1,433 research outputs found

    Gluino Decay as a Probe of High Scale Supersymmetry Breaking

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    A supersymmetric standard model with heavier scalar supersymmetric particles has many attractive features. If the scalar mass scale is O(10 - 10^4) TeV, the standard model like Higgs boson with mass around 125 GeV, which is strongly favored by the LHC experiment, can be realized. However, in this scenario the scalar particles are too heavy to be produced at the LHC. In addition, if the scalar mass is much less than O(10^4) TeV, the lifetime of the gluino is too short to be measured. Therefore, it is hard to probe the scalar particles at a collider. However, a detailed study of the gluino decay reveals that two body decay of the gluino carries important information on the scalar scale. In this paper, we propose a test of this scenario by measuring the decay pattern of the gluino at the LHC.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures; version published in JHE

    Baryon-Baryon Interactions

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    After a short survey of some topics of interest in the study of baryon-baryon scattering, the recent Nijmegen energy dependent partial wave analysis (PWA) of the nucleon-nucleon data is reviewed. In this PWA the energy range for both pp and np is now 0 < Tlab < 350 MeV and a chi^2_{d.o.f.}=1.08 was reached. The implications for the pion-nucleon coupling constants are discussed. Comments are made with respect to recent discussions around this coupling constant in the literature. In the second part, we briefly sketch the picture of the baryon in several, more or less QCD-based, quark-models that have been rather prominent in the literature. Inspired by these pictures we constructed a new soft-core model for the nucleon-nucleon interaction and present the first results of this model in a chi^2 -fit to the new multi-energy Nijmegen PWA. With this new model we succeeded in narrowing the gap between theory and experiment at low energies. For the energies Tlab = 25-320 MeV we reached a record low chi^2_{p.d.p.} = 1.16. We finish the paper with some conclusions and an outlook describing the extension of the new model to baryon-baryon scattering.Comment: 12 pages LaTeX and one postscript figure included. Invited talk presented at the XIVth European Conference of Few-Body Problems in Physics, Amsterdam, August 23-28, 199

    Imbalanced decision hierarchy in addicts emerging from drug-hijacked dopamine spiraling circuit

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    Despite explicitly wanting to quit, long-term addicts find themselves powerless to resist drugs, despite knowing that drug-taking may be a harmful course of action. Such inconsistency between the explicit knowledge of negative consequences and the compulsive behavioral patterns represents a cognitive/behavioral conflict that is a central characteristic of addiction. Neurobiologically, differential cue-induced activity in distinct striatal subregions, as well as the dopamine connectivity spiraling from ventral striatal regions to the dorsal regions, play critical roles in compulsive drug seeking. However, the functional mechanism that integrates these neuropharmacological observations with the above-mentioned cognitive/behavioral conflict is unknown. Here we provide a formal computational explanation for the drug-induced cognitive inconsistency that is apparent in the addicts' “self-described mistake”. We show that addictive drugs gradually produce a motivational bias toward drug-seeking at low-level habitual decision processes, despite the low abstract cognitive valuation of this behavior. This pathology emerges within the hierarchical reinforcement learning framework when chronic exposure to the drug pharmacologically produces pathologicaly persistent phasic dopamine signals. Thereby the drug hijacks the dopaminergic spirals that cascade the reinforcement signals down the ventro-dorsal cortico-striatal hierarchy. Neurobiologically, our theory accounts for rapid development of drug cue-elicited dopamine efflux in the ventral striatum and a delayed response in the dorsal striatum. Our theory also shows how this response pattern depends critically on the dopamine spiraling circuitry. Behaviorally, our framework explains gradual insensitivity of drug-seeking to drug-associated punishments, the blocking phenomenon for drug outcomes, and the persistent preference for drugs over natural rewards by addicts. The model suggests testable predictions and beyond that, sets the stage for a view of addiction as a pathology of hierarchical decision-making processes. This view is complementary to the traditional interpretation of addiction as interaction between habitual and goal-directed decision systems

    Singlet-doublet Higgs mixing and its implications on the Higgs mass in the PQ-NMSSM

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    We examine the implications of singlet-doublet Higgs mixing on the properties of a Standard Model (SM)-like Higgs boson within the Peccei-Quinn invariant extension of the NMSSM (PQ-NMSSM). The SM singlet added to the Higgs sector connects the PQ and visible sectors through a PQ-invariant non-renormalizable K\"ahler potential term, making the model free from the tadpole and domain-wall problems. For the case that the lightest Higgs boson is dominated by the singlet scalar, the Higgs mixing increases the mass of a SM-like Higgs boson while reducing its signal rate at collider experiments compared to the SM case. The Higgs mixing is important also in the region of parameter space where the NMSSM contribution to the Higgs mass is small, but its size is limited by the experimental constraints on the singlet-like Higgs boson and on the lightest neutralino constituted mainly by the singlino whose Majorana mass term is forbidden by the PQ symmetry. Nonetheless the Higgs mixing can increase the SM-like Higgs boson mass by a few GeV or more even when the Higgs signal rate is close to the SM prediction, and thus may be crucial for achieving a 125 GeV Higgs mass, as hinted by the recent ATLAS and CMS data. Such an effect can reduce the role of stop mixing.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures; published in JHE

    Probing CP Violation with and without Momentum Reconstruction at the LHC

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    We study the potential to observe CP-violating effects in SUSY cascade decay chains at the LHC. We consider squark and gluino production followed by subsequent decays into neutralinos with a three-body leptonic decay in the final step. Asymmetries composed by triple products of momenta of the final state particles are sensitive to CP-violating effects. Due to large boosts these asymmetries can be difficult to observe at a hadron collider. We show that using all available kinematic information one can reconstruct the decay chains on an event-by-event basis even in the case of 3-body decays, neutrinos and LSPs in the final state. We also discuss the most important experimental effects like major backgrounds and momentum smearing due to finite detector resolution. We show that with 300 fb1^{-1} of collected data, CP violation may be discovered at the LHC for a wide range of the phase of the bino mass parameter M1M_1.Comment: Version accepted for publication in JHEP. Clarifications added on the assumptions used for plots. New references adde

    Spin and Chirality Effects in Antler-Topology Processes at High Energy e+ee^+e^- Colliders

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    We perform a model-independent investigation of spin and chirality correlation effects in the antler-topology processes e+eP+P(+D0)(Dˉ0)e^+e^-\to\mathcal{P}^+\mathcal{P}^-\to (\ell^+ \mathcal{D}^0) (\ell^-\mathcal{\bar{D}}^0) at high energy e+ee^+e^- colliders with polarized beams. Generally the production process e+eP+Pe^+e^-\to\mathcal{P}^+\mathcal{P}^- can occur not only through the ss-channel exchange of vector bosons, V0\mathcal{V}^0, including the neutral Standard Model (SM) gauge bosons, γ\gamma and ZZ, but also through the ss- and tt-channel exchanges of new neutral states, S0\mathcal{S}^0 and T0\mathcal{T}^0, and the uu-channel exchange of new doubly-charged states, U\mathcal{U}^{--}. The general set of (non-chiral) three-point couplings of the new particles and leptons allowed in a renormalizable quantum field theory is considered. The general spin and chirality analysis is based on the threshold behavior of the excitation curves for P+P\mathcal{P}^+\mathcal{P}^- pair production in e+ee^+e^- collisions with longitudinal and transverse polarized beams, the angular distributions in the production process and also the production-decay angular correlations. In the first step, we present the observables in the helicity formalism. Subsequently, we show how a set of observables can be designed for determining the spins and chiral structures of the new particles without any model assumptions. Finally, taking into account a typical set of approximately chiral invariant scenarios, we demonstrate how the spin and chirality effects can be probed experimentally at a high energy e+ee^+e^- collider.Comment: 50 pages, 14 figures, 6 tables, matches version published in EPJ

    Light Stop Decay in the MSSM with Minimal Flavour Violation

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    In supersymmetric scenarios with a light stop particle t~1\tilde{t}_1 and a small mass difference to the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) assumed to be the lightest neutralino, the flavour changing neutral current decay t~1cχ~10\tilde{t}_1 \to c \tilde{\chi}_1^0 can be the dominant decay channel and can exceed the four-body stop decay for certain parameter values. In the framework of Minimal Flavour Violation (MFV) this decay is CKM-suppressed, thus inducing long stop lifetimes. Stop decay length measurements at the LHC can then be exploited to test models with minimal flavour breaking through Standard Model Yukawa couplings. The decay width has been given some time ago by an approximate formula, which takes into account the leading logarithms of the MFV scale. In this paper we calculate the exact one-loop decay width in the framework of MFV. The comparison with the approximate result exhibits deviations of the order of 10% for large MFV scales due to the neglected non-logarithmic terms in the approximate decay formula. The difference in the branching ratios is negligible. The large logarithms have to be resummed. The resummation is performed by the solution of the renormalization group equations. The comparison of the exact one-loop result and the tree level flavour changing neutral current decay, which incorporates the resummed logarithms, demonstrates that the resummation effects are important and should be taken into account.Comment: 29 page

    Where the Sidewalk Ends: Jets and Missing Energy Search Strategies for the 7 TeV LHC

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    This work explores the potential reach of the 7 TeV LHC to new colored states in the context of simplified models and addresses the issue of which search regions are necessary to cover an extensive set of event topologies and kinematic regimes. This article demonstrates that if searches are designed to focus on specific regions of phase space, then new physics may be missed if it lies in unexpected corners. Simple multiregion search strategies can be designed to cover all of kinematic possibilities. A set of benchmark models are created that cover the qualitatively different signatures and a benchmark multiregion search strategy is presented that covers these models.Comment: 30 pages, 8 Figures, 3 Tables. Version accepted at JHEP. Minor changes. Added figur

    Exploring the role of organizational policies and procedures in promoting research utilization in registered nurses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Policies and procedures (P&Ps) have been suggested as one possible strategy for moving research evidence into practice among nursing staff in hospitals. Research in the area of P&Ps is limited, however. This paper explores: 1) nurses' use of eight specific research-based practices (RBPs) and RBP overall, 2) nurses' use and understanding of P&Ps, and 3) the role of P&Ps in promoting research utilization.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Staff nurses from the eight health regions governing acute care services across the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador completed an anonymous questionnaire regarding their use of eight RBPs and associated P&Ps. Data were also obtained from authorities in six of the eight regions about existing relevant P&Ps. We used descriptive statistics and multivariate regression analysis to assess the relationship between key independent variables and self-reported use of RBP.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Use of the eight RBPs ranged from 7.8% to 88.6%, depending on the practice. Nurses ranked P&P manuals as their number one source of practice knowledge. Most respondents (84.8%) reported that the main reason they consult the P&P manual is to confirm they are practicing according to agency rules. Multivariate regression analysis identified three significant predictors of being a user versus non-user of RBP overall: awareness, awareness by regular use, and persuasion. Six significant predictors of being a consistent versus less consistent user of RBP overall were also identified: perception of P&P existence, unit, nursing experience, personal experience as a source of practice knowledge, number of existing research-based P&Ps, and lack of time as a barrier to consulting P&P manuals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Findings suggest that nurses use P&Ps to guide their practice. However, the mere existence of P&Ps is not sufficient to translate research into nursing practice. Individual and organizational factors related to nurses' understanding and use of P&Ps also play key roles. Thus, moving research evidence into practice will require careful interplay between the organization and the individual. P&Ps may be the interface through which this occurs.</p