354 research outputs found

    New Insights into Mutable Collagenous Tissue: Correlations between the Microstructure and Mechanical State of a Sea-Urchin Ligament

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    The mutable collagenous tissue (MCT) of echinoderms has the ability to undergo rapid and reversible changes in passive mechanical properties that are initiated and modulated by the nervous system. Since the mechanism of MCT mutability is poorly understood, the aim of this work was to provide a detailed morphological analysis of a typical mutable collagenous structure in its different mechanical states. The model studied was the compass depressor ligament (CDL) of a sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus), which was characterized in different functional states mimicking MCT mutability. Transmission electron microscopy, histochemistry, cryo-scanning electron microscopy, focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy, and field emission gun-environmental scanning electron microscopy were used to visualize CDLs at the micro- and nano-scales. This investigation has revealed previously unreported differences in both extracellular and cellular constituents, expanding the current knowledge of the relationship between the organization of the CDL and its mechanical state. Scanning electron microscopies in particular provided a three-dimensional overview of CDL architecture at the micro- and nano-scales, and clarified the micro-organization of the ECM components that are involved in mutability. Further evidence that the juxtaligamental cells are the effectors of these changes in mechanical properties was provided by a correlation between their cytology and the tensile state of the CDLs

    Quantification of tumour vasculature and hypoxia by immunohistochemical staining and HbO2 saturation measurements

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    Despite the possibility that tumour hypoxia may limit radiotherapeutic response, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. A new methodology has been developed in which information from several sophisticated techniques is combined and analysed at a microregional level. First, tumour oxygen availability is spatially defined by measuring intravascular blood oxygen saturations (HbO2) cryospectrophotometrically in frozen tumour blocks. Second, hypoxic development is quantified in adjacent sections using immunohistochemical detection of a fluorescently conjugated monoclonal antibody (ELK3-51) to a nitroheterocyclic hypoxia marker (EF5), thereby providing information relating to both the oxygen consumption rates and the effective oxygen diffusion distances. Third, a combination of fluorescent (Hoechst 33342 or DiOC7(3)) and immunohistological (PECAM-1/CD31) stains is used to define the anatomical vascular densities and the fraction of blood vessels containing flow. Using a computer-interfaced microscope stage, image analysis software and a 3-CCD colour video camera, multiple images are digitized, combined to form a photo-montage and revisited after each of the three staining protocols. By applying image registration techniques, the spatial distribution of HbO2 saturations is matched to corresponding hypoxic marker intensities in adjacent sections. This permits vascular configuration to be related to oxygen availability and allows the hypoxic marker intensities to be quantitated in situ. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Childhood Adversity and Affective Touch Perception: A Comparison of United Kingdom Care Leavers and Non-care Leavers.

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    In the United Kingdom, the most common reasons for a child to come under the care of social services are neglect and abuse. Such early childhood adversity is a risk factor for social-isolation and poor mental health in adulthood. Touch is a key channel for nurturing interactions, and previous studies have shown links between early somatosensory input, experience dependent neural plasticity, and later life emotional functioning. The aim of the present study was to test the relationship between childhood neglect/abuse and later life experiences, attitudes, and hedonic ratings of affective touch. Here, affective touch is defined as low force, dynamic touch which C-Tactile afferents (CTs) respond optimally to. We hypothesized that a childhood lacking in early nurturing tactile stimulation would be associated with reduced sensitivity to socially relevant affective touch in adulthood. To test this, 19 care leavers (average 9.32 ± 3.70 years in foster care) and 32 non-care leavers were recruited through opportunity sampling (mean age = 21.25 ± 1.74 years). Participants completed a range of psychophysical somatosensory tests. First, they rated the pleasantness of CT-optimal (3 cm/s) and non-CT-optimal (0.3 and 30 cm/s) stroking touch applied to their forearm, both robotically and by an experimenter. They also made vicarious ratings of the anticipated pleasantness of social tactile interactions depicted in a series of videos. Finally, they filled in the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) and the Touch Experiences and Attitudes Questionnaire (TEAQ). As expected, care leavers reported significantly higher levels of childhood trauma than the control group. They also reported significantly lower levels of positive childhood touch compared to non-care leavers, but their attitudes and experiences of current intimate and affiliative touch did not differ. Across all psychophysical tests, care leavers showed specific reduction in sensitivity to the affective value of CT targeted 3 cm/s touch. The results of this study support the hypothesis that a lack of nurturing touch in early developmental periods leads to blunted sensitivity to the specific social value of affective touch. Future research should investigate the neural and physiological mechanisms underlying the observed effect

    Hold me or stroke me? Individual differences in static and dynamic affective touch.

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    Low-threshold mechanosensory C-fibres, C-tactile afferents (CTs), respond optimally to sensations associated with a human caress. Additionally, CT-stimulation activates brain regions associated with processing affective states. This evidence has led to the social touch hypothesis, that CTs have a key role in encoding the affective properties of social touch. Thus, to date, the affective touch literature has focussed on gentle stroking touch. However, social touch interactions involve many touch types, including static, higher force touch such as hugging and holding. This study aimed to broaden our understanding of the social touch hypothesis by investigating relative preference for static vs dynamic touch and the influence of force on these preferences. Additionally, as recent literature has highlighted individual differences in CT-touch sensitivity, this study investigated the influence of affective touch experiences and attitudes, autistic traits, depressive symptomology and perceived stress on CT-touch sensitivity. Directly experienced, robotic touch responses were obtained through a lab-based study and vicarious touch responses through an online study where participants rated affective touch videos. Individual differences were determined by self-report questionnaire measures. In general, static touch was preferred over CT-non-optimal stroking touch, however, consistent with previous reports, CT-optimal stroking (velocity 1-10 cm/s) was rated most pleasant. However, static and CT-optimal vicarious touch were rated comparably for dorsal hand touch. For all velocities, 0.4N was preferred over 0.05N and 1.5N robotic touch. Participant dynamic touch quadratic terms were calculated for robotic and vicarious touch as a proxy CT-sensitivity measure. Attitudes to intimate touch significantly predict robotic and vicarious quadratic terms, as well as vicarious static dorsal hand touch ratings. Perceived stress negatively predicted robotic static touch ratings. This study has identified individual difference predictors of CT-touch sensitivity. Additionally, it has highlighted the context dependence of affective touch responses and the need to consider static, as well as dynamic affective touch

    Zonal image analysis of tumour vascular perfusion, hypoxia, and necrosis

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    A number of laboratories are utilising both hypoxia and perfusion markers to spatially quantify tumour oxygenation and vascular distributions, and scientists are increasingly turning to automated image analysis methods to quantify such interrelationships. In these studies, the presence of regions of necrosis in the immunohistochemical sections remains a potentially significant source of error. In the present work, frozen MCa-4 mammary tumour sections were used to obtain a series of corresponding image montages. Total vessels were identified using CD31 staining, perfused vessels by DiOC7 staining, hypoxia by EF5/Cy3 uptake, and necrosis by haematoxylin and eosin staining. Our goal was to utilise image analysis techniques to spatially quantitate hypoxic marker binding as a function of distance from the nearest blood vessel. Several refinements to previous imaging methods are described: (1) hypoxia marker images are quantified in terms of their intensity levels, thus providing an analysis of the gradients in hypoxia with increasing distances from blood vessels, (2) zonal imaging masks are derived, which permit spatial sampling of images at precisely defined distances from blood vessels, as well as the omission of necrotic artifacts, (3) thresholding techniques are applied to omit holes in the tissue sections, and (4) distance mapping is utilised to define vascular spacing

    S-100B as an extra selection tool for FDG PET/CT scanning in follow-up of AJCC stage III melanoma patients

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    Background and Objectives This current study assessed the value of S-100B measurement to guide fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scanning for detecting recurrent disease in stage III melanoma patients. Methods This study included 100 stage III melanoma patients in follow-up after curative lymph node dissection. Follow-up visits included physical examination and S-100B monitoring. FDG PET/CT scanning was indicated by clinical symptoms and/or elevated S-100B. Results Of 100 patients, 13 (13%) had elevated S-100B without clinical symptoms, of whom 7 (54%) showed disease evidence upon FDG PET/CT scanning. Twenty-six patients (26%) had clinical symptoms with normal S-100B and FDG PET/CT revealed metastasis in 20 (77%). Three patients had clinical symptoms and elevated S-100B, and FDG PET/CT revealed metastasis in all three (100%). Overall, FDG PET/CT scanning revealed metastasis in 30 of the 42 patients (71.4%). For seven recurrences, elevated S-100B prompted early detection of asymptomatic disease; 10% of all asymptomatic patients in follow-up, 23% of all patients with recurrent disease. Conclusion S-100B cannot exclude recurrent disease during follow-up of stage III melanoma. However, adding S-100B measurement to standard clinical assessment can guide FDG PET/CT scanning for detecting recurrent melanoma

    Local hypoxia is produced at sites of intratumour injection

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    Intratumour injection, commonly used for gene or drug delivery but also associated with needle biopsy or insertion of invasive measuring devices, may damage tumour microvessels. To examine this possibility, SCCVII tumours grown subcutaneously in C3H mice were injected with a 26 gauge needle containing 0.1 ml of the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342 to label cells lining the track of the needle. Hoechst-labelled cells sorted from these tumours were more sensitive to killing by hypoxic cell cytotoxins (tirapazamine, RSU-1069) and less sensitive to damage by ionizing radiation. Hoechst-labelled cells also bound the hypoxia marker pimonidazole when given by i.p. injection. Intratumour injection transiently increased hypoxia from 18 to 70% in the tumour cells adjacent to the track of the needle. The half-time for return to pre-treatment oxygenation was about 30 min; oxygenation of tumour cells along the track had recovered by 20 h after intratumour injection. This effect could have significant implications for intratumour injection of drugs, cytokines or vectors that are affected by the oxygenation status of the tumour cells as well as potential effects on biodistribution via local microvasculature

    Effect on skin hydration of using baby wipes to clean the napkin area of newborn babies: assessor-blinded randomised controlled equivalence trial

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    Background Some national guidelines recommend the use of water alone for napkin cleansing. Yet, there is a readiness, amongst many parents, to use baby wipes. Evidence from randomised controlled trials, of the effect of baby wipes on newborn skin integrity is lacking. We conducted a study to examine the hypothesis that the use of a specifically formulated cleansing wipe on the napkin area of newborn infants (<1 month) has an equivalent effect on skin hydration when compared with using cotton wool and water (usual care). Methods A prospective, assessor-blinded, randomised controlled equivalence trial was conducted during 2010. Healthy, term babies (n = 280), recruited within 48 hours of birth, were randomly assigned to have their napkin area cleansed with an alcohol-free baby wipe (140 babies) or cotton wool and water (140 babies). Primary outcome was change in hydration from within 48 hours of birth to 4 weeks post-birth. Secondary outcomes comprised changes in trans-epidermal water loss, skin surface pH and erythema, presence of microbial skin contaminants/irritants at 4 weeks and napkin dermatitis reported by midwife at 4 weeks and mother during the 4 weeks. Results Complete hydration data were obtained for 254 (90.7 %) babies. Wipes were shown to be equivalent to water and cotton wool in terms of skin hydration (intention-to-treat analysis: wipes 65.4 (SD 12.4) vs. water 63.5 (14.2), p = 0.47, 95 % CI -2.5 to 4.2; per protocol analysis: wipes 64.6 (12.4) vs. water 63.6 (14.3), p = 0.53, 95 % CI -2.4 to 4.2). No significant differences were found in the secondary outcomes, except for maternal-reported napkin dermatitis, which was higher in the water group (p = 0.025 for complete responses). Conclusions Baby wipes had an equivalent effect on skin hydration when compared with cotton wool and water. We found no evidence of any adverse effects of using these wipes. These findings offer reassurance to parents who choose to use baby wipes and to health professionals who support their use. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN8620701

    High risk behavior for HIV transmission among former injecting drug users: a survey from Indonesia

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    Contains fulltext : 88347.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Injecting drug use is an increasingly important cause of HIV transmission in most countries worldwide, especially in eastern Europe, South America, and east and southeast Asia. Among people actively injecting drugs, provision of clean needles and opioid substitution reduce HIV-transmission. However, former injecting drug users (fIDUs) are often overlooked as a high risk group for HIV transmission. We compared HIV risk behavior among current and former injecting drug users (IDUs) in Indonesia, which has a rapidly growing HIV-epidemic largely driven by injecting drug use. METHODS: Current and former IDUs were recruited by respondent driven sampling in an urban setting in Java, and interviewed regarding drug use and HIV risk behavior using the European Addiction Severity Index and the Blood Borne Virus Transmission Questionnaire. Drug use and HIV transmission risk behavior were compared between current IDUs and former IDUs, using the Mann-Whitney and Pearson Chi-square test. RESULTS: Ninety-two out of 210 participants (44%) were self reported former IDUs. Risk behavior related to sex, tattooing or piercing was common among current as well as former IDUs, 13% of former IDUs were still exposed to contaminated injecting equipment. HIV-infection was high among former (66%) and current (60%) IDUs. CONCLUSION: Former IDUs may contribute significantly to the HIV-epidemic in Indonesia, and HIV-prevention should therefore also target this group, addressing sexual and other risk behavior