321 research outputs found

    Tonsillar surface swab bacterial culture results differ from those of the tonsillar core in recurrent tonsillitis

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    Objectives/Hypothesis We aimed to determine whether there was a difference between core and surface bacteriology of Finnish adults with recurrent or chronic tonsillitis to understand whether a surface swab is worthwhile and which bacteria are involved. Study Design Case series. Methods Uninflamed tonsillar surface swabs and core biopsies were taken prior to and during surgery, respectively, in 103 patients aged 16 to 66 years undergoing tonsillectomy for recurrent or chronic tonsillitis. The McNemar test was used to determine differences between the surface and core in the most prevalent bacterial species. Results Twenty-seven bacterial species were isolated in addition to normal flora and were more commonly found in the core (1.11 surface and 4.75 core bacteria isolated per patient). Viridans group streptococci were the most commonly detected bacteria, found in 88% of the patients, mainly in the core. The bacteria in general were mainly isolated from the core. Of the 10 most prevalent bacteria, only group C beta-hemolytic streptococci showed no difference between detection from core and surface swabs. Other bacteria found mainly in the core include Prevotella melaninogenica, Staphylococcus aureus, and fusobacteria. Conclusions There is discord between the surface and core bacteria. A different population of bacteria exists in the core, especially anaerobic bacteria, suggesting that a core sample may be useful in evaluating recurrent and chronic tonsillitis. Level of Evidence 4 Laryngoscope, 2019Peer reviewe

    A cross-sectional study of memory and executive functions in patients with sporadic inclusion body myositis

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    INTRODUCTION: Sporadic inclusion body myositis (IBM) is a degenerative and inflammatory acquired myopathy characterised by muscle deposition of various proteins typically associated with Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. While cognitive impairment is not noted as a clinical feature of IBM, evidence is lacking. We aimed to investigate whether cognitive performance of patients with IBM differs from population norms, focussing on cognitive domains affected in early Alzheimer's disease (memory, executive function), and to test whether disease duration and the level of disability of IBM are associated with cognitive function. METHODS: Twenty-four patients with IBM (mean [SD] age 62.0 [7.2] years; disease duration 9.6 [4.8] years) were assessed cross-sectionally on neuropsychological tests covering multiple cognitive domains, including the Preclinical Alzheimer Cognitive Composite (PACC). Performance was compared to published normative data adjusted for age, sex and education (National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center; N = 3268). Associations were examined between PACC score, disease duration and level of disability (assessed using the IBM Functional Rating Scale [IBMFRS]). RESULTS: Across all cognitive tests, group performance was within ±1SD of the normative mean. There was no evidence of associations between PACC score and either disease duration (ρ = -0.04, p = 0.87) or IBMFRS total score (ρ = 0.14, p = 0.52). DISCUSSION: Memory and executive function in patients with IBM did not differ from normative data, and we observed no evidence of associations between the cognitive composite and disease duration or level of disability. This addresses a question frequently asked by patients, and will be of value for clinicians and patients alike. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Using knowledge brokers to facilitate the uptake of pediatric measurement tools into clinical practice: a before-after intervention study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of measurement tools is an essential part of good evidence-based practice; however, physiotherapists (PTs) are not always confident when selecting, administering, and interpreting these tools. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of a multifaceted knowledge translation intervention, using PTs as knowledge brokers (KBs) to facilitate the use in clinical practice of four evidence-based measurement tools designed to evaluate and understand motor function in children with cerebral palsy (CP). The KB model evaluated in this study was designed to overcome many of the barriers to research transfer identified in the literature.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A mixed methods before-after study design was used to evaluate the impact of a six-month KB intervention by 25 KBs on 122 practicing PTs' self-reported knowledge and use of the measurement tools in 28 children's rehabilitation organizations in two regions of Canada. The model was that of PT KBs situated in clinical sites supported by a network of KBs and the research team through a broker to the KBs. Modest financial remuneration to the organizations for the KB time (two hours/week for six months), ongoing resource materials, and personal and intranet support was provided to the KBs. Survey data were collected by questionnaire prior to, immediately following the intervention (six months), and at 12 and 18 months. A mixed effects multinomial logistic regression was used to examine the impact of the intervention over time and by region. The impact of organizational factors was also explored.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PTs' self-reported knowledge of all four measurement tools increased significantly over the six-month intervention, and reported use of three of the four measurement tools also increased. Changes were sustained 12 months later. Organizational culture for research and supervisor expectations were significantly associated with uptake of only one of the four measurement tools.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>KBs positively influenced PTs' self-reported knowledge and self-reported use of the targeted measurement tools. Further research is warranted to investigate whether this is a feasible, cost-effective model that could be used more broadly in a rehabilitation setting to facilitate the uptake of other measurement tools or evidence-based intervention approaches.</p

    Electrical generation and absorption of phonons in carbon nanotubes

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    The interplay between discrete vibrational and electronic degrees of freedom directly influences the chemical and physical properties of molecular systems. This coupling is typically studied through optical methods such as fluorescence, absorption, and Raman spectroscopy. Molecular electronic devices provide new opportunities for exploring vibration-electronic interactions at the single molecule level. For example, electrons injected from a scanning tunneling microscope tip into a metal can excite vibrational excitations of a molecule in the gap between tip and metal. Here we show how current directly injected into a freely suspended individual single-wall carbon nanotube can be used to excite, detect, and control a specific vibrational mode of the molecule. Electrons inelastically tunneling into the nanotube cause a non-equilibrium occupation of the radial breathing mode, leading to both stimulated emission and absorption of phonons by successive electron tunneling events. We exploit this effect to measure a phonon lifetime on the order of 10 nanoseconds, corresponding to a quality factor well over 10000 for this nanomechanical oscillator.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    The significance of tumour microarchitectural features in breast cancer prognosis: a digital image analysis

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    BACKGROUND: As only a minor portion of the information present in histological sections is accessible by eye, recognition and quantification of complex patterns and relationships among constituents relies on digital image analysis. In this study, our working hypothesis was that, with the application of digital image analysis technology, visually unquantifiable breast cancer microarchitectural features can be rigorously assessed and tested as prognostic parameters for invasive breast carcinoma of no special type. METHODS: Digital image analysis was performed using public domain software (ImageJ) on tissue microarrays from a cohort of 696 patients, and validated with a commercial platform (Visiopharm). Quantified features included elements defining tumour microarchitecture, with emphasis on the extent of tumour-stroma interface. The differential prognostic impact of tumour nest microarchitecture in the four immunohistochemical surrogates for molecular classification was analysed. Prognostic parameters included axillary lymph node status, breast cancer-specific survival, and time to distant metastasis. Associations of each feature with prognostic parameters were assessed using logistic regression and Cox proportional models adjusting for age at diagnosis, grade, and tumour size. RESULTS: An arrangement in numerous small nests was associated with axillary lymph node involvement. The association was stronger in luminal tumours (odds ratio (OR) = 1.39, p = 0.003 for a 1-SD increase in nest number, OR = 0.75, p = 0.006 for mean nest area). Nest number was also associated with survival (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.15, p = 0.027), but total nest perimeter was the parameter most significantly associated with survival in luminal tumours (HR = 1.26, p = 0.005). In the relatively small cohort of triple-negative tumours, mean circularity showed association with time to distant metastasis (HR = 1.71, p = 0.027) and survival (HR = 1.8, p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: We propose that tumour arrangement in few large nests indicates a decreased metastatic potential. By contrast, organisation in numerous small nests provides the tumour with increased metastatic potential to regional lymph nodes. An outstretched pattern in small nests bestows tumours with a tendency for decreased breast cancer-specific survival. Although further validation studies are required before the argument for routine quantification of microarchitectural features is established, our approach is consistent with the demand for cost-effective methods for triaging breast cancer patients that are more likely to benefit from chemotherapy

    Checkpoint-Dependent and -Independent Roles of Swi3 in Replication Fork Recovery and Sister Chromatid Cohesion in Fission Yeast

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    Multiple genome maintenance processes are coordinated at the replication fork to preserve genomic integrity. How eukaryotic cells accomplish such a coordination is unknown. Swi1 and Swi3 form the replication fork protection complex and are involved in various processes including stabilization of replication forks, activation of the Cds1 checkpoint kinase and establishment of sister chromatid cohesion in fission yeast. However, the mechanisms by which the Swi1–Swi3 complex achieves and coordinates these tasks are not well understood. Here, we describe the identification of separation-of-function mutants of Swi3, aimed at dissecting the molecular pathways that require Swi1–Swi3. Unlike swi3 deletion mutants, the separation-of-function mutants were not sensitive to agents that stall replication forks. However, they were highly sensitive to camptothecin that induces replication fork breakage. In addition, these mutants were defective in replication fork regeneration and sister chromatid cohesion. Interestingly, unlike swi3-deleted cell, the separation-of-functions mutants were proficient in the activation of the replication checkpoint, but their fork regeneration defects were more severe than those of checkpoint mutants including cds1Δ, chk1Δ and rad3Δ. These results suggest that, while Swi3 mediates full activation of the replication checkpoint in response to stalled replication forks, Swi3 activates a checkpoint-independent pathway to facilitate recovery of collapsed replication forks and the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion. Thus, our separation-of-function alleles provide new insight into understanding the multiple roles of Swi1-Swi3 in fork protection during DNA replication, and into understanding how replication forks are maintained in response to different genotoxic agents

    Aging brain from a network science perspective: Something to be positive about?

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    To better understand age differences in brain function and behavior, the current study applied network science to model functional interactions between brain regions. We observed a shift in network topology whereby for older adults subcortical and cerebellar structures overlapping with the Salience network had more connectivity to the rest of the brain, coupled with fragmentation of large-scale cortical networks such as the Default and Fronto-Parietal networks. Additionally, greater integration of the dorsal medial thalamus and red nucleus in the Salience network was associated with greater satisfaction with life for older adults, which is consistent with theoretical predictions of age-related increases in emotion regulation that are thought to help maintain well-being and life satisfaction in late adulthood. In regard to cognitive abilities, greater ventral medial prefrontal cortex coherence with its topological neighbors in the Default Network was associated with faster processing speed. Results suggest that large-scale organizing properties of the brain differ with normal aging, and this perspective may offer novel insight into understanding age-related differences in cognitive function and well-being. © 2013 Voss et al

    Summary statistics in auditory perception

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    Sensory signals are transduced at high resolution, but their structure must be stored in a more compact format. Here we provide evidence that the auditory system summarizes the temporal details of sounds using time-averaged statistics. We measured discrimination of 'sound textures' that were characterized by particular statistical properties, as normally result from the superposition of many acoustic features in auditory scenes. When listeners discriminated examples of different textures, performance improved with excerpt duration. In contrast, when listeners discriminated different examples of the same texture, performance declined with duration, a paradoxical result given that the information available for discrimination grows with duration. These results indicate that once these sounds are of moderate length, the brain's representation is limited to time-averaged statistics, which, for different examples of the same texture, converge to the same values with increasing duration. Such statistical representations produce good categorical discrimination, but limit the ability to discern temporal detail.Howard Hughes Medical Institut

    Filicide in Austria and Finland - A register-based study on all filicide cases in Austria and Finland 1995-2005

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Filicide is the tragic crime of murdering one's own child. Previous research has found that the offending parents are commonly depressed and that suicide is often associated as an actual act or an intention. Yet, filicide is an underreported crime and previous studies have been strained with methodological problems. No comprehensive international studies on filicide have been presented in the literature until now.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This was a descriptive, comprehensive, register-based study of all filicides in Austria and Finland during 1995-2005. Filicide-suicide cases were also included.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Most of the perpetrators were the biological mothers; in Austria 72%, in Finland 52%. Suicide followed filicide either as an attempt or a fulfilled act in 32% and 54% of the cases in Austria and Finland, respectively. Psychotic mood disorders were diagnosed for 10% of the living perpetrators in Austria, and 12% in Finland. Non-psychotic depression was diagnosed in 9% of surviving perpetrators in Austria, 35% in Finland.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The data from the two countries demonstrated that filicide is such a multifaceted and rare phenomenon that national data from individual countries seldom offer sufficient scope for its thorough study. Further analyses are needed to produce a complete picture of filicide.</p
