366 research outputs found

    La scrittura della storia a Napoli negli anni del Boccaccio angioino

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    Il saggio valuta alcune innovazioni introdotte dalla recente edizione della Cronaca di Partenope a cura di S. Kelly (Brill 2011) e le mette in relazione con la scrittura della storia a Napoli nella prima metà del Trecento e con alcune opere giovanili di Boccaccio

    Spazi linguistici: usi e culture

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    E' stata esposta la situazione linguistica dell'Italia meridionale tra 1450 e 1600: confini linguistici, usi linguistici, percezione, riflessione

    Anomalie ed estremismi nella lingua delle rime di Sannazaro

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    The paper investigates some aspects of the princeps of Sannazaro's lyrics, published posthumously in Naples in 1530 by Sultzbach. In particular it evaluates the long Errata corrige: in the correction of many errors the linguistic deviations of the printing from the text left by Sannazaro are implicitly manifested. Also the substitutions that two immediately successive editions (Rome, Blado 1530 and Venice, Zoppino 1532) make on the princeps help to circumscribe the specific character of Sannazaro's linguistic choices in vernacular poetry.   L’articolo indaga su alcuni aspetti della princeps delle rime di Sannazaro, apparsa postuma a Napoli nel 1530 per i tipi di Sultzbach. In particolare si valuta il lungo Errata corrige conclusivo: nella correzione di molti errori si manifestano implicitamente gli scarti linguistici della stampa dal testo lasciato da Sannazaro. Anche le sostituzioni che due edizioni immediatamente successive (Roma, Blado 1530 e Venezia, Zoppino 1532) operano sulla princeps aiutano a circoscrivere la specificità delle scelte linguistiche del Sannazaro volgare

    Formicola nei ‘verbali’ di Rohlfs. Lingua e cultura di una comunità contadina della Campania settentrionale.

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    The paper proposes a reflection on some aspects of the life and the language of Formicola, a small rural community of the province of Caserta, in northern Campania. The reflection stems from the analysis of the ethnographic and linguistic notes taken by Gerhard Rohlfs in Formicola, during the fieldwork carried out for the Sprach- und Sachatlas Italiens und der Südschweiz in 1925. The consultation of this archive material (including photographs and drawings) allows to get some useful information both on the theoretical approach to linguistic investigation applied by the German researcher and on his adventure as fieldworker in rural communities of southern Italy. In addition, these notes offer the occasion to reflect on some Italian and dialectal lexical items. In fact, the paper contains an examination of the locution a staglio (‘paid by the unit’), emerged in Formicola during Rohlfs’ investigation

    Testimonianze per l’italiano di Enyego d’Àvalos

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    Il contributo prende in esame un gruppo di undici lettere diplomatiche in volgare italiano di Enyego d’Àvalos, conte di Monteodorisio e gran camerario del Regno di Napoli. Le lettere, attualmente conservate presso l’Archivio di Stato di Milano, sono quasi tutte indirizzate al duca Francesco Sforza; pervenute in originale, per nessuna di esse sussistono però elementi sicuri per dichiararle anche autografe. L’edizione è preceduta da un’introduzione in cui si delinea il ruolo esercitato dai Catalani nelle istituzioni del Regno in età aragonese, per poi passare a osservazioni di carattere linguistico. L’ambiente plurilingue della Napoli aragonese spingeva infatti gli stranieri a scrivere nel volgare locale; oggi lo studio di questo genere di scritture, con le varie dinamiche d’interferenza e il tipo di ibridismo che vi sono attestati, consente nuovi approfondimenti sui differenti modi e livelli di acquisizione della competenza scrittoria e linguistica di quanti, tra i Catalani, apprendevano il volgare locale come lingua seconda

    Formicola nei ‘verbali’ di Rohlfs. Lingua e cultura di una comunità contadina della Campania settentrionale

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    The paper proposes a reflection on some aspects of the life and the language of Formicola, a small rural community of the province of Caserta, in northern Campania. The reflection stems from the analysis of the ethnographic and linguistic notes taken by Gerhard Rohlfs in Formicola, during the fieldwork carried out for the Sprach- und Sachatlas Italiens und der Südschweiz in 1925. The consultation of this archive material (including photographs and drawings) allows to get some useful information both on the theoretical approach to linguistic investigation applied by the German researcher and on his adventure as fieldworker in rural communities of southern Italy. In addition, these notes offer the occasion to reflect on some Italian and dialectal lexical items. In fact, the paper contains an examination of the locution a staglio (‘paid by the unit’), emerged in Formicola during Rohlfs’ investigation


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    Attraverso l’analisi di un corpus di quindici manuali  scolastici si offre una prima ricognizione sul ruolo della parafrasi nei libri di grammatica per la scuola secondaria di secondo grado. L’intervento è articolato in due parti: la prima mette a fuoco obiettivi, presupposti metodologici e definizioni documentate nel corpus; la seconda mira a far emergere e risaltare le motivazioni teoriche e pratiche delle scelte delle grammatiche relativamente a esercizi e tipi di testi proposti, incrociando i dati emersi con gli studi linguistici sulla parafrasi. A corredo dell’analisi, sono fatte alcune considerazioni su come possano essere coniugate teoria e finalità didattiche in funzione della piena comprensione dei testi e della riflessione storica e metalinguistica sulle varietà letterarie e specialistiche dell’italiano. Paraphrase and reformulation in school textbooksThrough the analysis of a corpus of fifteen school textbooks, this survey investigates the role of paraphrases in textbooks for secondary schools. The first part focuses on objectives, methodological assumptions and definitions documented in the corpus; the second part aims to identify and highlight the theoretical and practical reasons for the choice of textbooks in relation to exercises and types of texts proposed, crossing the data with language studies on paraphrase. In support of the analysis, some considerations are made on how theory and teaching objectives can be combined in order to fully understand the texts as well as historical and metalinguistic reflections on the literary and specialized varieties of Italian

    Acrylamide in Baby Foods: A Probabilistic Exposure Assessment

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    Acrylamide (also known as 2-propenamide) (AA) is a toxicant that develops in food during high-temperature cooking, and its occurrence is common in biscuits and baked snacks. AA is known for its in vivo neurotoxic and carcinogenic effects, and it is considered a potential carcinogen for humans. Infants may be exposed to AA as early as during weaning through baked food such as biscuits. This study set out to ascertain the concentration of AA in food products intended for infants to assess the dietary exposure to this food contaminant. AA levels were determined through GC/MS and bromination, and dietary exposure was evaluated by a probabilistic method based on Monte Carlo simulation. The results showed that the probability of a carcinogenic exposure is 94%, 92%, and 87%, respectively, for 6-, 12-, and 18-months infants, suggesting the need to delay the introduction of baked products in the diet of weaned infants. It should be noted, however, that these conclusions were drawn considering the biscuits as the primary source of exposure

    Spatial distribution and partitioning of polychlorinated biphenyl and organochlorine pesticide in water and sediment from Sarno River and Estuary, Southern Italy

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    The Sarno River is nicknamed "the most polluted river in Europe". The main goal of this study is to enhance our knowledge on the Sarno River water and sediment quality and on its environmental impact on the gulf of Naples (Tyrrhenian Sea, Central Mediterranean Sea) in order to become a useful assessment tool for the regional administrations. For these reasons, 32 selected polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and aldrin, α-BHC, β-BHC, δ-BHC, γ-BHC (lindane), 4,4′-DDD, 4,4′-DDE, 4,4′-DDT, dieldrin, endosulfan I, endosulfan II, endosulfan sulphate, endrin, endrin aldehyde, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide (isomer B) and methoxychlor were determined in the water dissolved phase (DP), suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediments. Total concentrations of PCBs ranged from 1.4 to 24.9 ng L-1 in water (sum of DP and SPM) and from 1.01 to 42.54 ng g-1 in sediment samples. The concentrations of total organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) obtained in water (sum of DP and SPM) ranged from 0.54 to 7.32 ng L-1 and from 0.08 to 5.99 ng g-1 in sediment samples. Contaminant discharges of PCBs and OCPs into the sea were calculated in about 1,247 g day-1 (948 g day-1 of PCBs and 326 g day-1 of OCPs), showing that this river should account as one of the main contribution sources of PCBs and OCPs to the Tyrrhenian Sea
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