8 research outputs found

    Effects and Action Mechanisms of Berberine and Rhizoma coptidis on Gut Microbes and Obesity in High-Fat Diet-Fed C57BL/6J Mice

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    Gut microbes play important roles in regulating fat storage and metabolism. Rhizoma coptidis (RC) and its main active compound, berberine, have either antimicrobial or anti-obesity activities. In the present study, we hypothesize that RC exerts anti-obesity effects that are likely mediated by mechanisms of regulating gut microbes and berberine may be a key compound of RC. Gut microbes and glucose and lipid metabolism in high-fat diet-fed C57BL/6J (HFD) mice in vivo are investigated after RC and berberine treatments. The results show that RC (200 mg/kg) and berberine (200 mg/kg) significantly lower both body and visceral adipose weights, and reduce blood glucose and lipid levels, and decrease degradation of dietary polysaccharides in HFD mice. Both RC and berberine significantly reduce the proportions of fecal Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes to total bacteria in HFD mice. In the trial ex vivo, both RC and berberine significantly inhibit the growth of gut bacteria under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. In in vitro trials, both RC and berberine significantly inhibit the growth of Lactobacillus (a classical type of Firmicutes) under anaerobic conditions. Furthermore, both RC and berberine significantly increase fasting-induced adipose factor (Fiaf, a key protein negatively regulated by intestinal microbes) expressions in either intestinal or visceral adipose tissues. Both RC and berberine significantly increase mRNA expressions of AMPK, PGC1α, UCP2, CPT1α, and Hadhb related to mitochondrial energy metabolism, which may be driven by increased Fiaf expression. These results firstly suggest that antimicrobial activities of RC and berberine may result in decreasing degradation of dietary polysaccharides, lowering potential calorie intake, and then systemically activating Fiaf protein and related gene expressions of mitochondrial energy metabolism in visceral adipose tissues. Taken together, these action mechanisms may contribute to significant anti-obesity effects. Findings in the present study also indicate that pharmacological regulation on gut microbes can develop an anti-obesity strategy

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    The Biology of Thalassia: Paradigms and Recent Advances in Research

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    Controlling Parameters on Facies Geometries of the Bahamas, an Isolated Carbonate Platform Environment

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    The Bahamas are among the most extensively studied carbonate regions in the world, and a number of phenomena typical of calcareous environments have been first observed in the Bahamas. Early geological research in the Bahamas was undertaken by Nelson (1853B) who surveyed their geography and topography. He noticed the “remarkable lowness of profile” and the dynamics of construction and destruction of the islands, outlined the biota and lithologies, described the formation of the carbonate rocks, and noticed the eolian origin of many Bahamian islands. Forty years later, the examination of modern carbonate environments rapidly progressed with the expedition of L. and A. Agassiz in 1893 (Agassiz 1894). Their explorations focused mainly on the fringing reefs of GE Great Bahama Bank. Research on abiotic carbonate components followed, by Vaughan (1914) who emphasized that carbonate constituents can originate from both skeletal secretion and chemical precipitation, and introduced the terms “organic” and “inorganic” limestones. Black (1933) first characterized the sedimentary facies on Great Bahama Bank and noted the significance of the widespread aragonitic mud. The sand-sized calcareous components of the Bahamas and their origin, including ooid sands, were described in detail in the classic papers by Illing (1954) and Newell et al. (1960)

    ESICM LIVES 2016: part two : Milan, Italy. 1-5 October 2016.

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