5,044 research outputs found

    Interaction-induced chiral p_x \pm i p_y superfluid order of bosons in an optical lattice

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    The study of superconductivity with unconventional order is complicated in condensed matter systems by their extensive complexity. Optical lattices with their exceptional precision and control allow one to emulate superfluidity avoiding many of the complications of condensed matter. A promising approach to realize unconventional superfluid order is to employ orbital degrees of freedom in higher Bloch bands. In recent work, indications were found that bosons condensed in the second band of an optical chequerboard lattice might exhibit p_x \pm i p_y order. Here we present experiments, which provide strong evidence for the emergence of p_x \pm i p_y order driven by the interaction in the local p-orbitals. We compare our observations with a multi-band Hubbard model and find excellent quantitative agreement

    Momentum Space Regularizations and the Indeterminacy in the Schwinger Model

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    We revisited the problem of the presence of finite indeterminacies that appear in the calculations of a Quantum Field Theory. We investigate the occurrence of undetermined mathematical quantities in the evaluation of the Schwinger model in several regularization scenarios. We show that the undetermined character of the divergent part of the vacuum polarization tensor of the model, introduced as an {\it ansatz} in previous works, can be obtained mathematically if one introduces a set of two parameters in the evaluation of these quantities. The formal mathematical properties of this tensor and their violations are discussed. The analysis is carried out in both analytical and sharp cutoff regularization procedures. We also show how the Pauli Villars regularization scheme eliminates the indeterminacy, giving a gauge invariant result in the vector Schwinger model.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Tidal damping of the mutual inclination in hierachical systems

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    Hierarchical two-planet systems, in which the inner body's semi-major axis is between 0.1 and 0.5 AU, usually present high eccentricity values, at least for one of the orbits. As a result of the formation process, one may expect that planetary systems with high eccentricities also have high mutual inclinations. However, here we show that tidal effects combined with gravitational interactions damp the initial mutual inclination to modest values in timescales that are shorter than the age of the system. This effect is not a direct consequence of tides on the orbits, but it results from a secular forcing of the inner planet's flattening. We then conclude that these hierarchical planetary systems are unlikely to present very high mutual inclinations, at least as long as the orbits remain outside the Lidov-Kozai libration areas. The present study can also be extended to systems of binary stars and to planet-satellite systems.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Influência da adubação verde e diferentes adubos orgânicos na produção de fitomassa aérea de atroveran.

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    Resumo: Este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar o efeito de diferentes adubos orgânicos em associação ou não com adubo verde na produção de folhas de Ocimum selloi Benth., planta nativa do Brasil. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental da Embrapa Meio Ambiente (CNPMA), localizado no município de Jaguariúna, em duas áreas distintas, sendo uma delas submetidas anteriormente ao plantio e incorporação de adubo verde (Crotalaria juncea). Os tratamentos utilizados foram: T1 - testemunha (solo sem adubação), T2 - cama de aviário (5 kg/m2), T3 - hidrolisado de peixe (produto comercial Fishfértil - 5 mL/m2) e T4 - composto orgânico (4 kg/m2). A colheita foi realizada 180 dias após o plantio, em Janeiro de 2011, sendo colhidas as plantas úteis (quatro plantas por parcela). Avaliou-se o rendimento de fitomassa fresca e seca. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o esquema fatorial 2x4, com quatro repetições (blocos). As médias obtidas foram submetidas à análise de variância seguida de teste de médias (Tukey). Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que a cama de aviário apresentou resultados mais satisfatórios quanto à produção de folhas de Ocimum selloi quando comparados aos demais tratamentos orgânicos, não observando-se incremento nos resultados pela associação com o adubo verde Crotalaria juncea. Abstract: Influence of green manure and different organic manure on production of aereal phytomass of Ocimum selloi. The aim of this work was to avail the effect of different manures in association or nor with green manure on yield of leaves of Ocimum selloi Benth. The assay was accomplished on experimental area of Embrapa Environmental (Jaguariúna district), at two different spaces (with or without green manure Crotalaria juncea). The treatments used were: T1 - witness (no manure), T2 - chicken manure (5 kg/m2), T3 - commercial product Fishfértil - 5 mL/m2) and T4 - composting (4 kg/m2). The cut was realized on 180 days after the planting (January - 2011), and were collected four plants/ plot. The yield of dried and fresh Ocimum selloi phytomass was availed. The experimental design was factorial scheme (2x4), with four repetitions. The treatment with chicken manure showed best results on treatments, but did not was influence by using Crotalaria juncea

    Chern-Simons theory of multi-component quantum Hall systems

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    The Chern-Simons approach has been widely used to explain fractional quantum Hall states in the framework of trial wave functions. In the present paper, we generalise the concept of Chern-Simons transformations to systems with any number of components (spin or pseudospin degrees of freedom), extending earlier results for systems with one or two components. We treat the density fluctuations by adding auxiliary gauge fields and appropriate constraints. The Hamiltonian is quadratic in these fields and hence can be treated as a harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian, with a ground state that is connected to the Halperin wave functions through the plasma analogy. We investigate several conditions on the coefficients of the Chern-Simons transformation and on the filling factors under which our model is valid. Furthermore, we discuss several singular cases, associated with symmetric states.Comment: 11 pages, shortened version, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Local density of states of electron-crystal phases in graphene in the quantum Hall regime

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    We calculate, within a self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation, the local density of states for different electron crystals in graphene subject to a strong magnetic field. We investigate both the Wigner crystal and bubble crystals with M_e electrons per lattice site. The total density of states consists of several pronounced peaks, the number of which in the negative energy range coincides with the number of electrons M_e per lattice site, as for the case of electron-solid phases in the conventional two-dimensional electron gas. Analyzing the local density of states at the peak energies, we find particular scaling properties of the density patterns if one fixes the ratio nu_N/M_e between the filling factor nu_N of the last partially filled Landau level and the number of electrons per bubble. Although the total density profile depends explicitly on M_e, the local density of states of the lowest peaks turns out to be identical regardless the number of electrons M_e. Whereas these electron-solid phases are reminiscent to those expected in the conventional two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs heterostructures in the quantum Hall regime, the local density of states and the scaling relations we highlight in this paper may be, in graphene, directly measured by spectroscopic means, such as e.g. scanning tunneling microscopy.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures; minor correction

    Melanoma brain metastases presenting as delirium: a case report

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