9,552 research outputs found

    Sterile neutrinos, dark matter, and resonant effects in ultra high energy regimes

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    Interest in light dark matter candidates has recently increased in the literature; some of these works consider the role of additional neutrinos, either active or sterile. Furthermore, extragalactic neutrinos have been detected with energies higher than have ever been reported before. This opens a new window of opportunities to the study of neutrino properties that were unreachable up to now. We investigate how an interaction potential between neutrinos and dark matter might induce a resonant enhancement in the oscillation probability, an effect that may be tested with future neutrino data.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, to be published in PL

    The reactor antineutrino anomaly and low energy threshold neutrino experiments

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    Short distance reactor antineutrino experiments measure an antineutrino spectrum a few percent lower than expected from theoretical predictions. In this work we study the potential of low energy threshold reactor experiments in the context of a light sterile neutrino signal. We discuss the perspectives of the recently detected coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering in future reactor antineutrino experiments. We find that the expectations to improve the current constraints on the mixing with sterile neutrinos are promising. We also analyse the measurements of antineutrino scattering off electrons from short distance reactor experiments. In this case, the statistics is not competitive with inverse beta decay experiments, although future experiments might play a role when compare it with the Gallium anomaly.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, matches published versio

    Collapse of Primordial Clouds

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    We present here studies of collapse of purely baryonic Population III objects with masses ranging from 10M10M_\odot to 106M10^6M_\odot. A spherical Lagrangian hydrodynamic code has been written to study the formation and evolution of the primordial clouds, from the beginning of the recombination era (zrec1500z_{rec} \sim 1500) until the redshift when the collapse occurs. All the relevant processes are included in the calculations, as well as, the expansion of the Universe. As initial condition we take different values for the Hubble constant and for the baryonic density parameter (considering however a purely baryonic Universe), as well as different density perturbation spectra, in order to see their influence on the behavior of the Population III objects evolution. We find, for example, that the first mass that collapses is 8.5×104M8.5\times10^4M_\odot for h=1h=1, Ω=0.1\Omega=0.1 and δi=δρ/ρ=(M/Mo)1/3(1+zrec)1\delta_i={\delta\rho / \rho}=(M / M_o)^{-1/3}(1+z_{rec})^{-1} with the mass scale Mo=1015MM_o=10^{15}M_\odot. For Mo=4×1017MM_o=4\times10^{17}M_\odot we obtain 4.4×104M4.4\times10^{4}M_\odot for the first mass that collapses. The cooling-heating and photon drag processes have a key role in the collapse of the clouds and in their thermal history. Our results show, for example, that when we disregard the Compton cooling-heating, the collapse of the objects with masses >8.5×104M>8.5\times10^4M_\odot occurs earlier. On the other hand, disregarding the photon drag process, the collapse occurs at a higher redshift.Comment: 10 pages, MN plain TeX macros v1.6 file, 9 PS figures. Also available at http://www.iagusp.usp.br/~oswaldo (click "OPTIONS" and then "ARTICLES"). MNRAS in pres

    Collapse of Primordial Clouds II. The Role of Dark Matter

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    In this article we extend the study performed in our previous article on the collapse of primordial objects. We here analyze the behavior of the physical parameters for clouds ranging from 107M10^7M_\odot to 1015M10^{15}M_\odot. We studied the dynamical evolution of these clouds in two ways: purely baryonic clouds and clouds with non-baryonic dark matter included. We start the calculations at the beginning of the recombination era, following the evolution of the structure until the collapse (that we defined as the time when the density contrast of the baryonic matter is greater than 10410^4). We analyze the behavior of the several physical parameters of the clouds (as, e.g., the density contrast and the velocities of the baryonic matter and the dark matter) as a function of time and radial position in the cloud. In this study all physical processes that are relevant to the dynamical evolution of the primordial clouds, as for example photon-drag (due to the cosmic background radiation), hydrogen molecular production, besides the expansion of the Universe, are included in the calculations. In particular we find that the clouds, with dark matter, collapse at higher redshift when we compare the results with the purely baryonic models. As a general result we find that the distribution of the non-baryonic dark matter is more concentrated than the baryonic one. It is important to stress that we do not take into account the putative virialization of the non-baryonic dark matter, we just follow the time and spatial evolution of the cloud solving its hydrodynamical equations. We studied also the role of the cooling-heating processes in the purely baryonic clouds.Comment: 8 pages, MN plain TeX macros v1.6 file, 13 PS figures. Also available at http://www.iagusp.usp.br/~oswaldo (click "OPTIONS" and then "ARTICLES"). MNRAS in pres

    A non-resonant dark-side solution to the solar neutrino problem

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    We re-analyse spin-flavour precession solutions to the solar neutrino problem in the light of the recent SNO CC result as well as the 1258--day Super-Kamiokande data and the upper limit on solar anti-neutrinos. In a self-consistent magneto-hydrodynamics approach the resulting scheme has only 3 effective parameters: Δm2\Delta m^2, μB\mu B_\perp and the neutrino mixing angle θ\theta. We show how a rates-only analysis for fixed μB\mu B_\perp slightly favours spin-flavour precession (SFP) solutions over oscillations (OSC). In addition to the resonant solution (RSFP for short), there is a new non-resonant solution (NRSFP) in the ``dark-side''. Both RSFP and NRSFP lead to flat recoil energy spectra in excellent agreement with the latest SuperKamiokande data. We also show that in the presence of a neutrino transition magnetic moment of 101110^{-11} Bohr magneton, a magnetic field of 80 KGauss eliminates all large mixing solutions other than the so-called LMA solution.Comment: 12 pages, 3 postscript figures, using elsart.cls. Published versio


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    This work presents a comparative study between two propeller design methods for aeronautical application, with emphasis on its main element, the blade. The first method is an empirical approach based on graphical distribution of design parameters of a propeller and consists on a sequence of steps which starts from defined value for parameters like flight speed, propeller RPM, etc; with a view to obtain others dimensional parameters (diameter, twisting angle, etc) for a propeller to be used on a general aviation aircraft, with the goal to achieve certain performance target. According to the author of this method, the design of a propeller should be seen more as an art rather than exact science. The second method is well known by the aeronautical industry and called “method or theory of blade element”. This theory consider a propeller blade as a twisted wing, for which the quantities of interest to be obtained are the aerodynamics reactions, lift and drag, which are a function of the airfoil characteristics (treated as aerodynamic coefficients, cl for lift and cd for drag) for each section along blades length, twist angle, Mach, etc. For obtaining the propeller value of interest, the number of blades must also be considered. As an application for the study it was used a tri-blade propeller which equips an airplane for general aviation, that can carry 4 occupants flying at 170 Knots. The first aim of this study was to compare the results provided by the empirical method against the BET (Blade Element Theory). A secondary objective was to extend the empirical method in the design of a propeller for use on a closed circuit wind tunnel, once verified the consistency of obtained results as aimed on the first part of this study. Although the results were favorable, showing that both methods provide similar results, the study showed that the empirical method is not valid for operating and constructive conditions set for conditions like the defined for this wind tunnel, once for this type of application, the design parameters extrapolates the minimum and maximum limits established in the empirical method, providing extremely inconsistent results