111 research outputs found


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    Boilover is one of the most dangerous accidents that can happen in an atmospheric hydrocarbons storage tank, it happens when the water at the bottom of the storage tank is heated to a temperature where it is evaporate and push’s the hydrocarbons out of the tank causing a ground fire and flame enlargements. And the main objective of this study is determination of the area affected by the spread of ejected hydrocarbons from the storage tank due to boilover causing a ground fire which is extremely dangerous. And for achieving this objective a set of experiments have been performed on a hydrocarbons mixture consisting of 50 % Diesel oil and 50% Gasoline is used. This mixture has been chosen after running some experiments on three different types of mixtures. Tow set of experiments have been performed and from the result analysis we were able to find equation relating the volume of the mixture in the storage tank to the area affected. And from both set of experiments we found that the relation between the fuel volume and the area affected is best described as a polynomial relationship. Moreover a different set of experiments is also performed using crude oil which gave an unpromising result and we were unable to find an equation relating the area affected to the crude oil volume in the storage tank


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    Boilover is one of the most dangerous accidents that can happen in an atmospheric hydrocarbons storage tank, it happens when the water at the bottom of the storage tank is heated to a temperature where it is evaporate and push’s the hydrocarbons out of the tank causing a ground fire and flame enlargements. And the main objective of this study is determination of the area affected by the spread of ejected hydrocarbons from the storage tank due to boilover causing a ground fire which is extremely dangerous. And for achieving this objective a set of experiments have been performed on a hydrocarbons mixture consisting of 50 % Diesel oil and 50% Gasoline is used. This mixture has been chosen after running some experiments on three different types of mixtures. Tow set of experiments have been performed and from the result analysis we were able to find equation relating the volume of the mixture in the storage tank to the area affected. And from both set of experiments we found that the relation between the fuel volume and the area affected is best described as a polynomial relationship. Moreover a different set of experiments is also performed using crude oil which gave an unpromising result and we were unable to find an equation relating the area affected to the crude oil volume in the storage tank

    Effect of harvesting method and package type on quality and shelf-life of mango fruits

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    The traditional method of harvest and package type were compared with an improved harvesting technique and packaging in standard export carton boxes and evaluated according to quality and shelf-life of 'Kitchner' and 'Abu-Samaka' mango fruits in 'Abu-Gebeha' area during 2012/2013 season. The fruits harvested by the traditional method were snapped by a hook attached to a long bamboo pole, the fruits dropped to the ground and then picked into carton boxes. In the improved method of harvest, the fruits were picked by a hook attached to a long bamboo pole equipped with a long cloth sleeve held open by a metal ring. When the pedicle was severed, the fruit dropped into the sleeve, moved smoothly downwards to be received from the open-end by the picker and packed into the carton boxes. Two types of packages were used. The traditional packages were carton boxes 27 x 27 x 42cm, and the improved packages were standard export boxes 43 x 33 x 15 cm. The treatments were (1) traditional harvest and traditional packages (control), (2) traditional harvest and improved packages, and (3) improved harvest and improved packages. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replicates and stored at 18±1oC and 85- 90% relative humidity. The improved method of harvest and improved packages significantly delayed the onset of the climacteric peak, reduced respiration rate, weight loss, fruit softening, peel color development, total soluble solids (TSS) accumulation and titratable acidity changes, retained ascorbic acid, maintained fruit quality and extended the shelf-life of mango fruits. Initial respiration rate was decreased by 14.9% and 24.6%, weight loss was reduced by 13.8% and 28.9% and ascorbic acid was more by 28.6% and 75.5% in the improved harvesting method and improved packages, compared with the control in 'Kitchner' and 'Abu-Samaka' mangoes, تمت مقارنة طريقة الحصاد التقليدية ونوع العبوة المستخدمة مع طريقة محسنة للحصاد والتعبئة في صناديق الكرتون الخاصة بالصادر وتأثيرها على الجودة والعمر التسويقي لصنفي ثمار المانجو "كتشنر" و"أبو سمكة" في منطقة "أبو جبيهة". في طريقة الحصاد التقليدية، حصدت الثمار بنزعها بواسطة عصا طويلة في نهايتها خطاف مما يؤدى إلى سقوط الثمار على الأرض ويتم جمعها لاحقاً في حاويات الجمع. أما في الطريقة المحسنة، فقد أضيف إلى أداة القطف التقليدية كيس طويل من القماش مثبت على حلقة معدنية تحت الخطاف. عند فصل الثمرة من الغصن تسقط داخل الكيس وتنساب برفق إلى أسفل حيث يتم استلامها بواسطة عامل القطف من الفتحة السفلى للكيس وتوضع مباشرة في حاويات الجمع. كما أستخدم نوعان من العبوات: العبوات التقليدية كانت بأبعاد 27x27x42 سم، والعبوات المحسنة كانت صناديق الكرتون الخاصة بالصادر بأبعاد 43x33x15سم. وقد كانت المعاملات كما يلي: (1) حصاد تقليدي وعبوة تقليدية (الشاهد)، و(2) حصاد تقليدي وعبوة محسنة، و(3) حصاد محسن وعبوة محسنة. استخدم التصميم كامل العشوائية  لإجراء التجربة بأربعة مكررات وخزنت الثمار تحت درجة حرارة 18±1ºم ورطوبة نسبية 85 - 90 %.  أدت طريقة الحصاد المحسنة والعبوات المحسنة إلى تأخير معنوي في حدوث ذروة التنفس وانخفاض معدل التنفس، وفقدان الوزن، وليونة الثمرة وتلون قشرتها، وتأخير تراكم المواد الصلبة الذائبة الكلية وخفض معدل الحموضة في الثمار. كما حافظت الثمار على محتواها من حمض الأسكوربيك (فايتامين ج)، وتحسين جودتها، و إطالة عمرها التسويقي. وقد انخفض معدل التنفس الابتدائي بنسبة 14.9% و24.6%، كما انخفض فقد الوزن بنسبة 13.8% و28.9%، وكان حمض الأسكوربيك أكثر بمقدار 28.6% و75.5% بطريقة الحصاد المحسنة والعبوات المحسنة في ثمار "كتشنر" و"أبوسمكة"، على التوالي، مقارنة مع الشاهد. بنهاية فترة التخزين، كانت48% من الثمار في درجة الجودة "جيد جداً" و22% في درجة "جيد" في الثمار التي حصدت بالطريقة المحسنة وتمت تعبئتها في العبوات المحسنة، مقارنة مع 18.5 % من الثمار في درجة "جيد جداً" و20% في درجة "جيد" في الثمار التي تم حصادها بالطريقة التقليدية وتعبئتها في عبوات تقليدية. من ناحية أخرى، لم يكن هناك سوى 9.0% من الثمار "غير القابلة للتسويق" و9.5% "فقيرة في الجودة" في الثمار التي حصدت بالطريقة المحسنة وتم تعبئتها في عبوات محسنة، مقارنة بنسبة 25% من الثمار "غير القابلة للتسويق" و20% من الثمار "فقيرة في الجودة" في ثمار الشاهد

    Antioxidant activity, Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents and Cytotoxic activity of Euphorbia aegyptiaca

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    Euphorbia aegyptiaca is a herbaceous plant traditionally used in Sudan for treatment of various diseases, and the study of this plant is still limited. The aim of the present study was to screen the phytochemicals and to assess the Antioxidant activity, total phenolic, flavonoid contents and cytotoxic activity of Euphorbia aegyptiaca. The plant material was extracted successively by Soxhlet apparatus using n-hexane, chloroform and methanol. The chemical constituents of the extracts were carried out using the standard procedures. The Folin- Ciocalteu and Aluminium chloride method was employed to calculate the total phenolic and flavonoid content, respectively. The antioxidant activity, was assessed by measuring the scavenging activity of the DPPH (2.2Di (4-tert-octylphenyl)-1-picryl-hydrazyl) and Propyl Gallate as standard antioxidants. While cytotoxic activities were screened using brine shrimp. Phytochemical screening studies revealed that flavonoids, tannins, coumarins, saponins, sterols, terpenes, anthraquinones and alkaloids were the main phytochemicals present in extracts of E. aegyptiaca. The methanol extract showed the highest level of total phenolic contents (173.49±2.427 mg GAE/g) and flavonoid content (239.53±7.90 mg QE/g), and the highest antioxidant activity 89% with least (IC50 0.0449µg/ml), and the no toxicity against brine shrimp (LD50 3423.156). Furthermore, no toxicity in all extracts was observed. The present study is the first evaluation regarding the characterization of E. aegyptiaca and its safety, and the results demonstrate its antioxidant potential and suggest its safe therapeutic use. The results suggest that methanol extract is a rich source of phytochemicals and exhibits highest amount of and total phenolic, flavonoid content and significant antioxidant activity and it has no cytotoxic activity. E. aegyptiaca plant can be regarded as a promising Source of naturally occurring potential antioxidants. Keywords: Euphorbia aegyptiaca, Sudan, Antioxidant, Total phenolic, total flavonoid, Cytotoxicity

    Pattern of Neurological Disorders among Patients Evaluated in the Emergency Department; Cross–Sectional Study

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    Introduction: Neurologic disorders are common reasons for emergency consultations. Most neurologic disorders seen in the emergency department (ED) are life-threatening and require urgent treatment. The goal of this study is to investigate the pattern of neurological disorders among patients evaluated in the ED. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in the ED of Mogadishu Somali Turkish Training and Research Hospital, from July 2021 to February 2022.  The clinical and epidemiological characteristics of adult patients with neurologic manifestations in the ED were evaluated. Age, gender, distribution of neurological disease manifestations, neurological examination findings, and neurological diagnoses made by consultant neurologists were assessed. Results: During the study period, 321 patients were assessed (3.7 % of all ED admissions). The majority of the patients in the study were above 50 years of age (62.6% male). Hypertension was the most common comorbidity among these patients with 122 (38%) cases, followed by diabetes mellitus with 65 (20.2%), and heart diseases with 26 (8.1%) cases. The main reasons for neurology consultations were altered mental status with 141 (44%) cases, motor weakness with 102 (31.8%), seizures with 33 (10%), headache with 17 (5.3%), and vertigo with 9 (2.8%) cases. 196 (61%) had hemiplegia, 60 (18.7%) had consciousness impairment, and 38 (11.8%) had normal neurological examination. The most frequent neurological diagnoses were ischemic strokes with 125 (39%) cases, hemorrhagic strokes with 65 (20.2%), epileptic seizures with 28 (8.7%), and metabolic encephalopathies with 13 (4%) cases. The median duration of the neurology consultations was 20 minutes. 251 (78%) of the patients were admitted to the hospital, while 70 (22%) were discharged from the emergency department. After neurology consultation, the neurology department made the most admissions with 226 (90%) cases, while 25 (10%) were admitted by other departments. Of those admitted, 186 (74.2%) were admitted to the neurology ward, and 65 (25.8%) were admitted to the intensive care unit. Conclusion: In our study, neurologic emergencies accounted for 3.7% of all emergency admissions. Stroke, epileptic seizures, cerebral venous thrombosis, encephalopathies, and acute spinal cord diseases were the most common neurological disorders.  The admission rate was very high following neurologic assessment by neurologists

    Reviewing the Contributors towards the Performance of the New Islamic Supply Chain Model

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    This is a conceptual paper on the contributing factors of the performance of the new Islamic supply chain model in Malaysia. There are several contributors toward the model that has been reviewed. They are:- 1) Halal Traceability and Tracking Activity, 2) Halal Certification and Labelling Process, 3) Halal Facilities Segregation and 4). Halal Food Quality Management. All these contributors will be considered in developing new Islamic supply chain management model in Malaysia using robust econometric regression. Keywords New Islamic supply chain model, Halal Traceability, Tracking Activity, Halal Certification, Labelling Process, Halal Facilities Segregation and Halal Food Quality Management

    The fight against the COVID-19 pandemic: Vaccination challenges in Sudan.

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    The first COVID-19 case in Sudan was announced on March 13th, 2020. 1835 deaths were recorded as of February 7th, 2021. 800,000 doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine were allocated to Sudan through COVAX in March 2021. However, multiple challenges exist in vaccinating the Sudanese population, ranging from an inadequate cold chain system to low acceptance rates of COVID-19 vaccination among the Sudanese population. Economic crises, high inflation rates and long-standing economic sanctions have also negatively impacted the healthcare system in Sudan as a result of deprivation of access to research and development funding

    Knowledge and Practice Regarding Coronavirus Disease Prevention (COVID-19) Among Internally Displaced Persons in Camps in Central Darfur Region, Sudan

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    Background: The lacking healthcare system services in conflict areas and the emergence of infection with a pandemic of coronavirus disease may exacerbate the humanitarian crisis among the camp residents in the central Dafur region of Sudan. Adequate knowledge and practices are vital to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the knowledge and practice regarding COVID-19 among internally displaced persons in Sudan. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, data were collected through an online survey using a self-administered questionnaire. Convenience sampling method was used for the internally displaced persons in two camps of Zalingei town, central Darfur region, Sudan. Results: In total, 143 participants responded; 75 (52.4%) of them were female, while 68 (47.6%) were male; 49 (34.3%) were between the age of 50 and 60 years; 78 (54.5%) were formally uneducated; 126 (88.1%) did not have a chronic disease; and 56 (39.2%) knew about COVID-19 from their relatives and friends. The overall mean of participants’ knowledge toward COVID-19 was 3.68 (SD ± 0.60(, denoting good with a rate of 73.6% and that of the practice was 2.65 (SD ±1.08), denoting moderate with a rate of 53%. A positive correlation was seen between knowledge and practice (r = 0.700, p < 0.000). Statistically significant differences were observed between the mean score of knowledge and practice with age, education, and information sources (p < 0.0001). While graduates showed a higher knowledge (116.29, p = 0.000), secondary respondents showed a higher practice (115.04, p = 0.000) than others. Conclusion: This study suggests educational intervention and awareness programs for uneducated and older people