1,551 research outputs found

    Parameter Inference in the Pulmonary Circulation of Mice

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    This study focuses on parameter inference in a pulmonary blood cir- culation model for mice. It utilises a fluid dynamics network model that takes selected parameter values and aims to mimic features of the pulmonary haemody- namics under normal physiological and pathological conditions. This is of medical relevance as it allows monitoring of the progression of pulmonary hypertension. Constraint nonlinear optimization is successfully used to learn the parameter values

    Bioresorbable Polylactide Interbody Implants in an Ovine Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Model: Three-Year Results

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    Study Design. In vivo study of anterior discectomy and fusion using a bioresorbable 70:30 poly(l-lactide-co-d,l-lactide) interbody implant in an ovine model. Objective. To evaluate the efficacy of the polylactide implant to function as an interbody fusion device, and to assess the tissue reaction to the material during the resorption process. Summary of Background Data. The use of polylactide as a cervical interbody implant has several potential advantages when compared with traditional materials. Having an elastic modulus very similar to bone minimizes the potential for stress shielding, and as the material resorbs additional loading is transferred to the developing fusion mass. Although preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated the suitability of polylactide implants for lumbar interbody fusion, detailed information on cervical anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) with polylactide devices is desirable. Methods. Single level ACDF was performed in 8 skeletally mature ewes. Bioresorbable 70:30 poly (l-lactide-co-d,l-lactide) interbody implants packed with autograft were used with single-level metallic plates. Radiographs were made every 3 months up to 1 year, and yearly thereafter. The animals were killed at 6 months (3 animals), 12 months (3 animals), and 36 months (2 animals). In addition to the serial plain radiographs, the specimens were evaluated by nondestructive biomechanical testing and undecalcified histologic analysis. Results. The bioresorbable polylactide implants were effective in achieving interbody fusion. The 6-month animals appeared fused radiographically and biomechanically, whereas histologic sections demonstrated partial fusion (in 3 of 3 animals). Radiographic fusion was confirmed histologically and biomechanically at 12 months (3 of 3 animals) and 36 months (2 of 2 animals). A mild chronic inflammatory response to the resorbing polylactide implant was observed at both 6 months and 12 months. At 36 months, the operative levels were solidly fused and the implants were completely resorbed. No adverse tissue response was observed in any animal at any time period. Conclusion. Interbody fusion was achieved using bioresorbable polylactide implants, with no evidence of implant collapse, extrusion, or adverse tissue response to the material. The use of polylactide as a cervical interbody device appears both safe and effective based on these ACDF animal model results

    The Creation of the Catholic School Leadership Program at Seton Hall University

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    This article summarizes the development and implementation of a Catholic school leadership program at a diocesan university. Supported by university faculty as well as seminary faculty, this program offers a unique response to the training of future school leaders. The course work blends leadership theory, theology, and educational administration and is delivered via a cohort model

    Best Practices for Teaching Discussion as Part of High School Common Core State Standards

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    Instructional discussion is a teaching method used in many classrooms across grade levels. In fact, the Common Core State Standards promote the use of instructional discussion in secondary classrooms (Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2018a). Students, however, are not always taught best practices for engaging in a discussion and may feel unprepared to participate. As a result, discussions may not produce the dynamic learning opportunity they are intended to foster. This essay provides 10 tips for high school teachers to prepare students in the high school classroom to engage in a meaningful classroom discussion effectively in order to ensure students are learning and are engaged in a productive manner while meeting the demands of the Common Core Standards

    Pengendalian Biaya Dan Waktu Dengan Metode Analisis Nilai Dan Hasil Dengan Microsoft Project 2010 (Studi Kasus : Gedung Mantos Tahap III)

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    Pengendalian dalam proyek merupakan fungsi paling pokok dama pelaksanaan suatu proyek konstruksi. Pengendalian sebagai alat untuk membantu mengendalikan proyek, membantu pelaksanaan dan penyelesaian dalam suatu proyek konstruksi. Pelaksanaan suatu proyek umumnya sering terjadi penyimpanan – penyimpangan dimana biaya yang dikeluarkan dan jadwal yang direncanakan melampaui batas yang direncanakan. Pengendalian proyek bertujuan untuk mengendaliakn biaya dan waktu agar sesuai dengan biaya dan jadwal yang direncanakan. Metode nilai hasil merupakan pengembangan teknik pengendalian grafik S sampai mampu menganalisis varians biaya secara stimulant sehingga dapat melihat kemajuan proyek dari jadwal dengan anggaran yang telah dialokasikan. Metode nilai hasil ini mencakup rencana anggaran dan biaya (RAB), daftar harga satuan upah dan bahan, analisa harga satuan serta laporan kemajuan proyek di olah untuk mendapatkan BCWS (Budgeted Cost of Work Schedule), ACWP (Actual Cost of Work Performance) dan BCWP (Budgeted Cost of Work Performance) Dari hasil penerapan metode konsep nilai hasil diketahui sampai hasil tinjauan pada minggu ke 6 di dapatkan BCWS = Rp. 46,932,747,947.29; ACWP = Rp. 45,928,815,000.00; BCWP = Rp. 47,633,716,500.77; sedangkan varian biaya (CV) pada bulan satu sampai tiga adalah negative (-) dan pada bulan ke empat sampai akhir pelaksanaan proyek adalah positif (+) begitu pun varian jadwal. Dan dapat diketahui prakiraan biaya akhir proyek EAC (Estimate At Complection) adalah Rp. 70,829,440,000.00, dengan anggaran rencana sebesar Rp. 72,391,666,414.54. Estimate Complection Date (ECD) proyek mengalami sedikit kemajuan terhadap jadwal yang direncanakan yaitu 2 har