88 research outputs found

    Evaluation Of Rat Testes Treated With Arctium Lappa L: Morphometric Study

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    Arctium lappa L. (burdock) is a plant brought from Japan and acclimated in Brazil, which is widely used in popular medicine all over the world. This study was carried out to assess the possible effects of A. lappa in testes of adult Wistar rats. They received the extract in water bottles at doses of 10 or 20 g/L daily for 40 days. There were no significant alterations in the biometric data including body and accessory sexual organs weight and in the histometric data such as volume density of the testis compartments and Leydig cell morphometry. Unaltered histometric and biometric data shows that A. lappa did not cause impairment of spermatogenesis.242112117Capasso, R., Izzo, A.A., Pinto, L., Bifulco, T., Vitobello, C., Mascolo, N., Phytotherapy and quality of herbal medicines (2000) Fitoterapia, 71, pp. 58-65Chen, F., Wu, A., Chen, C., The influence of different treatments on the free radical scavenging activity of burdock and variations of its active components (2004) Food Chem, 86, pp. 479-484Creasy, D.M., Pathogenesis of Male Reproductive Toxicity (2001) Toxicol. Pathol, 29, pp. 64-76França, L.R., Godinho, C.L., Testis morphometry, seminiferous epithelium cycle lengh, and daily sperm production in domestic cats (Felis catus) (2003) Biol. Reprod, 68, pp. 1556-1561França, L.R., Russell, L.D., The testes of domestic animals (1998) Male Reproduction. a Multidisciplinary Overview, pp. 197-219. , Regadera J, Martinez-Garcia, eds, Churchill Livingstone: MadridKim, I., Yang, H., Morphometric study of the testicular interstitium of rats during postnatal development. The korean (1999) J. Anat, 32, pp. 849-858Franco, I.F., Fontana, V.L., Ervas & Plantas (2002) A Medicina Dos Simples, p. 208. , Livraria Vida, EreximLeonard, S.S., Keil, D., Mehlman, T., Proper, S., Shi, X., Harris, G.K., Essiac tea: Scavenging of reactive oxygen species and effects on DNA damage (2006) J. Ethnopharmacol, 103, pp. 288-296Lin, C.C., Lu, J.M., Yang, J.J., Chuang, S.C., Ujiie, T., Anti-inflammatory and radical scavenge effects of Arctium lappa (1996) Am. J. Chin. Med, 24, pp. 127-137Lin, S.C., Chung, T.C., Lin, C.C., Ueng, T.H., Lin, Y.H., Lin, S.Y., Wang, L.Y., Hepatoprotective effects of Arctium lappa on carbon tetrachloride- and acetaminophen- induced liver damage (2000) A. J. Chin. Med, 28, pp. 163-173Lin, S.C., Lin, C.H., Lin, C.C., Lin, Y.H., Chen, C.F., Chen, I.C., Wang, L.Y., Hepatoprotective effects of Arctium lappa Linne on liver injuries induced by chronic ethanol consumption and potentiated by 10 carbon tetrachloride (2002) J. Biomed. Sci, 9, pp. 401-409Mori, H., Christensen, A.K., Morphometric analysis of Leydig cells in the normal rat testis (1980) J. Cell Biol, 84, pp. 340-354Russell, L.D., Ettlin, R.A., Sinha-Hikim, A.P., Clegg, (1990) Histological and Histopathological Evaluation of the Testis, , Cache River Press: ClearwaterPereira, J.V., Bergamo, D.C.B., Pereira, J.O., França, S.C., Pietro, R.C.L.R., Silva-Souza, Y.T.C., Antimicrobial activity of Arctium lappa constituents against microorganisms commoly found in endodontic infections (2005) Braz. Dent. Journal, 16, pp. 192-196Russell, L.D., França, L.R., Building a testis (1995) Tissue Cell, 27, pp. 129-14

    Prediction of Rubble-Stone Masonry Walls Response under Axial Compression Using 2D Particle Modelling

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. This research received no external fundingTo predict the structural behaviour of ancient stone masonry walls is still a challenging task due to their strong heterogeneity. A rubble-stone masonry modeling methodology using a 2D particle model (2D-PM), based on the discrete element method is proposed given its ability to predict crack propagation by taking directly into account the material structure at the grain scale. Rubble-stone (ancient) masonry walls tested experimentally under uniaxial compression loading conditions are numerically evaluated. The stone masonry numerical models are generated from a close mapping process of the stone units and of the mortar surfaces. A calibration procedure for the stone-stone and mortar-mortar contacts based on experimental data is presented. The numerical studies show that the 2D-PM wall models can predict the formation and propagation of cracks, the initial stiffness and the maximum load obtained experimentally in traditional stone masonry walls. To reduce the simulation times, it is shown that the wall lateral numerical model adopting a coarser mortar discretization is a viable option for these walls. The mortar behaviour under compression with lateral confinement is identified as an important micro-parameter, that influences the peak strength and the ductility of rubble-masonry walls under uniaxial loading.publishersversionpublishe

    Terminologias e classificações usadas para descrever sepultamentos humanos: exemplos e sugestões

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    A tentativa de uniformização de termos e classificações para descrever e observar contextos arqueológicos de remanescentes esqueletais humanos tem sido uma preocupação recorrente dos arqueólogos e bioantropólogos. Trata-se de estabelecer quais elementos descritivos são importantes ou essenciais para a análise, reconstrução e interpretação de sepultamentos humanos inseridos em substratos e condicionantes culturais diversos. Entre os exemplos de sugestões encontrados na bibliografia consultada, verificou-se que existe sempre uma incidência de determinadas variáveis dos dados mortuários e que, em determinadas análises, é muito expressiva a correlação e a sinergia entre dados dos restos do corpo, dos acompanhamentos funerários e da cova. Descrever e classificar sepultamentos humanos implica em observar o todo dos vestígios funerários no contexto da deposição, incorporando dados bioarqueológicos.The attempt at a standard of classifications and terms to describe and observe archaeological contexts of human skeletal remains has been a recurring concern of the archaeologists and bioanthropologists. The problem is to establish which descriptive elements are important or essential for the analysis, reconstruction and interpretation of human burials inserted in substrata and several cultural systems. Among the examples of suggestions found in the consulted bibliography, it was verified that there always exists an incidence of certain variables of the mortuary data and that, in certain analyses, it is very expressive the correlation and the synergy among data of the remains of the body, of the funerary accompaniment and of the grave. To describe and classify human burials implies in the observation of the totality of funerary remains in the context of the deposition, while incorporating bioarchaeological data

    Potencial de análise e interpretação das deposições mortuárias em arqueologia: perspectivas forenses

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    The study of terminology and classifications used by archaeologists to describe and, where possible, interpret the human burial behavior as a result of the extinct populations facing the phenomenon of death enables the construction of procedures of a recent discipline: forensic archeology. Contributions of taphonomy of legal medicine (tanatology) of the criminal law field, and other means used in forensic science are important for sizing and so a search that includes archaeological invasive interventions. Thus, provided that the traditional archaeological methods and techniques are systematically adapted to the forensic work, the observation of controlled traces left by the process of body decomposition in sites with presence of human remains is desirable.O estudo das terminologias e classificações empregadas por arqueólogos para descrever e interpretar os sepultamentos humanos como resultantes de comportamentos de populações extintas frente ao fenômeno da morte possibilita a construção de procedimentos de uma disciplina relativamente nova: a arqueologia forense. Contribuições da tafonomia, da medicina legal (tanatologia), da criminalística, entre outras ciências usadas em meio forense, são importantes para dimensionar e potencializar uma pesquisa que inclua intervenções arqueológicas invasivas. Assim, desde que os métodos e técnicas tradicionais da arqueologia sejam sistematicamente adaptados aos trabalhos forenses, a observação controlada dos traços deixados pelo processo da decomposição cadavérica em sítios com presença de restos humanos é imprescindível

    Termites as natural agents of postdepositional taphonomic alterations in a human skeleton from Toca do Enoque archaeological site (Piauí, Brazil)

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    Las termitas son insectos que aparecen muchas veces en contextos arqueológicos en Brasil y casi nunca son objeto de estudio como procesos naturales de formación de los depósitos y contextos arqueológicos. La probabilidad de que se encuentren marcas de estos insectos modificadores de carcasas de animales y humanos en sitios arqueológicos en Brasil y en Sudamérica hace pertinente su estudio. A partir de una aproximación teórica - metodológica que comprende la Icnoarqueología y la Arqueoentomología Funeraria, presentamos el caso de estudio de un esqueleto humano con señales de bioerosión debidas a la acción de termitas subterráneas en el sitio arqueológico Toca do Enoque (Piauí, nordeste de Brasil) del Holoceno Medio. Guiados por un protocolo de estudio actualístico, pudimos registrar que el patrón de daños observado en los huesos resultó ser consistente con el comportamiento osteofágico de ciertas especies de termitas endémicas de la región Neotropical (Familia: Termitidae). El análisis macroscópico muestra la importancia de reconocer a los isópteros subterráneos como agentes tafonómicos naturales que pueden actuar en la degradación postdeposicional de restos óseos humanos provenientes de contextos funerarios arqueológicos.Termites are insects that often appear in archaeological contexts in Brazil, that are almost never studied as natural processes of deposit formation and archaeological contexts. The probability of founding marks of these insects that modify carcasses of animals and humans in archaeological sites in Brazil and South America makes their study relevant. From a theoretical - methodological approach that includes Icnoarchaeology and Funeral Archeoentomology, we present the case study of a human skeleton with signs of bioerosion due to the action of subterranean termites in the archaeological site at Toca do Enoque (Piauí, northeastern Brazil) from the Middle Holocene. Guided by an actualist study protocol, we were able to record that the pattern of damage observed in the bones was consistent with the osteophageal behaviour of certain termite species endemic to the neotropical region (Family: Termitidae). The macroscopic analysis shows the importance of recognizing subterranean termites as natural taphonomic agents that act in postdepositional degradation of human bone remains from archaeological burial contexts.Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentin

    Termites as natural agents of postdepositional taphonomic alterations in a human skeleton from Toca do Enoque archaeological site (Piauí, Brazil)

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    Las termitas son insectos que aparecen muchas veces en contextos arqueológicos en Brasil y casi nunca son objeto de estudio como procesos naturales de formación de los depósitos y contextos arqueológicos. La probabilidad de que se encuentren marcas de estos insectos modificadores de carcasas de animales y humanos en sitios arqueológicos en Brasil y en Sudamérica hace pertinente su estudio. A partir de una aproximación teórica - metodológica que comprende la Icnoarqueología y la Arqueoentomología Funeraria, presentamos el caso de estudio de un esqueleto humano con señales de bioerosión debidas a la acción de termitas subterráneas en el sitio arqueológico Toca do Enoque (Piauí, nordeste de Brasil) del Holoceno Medio. Guiados por un protocolo de estudio actualístico, pudimos registrar que el patrón de daños observado en los huesos resultó ser consistente con el comportamiento osteofágico de ciertas especies de termitas endémicas de la región Neotropical (Familia: Termitidae). El análisis macroscópico muestra la importancia de reconocer a los isópteros subterráneos como agentes tafonómicos naturales que pueden actuar en la degradación postdeposicional de restos óseos humanos provenientes de contextos funerarios arqueológicos.Termites are insects that often appear in archaeological contexts in Brazil, that are almost never studied as natural processes of deposit formation and archaeological contexts. The probability of founding marks of these insects that modify carcasses of animals and humans in archaeological sites in Brazil and South America makes their study relevant. From a theoretical - methodological approach that includes Icnoarchaeology and Funeral Archeoentomology, we present the case study of a human skeleton with signs of bioerosion due to the action of subterranean termites in the archaeological site at Toca do Enoque (Piauí, northeastern Brazil) from the Middle Holocene. Guided by an actualist study protocol, we were able to record that the pattern of damage observed in the bones was consistent with the osteophageal behaviour of certain termite species endemic to the neotropical region (Family: Termitidae). The macroscopic analysis shows the importance of recognizing subterranean termites as natural taphonomic agents that act in postdepositional degradation of human bone remains from archaeological burial contexts.Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentin

    Termites as natural agents of postdepositional taphonomic alterations in a human skeleton from Toca do Enoque archaeological site (Piauí, Brazil)

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    Las termitas son insectos que aparecen muchas veces en contextos arqueológicos en Brasil y casi nunca son objeto de estudio como procesos naturales de formación de los depósitos y contextos arqueológicos. La probabilidad de que se encuentren marcas de estos insectos modificadores de carcasas de animales y humanos en sitios arqueológicos en Brasil y en Sudamérica hace pertinente su estudio. A partir de una aproximación teórica - metodológica que comprende la Icnoarqueología y la Arqueoentomología Funeraria, presentamos el caso de estudio de un esqueleto humano con señales de bioerosión debidas a la acción de termitas subterráneas en el sitio arqueológico Toca do Enoque (Piauí, nordeste de Brasil) del Holoceno Medio. Guiados por un protocolo de estudio actualístico, pudimos registrar que el patrón de daños observado en los huesos resultó ser consistente con el comportamiento osteofágico de ciertas especies de termitas endémicas de la región Neotropical (Familia: Termitidae). El análisis macroscópico muestra la importancia de reconocer a los isópteros subterráneos como agentes tafonómicos naturales que pueden actuar en la degradación postdeposicional de restos óseos humanos provenientes de contextos funerarios arqueológicos.Termites are insects that often appear in archaeological contexts in Brazil, that are almost never studied as natural processes of deposit formation and archaeological contexts. The probability of founding marks of these insects that modify carcasses of animals and humans in archaeological sites in Brazil and South America makes their study relevant. From a theoretical - methodological approach that includes Icnoarchaeology and Funeral Archeoentomology, we present the case study of a human skeleton with signs of bioerosion due to the action of subterranean termites in the archaeological site at Toca do Enoque (Piauí, northeastern Brazil) from the Middle Holocene. Guided by an actualist study protocol, we were able to record that the pattern of damage observed in the bones was consistent with the osteophageal behaviour of certain termite species endemic to the neotropical region (Family: Termitidae). The macroscopic analysis shows the importance of recognizing subterranean termites as natural taphonomic agents that act in postdepositional degradation of human bone remains from archaeological burial contexts.Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentin