective on whether these changes and transformations in consumer behaviour moulded by the present economic and social context are lasting or are merely the transient effects of a malevolent conjuncture