28 research outputs found

    Timing of embryonic quiescence determines viability of embryos from the calanoid copepod, Acartia tonsa (Dana)

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    <div><p>Like 41 other calanoid copepods, <i>Acartia tonsa</i>, are capable of inducing embryonic quiescence when experiencing unfavorable environmental conditions. The ecdysone-signaling cascade is known to have a key function in developmental processes like embryogenesis and molting of arthropods, including copepods. We examined the role of <i>ecdysteroid-phosphate phosphatase</i> (<i>EPPase</i>), <i>ecdysone receptor</i> (<i>EcR</i>), <i>ß fushi tarazu transcription factor 1</i> (<i>ßFTZ-F1</i>), and the <i>ecdysteroid-regulated early gene E74</i> (<i>E74</i>), which represent different levels of the ecdysone-signaling cascade in our calanoid model organism. Progression of embryogenesis was monitored and hatching success determined to evaluate viability. Embryos that were induced quiescence before the gastrulation stage would stay in gastrulation during the rest of quiescence and exhibited a slower pace of hatching as compared to subitaneous embryos. In contrast, embryos developed further than gastrulation would stay in gastrulation or later stages during quiescence and showed a rapid pace in hatching after quiescence termination. Expression patterns suggested two peaks of the biological active ecdysteroids, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E). The first peak of 20E was expressed in concert with the beginning of embryogenesis originating from yolk-conjugated ecdysteroids, based on <i>EPPase</i> expression. The second peak is suggested to originate from <i>de novo</i> synthesized 20E around the limb bud stage. During quiescence, the expression patterns of <i>EPPase</i>, <i>EcR</i>, <i>ßFTZ-F1</i>, and <i>E74</i> were either decreasing or not changing over time. This suggests that the ecdysone-signaling pathway play a key role in the subitaneous development of <i>A</i>. <i>tonsa</i> embryogenesis, but not during quiescence. The observation is of profound ecological and practical relevance for the dynamics of egg banks.</p></div

    Advancing our understanding of functional genome organisation through studies in the fission yeast

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    Significant progress has been made in understanding the functional organisation of the cell nucleus. Still many questions remain to be answered about the relationship between the spatial organisation of the nucleus and the regulation of the genome function. There are many conflicting data in the field making it very difficult to merge published results on mammalian cells into one model on subnuclear chromatin organisation. The fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, over the last decades has emerged as a valuable model organism in understanding basic biological mechanisms, especially the cell cycle and chromosome biology. In this review we describe and compare the nuclear organisation in mammalian and fission yeast cells. We believe that fission yeast is a good tool to resolve at least some of the contradictions and unanswered questions concerning functional nuclear architecture, since S. pombe has chromosomes structurally similar to that of human. S. pombe also has the advantage over higher eukaryotes in that the genome can easily be manipulated via homologous recombination making it possible to integrate the tools needed for visualisation of chromosomes using live-cell microscopy. Classical genetic experiments can be used to elucidate what factors are involved in a certain mechanism. The knowledge we have gained during the last few years indicates similarities between the genome organisation in fission yeast and mammalian cells. We therefore propose the use of fission yeast for further advancement of our understanding of functional nuclear organisation

    Turbulence drives microscale patches of motile phytoplankton

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    Patchiness plays a fundamental role in phytoplankton ecology by dictating the rate at which individual cells encounter each other and their predators. The distribution of motile phytoplankton species is often considerably more patchy than that of non-motile species at submetre length scales, yet the mechanism generating this patchiness has remained unknown. Here we show that strong patchiness at small scales occurs when motile phytoplankton are exposed to turbulent flow. We demonstrate experimentally that Heterosigma akashiwo forms striking patches within individual vortices and prove with a mathematical model that this patchiness results from the coupling between motility and shear. When implemented within a direct numerical simulation of turbulence, the model reveals that cell motility can prevail over turbulent dispersion to create strong fractal patchiness, where local phytoplankton concentrations are increased more than 10-fold. This "unmixing" mechanism likely enhances ecological interactions in the plankton and offers mechanistic insights into how turbulence intensity impacts ecosystem productivity

    Dynamics in carbohydrate composition of Phaeocystis pouchetii colonies during spring blooms in mesocosms

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    The colony-forming microalgae Phaeocystis produces two major pools of carbohydrates: in mucopolysaccharides in the colony matrix and intracellular storage glucan. Both have different functions and separate degradation pathways in the ecosystem, so a partial precipitation method was developed to distinguish the dynamics of the two pools. Changes in concentration in response to variation in nutrients and irradiance were followed during a spring bloom of Phaeocystis pouchetii colonies in mesocosms near Bergen, Norway. Upon nutrient limitation, the carbohydrate to carbon ratio of the colonies increased from 15% during the growth phase, to more than 50% during the decline phase. During the growth phase of the bloom, the carbohydrate concentration and composition were influenced by irradiance: glucan concentrations showed strong diel dynamics and increased with higher light levels, whereas mucopolysaccharide concentrations were unaffected. During the exponential growth phase, glucan contributed 6-11% to P. pouchetii carbon, depending on the time of the day. During the decline of the bloom, the glucan contribution increased up to 60%. We provide further evidence for the concept that the Phaeocystis colony matrix is built with a relatively small but constant amount of carbohydrates, compared to the large quantities of glucan produced during Phacocystis spring blooms. Since a major part of Phaeocystis primary production is recycled in the water column by bacteria, this vast glucan injection is a potential determinant of the magnitude and composition of the microbial community following a bloom. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Plankton development and trophic transfer in seawater enclosures with nutrients and Phaeocystis pouchetii added

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    In high latitude planktonic ecosystems where the prymnesiophyte alga Phaeocystis pouchetii is often the dominant primary producer, its importance in structuring planktonic food webs is well known. In this study we investigated how the base of the planktonic food web responds to a P. pouchetii colony bloom in controlled mesocosm systems with natural water enclosed in situ in a West Norwegian fjord. Similar large (11 m(3)) mesocosm studies were conducted in 2 successive years and the dynamics of various components of the planktonic food web from viruses to mesozooplankton investigated. In 2002 (4 to 24 March), 3 mesocosms comprising a control containing only fjord water; another with added nitrate (N) and phosphate (P) in Redfield ratios; and a third with added N, P, and cultured solitary cells of P. pouchetii, were monitored through a spring bloom cycle. In 2003 (27 February to 2 April) a similar set of mesocosms were established, but cultured P. pouchetii was not added. As expected, during both years, addition of N and P without addition of silicate resulted in an initial small diatom bloom followed by a colonial bloom of P. pouchetii (600 to 800 mu g C l(-1)). However, the hypothesis that addition of solitary cells of R pouchetii would enhance subsequent colony blooms was not supported. Interestingly, despite the large production of Phaeocystis colonial material, little if any was transferred to the grazing food web, as evidenced by non-significant effects on the biomass of micro- and mesozooplankton in fertilized mesocoms. Separate experiments utilizing material from the mesocosms showed that colonies formed from solitary cells at rates that required only ca. 1% conversion efficiencies. The results are discussed from the perspective of future research still required to understand the impact of life cycle changes of this enigmatic phytoplankter on surrounding ecosystems

    Phytoplankton can actively diversify their migration strategy in response to turbulent cues

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    Marine phytoplankton inhabit a dynamic environment where turbulence, together with nutrient and light availability, shapes species fitness, succession and selection. Many species of phytoplankton are motile and undertake diel vertical migrations to gain access to nutrient-rich deeper layers at night and well-lit surface waters during the day. Disruption of this migratory strategy by turbulence is considered to be an important cause of the succession between motile and non-motile species when conditions turn turbulent. However, this classical view neglects the possibility that motile species may actively respond to turbulent cues to avoid layers of strong turbulence. Here we report that phytoplankton, including raphidophytes and dinoflagellates, can actively diversify their migratory strategy in response to hydrodynamic cues characteristic of overturning by Kolmogorov-scale eddies. Upon experiencing repeated overturning with timescales and statistics representative of ocean turbulence, an upward-swimming population rapidly (5–60 min) splits into two subpopulations, one swimming upward and one swimming downward. Quantitative morphological analysis of the harmful-algal-bloom-forming raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo together with a model of cell mechanics revealed that this behaviour was accompanied by a modulation of the cells’ fore–aft asymmetry. The minute magnitude of the required modulation, sufficient to invert the preferential swimming direction of the cells, highlights the advanced level of control that phytoplankton can exert on their migratory behaviour. Together with observations of enhanced cellular stress after overturning and the typically deleterious effects of strong turbulence on motile phytoplankton these results point to an active adaptation of H. akashiwo to increase the chance of evading turbulent layers by diversifying the direction of migration within the population, in a manner suggestive of evolutionary bet-hedging. This migratory behaviour relaxes the boundaries between the fluid dynamic niches of motile and non-motile phytoplankton, and highlights that rapid responses to hydrodynamic cues are important survival strategies for phytoplankton in the ocean.Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Award GBMF 3783