294 research outputs found

    Temperature effects on the electrical performance of large area multicrystalline silicon solar cells using the current shunt measuring technique

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    The temperature effects on the electrical performance of a large area multicrystalline silicon solar cell with back-contact technology have been studied in a desert area under ambient conditions using the current shunt measuring technique. Therefore, most of the problems encountered with traditional measuring techniques are avoided. The temperature dependency of the current shunt from 5ºC up to 50ºC has been investigated. Its temperature coefficient proves to be negligible which means that the temperature dependency of the solar cell is completely independent of the current shunt. The solar module installed in a tilted position at the optimum angle of the location, has been tested in two different seasons (winter and summer). The obtained solar cell short circuit current, open circuit voltage and output power are correlated with the measured incident radiation in both seasons and all results are discussed

    An improved design of a fully automated multiple output micropotentiometer

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    This paper describes in details a new design of a fully automated multiple output micropotentiometer (?pot). A prototype has been built at the National Institute for Standards (NIS), Egypt to establish this highly improved AC voltage source in the millivolt range. The new device offers three different outputs covering a wide frequency range from only one outlet. This valuably supports the precise sourcing ranges of low AC voltage at NIS. The design and the operation theory of this prototype have been discussed in details. An automatic calibration technique has been introduced through specially designed software using the LabVIEW program to enhance the calibration technique and to reduce the uncertainty contributions. Relative small AC-DC differences of our prototype in the three output ranges are fairly verified. The expanded uncertainties of the calibration results for the three output ranges have been faithfully estimated. However, further work is needed to achieve the optimum performance of this new device

    Electrical performance study of a large area multicrystalline silicon solar cell using a current shunt and a micropotentiometer

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    In this paper, a new technique using a Current Shunt and a Micropotentiometer has been used to study the electrical performance of a large area multicrystalline silicon solar cell at outdoor conditions. The electrical performance is mainly described by measuring both cell short circuit current and open circuit voltage. The measurements of this cell by using multimeters suffer from some problems because the cell has high current intensity with low output voltage. So, the solar cell short circuit current values are obtained by measuring the voltage developed across a known resistance Current Shunt. Samples of the obtained current values are accurately calibrated by using a Micropotentiometer (μpot) thermal element (TE) to validate this new measuring technique. Moreover, the solar cell open circuit voltage has been measured. Besides, the cell output power has been calculated and can be correlated with the measured incident radiation

    Concerns, perceived impacts and preparedness of health care workers in a referral hospital in Egypt in facing influenza (H1N1) epidemic

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    Objective. In Egypt, influenza A(H1N1) cases have been detected and deaths have been reported. The aim of this study was to investigate Concerns, Perceived Impacts and Preparedness of Physicians and Nurses of Chest Specialty Hospital in Cairo (Egypt) concerning Influenza A(H1N1). Methods. A questionnaire was applied to a total of 72 Physicians and 41 Nurses from Chest Specialty Hospital in Cairo (Egypt). Results. More than half of physicians (55.6%) were men, while most of nurses (92.7%) were women. The mean age in years of physicians was 36.6 ± 11.3 compared to 26.5 ± 8 in nurses. Physicians feel that they are at greater risk by their job to the pandemic100% compared to 87.6% among nurses and the difference is highly significant. More than one third of the studied physicians reported that they are not ready to face H1N1 pandemic. Residents feel less ready to face the danger of Influenza A(H1N1) compared with Consultants and Specialists/Assistant Specialists, with no statistical significant difference. In concordance, Residents reported less Personal Protective Equipment training compared with Consultants and Specialists/Assistant Specialists, with no statistical significant difference. All Consultants received Seasonal Influenza Vaccine compared with Specialists/Assistant Specialists (68.2%) and Residents (44.7%). Conclusion. Higher work related and non work related stress was found among physicians compared to nurses, which reflects the demand of more information and training courses for physicians about the pandemic nature and its consequences, complications, and methods infection prevention

    A Comprehensive Approach to Identify Reliable Reference Gene Candidates to Investigate the Link between Alcoholism and Endocrinology in Sprague-Dawley Rats

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    Gender and hormonal differences are often correlated with alcohol dependence and related complications like addiction and breast cancer. Estrogen (E2) is an important sex hormone because it serves as a key protein involved in organism level signaling pathways. Alcoholism has been reported to affect estrogen receptor signaling; however, identifying the players involved in such multi-faceted syndrome is complex and requires an interdisciplinary approach. In many situations, preliminary investigations included a straight forward, yet informative biotechniques such as gene expression analyses using quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR). The validity of qRT-PCR-based conclusions is affected by the choice of reliable internal controls. With this in mind, we compiled a list of 15 commonly used housekeeping genes (HKGs) as potential reference gene candidates in rat biological models. A comprehensive comparison among 5 statistical approaches (geNorm, dCt method, NormFinder, BestKeeper, and RefFinder) was performed to identify the minimal number as well the most stable reference genes required for reliable normalization in experimental rat groups that comprised sham operated (SO), ovariectomized rats in the absence (OVX) or presence of E2 (OVXE2). These rat groups were subdivided into subgroups that received alcohol in liquid diet or isocalroic control liquid diet for 12 weeks. Our results showed that U87, 5S rRNA, GAPDH, and U5a were the most reliable gene candidates for reference genes in heart and brain tissue. However, different gene stability ranking was specific for each tissue input combination. The present preliminary findings highlight the variability in reference gene rankings across different experimental conditions and analytic methods and constitute a fundamental step for gene expression assays

    Characterization of a caspase-3-substrate kinome using an N- and C-terminally tagged protein kinase library produced by a cell-free system

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    Caspase-3 (CASP3) cleaves many proteins including protein kinases (PKs). Understanding the relationship(s) between CASP3 and its PK substrates is necessary to delineate the apoptosis signaling cascades that are controlled by CASP3 activity. We report herein the characterization of a CASP3-substrate kinome using a simple cell-free system to synthesize a library that contained 304 PKs tagged at their N- and C-termini (NCtagged PKs) and a luminescence assay to report CASP3 cleavage events. Forty-three PKs, including 30 newly identified PKs, were found to be CASP3 substrates, and 28 cleavage sites in 23 PKs were determined. Interestingly, 16 out of the 23 PKs have cleavage sites within 60 residues of their N- or C-termini. Furthermore, 29 of the PKs were cleaved in apoptotic cells, including five that were cleaved near their termini in vitro. In total, approximately 14% of the PKs tested were CASP3 substrates, suggesting that CASP3 cleavage of PKs may be a signature event in apoptotic-signaling cascades. This proteolytic assay method would identify other protease substrates

    Characterization of a caspase-3-substrate kinome using an N- and C-terminally tagged protein kinase library produced by a cell-free system

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    Caspase-3 (CASP3) cleaves many proteins including protein kinases (PKs). Understanding the relationship(s) between CASP3 and its PK substrates is necessary to delineate the apoptosis signaling cascades that are controlled by CASP3 activity. We report herein the characterization of a CASP3-substrate kinome using a simple cell-free system to synthesize a library that contained 304 PKs tagged at their N- and C-termini (NCtagged PKs) and a luminescence assay to report CASP3 cleavage events. Forty-three PKs, including 30 newly identified PKs, were found to be CASP3 substrates, and 28 cleavage sites in 23 PKs were determined. Interestingly, 16 out of the 23 PKs have cleavage sites within 60 residues of their N- or C-termini. Furthermore, 29 of the PKs were cleaved in apoptotic cells, including five that were cleaved near their termini in vitro. In total, approximately 14% of the PKs tested were CASP3 substrates, suggesting that CASP3 cleavage of PKs may be a signature event in apoptotic-signaling cascades. This proteolytic assay method would identify other protease substrates

    Phylostratigraphic tracking of cancer genes suggests a link to the emergence of multicellularity in metazoa

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    Background: Phylostratigraphy is a method used to correlate the evolutionary origin of founder genes (that is, functional founder protein domains) of gene families with particular macroevolutionary transitions. It is based on a model of genome evolution that suggests that the origin of complex phenotypic innovations will be accompanied by the emergence of such founder genes, the descendants of which can still be traced in extant organisms. The origin of multicellularity can be considered to be a macroevolutionary transition, for which new gene functions would have been required. Cancer should be tightly connected to multicellular life since it can be viewed as a malfunction of interaction between cells in a multicellular organism. A phylostratigraphic tracking of the origin of cancer genes should, therefore, also provide insights into the origin of multicellularity. Results: We find two strong peaks of the emergence of cancer related protein domains, one at the time of the origin of the first cell and the other around the time of the evolution of the multicellular metazoan organisms. These peaks correlate with two major classes of cancer genes, the 'caretakers', which are involved in general functions that support genome stability and the 'gatekeepers', which are involved in cellular signalling and growth processes. Interestingly, this phylogenetic succession mirrors the ontogenetic succession of tumour progression, where mutations in caretakers are thought to precede mutations in gatekeepers. Conclusions: A link between multicellularity and formation of cancer has often been predicted. However, this has not so far been explicitly tested. Although we find that a significant number of protein domains involved in cancer predate the origin of multicellularity, the second peak of cancer protein domain emergence is, indeed, connected to a phylogenetic level where multicellular animals have emerged. The fact that we can find a strong and consistent signal for this second peak in the phylostratigraphic map implies that a complex multi-level selection process has driven the transition to multicellularity