6,982 research outputs found

    Study of Profile, Knowledge and Problems of Anganwadi Workers in ICDS Blocks: A Cross Sectional Study

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    Objectives: To study the profile of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs). To assess knowledge of AWWs & problems faced by them while working. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Methods: Anganwadi centres were selected by stratified sampling technique. From each block 10% AWWs were enrolled into study. The functioning of AWWs was assessed by interviewing Anganwadi workers for their literacy status, years of experience, their knowledge about the services rendered by them and problems faced by them. Result: Most of AWWs were from the age group of between 41-50 years; more than half of them were matriculate and 34(69.38%) workers had an experience of more than 10 years. Majority (81.63 %) of AWWs had a knowledge assessment score of above 50%. They had best knowledge about nutrition and health education (70%). Of the workers 87.7% complained of inadequate honorarium, 28.5% complained of lack of help from community and other problems reported were infrastructure related supply, excessive work overload and record maintenance. Conclusions: Majority of AWWs were beyond 40 years of age, matriculate, experienced, having more than 50% of knowledge related to their job. Complaints mentioned by them were chiefly honorarium related and excessive workload

    Progressive myoclonic epilepsy due to rare mitochondrial ND6 mutation, m.14487T>C

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    INTRODUCTION: Mitochondrial diseases exhibit wide phenotypic heterogeneity, and can present as progressive myoclonic epilepsy. SUMMARY: We report a case of adult-onset drug-resistant epilepsy, cortical myoclonus and bilateral optic neuropathies due to m.14487T>C, a rare mitochondrial gene mutation identified on whole-genome sequencing. This mutation, which affects the NADH dehydrogenase 6 (ND6) subunit of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, is most commonly implicated in cases of infantile-onset Leigh syndrome, although a broader phenotypic spectrum including migraine with aura and progressive myoclonic epilepsy have been described. Serial MRI scans over a 2-year period demonstrated the interval development of bihemispheric stroke-like lesions. Giant somatosensory evoked potentials and short-duration myoclonic jerks with craniocaudal spread on surface electromyography were consistent with cortical myoclonus. Optical coherence tomography showed bilateral symmetric thinning of the nerve fibre layer in the papillomacular bundles. CONCLUSION: Whole-genome sequencing can help to provide a definitive diagnosis for mitochondrial disease and should be considered in situations where clinical suspicion remains high despite normal genetic panels or muscle histopathology. Mitochondrial disease can present as adult-onset progressive myoclonic epilepsy, and bilateral optic neuropathies can be a striking feature of ND6 mitochondrial gene mutations. In our case, severe cortical myoclonus affecting speech and swallowing remained highly drug-resistant, however, symptomatic benefit was derived from targeted onabotulinum toxin A injections

    Precedence-constrained scheduling problems parameterized by partial order width

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    Negatively answering a question posed by Mnich and Wiese (Math. Program. 154(1-2):533-562), we show that P2|prec,pj{1,2}p_j{\in}\{1,2\}|CmaxC_{\max}, the problem of finding a non-preemptive minimum-makespan schedule for precedence-constrained jobs of lengths 1 and 2 on two parallel identical machines, is W[2]-hard parameterized by the width of the partial order giving the precedence constraints. To this end, we show that Shuffle Product, the problem of deciding whether a given word can be obtained by interleaving the letters of kk other given words, is W[2]-hard parameterized by kk, thus additionally answering a question posed by Rizzi and Vialette (CSR 2013). Finally, refining a geometric algorithm due to Servakh (Diskretn. Anal. Issled. Oper. 7(1):75-82), we show that the more general Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling problem is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by the partial order width combined with the maximum allowed difference between the earliest possible and factual starting time of a job.Comment: 14 pages plus appendi

    A new technique for transumbilical insertion of central venous silicone catheters in newborn infants

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    Aim: A new technique allowing placement of umbilical silicone venous catheters (USVC) is described and compared with percutaneous silicone venous catheters (PSVC)

    Coronary artery disease-associated genetic variants and biomarkers of inflammation

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    Introduction: Genetic constitution and inflammation both contribute to development of coronary artery disease (CAD). Several CAD-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have recently been identified, but their functions are largely unknown. We investigated the associations between CAD-associated SNPs and five CAD-related inflammatory biomarkers. Methods: We genotyped 45 CAD-associated SNPs in 701 stable CAD patients in whom levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsRCP), interleukin-6, calprotectin, fibrinogen and complement component 3 levels had previously been measured. A genetic risk score was calculated to assess the combined risk associated with all the genetic variants. A multiple linear regression model was used to assess associations between the genetic risk score, single SNPs, and the five inflammatory biomarkers. Results: The minor allele (G) (CAD risk allele) of rs2075650 (TOMM40/APOE) was associated with lower levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (effect per risk allele: -0.37 mg/l [95%CI -0.56 to -0.18 mg/l]). The inflammatory markers tested showed no association with the remaining 44 SNPs or with the genetic risk score. Conclusions: In stable CAD patients, the risk allele of a common CAD-associated marker at the TOMM40/APOE locus was associated with lower hsCRP levels. No other genetic variants or the combined effect of all variants were associated with the five inflammatory biomarkers

    On the Deformation of a Hyperelastic Tube Due to Steady Viscous Flow Within

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    In this chapter, we analyze the steady-state microscale fluid--structure interaction (FSI) between a generalized Newtonian fluid and a hyperelastic tube. Physiological flows, especially in hemodynamics, serve as primary examples of such FSI phenomena. The small scale of the physical system renders the flow field, under the power-law rheological model, amenable to a closed-form solution using the lubrication approximation. On the other hand, negligible shear stresses on the walls of a long vessel allow the structure to be treated as a pressure vessel. The constitutive equation for the microtube is prescribed via the strain energy functional for an incompressible, isotropic Mooney--Rivlin material. We employ both the thin- and thick-walled formulations of the pressure vessel theory, and derive the static relation between the pressure load and the deformation of the structure. We harness the latter to determine the flow rate--pressure drop relationship for non-Newtonian flow in thin- and thick-walled soft hyperelastic microtubes. Through illustrative examples, we discuss how a hyperelastic tube supports the same pressure load as a linearly elastic tube with smaller deformation, thus requiring a higher pressure drop across itself to maintain a fixed flow rate.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, Springer book class; v2: minor revisions, final form of invited contribution to the Springer volume entitled "Dynamical Processes in Generalized Continua and Structures" (in honour of Academician D.I. Indeitsev), eds. H. Altenbach, A. Belyaev, V. A. Eremeyev, A. Krivtsov and A. V. Porubo

    Human Conjunctival Stem Cells are Predominantly Located in the Medial Canthal and Inferior Forniceal Areas.

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    PURPOSE: The conjunctiva plays a key role in ocular surface defence and maintenance of the tear film. Ex vivo expansion of conjunctival epithelial cells offers potential to reconstruct the ocular surface in cases of severe cicatrising disease, but requires initial biopsies rich in stem cells to ensure long-term success. The distribution of human conjunctival stem cells, however, has not been clearly elucidated. METHODS: Whole human cadaveric conjunctiva was retrieved and divided into specific areas for comparison. From each donor, all areas from one specimen were cultured for colony-forming efficiency assays and immunocytochemical studies; all areas from the other specimen were fixed and paraffin embedded for immunohistochemical studies. Expression of CK19, p63, and stem cell markers ABCG2, ΔNp63, and Hsp70 were analyzed. Results were correlated to donor age and postmortem retrieval time. RESULTS: Conjunctiva was retrieved from 13 donors (26 specimens). Colony-forming efficiency and expression of stem cell markers ABCG2, ΔNp63, and Hsp70 in cultures and ABCG2 in fixed tissue were all consistently demonstrated throughout the tissue but with highest levels in the medial canthal and inferior forniceal areas (P < 0.01 for each). Both increasing donor age and longer postmortem retrieval times were associated with significantly lower colony-forming efficiency, stem cell marker expression in cell cultures and ABCG2 expression in fixed tissue. CONCLUSIONS: Biopsies from the medial canthus and inferior forniceal areas, from younger donors, and with short postmortem retrieval times offer the greatest potential to developing conjunctival stem cell-rich epithelial constructs for transplantation

    Hybridization between wild and cultivated potato species in the Peruvian Andes and biosafety implications for deployment of GM potatoes

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    The nature and extent of past and current hybridization between cultivated potato and wild relatives in nature is of interest to crop evolutionists, taxonomists, breeders and recently to molecular biologists because of the possibilities of inverse gene flow in the deployment of genetically-modified (GM) crops. This research proves that natural hybridization occurs in areas of potato diversity in the Andes, the possibilities for survival of these new hybrids, and shows a possible way forward in case of GM potatoes should prove advantageous in such areas

    The impact of brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism on cognition and functional brain networks in patients with intractable partial epilepsy

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    INTRODUCTION: Medial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE) is the most common refractory focal epilepsy in adults. Around 30%-40% of patients have prominent memory impairment and experience significant postoperative memory and language decline after surgical treatment. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism has also been associated with cognition and variability in structural and functional hippocampal indices in healthy controls and some patient groups. AIMS: We examined whether BDNF Val66Met variation was associated with cognitive impairment in mTLE. METHODS: In this study, we investigated the association of Val66Met polymorphism with cognitive performance (n = 276), postoperative cognitive change (n = 126) and fMRI activation patterns during memory encoding and language paradigms in 2 groups of patients with mTLE (n = 37 and 34). RESULTS: mTLE patients carrying the Met allele performed more poorly on memory tasks and showed reduced medial temporal lobe activation and reduced task-related deactivations within the default mode networks in both the fMRI memory and language tasks than Val/Val patients. CONCLUSIONS: Although cognitive impairment in epilepsy is the result of a complex interaction of factors, our results suggest a role of genetic factors on cognitive impairment in mTLE

    The hidden horizon and black hole unitarity

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    We motivate through a detailed analysis of the Hawking radiation in a Schwarzschild background a scheme in accordance with quantum unitarity. In this scheme the semi-classical approximation of the unitary quantum - horizonless - black hole S-matrix leads to the conventional description of the Hawking radiation from a classical black hole endowed with an event horizon. Unitarity is borne out by the detailed exclusive S-matrix amplitudes. There, the fixing of generic out-states, in addition to the in-state, yields in asymptotic Minkowski space-time saddle-point contributions which are dominated by Planckian metric fluctuations when approaching the Schwarzschild radius. We argue that these prevent the corresponding macroscopic "exclusive backgrounds" to develop an event horizon. However, if no out-state is selected, a distinct saddle-point geometry can be defined, in which Planckian fluctuations are tamed. Such "inclusive background" presents an event horizon and constitutes a coarse-grained average over the aforementioned exclusive ones. The classical event horizon appears as a coarse-grained structure, sustaining the thermodynamic significance of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. This is reminiscent of the tentative fuzzball description of extremal black holes: the role of microstates is played here by a complete set of out-states. Although the computations of unitary amplitudes would require a detailed theory of quantum gravity, the proposed scheme itself, which appeals to the metric description of gravity only in the vicinity of stationary points, does not.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures. Typos corrected. Two footnotes added (footnotes 3 and 5