22 research outputs found


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    The article analyzes the origin, development and application of the term “Information War” in the international media space. The main purpose of the work is the theoretical substantiation of the concepts and definitions related to information technology impact on the mass consciousness. The article considers the root causes of the formation of the concept of information wars, their application in the international media space. The terminological analysis allows us to determine the relationship of propaganda, psychological war, information war and media space over the past hundred years. New concepts and definitions contribute to the understanding of information technology impact on mass consciousness. Separatism has been replaced by a new threat: the growth of xenophobia and related extremist ideologies, which receive a new sound in the era of the information society. The informational semantic blow disorients the person; informational-emotional - destroys its ability to adequate perception, makes it insensitive or irritable; informational and moral - destroys former regulatory ideas about good and evil in a person, and, finally, an informational historical blow leads to the fact that a person ceases to understand who he is and begins to forget his roots. A person loses all of his shells, built up in his culture, and is devoid of tradition and soil by the atom. Atomization of society turns people into a cluster of indifferent people who stop experiencing and reacting.El artículo analiza el origen, desarrollo y aplicación del término “Guerra de la información” en el espacio de los medios internacionales. El objetivo principal del trabajo es la fundamentación teórica de los conceptos y definiciones relacionados con el impacto de la tecnología de la información en la conciencia de masas. El artículo considera las causas fundamentales de la formación del concepto de guerras de información, su aplicación en el espacio de los medios internacionales. El análisis terminológico nos permite determinar la relación de propaganda, guerra psicológica, guerra de información y espacio mediático en los últimos cien años. Los nuevos conceptos y definiciones contribuyen a la comprensión del impacto de la tecnología de la información en la conciencia de masas. El separatismo ha sido reemplazado por una nueva amenaza: el crecimiento de la xenofobia y las ideologías extremistas relacionadas, que reciben un nuevo sonido en la era de la sociedad de la información. El golpe semántico informativo desorienta a la persona; informativo-emocional: destruye su capacidad de percepción adecuada, la hace insensible o irritable; informativo y moral: destruye las antiguas ideas reglamentarias sobre el bien y el mal en una persona y, finalmente, un golpe histórico informativo lleva al hecho de que una persona deja de entender quién es y comienza a olvidar sus raíces. Una persona pierde todas sus conchas, construidas en su cultura, y carece de tradición y suelo por el átomo. La atomización de la sociedad convierte a las personas en un grupo de personas indiferentes que dejan de experimentar y reaccionar.В статье анализируется происхождение, развитие и применение термина "информационная война" в международном медиапространстве. Основной целью работы является теоретическое обоснование понятий и определений, связанных с воздействием информационных технологий на массовое сознание. В статье рассматриваются причины формирования концепции информационных войн, их применение в международном медиа-пространстве. Терминологический анализ позволяет определить взаимосвязь пропаганды, психологической войны, информационной войны и медиапространства за последние сто лет. Новые концепции и определения способствуют пониманию влияния информационных технологий на массовое сознание. Сепаратизм сменился новой угрозой: ростом ксенофобии и связанных с ней экстремистских идеологий, получивших новое звучание в эпоху информационного общества. Информационный семантический удар дезориентирует человека; информационно-эмоциональный - разрушает его способность к адекватному восприятию, делает его нечувствительным или раздражительным; информационный и моральный - разрушает прежние регулятивные представления о добре и зле в человеке, и, наконец, информационный исторический удар приводит к тому, что человек перестает понимать, кто он такой, и начинает забывать свои корни. Человек теряет все свои оболочки, построенные в его культуре, и лишен традиций. Атомизация общества превращает людей в скопление равнодушных людей, которые перестают переживать и реагировать


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    Agro-industrial waste management is an important problem of modern society as agriculture and food industry are important sources of waste. Wine production generates a considerable amount of winemaking waste (grape marc). Grape marc can be a source of natural dyes, antioxidants and could have various applications, if it is confirmed that it does not contain technogenic contaminants or unwanted microorganisms, for example, producers of mycotoxins. The paper developed the Real -Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (Real-Time PCR) methodology for testing the presence of potentially mycotoxogenic fungal species capable of producing ochratoxin A (OTA), which could be applied before grape marc processing. Based on the non-ribosomal peptide sequence of OTA, involved in ochratoxin biosynthesis, the primers have been developed for the detection of microorganisms potentially capable of producing ochratoxin A

    A global look at time: a 24-country study of the equivalence of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory

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    In this article, we assess the structural equivalence of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) across 26 samples from 24 countries (N = 12,200). The ZTPI is proven to be a valid and reliable index of individual differences in time perspective across five temporal categories: Past Negative, Past Positive, Present Fatalistic, Present Hedonistic, and Future. We obtained evidence for invariance of 36 items (out of 56) and also the five-factor structure of ZTPI across 23 countries. The short ZTPI scales are reliable for country-level analysis, whereas we recommend the use of the full scales for individual-level analysis. The short version of ZTPI will further promote integration of research in the time perspective domain in relation to many different psycho-social processes

    Implementation of the MOODLE learning management system potential for students’ creative self-development

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    This article attempts to describe the potential of the MOODLE learning management system contributing to the creative self-development in the process of teaching the subject “Oral and Written Speech Practice of the English Language” to students of the “Pedagogical Education” training programme. Despite the impersonality and seeming universality of the digital educational environment, it can act as a means of developing students' individual creative abilities so much needed in the era of the post-industrial society. The main objective of the article is to show possible ways of using the MOODLE learning management system for the creative self-development of students. A wide range of the MOODLE tools helps to increase individualization of education and build students’ individual educational trajectories. In the work with such elements as Forum, Glossary, Database, Assignment and Wiki interaction between students and teachers in the development of new knowledge with creative potential comes to the fore. The conclusions of the article can be applicable in the process of organizing activities in the electronic learning system at the stage of working out assignments aimed at the creative self-development of students

    Effect of entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Lecanicillium on behavioral reactions and average per-day fecundity of the predatory bug Orius laevigatus Fieber (Heteroptera, Anthocoridae)

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    The results of studying the effect of spores and mycelium of entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Lecanicillium on the behavioral responses of predatory bugs Orius laevigatus and their fecundity are provided. In a laboratory experiment, the location of the bug adults was assessed after 24 hours, as well as the average daily fecundity of females with a free choice between a bean leaf with agar (control) and a bean leaf with sporulating fungal mycelium (experiment). It was found that the neutral reaction prevailed in the behavior of the bugs. The repellent reaction of predators was caused by the mycelium of three strains: Vl 29 (L. lecanii), ARSEF 2332 (L. dimorphum), Vit 71 (L. attenuatum); the index of aggregation ranged from -40.7 to -50 (P<0.05). Strain Vl 5 (L. lecanii), index of aggregation+43.3, caused a significant attractive reaction. The strains causing a repellant reaction of bugs did not affect the average per-day fecundity of females. Only two strains Vl 72 of L. muscarium and Vl 79 of L. dimorphum caused a significant decrease in the fecundity of O. laevigatus, while the reaction of bugs to the mycelium of these strains was neutral. In the absence of a negative effect of fungi on the fecundity of bugs, the combined use of these biological agents may be promising

    Development of multivalent PV-thermal collectors for cooling, heating and generation of electricity

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    Growth of cities and rising occupant comfort expectations has led to an increasing cooling demand of buildings. The use of solar energy for the production of electricity with photovoltaic modules and hot water with solar collectors is a common application. Operating the PV-T collectors at night is the possibility given to cover the cooling demand with a renewable energy source; radiative cooling. This paper focuses on the potential analysis of PV-T collectors for heating, cooling and electricity production for 6 different climate conditions. First the state of the art, four different PV-T technologies and two examples for building integration are presented. This new prototypes of PV-T collectors with different joining methodologies between the absorber and the PV module have been developed and tested at an outdoor test stand under dynamic conditions. Measurements of these four new collector types are shown and compared with a TRNSYS PV-T collector model. Finally a potential analysis for heating, cooling and electricity production for one of the developed PV-T collector was carried out under different climatic conditions. The simulation results showed that this PV-T collector has the highest cooling potential in cold and moderate climate zones where cooling is needed only temporarily. In hot and humid climates where cooling is needed over the whole year, the cooling potential of the PV-T collector for radiative cooling is less. The increase of electricity production by cooling the PV cells varies between 0,1 and 5,8 %, depending on the inlet temperature and the weather conditions

    Inhibition of the proteasome activity leads to the detection of GFP-bZIP60u on the ER.

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    <p>Seedlings (7-days-old) of transgenic Arabidopsis plants harbouring the construct 60pro:GFP-bZIP60 were pretreated with DMSO (0.2% v/v) or MG132 (100 mM) during 18 hours. Then seedlings were treated with DMSO (0.2% v/v) (A-D), DMSO (0.2% v/v) plus DTT (2 mM) (E-H), MG132 (100 μM) (I-L) or MG132 (100 μM) plus DTT (2 mM) (M-P) during 3 hours. All treatments were performed in 0.5x MS phytagel plates supplemented with the chemicals mentioned above at the indicated concentrations. After treatment, seedlings were stained with ER-Tracker Blue-White DPX (1 μM) during 45 minutes, rinsed and stained with FM 4–64 (5 μM) during additional 5 minutes at room temperature. Finally, roots were analyzed by confocal microscopy. Scale bar equals 5 μm. Images are representative of three independent experiments. (Q) Immunoblot analysis of total protein extracts obtained from <i>bzip60</i>/ 60pro:GFP-bZIP60 transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings (7-days-old) treated with DMSO (0.2% v/v), MG132 (100 μM) or MG132 (100 μM) plus DTT (2 mM) as mentioned above, using a polyclonal antibody against GFP. <i>bzip60</i> mutant seedlings were used as control. Anti-PEPC antibody was used as loading control. Data are representative of three independent experiments. (R) CE-LIF analysis of RT-PCR products obtained from total RNA extracted from roots of <i>bzip60</i> mutant or <i>bzip60</i>/ 60pro:GFP-bZIP60 transgenic Arabidopsis plants (7-days-old) treated with DMSO (0.2% v/v), DMSO (0.2% v/v) plus DTT (2 mM), MG132 (100 μM) or MG132 (100 μM) plus DTT (2 mM) as described above. Spherograms peaks, corresponding to the unspliced form of bZIP60 (U) and spliced form (S), are depicted. Asterisks indicate the detection of a third peak only present in DTT treated samples. Data are representative of three independent experiments.</p

    The processing of bZIP60 is a tissue-specific process.

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    <p>Six weeks-old Arabidopsis plants of were exposed or not, to high temperature (42°C) during 1 hour. Then total RNA was extracted from the indicated tissues. RT-PCR products generated from total RNA isolated were analyzed by CE-LIF. All calculations were performed as described in the materials and methods section. Data are representative of three independent experiments. Data are shown as mean ± SD.</p