1,712 research outputs found

    Mental Retardation: Case Series of Dona Estefânia Hospital Child Development Centre

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    Segundo a DSM IV a Deficiência Mental (DM) define-se como o funcionamento intelectual global inferior à média (QI < 70) associado a perturbações do comportamento adaptativo com início antes dos 18 anos. Procurou-se caracterizar retrospectivamente a população de crianças com DM observadas no Centro de Desenvolvimento do Hospital de Dona Estefânia (CDHDE), entre Janeiro 2005 e Junho 2007. Foram avaliados os dados epidemiológicos, gravidade, etiologia, co-morbilidade e intervenção proposta. Do total de 232 processos clínicos observados, 185 apresentavam DM. Classificaram-se em DM ligeira 112 (61%), DM moderada 54 (29%), DM grave 17 (9%) e profunda 2 (1%). Foram definidas etiologias em 86 crianças (46%) sendo a taxa de diagnóstico mais elevada na DM de maior gravidade. Observou-se uma elevada variabilidade de etiologias: as mais frequentemente encontradas foram as doenças genéticas, prematuridade e patologia associada. Foi detectada co-morbilidade em 123 crianças (66%), sendo a mais frequente as do foro oftalmológico (57 crianças, 46%). Foram propostas e sinalizadas para apoio a totalidade das crianças com DM, 47% em intervenção precoce e 58% em educação especial, das quais 5% usufruiram, por curto período, do apoio simultaneo de educadora de Intervenção Precoce e de docente do Ensino Especial, durante o período inicial de integração em jardim de infância. Observou-se um predomínio do sexo masculino. Foi efectuada caracterização clínica e funcional das crianças seguidas no CDHDE com o diagnóstico de DM e encontraram-se semelhanças entre os dados presentes e os descritos na literatura. Contudo alguns dados diferem de outras casuísticas decorrente, muito provavelmente decorrente da heterogeneidade da população estudada, quer do ponto de vista etiológico, quer no referente aos grupos etários, provavelmente condicionada, pela política assistencial

    Inhibition of the formation in vitro of putatively carcinogenic metabolites derived from S. Haematobium and O. Viverrini by Combination of Drugs with Antioxidants

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    Infections caused by Schistosoma haematobium and Opisthorchis viverrini are classified as carcinogenic. Although carcinogenesis might be a multifactorial process, it has been postulated that these helminth produce/excrete oxysterols and estrogen-like metabolites that might act as initiators of their infection-associated carcinogenesis. Current treatment and control of these infections rely on a single drug, praziquantel, that mainly targets the parasites and not the pathologies related to the infection including cancer. Thus, there is a need to search for novel therapeutic alternatives that might include combinations of drugs and drug repurposing. Based on these concepts, we propose a novel therapeutic strategy that combines drugs with molecule antioxidants. We evaluate the efficacy of a novel therapeutic strategy to prevent the formation of putative carcinogenic metabolites precursors and DNA adducts. Firstly, we used a methodology previously established to synthesize metabolites precursors and DNA adducts in the presence of CYP450. Then, we evaluated the inhibition of their formation induced by drugs and antioxidants alone or in combination. Drugs and resveratrol alone did not show a significant inhibitory effect while N-acetylcysteine inhibited the formation of most metabolite precursors and DNA adducts. Moreover, the combinations of classical drugs with antioxidants were more effective rather than compounds alone. This strategy might be a valuable tool to prevent the initiation of helminth infection-associated carcinogenesis.This work was financed by FEDER-Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020-Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Portugal 2020, and by Portuguese funds through FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, in the framework of the projects "Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences" (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274). N.V. also acknowledges support from FCT and FEDER (European Union), award number IF/00092/2014/CP1255/CT0004. FUNDING TEXT 2: Funding: This work was financed by FEDER-Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020-Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Portugal 2020, and by Portuguese funds through FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, in the framework of the projects “Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274). N.V. also acknowledges support from FCT and FEDER (European Union), award number IF/00092/2014/CP1255/CT0004

    Prospects for the development of odour baits to control the tsetse flies Glossina tachinoides and G. palpalis s.l.

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    Field studies were done of the responses of Glossina palpalis palpalis in Côte d'Ivoire, and G. p. gambiensis and G. tachinoides in Burkina Faso, to odours from humans, cattle and pigs. Responses were measured either by baiting (1.) biconical traps or (2.) electrocuting black targets with natural host odours. The catch of G. tachinoides from traps was significantly enhanced (~5×) by odour from cattle but not humans. In contrast, catches from electric targets showed inconsistent results. For G. p. gambiensis both human and cattle odour increased (>2×) the trap catch significantly but not the catch from electric targets. For G. p. palpalis, odours from pigs and humans increased (~5×) the numbers of tsetse attracted to the vicinity of the odour source but had little effect on landing or trap-entry. For G. tachinoides a blend of POCA (P = 3-n-propylphenol; O = 1-octen-3-ol; C = 4-methylphenol; A = acetone) alone or synthetic cattle odour (acetone, 1-octen-3-ol, 4-methylphenol and 3-n-propylphenol with carbon dioxide) consistently caught more tsetse than natural cattle odour. For G. p. gambiensis, POCA consistently increased catches from both traps and targets. For G. p. palpalis, doses of carbon dioxide similar to those produced by a host resulted in similar increases in attraction. Baiting traps with super-normal (~500 mg/h) doses of acetone also consistently produced significant but slight (~1.6×) increases in catches of male flies. The results suggest that odour-baited traps and insecticide-treated targets could assist the AU-Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign (PATTEC) in its current efforts to monitor and control Palpalis group tsetse in West Africa. For all three species, only ~50% of the flies attracted to the vicinity of the trap were actually caught by it, suggesting that better traps might be developed by an analysis of the visual responses and identification of any semiochemicals involved in short-range interaction

    Pediatria do Neurodesenvolvimento. Levantamento Nacional de Recursos e Necessidades

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    As perturbações do neurodesenvolvimento são das patologias crónicas mais frequentes da infância e com tendência a aumentar nas sociedades modernas. Têm na grande maioria dos casos um percurso crónico e com limitação da aprendizagem necessária para a integração na sociedade de um modo autónomo. A Sociedade de Pediatria do Neurodesenvolvimento da Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria procedeu em 2008 e 2009 ao levantamento de recursos, movimento e necessidades na área assistencial do neurodesenvolvimento no universo de 49 hospitais portugueses com Pediatria, referente a 31 de Dezembro de 2007. Responderam 42 (85.7%) hospitais. O número total de consultas de desenvolvimento representou 10.7% das de Pediatria, e foi- -lhe imputada uma mediana de tempo de 20 horas por semana. Dedicavam-se ao desenvolvimento 82 pediatras, mas mais de dois terços só o fazia a tempo parcial. Outros profissionais (fisiatras, psicólogos, terapeutas da fala, terapeutas ocupacionais, fisioterapeutas, docentes e técnicos de Serviço Social) faziam parte das equipas do desenvolvimento, mas em menor número que os pediatras, e de igual modo só raramente a tempo completo. Aguardava por consulta de desenvolvimento uma mediana de 185 crianças, e o tempo de espera variou entre um e 18 meses(mediana de seis). No seu conjunto os hospitais a curto prazo recrutariam 34 Pediatras para se dedicarem à área do neurodesenvolvimento,metade em regime de tempo completo. Dos outros profissionais requisitados [psicólogos (21), terapeutas da fala (20), docentes (20), terapeutas ocupacionais (14), fisioterapeutas (8) e técnicos do Serviço Social (6)], solicitavam-nos a tempo inteiro. Concluí-se que o movimento assistencial específico desta área no contexto global da Pediatria representa já um número significativo de consultas. Ainda assim, a resposta na área do neurodesenvolvimento revelou-se insuficiente e as equipas não funcionavam na generalidade em trabalho multidisciplinar. Contudo, os pedidos solicitados de recursos humanos médicos e não médicos e a preferência de que a dedicação ao neurodesenvolvimento fosse a tempo completo reflecte uma evolução positiva a curto prazo, caso estes recrutamentos se venham a concretizar

    Improving the cost-effectiveness of visual devices for the control of Riverine tsetse flies, the major vectors of Human African Trypanosomiasis

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    Control of the Riverine (Palpalis) group of tsetse flies is normally achieved with stationary artificial devices such as traps or insecticide-treated targets. The efficiency of biconical traps (the standard control device), 161 m black targets and small 25625 cm targets with flanking nets was compared using electrocuting sampling methods. The work was done on Glossina tachinoides and G. palpalis gambiensis (Burkina Faso), G. fuscipes quanzensis (Democratic Republic of Congo), G. f. martinii (Tanzania) and G. f. fuscipes (Kenya). The killing effectiveness (measured as the catch per m2 of cloth) for small targets plus flanking nets is 5.5–15X greater than for 1 m2 targets and 8.6–37.5X greater than for biconical traps. This has important implications for the costs of control of the Riverine group of tsetse vectors of sleeping sickness

    Rotura Uterina às 18 Semanas de Gravidez no Contexto de Útero Malformado

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    Birth defects of the female genital tract are relatively common and often asymptomatic. Despite the pregnancy outcome can be favorable, adverse obstetric outcomes are described in women with uterine malformations. The authors report the case of an obstetric emergency which enhances the possibility of a very adverse and rare outcome of uterine rupture in a left hemi-cavity of a bicornuate uterus away from the term, at 18 weeks of pregnancy, in a pregnant woman with history of caesarean in the right hemi-cavity and with placenta increta. A malformed uterus with a primitive type cavity has lower distensibility of the wall with the progression of the pregnancy and facilitates the development of abnormal placentation forms, increasing the risk of uterine rupture in the first and second trimesters. The knowledge of the existence of a congenital uterine anomaly in the preconceptional period is of primary importance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improving the Cost-Effectiveness of Artificial Visual Baits for Controlling the Tsetse Fly Glossina fuscipes fuscipes

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    Tsetse flies, which transmit sleeping sickness to humans and nagana to cattle, are commonly controlled by stationary artificial baits consisting of traps or insecticide-treated screens known as targets. In Kenya the use of electrocuting sampling devices showed that the numbers of Glossina fuscipes fuscipes (Newstead) visiting a biconical trap were nearly double those visiting a black target of 100 cm×100 cm. However, only 40% of the males and 21% of the females entered the trap, whereas 71% and 34%, respectively, alighted on the target. The greater number visiting the trap appeared to be due to its being largely blue, rather than being three-dimensional or raised above the ground. Through a series of variations of target design we show that a blue-and-black panel of cloth (0.06 m2) flanked by a panel (0.06 m2) of fine black netting, placed at ground level, would be about ten times more cost-effective than traps or large targets in control campaigns. This finding has important implications for controlling all subspecies of G. fuscipes, which are currently responsible for more than 90% of sleeping sickness cases

    How do tsetse recognise their hosts? The role of shape in the responses of tsetse (Glossina fuscipes and G. palpalis) to artificial hosts

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    Palpalis-group tsetse, particularly the subspecies of Glossina palpalis and G. fuscipes, are the most important transmitters of human African trypanomiasis (HAT), transmitting .95% of cases. Traps and insecticide-treated targets are used to control tsetse but more cost-effective baits might be developed through a better understanding of the fly’s host-seeking behaviour.Electrocuting grids were used to assess the numbers of G. palpalis palpalis and G. fuscipes quanzensis attracted to and landing on square or oblong targets of black cloth varying in size from 0.01 m2 to 1.0 m2. For both species, increasing the size of a square target from 0.01 m2 (dimensions = 0.1 x 0.1 m) to 1.0 m2 (1.0 x 1.0 m) increased the catch ,4x however the numbers of tsetse killed per unit area of target declined with target size suggesting that the most cost efficient targets are not the largest. For G. f. quanzensis, horizontal oblongs, (1 m wide x 0.5 m high) caught, 1.8x more tsetse than vertical ones (0.5 m wide x 1.0 m high) but the opposite applied for G. p. palpalis. Shape preference was consistent over the range of target sizes. For G. p. palpalis square targets caught as many tsetse as the oblong; while the evidence is less strong the same appears to apply to G. f. quanzensis. The results suggest that targets used to control G. p. palpalis and G. f. quanzensis should be square, and that the most cost-effective designs, as judged by the numbers of tsetse caught per area of target, are likely to be in the region of 0.25 x 0.25 m2. The preference of G. p. palpalis for vertical oblongs is unique amongst tsetse species, and it is suggested that this response might be related to its anthropophagic behaviour and hence importance as a vector of HAT

    Chronic hepatitis C treatment in HIV co-infection in Portugal: Results from a cohort OF 2133 patients presented by GEPCOI (Portuguese Coinfection Study Group)

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    Direct-acting antiviral drugs (DAAs) have recently changed the paradigm of hepatitis C therapy, significantly improving treatment response rates, patient life expectancy and quality of life. In Portugal, sofosbuvir (SOF) and SOF/ledipasvir (SOF/LDV) were fully reimbursed by the National Health System since early 2015 and generalized use of interferon-free DAA based regimens became current practice. During 2016, the remaining DAAs were sequentially added and covered by the same health access policy. The Portuguese Study Group of Hepatitis and HIV Co-infection (GEPCOI) collected data from 15 clinical centres in Portugal, pertaining to the HCV treatment experience with DAA regimens. A cohort of 2133 patients was analysed, representing one of the largest DAA treated HCV/HIV co-infected individuals. The global sustained virologic response (SVR) achieved was 95% in this real-life cohort setting. Linear regression analysis showed significant differences in treatment response rates when using SOF plus ribavirin (RBV) combination in genotype 2 or 3 infected individuals (P < .002) and in those with liver cirrhosis (P < .002). These findings corroborate that early treatment is mandatory in HIV/HCV co-infected patients, as response rates may be negatively influenced by higher fibrosis stages and suboptimal DAA regimens. The current national Portuguese health policy should continue to promote wider treatment access and individualized therapy strategies, aiming at the elimination of HCV infection in this high-risk co-infected populationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Changes in standard of candidates taking the MRCP(UK) Part 1 examination, 1985 to 2002: Analysis of marker questions

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    The maintenance of standards is a problem for postgraduate medical examinations, particularly if they use norm-referencing as the sole method of standard setting. In each of its diets, the MRCP(UK) Part 1 Examination includes a number of marker questions, which are unchanged from their use in a previous diet. This paper describes two complementary studies of marker questions for 52 diets of the MRCP(UK) Part 1 Examination over the years 1985 to 2001 to assess whether standards have changed