756 research outputs found

    PIBID como espaço de formação docente na educação infantil

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014O presente trabalho apresenta o Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência - PIBID, da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, enquanto prática de formação docente inicial na educação infantil. Tem como objetivo discutir e refletir sobre os desafios e novas possibilidades nesta modalidade de ensino. A metodologia se caracteriza pela pesquisa ação e observação. Neste trabalho serão apresentadas as impressões inicias da prática docente e discente nas vivencias do projeto e apresentação de um novo olhar para educação dos pequenos fundamentadas na perspectiva histórico cultural. Ressaltamos que a intencionalidade do trabalho é contribuir com a formação docente na educação infantil e com construção de educação significativa que valorize as múltiplas formas de expressão e linguagens infantil e a cultura lúdica e as capacidades expressivas da criança e suas linguagen

    Groundwater Contamination Susceptibility As A Function Of Soil Properties In The Brazilian Cerrado

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    The objective of this work was to present an index for the characterization of soil susceptibility to groundwater contamination, as well as to perform an exploratory study of the soils from the Brazilian Cerrado biome. The water retention time (RT) index was determined with mean values obtained from a filtering methodology, in databases of the following soil properties: Depth of the horizons; granulometry; organic carbon content; bulk density and particle density; and moisture content at field capacity. The water table depth was estimated using the Hand model. Spatial distributions of input data and TR index results were obtained using a geographic information system software. Soils that offer low protection to groundwater contamination by organic chemicals are located in southeast and east-central regions of the state of Mato Grosso, in the western of the state of Bahia, in the south of Goias, and in the north of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The predominant soil classes in the more susceptible areas are "Neossolos Quartzarenicos orticos" (Entisols) and "Latossolos Vermelhos distroficos" (Oxisols).5191252126

    Variabilidade Espacial Do Risco De Contaminação De águas Subterrâneas Por Tebuthiuron Em área De Cana-de-açúcar

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the groundwater contamination risk by tebuthiuron in a sugarcane area, through spatial modeling, in the municipality of São Manuel, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The Araquá model was used to generate specific concentration estimates, considering simulations regarding different water table depths (100 and 200 cm) and irrigation depths (0 and 2,500 mm). As the estimated concentrations of tebuthiuron did not show spatial dependence, the thematic maps of risk of groundwater contamination were obtained through the method of interpolation by the inverse distance. Considering all the simulations, it can be concluded that there would be no groundwater contamination by tebuthiuron at the two depths of the water table, with or without irrigation. The interpolation of the estimated concentrations of tebuthiuron in groundwater provides the spatialization and a quick view of the areas with higher contamination risk.51121992199

    Lignin and cellulose contents in sugarcane after ripener application

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os teores de lignina e celulose em plantas de cana-de-açúcar após a aplicação de dois maturadores para a colheita. O experimento foi conduzido em uma área de cana-soca, cultivar SP 803280, no município de Igaraçu do Tietê/SP. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se da aplicação de dois maturadores: sulfometuron-methyl (Curavial) e glyphosate (Roundup original). As doses utilizadas foram: glyphosate a 72 g e.a. ha-1; glyphosate a 144 g e.a. ha-1 ; glyphosate a 72 g e.a. ha-1 + sulfometuron methyl a 10 g p.c. ha-1; glyphosate a 108 g e.a. ha-1 + sulfometuron-methyl a 12 g p.c. ha-1; sulfometuron-methyl a 20 g p.c. ha-1; e a testemunha sem aplicação de maturadores. As análises de lignina e celulose foram realizadas pelo método lignina em detergente ácido modificado. O glyphosate e o sulfometuron-methyl alteraram os níveis de lignina no momento da colheita, e esse efeito foi observado também durante o crescimento da cana-de-açúcar (meses após a aplicação desses produtos). O glyphosate a 72 g e.a. ha-1 promoveu reduções nos teores de lignina, na colheita e durante o crescimento da cana-de-açúcar, quando comparados com os da testemunha, enquanto o sulfometuron-methyl isolado na menor dose (10 g ha-1) promoveu aumento nos teores desse biopolímero na soqueira da cana-de-açúcar

    Ammonia emissions from dairy lagoons in the western U.S.

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    Ammonia (NH3) emissions from dairy liquid storage systems can be a source of reactive nitrogen (N) released to the environment with a potential to adversely affect sensitive ecosystems and human health. However, there has been little on-farm research conducted to estimate these emissions and determine the factors that may affect these emissions. Six lagoons in south-central Idaho were monitored for one year, with NH3 emissions estimated by inverse dispersion modeling. Lagoon characteristics thought to contribute to NH3 emissions were also monitored over this time period. Average daily emissions from the lagoons ranged from 5.7 to 45 kg NH3 /ha or 5.7 to 96 kg NH3. There was a general trend for greater emissions during the summer, when temperatures were greater, in addition high wind events and agitation of the lagoons created temporary increases in NH3 emissions irrespective of temperature. Lagoon physicochemical characteristics such as total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total ammoniacal nitrogen (TAN) were highly correlated with emission. Ammonia emission prediction models were developed using TKN, TAN, wind speed, air temperature and pH as independent variables. An on farm N balance suggests that lagoon NH3-N losses represented 9% of total N lost from the facility, 65% of the total lagoon N and 5% of dairy herd N intake. A process based model estimated similar values for N excretion and NH3-N loss from the lagoon. On-farm work is necessary to better refine both process based models and emission factor estimates in order to more accurately account for NH3 emissions from lagoons on dairies in the western US

    Discussing Quantum Aspects of Higher-Derivative 3D-Gravity in the First-Order Formalism

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    In this paper, we reassess the issue of deriving the propagators and identifying the spectrum of excitations associated to the vielbein and spin connection of (1+2)-D gravity in the presence of dynamical torsion, while working in the first-order formulation. A number of peculiarities is pointed out whenever the Chern-Simons term is taken into account along with a combination of bilinear terms in the torsion tensor. We present a procedure to derive the full set of propagators, based on an algebra of enlarged spin-type operators, and we discuss under which conditions the poles of the tree-level 2-point functions correspond to physical excitations that do not conflict with causality and unitarity

    Controle da hemoterapia e da doença de Chagas transfusional: 1988 e 1990

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    Com o objetivo de atualizar o estudo da situação da hemoterapia no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil foi realizado inquérito em 1990, comparando-o com outro realizado em 1988. Foram pesquisados 79 municípios, sendo que (77,4%) realizavam transfusões de sangue, envolvendo 104 serviços, dos quais 13,5% se utilizavam de sangue proveniente de Hemocentros. Em 1988, o inquérito envolveu 57 municípios, 40 com atividade hemoterápica e 71 serviços, sendo que em 8,5% foi constatada a participação de Hemocentros. O número de doadores, transfusões e prevalência de sorologia positiva para a doença de Chagas foi de, respectivamente: 105.170, 79.544 e 1,24%, enquanto que em 1988 estes números foram: 51.614, 49.211 e 1,52%. Avaliando a triagem sorológica evidenciaram-se 94,2%; 94,2%; 94,2%; 94,3% e 20,2% dos serviços que realizavam, respectivamente, testes sorológicos para doença de Chagas, sífilis, hepatite, HIV e malária, enquanto que em 1988, 69,0%; 70,4%; 67,6%; 63,4% e 16,9% dos serviços empregavam tais testes, respectivamente. Em relação à triagem sorológica específica para doença de Chagas, observou-se que: a reação de fixação do complemento era realizada por 4,9% dos serviços; látex por 4,0%, imunofluorescência indireta 80%; hemaglutinação direta 24%; hemaglutinação indireta 69% e ELISA 59,0%. No inquérito precedente apenas 14,3% dos serviços realizavam teste ELISA, e a fixação do complemento era utilizada em 28,6% dos serviços. Os resultados mostram que os serviços estão utilizando, a cada dia, técnicas mais sensíveis na rotina sorológica. Foi observado ainda que em 1988, 77,6% de todos os serviços estudados realizavam apenas uma técnica para o diagnóstico da doença de Chagas, enquanto que em 1990, 92,9% empregavam duas ou mais diferentes técnicas. Conclui-se que a qualidade da hemoterapia praticada no Estado de São Paulo foi significativamente melhorada nos dois últimos anos.An inquiry with the objective of bringing the study of the hemotherapy situation in the state of S. Paulo, up-to-date was undertaken in 1990 and compared with that carried out in 1988. In 1990 research was undertaken in 62 counties, 48 of which performed blood transfusions through 104 services, with hemocenter participation in 13.5% of these latter. In 1988 the respective figures were 57, 40, 71 and 8.5%. The number of donors and transfusions and prevalence of serological positivity for Chagas' disease were, respectively: 105,170; 79,544 and 1.24%, while in 1988 the corresponding numbers were: 51,614; 49,211 and 1.52%. Evaluating the serological selection it was found that the following percentages of the services performed serological tests: for Chagas' disease (94.2%), siphylis (94.2%), hepatitis (94.2%), HIV (92.3%) and malaria (20.2%) while in 1988 only 69.0%; 70.4%; 67.6%, 63.4% and 16.9%, respectively, of the services utilized these same tests. In respect of the serological trial specific for Chagas' disease the results were: complement fixation-4.9%; latex - 4.0%; indirect immunofluoresce - 80%; direct hemaglutination -24.0%, indirect hemaglutination - 69.0% and ELISA -59.0% of all services. In the preceding inquiry only 14.3% of the services performed the ELISA test, and complement fixation was utilized in 28.6%. The results show that the services are utilizing ever more sensitive techniques in the scrological routine. Further it was observed that in 1988, 77.6% of all the services studied used only one tecnique for the diagnosis of Chagas' disease while in 1990 92.9% utilized two or more different tecniques. It is concluded that the quality of the hemotherapy undertaken in the state of S. Paulo has improved significantly