44 research outputs found
Influence of 1-Methylcyclopropene Treatment on Postharvest Quality of Four Scab (Venturia inaequalis)-Resistant Apple Cultivars
Scab (Venturia inaequalis) is a very serious disease for apples causing up to 80% of loss in yield but there are only a few studies on postharvest quality of scab-resistant cultivars. In this study we evaluated the effect of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on fruit quality, total phenolic content, and antioxidant capacity after storage of four scab-resistant cultivars and compared to a standard cultivar, “Golden Delicious.” In general, ethylene production and respiration rates significantly differed among cultivars, between control and 1-MCP-treated fruits, and between storage duration regimes. 1-MCP treatment retarded fruit softening and lowered juice pH but storage effect on soluble solids and acidity depended on cultivar and 1-MCP treatment. Total phenolic content was significantly affected by storage duration and 1-MCP treatment. Antioxidant capacity of the four scab-resistant cultivars was either similar to or significantly higher than that of “Golden Delicious” with the 1-MCP-treated fruits having significantly higher antioxidant capacity than the nontreated fruits after storage. Our results clearly show that the quality of four scab-resistant cultivars was comparable to that of “Golden Delicious” and 1-MCP effect differed among cultivars. These differences need to be considered in developing storage regime to minimize quality deterioration during long-term storage
Distribuição do sistema radicular de cafeeiro conilon irrigado e não irrigado
The objective of this work was to evaluate the distribution of the root system of irrigated and nonirrigated conilon coffee (Coffea canephora). Conilon plants of the clonal variety Emcapa 8111, genotype 02, with five years of age, were used. The design was completely randomized in split‑split plots with five replicates. The treatments consisted of: presence and absence of irrigation (plots), 13 distances from the stem (ten in the direction between rows and three of the planting row) and six soil layers (0–60 cm) in the split‑plots. Roots were collected, washed, scanned, and processed by the Safira software to quantify surface area, length, volume, and diameter. Nonirrigated conilon plants showed greater root surface area, length, and volume per soil volume, as well as less discrepant distribution of roots in the soil surface and in depth, in comparison to irrigated plants. The drip irrigation system promotes higher root distribution in irrigated plants, in the area covered by the wet‑bulb irrigation.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a distribuição do sistema radicular do cafeeiro conilon (Coffea canephora) irrigado e não irrigado. Utilizaram-se plantas de conilon da variedade clonal Emcapa 8111, genótipo 02, com cinco anos de idade. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em parcela subsubdividida, com cinco repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de: presença e ausência de irrigação (parcelas), 13 distâncias do tronco (dez no sentido da entrelinha e três no sentido da linha de plantio) e seis camadas de solo (0–60 cm) nas subparcelas. As raízes foram coletadas, lavadas, digitalizadas e processadas pelo programa Safira, para quantificar área superficial, comprimento, volume e diâmetro. As plantas de conilon não irrigadas apresentaram maiores área superficial, comprimento e volume de raízes por volume de solo, bem como distribuição de raízes menos discrepante na superfície do solo e em profundidade, em comparação às plantas irrigadas. O sistema de irrigação por gotejamento promove maior distribuição de raízes nas plantas irrigadas, na zona compreendida pelo bulbo úmido da irrigação
Influence of 1-Methylcyclopropene Treatment on Postharvest Quality of Four Scab ( Venturia inaequalis
Scab (Venturia inaequalis) is a very serious disease for apples causing up to 80% of loss in yield but there are only a few studies on postharvest quality of scab-resistant cultivars. In this study we evaluated the effect of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on fruit quality, total phenolic content, and antioxidant capacity after storage of four scab-resistant cultivars and compared to a standard cultivar, “Golden Delicious.” In general, ethylene production and respiration rates significantly differed among cultivars, between control and 1-MCP-treated fruits, and between storage duration regimes. 1-MCP treatment retarded fruit softening and lowered juice pH but storage effect on soluble solids and acidity depended on cultivar and 1-MCP treatment. Total phenolic content was significantly affected by storage duration and 1-MCP treatment. Antioxidant capacity of the four scab-resistant cultivars was either similar to or significantly higher than that of “Golden Delicious” with the 1-MCP-treated fruits having significantly higher antioxidant capacity than the nontreated fruits after storage. Our results clearly show that the quality of four scab-resistant cultivars was comparable to that of “Golden Delicious” and 1-MCP effect differed among cultivars. These differences need to be considered in developing storage regime to minimize quality deterioration during long-term storage
Distribuição espacial das frações granulométricas em um latossolo vermelho amarelo utilizando krigagem indicativa
The objective of this work was to use indicator kriging methods in the cosntruction maps of occurrence probability of size fractions in two soil depths in a Typic Hapludox soil under conilon coffee cultivation. The study was conducted at the experimental farm of INCAPER-ES. The soil samples were sampled in the range 0 to 0.20 m depth in an irregular mesh with 109 points. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and later transformed into indicators with the average as the cutoff point. The probability of occurrence of values of clay and silt on the average, in general, following reverse distribution due to antagonistic behavior of these fractions.Objetivou-se com esse trabalho utilizar métodos de krigagem indicativa na cosntrução de mapas de probabilidade de ocorrencia das frações granulométricas do solo em duas profundidades em um Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo sob cultivo de café conilon. O trabalhofoi realizado na fazenda experimental do INCAPER-ES. O solo foi amostrado na faixa de 0 - 0,20 m de profundidade, em uma malha irregular com 109 pontos. Os dados foram analisados pela estatística descritiva e posteriormente transformados em indicadores tendo a média como ponto de corte. A probabilidade de ocorrência de valores de argila e silte, em relação à média, de um modo geral, segue distribuição inversa devido ao comportamento antagônico dessas frações
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius), propagation from rhizophores with different numbers of buds
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a plant of Andean origin currently cultivated and consumed in several parts of the world for having numerous nutraceutical properties. An increasing interest in its cultivation demands advanced technical information on this crop, still scarce. Considering this, our study aimed to evaluate the propagation of yacon by rhizophores with different bud number. The experiment was conducted in two phases: the first phase was developed in a seedling nursery, using a completely randomized design with four treatments and 50 repetitions. The treatments consisted of rhizophores with: one to two buds (T1), three to four buds (T2), five to six buds (T3), and seven to eight buds (T4). The second phase was performed in the field with random blocks, four treatments, four repetitions, and the same treatments of the first phase. The following morphological and growth characteristics were assessed: plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, number of stems per plant, Dickson quality index (DQI), leaf area, leaf dry mass, rhizophores, tuberous root, and productivity. The following physiological features were also analyzed: chlorophyll content (FCI – Falker chlorophyll index), net carbon assimilation rate, leaf transpiration, stomatal conductance, internal carbon concentration, water use efficiency and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency. Seedlings from rhizophores with three to four buds presented the best morphological and growth characteristics, DQI = 0.47 and good performance in the field. In addition, the plants originated from this material (rhizophores with three to four buds) showed greater accumulation of dry matter in the aerial part and tuberous roots, and consequently higher productivity in fresh tuberous roots, constituiting a suitable propagation form for the cultivation of yacon.
Seedlings from rhizophores with three to four buds presented the best morphological and growth characteristics.
The results indicate differences in photosynthetic capacity among seedlings.
Possibility of estimating the CO2 assimilation in yacon plants through chlorophyll contents, determined by "ClorofiLOG" (model FL1030, Falker), a device that has lower cost and simple handling than other photosynthesis analyzers, like IRGA Licor 6400XT, representing a significant methodological contribution.
Study shows that the number of buds in the yacon propagule (rhizophores) has a direct influence, from seedling phase to final production and that their weight should not be a factor for selection.Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a plant of Andean origin currently cultivated and consumed in several parts of the world for having numerous nutraceutical properties. An increasing interest in its cultivation demands advanced technical information on this crop, still scarce. Considering this, our study aimed to evaluate the propagation of yacon by rhizophores with different bud number. The experiment was conducted in two phases: the first phase was developed in a seedling nursery, using a completely randomized design with four treatments and 50 repetitions. The treatments consisted of rhizophores with: one to two buds (T1), three to four buds (T2), five to six buds (T3), and seven to eight buds (T4). The second phase was performed in the field with random blocks, four treatments, four repetitions, and the same treatments of the first phase. The following morphological and growth characteristics were assessed: plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, number of stems per plant, Dickson quality index (DQI), leaf area, leaf dry mass, rhizophores, tuberous root, and productivity. The following physiological features were also analyzed: chlorophyll content (FCI – Falker chlorophyll index), net carbon assimilation rate, leaf transpiration, stomatal conductance, internal carbon concentration, water use efficiency and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency. Seedlings from rhizophores with three to four buds presented the best morphological and growth characteristics, DQI = 0.47 and good performance in the field. In addition, the plants originated from this material (rhizophores with three to four buds) showed greater accumulation of dry matter in the aerial part and tuberous roots, and consequently higher productivity in fresh tuberous roots, constituiting a suitable propagation form for the cultivation of yacon.
Seedlings from rhizophores with three to four buds presented the best morphological and growth characteristics.
The results indicate differences in photosynthetic capacity among seedlings.
Possibility of estimating the CO2 assimilation in yacon plants through chlorophyll contents, determined by "ClorofiLOG" (model FL1030, Falker), a device that has lower cost and simple handling than other photosynthesis analyzers, like IRGA Licor 6400XT, representing a significant methodological contribution.
Study shows that the number of buds in the yacon propagule (rhizophores) has a direct influence, from seedling phase to final production and that their weight should not be a factor for selection
Estresse oxidativo em células vegetais mediante aleloquímicos.
A alelopatia é uma interação entre dois organismos, onde um componente é afetado e o outro permanece estável. Esta interação pode ser fonte de descobertas para novos compostos fitotóxicos naturais com baixa toxicidade aos organismos não alvos de controle. A maior parte dos aleloquímicossão metabólitos secundários como os terpenóides, compostos fenólicos e ácido cianídrico, entre outros. A atuação dos aleloquímicos é variada e afeta um grande número de reações bioquímicas, resultando em diferentes modificações fisiológicas nas plantas, como na atividade enzimática, divisão e estrutura de células, permeabilidade das membranas e captação de íons, culminado na redução ou inativação da germinação e crescimento das plantas. Efeitos dos aleloquímicos sobre a fotossíntese e respiração tem sido melhor caracterizados, embora vários trabalhos tenham demonstrado a atuação desses compostos no estresse oxidativo, resultando em um aumento da produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio, os quais em concentrações elevadas são danosos às células. Dessa forma, o conhecimento dos mecanismos de atuação dos aleloquímicos é necessário para o desenvolvimento de técnicas de manejo sustentável na agricultura
Produção de mudas de abacaxizeiro com fertirrigação suplementar durante o período de ceva
Objetivou-se avaliar a obtenção de mudas de abacaxizeiro (Ananas comosus L. Merril cultivar “Pérola”, empregando níveis de adubação nitrogenada e potássica via fertirrigação, durante a ceva. O delineamento empregado foi o de blocos casualizados completos, com quatro repetições, no esquema fatorial 5 x 2 + 2, sendo cinco níveis de adubação suplementar nitrogenada (1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 g planta-1 mês-1), dois níveis de adubação suplementar potássica (0 e 2 g planta-1 mês-1) e um tratamento irrigado e sem a aplicação da adubação e outro tratamento sem irrigação e sem adubação suplementar. Dose de 3,5 g de N planta-1 via fertirrigação proporciona maior desenvolvimento e vigor de mudas de tipos filhote quando realizado a suplementação no período da ceva. Mudas do tipo rebentão alcançam maior desenvolvimento e vigor quando aplicado 4,0 g de N planta-1 via fertirrigação no período da ceva. A produção e qualidade das mudas não é influenciada pela adubação potássica via fertirrigação no período de ceva. A fertirrigação no período de ceva do abacaxizeiro não influencia a quantidade de mudas do tipo filhote, porém, proporciona maior número de mudas tipo rebentão
Genotypic diversity and genetic parameters of 'Tahiti' acid lime using different rootstocks
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar os parâmetros genéticos e avaliar a diversidade genética de 12 genótipos de lima ácida 'Tahiti' (Citrus latifolia) enxertados em dois porta-enxertos. O experimento foi conduzido de julho de 2017 a janeiro de 2019, no município de São Mateus, no estado de Espírito Santo, Brasil. Foram mensuradas características vegetativas (diâmetro de caule, diâmetro de projeção de copa e altura de planta), produtivas (rendimento e número de frutos) e de qualidade de frutos (diâmetros de fruto, teor de sólidos solúveis e rendimento de suco). Utilizou-se modelo misto para estimar os coeficientes de herdabilidade e repetibilidade, bem como predizer os valores genéticos. A diversidade entre os enxertos foi obtida por meio da diferença da distância euclidiana média padronizada, e os genótipos foram agrupados pelo método de Tocher modificado. A qualidade do agrupamento e a importância dos caracteres foi avaliada pela análise de componentes principais (ACP). Observou-se variabilidade genética, o que indica a possibilidade de seleção de genótipos superiores. O método de Tocher mostrou a presença de três grupos de genótipos, o que foi congruente com os resultados da ACP. O uso de técnicas multivariadas permite a seleção e a recomendação de genótipos superiores de lima ácida 'Tahiti'.The objective of this work was to estimate the genetic parameters and to evaluate the genotypic diversity of 12 'Tahiti' acid lime (Citrus latifolia) genotypes grafted onto two rootstocks. The experiment was carried out from July 2017 to January 2019, in the municipality of São Mateus, in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Vegetative (stem diameter, canopy projection diameter, and plant height), productive (yield and fruit number), and fruit quality (fruit diameter, soluble solids content, and juice yield) traits were determined. A mixed model was used to estimate heritability and repeatability coefficients, as well as to predict clonal values. Scion diversity was determined through the standardized mean difference of Euclidean distances, and genotypes were clustered by modified Tocher. Clustering quality and trait importance were evaluated using the principal component analysis (PCA). Genotypic variance was observed, which is indicative of the possibility of selection of superior genotypes. The Tocher method showed the presence of three clusters, which is in alignment with the PCA results. The multivariate analyses allows of the selection and the recommendation of superior 'Tahiti' acid lime genotypes
Physico-chemical characterization of orange fruits on different rootstocks
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the physico-chemical characteristics of fruits of 58 sweet orange tops cultivars on four rootstocks, namely: ‘Sunki Tropical’ mandarin and ‘Trifoliata’ Citrandarin ‘San Diego’, ‘Riverside’ and ‘Indio’. For this purpose, a completely randomized experimental design was used, in a factorial scheme (58 x 4). The characteristics analyzed were: equatorial diameter, fruit mass, peel thickness, number of seeds, soluble solids, titratable acidity, Ratio and juice yield. All the characteristics analyzed were influenced by both the tops cultivar and the rootstock, demonstrating that both factors interfere in the physicochemical quality of the fruits. The tops ‘Pera D-3’, ‘Pera Olimpia’, ‘Pera Bianchi’, ‘Jaffa’ and ‘Westin’ on all rootstocks evaluated showed characteristics in their fruits with soluble solids greater than 10 ºBrix, Ratio above 9.5 and juice yield greater than 45%, characteristics that define fruits with quality standards. Also, the tops ‘Pera Olimpia’, ‘Sincorá’ and ‘Westin’ on the rootstock ‘Sunki Tropical’, ‘Pera D-3’, ‘Pera D-25’, ‘Sincorá’, ‘Aquiri’ and ‘Russas P.S.’ on the rootstock ‘San Diego’, ‘Pera C-32’, ‘Pera D-3’, ‘Pera D-6’, ‘Pera E-6’, ‘Pera Bianchi’, ‘Pera CE-03 ‘, ‘Salustiana’ and ‘Westin’ on ‘Riverside’ rootstock are suitable for the juice production industry with Ratio between 14 and 16 and juice yield greater than 50%. It is also worth noting that the tops ‘Crescent’, ‘Natal Folha Murcha’, ‘Valencia Midknight’ and ‘Valencia Delta’ produced fruits without seeds on all rootstocks