9 research outputs found

    Status Report Of The Schenberg Gravitational Wave Antenna

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    Here we present a status report of the Schenberg antenna. In the past three years it has gone to a radical upgrading operation, in which we have been installing a 1K pot dilution refrigerator, cabling and amplifiers for nine transducer circuits, designing a new suspension and vibration isolation system for the microstrip antennas, and developing a full set of new transducers, microstrip antennas, and oscillators. We are also studying an innovative approach, which could transform Schenberg into a broadband gravitational wave detector.3631Aguiar, O.D., (2002) Class. Quantum Grav., 19, p. 1949Aguiar, O.D., (2004) Class. Quantum Grav., 21, pp. S457Aguiar, O.D., (2005) Class. Quantum Grav., 22, pp. S209Aguiar, O.D., (2006) Class. Quantum Grav., 23, pp. S239Aguiar, O.D., (2008) Class. Quantum Grav., 25, p. 114042Costa, C.A., (2008) Class. Quantum Grav., 25, p. 184002Johnson, W.W., Merkowitz, S.M., (1993) Phys. Rev. Lett., 70, p. 2367Coccia, E., Lobo, J.A., Ortega, J.A., (1995) Phys. Rev. D, 52, p. 3735Thorne, K.S., (1978) Phys. Rev. Lett., 40, p. 667Tobar, M.E., Ivanov, E.N., Blair, D.G., (2000) Gen. Rel. Grav., 32, p. 1799De Waard, (2005) Class. Quantum Grav., 22, pp. S215Vinet, J.-Y., (2010) Research in Astron Astrophys., 10, p. 956Costa, C.A., Aguiar, O.D., Magalhães, N.S., (2004) Class. Quantum Grav., 21, pp. S827Forward, R.L., (1971) Gen. Rel. Grav., 2, p. 149Eardley, D.M., Lee, D.L., Lightman, A.P., Wagoner, R.V., Will, C.M., (1973) Phys. Rev. Lett., 30, p. 884Bianchi, M., Coccia, E., Colacino, C.N., Fafone, V., Fucito, F., (1996) Class. Quantum Grav., 13, p. 2865Andrade, L.A., (2009) Microwave and Optical Tech. Lett., 51, p. 1120Furtado, S.R., (2012), in preparationIvanov, E.N., Hartnett, J.G., Tobar, M.E., (2000) IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect., Freq. Contr., 47, p. 1526Pimentel, G.L., (2008) J. Phys. Conf. Series, 122, p. 012028Aguiar, (2009) Int. J. Modern Phys. D, 18, p. 2317Furtado, S.R., (2009), Ph.D. Thesis at INPE, not publishedBraginsky, V.B., Vorontsov, Y.I., Thorne, K.S., (1980) Science, 209, p. 547Thorne, K.S., The Quantum Limit for Gravitational-Wave Detectors and Methods of Circumventing It (1979) Sources of Gravitational Waves, p. 49. , ed. L L Smarr, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, US

    The Schenberg Spherical Antenna: Status Report

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    We present a status report of the SCHENBERG antenna, which started commissioning runs in September 2006 under the full support of FAPESP. In the past year, however, it has undergone a radical upgrading operation, in which we have been installing a 1K pot dilution refrigerator, cabling and amplifiers for nine transducers circuits, and a new suspension and vibration isolation system for the cabling and microstrip antennas. We also have been developing a new set of transducers, microwave oscillators, microstrip antenna pairs, and studying an innovative approach, which could transform SCHENBERG into a broadband gravitational wave detector. Copyright © 2012 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.16491651United Nations Educational Scientific,and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP),National Science Foundation (NSF),Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)Aguiar, O.D., (2002) Class. Quantum Grav., 19, p. 1949Aguiar, O.D., (2004) Class. Quantum Grav., 21, pp. S457Aguiar, O.D., (2005) Class. Quantum Grav., 22, pp. S209Aguiar, O.D., (2006) Class. Quantum Grav., 23, pp. S239Aguiar, O.D., (2008) Class. Quantum Grav., 25, p. 114042Aguiar, O.D., (2009) Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 18, p. 231

    Estabelecimento e multiplicação in vitro de brotos no processo de micropropagação de cultivares de bananeira (Musa spp.) Establishment and in vitro multiplication of banana (Musa spp.) cultivars with the use of PVP (Polyvinylpyrrolidone)

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    A banana (Musa spp.) é uma das frutas mais consumidas no mundo, e amplamente cultivada no Brasil, porém doenças como as sigatokas, negra e amarela, vêm reduzindo a sua produção. A disponibilização imediata de novas cultivares resistentes às principais doenças é limitada pela propagação convencional. A micropropagação é uma alternativa para a produção de mudas com qualidade fitossanitária e vegetativa, mas apresenta fatores que dificultam sua aplicação como a contaminação por fungos e bactérias, associada à oxidação dos explantes. O objetivo desse trabalho foi adaptar e/ou otimizar as etapas do processo de micropropagação para diferentes cultivares de bananeira, por meio do controle de oxidação, contaminação, e multiplicação de brotos, sendo utilizadas as cultivares Caipira (AAA), BRS Caprichosa (AAAB), Pacovan Ken (AAAB), Preciosa (AAAB), PV 03-76 (AAAB), Thap Maeo (AAB). No estudo foram utilizados o antibiótico sulfato de estreptomicina e o fungicida Opera® (BASF) visando reduzir a contaminação in vitro provocada por bactérias e fungos, além do anti-oxidante PVP (polivinilpirrolidona) para controlar a oxidação. Houve redução da contaminação com uso do sulfato de estreptomicina à concentração de 100 mg L-1 e da oxidação com PVP a 4 g L-1. Na fase de multiplicação de brotos, as cultivares apresentaram médias que variaram de 1,90 a 4,75 brotos/explante. A cultivar caipira (AAA) destacou-se das demais com a maior taxa de multiplicação de brotos após três subcultivos, média de 41,50 brotos por rizoma.<br>The banana (Musa spp) is one of the most consumed fruits in the world and is widely consumed in Brazil, but diseases such as yellow and black sigatoka have been reducing its production. The immediate availability of new cultivars resistant to major diseases is limited by conventional propagation. The micropropagation, is an alternative for the production of seedlings with phytosanitarium and vegetative quality, but presents factors that difficult its application such as contamination by fungi and bacteria, associated with oxidation of the explants. The objective of this work was to adapt and/or optimize the stages of the micropropagation of banana cultivars, through the control of oxidation, contamination, and multiplication of shoots. The cultivars used Caipira (AAA), BRS Caprichosa (AAAB), Pacovan Ken (AAAB), Preciosa (AAAB), PV 03-76 (AAAB), Thap Maeo (AAB) were subjected to different micropropagation stages. In the study we used the streptomycin sulfate antibiotic and fungicide Opera® (BASF) to reduce contamination in vitro caused by bacteria and fungi, besides the anti-oxidant PVP (polivinilpirrolidona) to control the oxidation. We found contamination reduction with the use of streptomycin sulfate in the concentration of 100 mg L-1 and of oxidation with PVP at 4 g L-1. At the stage of multiplication of shoots, the cultivates showed means ranging from 1,90 to 4,75 shoots / explant. The cultivate Caipira (AAA) stood out from the others with the highest rate of shoot multiplication after three subcultivations, 41,50 shoots per rhizome average