530 research outputs found

    "Te:mos o serra cura::do, temos o ni:sa, temos o serpa do:p." Suggesting products to buy, shaping materiality and multisensoriality in shop encounters

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    Adopting the perspective of multimodal conversation analysis, the paper shows the methodic organization of an action, making suggestions, achieved by sellers in response to customers’ requests for recommendations in shop encounters, and involving the showing and listing of available products. This focus on a specific sequential environment and institutional ecology, enables an exemplary discussion of how this action is multimodally formatted, embedded in its context, and shaped in relation to objects as discursive referents as well as materialities to be pointed at, looked at, touched and sensed in multiple ways. More generally, this focus enables to address two sets of issues: on the one hand, it elucidates the nexus between action, institutionality and materiality, including the role of multisensoriality in engaging with the qualities of buyable objects. On the other hand, it addresses the nexus between action and referential practices for introducing and presenting new referents, within an interactional perspective locating these grammatical practices and their systematic features within their praxeological context. On the basis of video data recorded in a gourmet shop in Lisbon, Portugal, this double focus targets issues of sensoriality and socialization in food culture, as well as issues of grammar in interaction, casting some light on situated uses of the verb ter for introducing new referents.    Keywords: Social Interaction; Shop Encounters; Multimodality and Multisensoriality.Adopting the perspective of multimodal conversation analysis, the paper shows the methodic organization of an action, making suggestions, achieved by sellers in response to customers’ requests for recommendations in shop encounters, and involving the showing and listing of available products. This focus on a specific sequential environment and institutional ecology, enables an exemplary discussion of how this action is multimodally formatted, embedded in its context, and shaped in relation to objects as discursive referents as well as materialities to be pointed at, looked at, touched and sensed in multiple ways. More generally, this focus enables to address two sets of issues: on the one hand, it elucidates the nexus between action, institutionality and materiality, including the role of multisensoriality in engaging with the qualities of buyable objects. On the other hand, it addresses the nexus between action and referential practices for introducing and presenting new referents, within an interactional perspective locating these grammatical practices and their systematic features within their praxeological context. On the basis of video data recorded in a gourmet shop in Lisbon, Portugal, this double focus targets issues of sensoriality and socialization in food culture, as well as issues of grammar in interaction, casting some light on situated uses of the verb ter for introducing new referents.     Keywords: Social Interaction; Shop Encounters;  Multimodality and Multisensoriality. &nbsp

    Interaktionale Praktiken der Forscher und Entstehung des wissenschaftlichen Wissens: fĂŒr einen Dialog zwischen interaktionaler Linguistik und Wissenschaftssoziologie

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    'Dieser Artikel schlĂ€gt eine Reflexion vor ĂŒber die möglichen Konvergenzen zwischen einerseits einer linguistischen Betrachtungsweise der wissenschaftlichen Interaktion, welche empfĂ€nglich fĂŒr die 'analytische MentalitĂ€t' der ethnomethodologisch beeinflussten Konversationsanalyse ist, und andererseits einer Betrachtungsweise der wissenschaftlichen Praktiken, wie sie von den Social Studies of Science befĂŒrwortet wird, zu denen die ethnomethodologischen Untersuchungen der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit auf zentrale Weise beigetragen haben. Die nun folgende Überlegung wird nicht auf abstrakte Art vollzogen werden, sondern auf der Grundlage von empirischen Daten, bei denen es sich um Tonband- und Videoaufnahmen von Interaktionen zwischen Forschern bei der AusĂŒbung ihrer alltĂ€glichen wissenschaftlichen Arbeit handelt. Die analysierten TranskriptionsauszĂŒge werden es uns ermöglichen, die grundsĂ€tzlichen AnfangsĂŒberlegungen, die unserer Analysepraxis zugrunde liegen, konkret aufzuzeigen; wir werden unsere Aufmerksamkeit besonders auf diejenigen Methoden lenken, mittels derer die Interaktionspartner eines ersten Sprechers nach der Äußerung seiner Proposition mit dem GesprĂ€ch fortfahren, um diese erste Proposition anzunehmen, zu verĂ€ndern oder abzulehnen. Eine solche empirische Durchmusterung wird es uns erlauben, die Art zu verdeutlichen, wie die interaktionalen Praktiken der Forscher in den Entstehungsprozess des wissenschaftlichen Wissens, in das Erscheinen von Argumenten, Thesen und Ideen eingreifen, die sich entweder durchsetzen und stabilisieren können oder aber die, im Gegenteil, instabil und kontrovers bleiben, d.h. die es schaffen oder umgekehrt es gerade nicht schaffen, sich in Wissensobjekten herauszukristallisieren.' (Autorenreferat)'This article proposes a consideration of the possible convergences between a linguistic approach to scientific interaction, which is susceptible to the analytical mentality of ethnomethodologically-influenced conversation analysis, on the one hand, and a sociological approach to scientific practices that is suggested by the social studies of science to which ethnomethodological studies of scientific work have pivotally contributed, on the other. The following investigation will not be pursued on an abstract level, but on the base of empirical data, which consist of records of interactions between researchers collaborating on their mundane scientific work. The analysed excerpts of transcriptions will allow us to demonstrate the first and basic concerns focused on in the course of our own praxis of analysis: we will draw our attention especially towards those members' methods, by which, after a proposition has first been formulated, the fellow interactants go on with the interaction by accepting, changing or refuting that proposition. Our empirical monitoring of transcription excerpts regarding the next conversationalists' subsequent reception of formulations and statements uttered in first turns by his or her conversation partner will allow us to demonstrate the modes in which the interactional practices of researchers have an impact on the production process of scientific knowledge: the interactional practices will shape the appearance of arguments, of statements and of ideas that will later on be successful, get established and stabilize themselves or, to the contrary, will remain to be instable and controversial. Interactional practices have an important impact on how these ideas and statements can manage or not to crystallise themselves into objects of knowledge.' (author's abstract

    Talking and driving: Multiactivity in the car

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    Car conversations constitute a perspicuous setting, characterized by multiactivity (i.e., by an engagement in multiple simultaneous activities, as talking and driving). Based on a corpus of videorecordings of various naturally occurring car journeys, the paper focuses on the way in which participants coordinate their multiactivity in either convergent or divergent ways. It shows how they mobilize various embodied multimodal resources, such as talk, gesture, gaze, head movements, and body postures in order to display their current engagement in one or more activities, in a way highly sensitive to the sequential organization of tal

    Pratiques de transcription et effets de catégorisation

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    Sur la base d’analyses portant sur des extraits de transcription publiĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature, ainsi que de donnĂ©es enregistrĂ©es en audio/vidĂ©o et transcrites par nous-mĂȘmes, nous nous interrogeons sur les effets de catĂ©gorisation impliquĂ©s par des pratiques spĂ©cifiques de transcription et des choix de conventions. Une des prĂ©occupations fondamentales rĂ©gissant la pratique de l’Analyse Conversationnelle (AC) est l’identification de pertinences locales et endogĂšnes, apparaissant comme telles dans les orientations des participants, et objectivĂ©es par les analystes dans leur description. Les questions que nous nous posons portent sur le rĂŽle de la transcription dans cette recherche des pertinences et plus particuliĂšrement dans l’identification des catĂ©gories d’appartenance pertinentes des membres engagĂ©s dans un cours d’action. Sur la base des travaux effectuĂ©s par Harvey Sacks dans les annĂ©es 60 et 70, une mouvance particuliĂšre de l’AC accorde de plus en plus d'attention Ă  la « membership categorization analysis » (MCA). Dans cette perspective de recherche, les catĂ©gories pertinentes pour dĂ©crire les participants sont rendues localement disponibles par l’organisation mĂȘme de l’action et n'ont donc pas Ă  ĂȘtre projetĂ©es sur les donnĂ©es de façon exogĂšne par l’analyste. Notre argument consiste Ă  dire que la transcription est un moment particulier de la recherche oĂč des catĂ©gorisations exogĂšnes peuvent ĂȘtre produites par le transcripteur sans ĂȘtre nĂ©cessairement maĂźtrisĂ©es, avec des effets structurants sur l'analyse qui va suivre. Ce risque nous porte Ă  souligner en retour l’importance de la pratique de la transcription comme moment central de l’analyse — loin de la rĂ©duire Ă  un « simple » problĂšme technique et Ă  une pratique professionnelle subordonnĂ©e.The paper deals with the consequences of some transcription practices on the categorization of the participants. Based on an analysis of the uses of transcripts in the literature, of controversies about transcription conventions and of a video excerpt, the paper identifies various places where choices done by the transcriber project a given interpretation of the membership categorizations involved. Sack’s work claimed that categorization practices are an object and not a resource for the analysis; Conversation Analysis recommends an analytic practice which does not project a priori categories on the data but discovers their local relevances as managed by the participants. Thus, the paper analyzes various technical solutions to the problem of the identification and categorization of the speakers in the transcripts, focussing on the way in which speakers' identities are annotated and on the way in which the detailed transcription of their talk-in-interaction contributes to their social categorization

    L’analyse de « collections » de phĂ©nomĂšnes multimodaux en linguistique interactionnelle : À propos de l’organisation systĂ©matique des ressources gestuelles en dĂ©but de tour

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    Cet article vise Ă  expliciter la dĂ©marche consistant, en analyse conversationnelle, Ă  constituer des collections pour dĂ©velopper une analyse systĂ©matique de phĂ©nomĂšnes interactionnels. Alors que cette dĂ©marche a jusqu’ici essentiellement portĂ© sur des phĂ©nomĂšnes verbaux (ou vocaux), sur la base de donnĂ©es audio — en Ă©tudiant des occurrences du mĂȘme phĂ©nomĂšne dans le mĂȘme environnement sĂ©quentiel —, nous allons montrer qu’elle est possible aussi sur des phĂ©nomĂšnes multimodaux, Ă©tudiĂ©s sur la base de vidĂ©os — tout en posant quelques difficultĂ©s relevant de la spĂ©cificitĂ© et complexitĂ© de ces donnĂ©es. Pour ce faire, l’article prĂ©sente d’abord la dĂ©marche de systĂ©matisation en analyse conversationnelle, avant de se pencher sur un phĂ©nomĂšne particulier, l’organisation multimodale du commencement du tour, dont le caractĂšre ordonnĂ©, systĂ©matique, mĂ©thodique, est explorĂ© d’abord sur la base d’un corpus spĂ©cifique pour ĂȘtre ensuite gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ© Ă  d’autres corpus, d’abord similaires, puis trĂšs diffĂ©rents. À travers le dĂ©roulement de cet exemple, c’est ainsi Ă  la fois la dĂ©marche et la gĂ©nĂ©ralitĂ© du phĂ©nomĂšne qui sont prĂ©sentĂ©s.Within Conversation Analysis, two analytical procedures have been proposed : single case analysis focuses on a unique fragment of talk-in-interaction and explores its complexity and the multiple phenomena that characterize its unfolding organization, whereas the analysis of a collection focuses on the description of a particular phenomenon in a specific sequential environment across various occurrences. This paper deals with the latter, and shows how the analysis of a collection can shed light on the systematicity of the detailed organization of talk-in-interaction. Moreover, the paper shows that this kind of analysis is not only possible on audio materials but also on video data : it deals with the specific constraints and difficulties of building a collection taking into account multimodal features. The phenomenon on which the paper is focused concerns a classical topic of conversation analysis, namely turntaking organization. The paper deals with the orderly, systematic, methodic character of the organization of turnbeginnings and addresses issues of generalization of the analysis across different kind of corpora

    Les effets théoriques des pratiques de transcription

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    Cet article envisage les pratiques de la transcription du point de vue de leurs consĂ©quences thĂ©oriques. Il procĂšde pour cela en analysant des extraits de transcription de diffĂ©rents auteurs et de leurs conventions, en se focalisant sur un problĂšme central pour la linguistique de l’oral : le dĂ©coupage, l’identification, la dĂ©finition des unitĂ©s pertinentes de la langue parlĂ©e. A travers la façon dont celles-ci sont visualisĂ©es, spatialisĂ©es, reprĂ©sentĂ©es par Ă©crit, l’analyse montre que la transcription matĂ©rialise des segmentations trĂšs diffĂ©rentes des unitĂ©s de l’interaction, ainsi que des catĂ©gorisations variables des formes linguistiques ou paralinguistique ou des formes pouvant ĂȘtre conçues comme appartenant Ă  une langue ou Ă  une autre. Les enjeux Ă©pistĂ©mologiques de la transcription reposent prĂ©cisĂ©ment sur cette « incorporation » de prĂ©supposĂ©s thĂ©oriques dans les modes de reprĂ©sentation de l’oral.This article deals with the theoretical consequences of the transcription practices. Detailed analysis of transcript excerpts taken from different authors and of their conventions is provided. It focusses on a central problem within the approaches of spoken language: the segmentation, identification, and definition of relevant units. Describing how they are visualized, spatialized, and represented, the analysis shows that very different models of interactional units and of recognizable linguistic patterns (linguistic forms categorized as belonging to a linguistic system, as being deviant or indetermined; paralinguistic phenomena holistically described or analytically articulated; forms categorized as belonging to a language or another, or categorized as hybrid) are materialized within the transcription choices. The theoretical dimension of the transcription practice is precisely located in this “embodiment” of theoretical presuppositions within the modes of representation of spoken language

    De lÊŒanalyse des reprĂ©sentations Ă  lÊŒanalyse des activitĂ©s descriptives en contexte

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    PrĂ©sente dans de nombreuses disciplines avec des acceptions diffĂ©rentes, la notion de « reprĂ©sentation » apparaĂźt de plus en plus en linguistique aussi. Elle offre un cadre de rĂ©flexion qui, s’il permet de poser certaines questions, contraint nĂ©anmoins la façon de les formuler et de les Ă©laborer. Nous explicitons ici quelques-unes de ces contraintes, ainsi que les exigences alternatives suscitĂ©es par leur critique - invitant Ă  mettre l’accent moins sur les reprĂ©sentations en tant que telles que sur les activitĂ©s descriptives des acteurs telles qu’elles se dĂ©ploient dans des interactions et dans des situations sociales particuliĂšres.The  notion  of  representation  crosses  many  disciplinary  fields,  including linguistics, with different meanings. While opening new theoretical perspectives, this notion also imposes a frame which constraints the way of formulating and elaborating them. In this article, we explicitate some of these constraints, and the alternative requirements raised by their criticisms. We develop another approach which focuses less on representations themselves and more on actors’ descriptive activities displayed in social interactions and contexts

    Ethics in Action: Anonymization as a Participant's Concern and a Participant's Practice

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    Ethical issues are often discussed in a normative, prescriptive, generic way, within methodological recommendations and ethical guidelines. Within social sciences dealing with social interaction, these ethical issues concern the approach of participants during fieldwork, the recordings of audio-video data, their transcription, and their analysis. This paper offers a respecification (in an ethnomethodological sense) of these issues by addressing them in a double perspective: as a topic for research—and not just as a methodological resource—; as a members' concern and not as (only) a researchers' problem. In order to do so, the paper focuses on a particular ethical problem, which has not yet been submitted to analytical scrutiny: the anonymization of the participants. It studies the way in which participants treat their recorded actions as "delicate,” and therefore as having to be "anonymized”; as well as the way in which participants implement their practical solutions for the anonymization—by "erasing” or ‘anonymizing' themselves the recording within the course of their situated action. Adopting the perspective of conversation analysis and ethnomethodology, the paper explores these issues through a sequential analysis identifying the particular moments within social interaction in which problems are pointed at by the participants and the way in which they are locally managed by them
