579 research outputs found

    On the Exotic Hard X-ray Source Populations in the Hellas2XMM survey

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    Recent hard X-ray surveys have proven to be effective in discovering large numbers of X-ray sources that, despite the likely association with active nuclei, appear to be characterized by "peculiar" properties. Among these "exotic" source populations, we will focus on the nature of two classes of hard X-ray sources: those characterized by high X-ray-to-optical flux ratios -- a fraction of these are associated with the rather elusive Type 2 quasars -- and the X-ray bright optically normal galaxies, also known as XBONGs.Comment: On behalf of the HELLAS2XMM Collaboration, 6 pages, 4 figures, contribution to the Proceedings of the COSPAR Scientific Assembly, E1.3 "High-Energy Radiation from Black Holes: from Supermassive Black Holes to Galactic Solar Mass Black Holes", Paris (France), July 18-25, 2004, accepted for publication in Advances in Space Researc

    Il difficile cammino della democrazia paritaria: gli interventi normativi tra quote e preferenza di genere

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    Il presente lavoro ha come obiettivo quello di analizzare il difficile cammino della democrazia paritaria in Italia procedendo con un’esposizione ragionata della giurisprudenza costituzionale sul tema, che ha tanto influenzato tutta la materia: a partire dalla bocciatura delle “quote rosa” con la sent. n. 422 del 1995, modificata però dalla successiva sent. n. 49 del 2003 che traccia le linee della legittimità di futuri provvedimenti; sino alla riforma dell’art. 51 Cost., avvenuta con l. cost. n. 1 del 2003. che ha costituito un nodo cruciale negli interventi in materia di pari opportunità che sono state, così, “costituzionalizzate”.La ricerca, espressa nel secondo capitolo della trattazione, è nata dall'esigenza di approfondire il quadro teorico normativo e di disporre di un’analisi dettagliata elle principali esperienze vigenti in Italia in tema di pari opportunità tra donne e uomini alle cariche elettive. Soffermandosi sulla riforma costituzionale del titolo V della Costituzione si è ampiamente sottolineato proprio come le modifiche costituzionali hanno affidato alle Regioni un importante ruolo, spesso propulsore, in materia. Si sono prese in considerazioni eventuali scelte del legislatore regionale che ammettono clausole antidiscriminatorie, seguendo modelli diversi. Oltre al consueto strumento delle quote, con la presente analisi ci si è soffermati su uno strumento peculiare ed innovativo in tema di pari opportunità ossia la “preferenza di genere” introdotta dalla regione Campania e ottenuto l’avallo dei giudici costituzionali diventa una soluzione alla questione della rappresentanza di genere intrapresa non solo da diversi legislatori regionali ma, con la nuova legge elettorale, diventa strumento che vedremo utilizzare anche nelle prossime elezioni politiche. La ricerca, infine, ha voluto dedicarsi anche all’analisi della tematica negli enti locali, in particolare nei comuni, attraverso il richiamo alle principali modifiche normative e alla giurisprudenza amministrativa, che insieme a quella costituzionale, hanno dato man forte bocciando giunte “monogenere” e, soprattutto, riconoscendo diretta applicabilità all’art. 51 Cost. La trattazione procede nel capitolo terzo analizzando le disposizioni a tutela della rappresentanza di genere incluse nella normativa elettorale nazionale dalla legge Calderoli all'italicum con cui si introduce la "doppia preferenza di genere".Inoltre, non si è voluto tralasciare il ruolo fondamentale che i partiti politici hanno nella promozione della rappresentata di genere ma, allo stesso tempo, si sono evidenziate le carenze di quest’ultimi. Nel quarto e ultimo capitolo della trattazione per completezza d indagine si è analizzato il principio delle pari opportunità nell'ordinamento europeo, della tripla preferenza di genere introdotta per l'elezione dei nostri eurodeputati ed infine si è fornita un'analisi comparatistica disegnando una mappa della diffusione delle quote riservate alle donne in Europa e elenca i molti e diversi tipi di quote utilizzate dagli stati membri che si muovono, sostanzialmente, nell'ambito di due modelli di riferimento: il modello francese che prevede quote imposte per legge e quote liberamente scelte dai partiti politici previste, invece, nel modello scandinavo

    An X-ray/SDSS sample (II): outflowing gas plasma properties

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    Galaxy-scale outflows are nowadays observed in many active galactic nuclei (AGNs); however, their characterisation in terms of (multi-) phase nature, amount of flowing material, effects on the host galaxy, is still unsettled. In particular, ionized gas mass outflow rate and related energetics are still affected by many sources of uncertainties. In this respect, outflowing gas plasma conditions, being largely unknown, play a crucial role. Taking advantage of the spectroscopic analysis results we obtained studying the X-ray/SDSS sample of 563 AGNs at z <0.8<0.8 presented in our companion paper, we analyse stacked spectra and sub-samples of sources with high signal-to-noise temperature- and density-sensitive emission lines to derive the plasma properties of the outflowing ionized gas component. For these sources, we also study in detail various diagnostic diagrams to infer information about outflowing gas ionization mechanisms. We derive, for the first time, median values for electron temperature and density of outflowing gas from medium-size samples (30\sim 30 targets) and stacked spectra of AGNs. Evidences of shock excitation are found for outflowing gas. We measure electron temperatures of the order of 1.7×104\sim 1.7\times10^4 K and densities of 1200\sim 1200 cm3^{-3} for faint and moderately luminous AGNs (intrinsic X-ray luminosity 40.5<log(LX)<4440.5<log(L_X)<44 in the 2-10 keV band). We caution that the usually assumed electron density (Ne=100N_e=100 cm3^{-3}) in ejected material might result in relevant overestimates of flow mass rates and energetics and, as a consequence, of the effects of AGN-driven outflows on the host galaxy.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Decomposition of variance in terms of conditional means

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    We test against two different sets of data an apparently new approach to the analysis of the variance of a numerical variable which depends on qualitative characters. We suggest that this approach be used to complement other existing techniques to study the interdependence of the variables involved. According to our method the variance is expressed as a sum of orthogonal components, obtained as differences of conditional means, with respect to the qualitative characters. The resulting expression for the variance depends on the ordering in which the characters are considered. We suggest an algorithm which leads to an ordering which is deemed natural. The first set of data concerns the score achieved by a population of students, on an entrance examination, based on a multiple choice test with 30 questions. In this case the qualitative characters are dyadic and correspond to correct or incorrect answer to each question. The second set of data concerns the delay in obtaining the degree for a population of graduates of Italian universities. The variance in this case is analyzed with respect to a set of seven specific qualitative characters of the population studied (gender, previous education, working condition, parent's educational level, field of study, etc.)Comment: 3 figure

    Chemical abundances and properties of the ionized gas in NGC 1705

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    We obtained [O III] narrow-band imaging and multi-slit MXU spectroscopy of the blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxy NGC 1705 with FORS2@VLT to derive chemical abundances of PNe and H II regions and, more in general, to characterize the properties of the ionized gas. The auroral [O III]\lambda4363 line was detected in all but one of the eleven analyzed regions, allowing for a direct estimate of their electron temperature. The only object for which the [O III]\lambda4363 line was not detected is a possible low-ionization PN, the only one detected in our data. For all the other regions, we derived the abundances of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Neon, Sulfur and Argon out to ~ 1 kpc from the galaxy center. We detect for the first time in NGC 1705 a negative radial gradient in the oxygen metallicity of -0.24 \pm 0.08 dex kpc^{-1}. The element abundances are all consistent with values reported in the literature for other samples of dwarf irregular and blue compact dwarf galaxies. However, the average (central) oxygen abundance, 12 + log(O/H)=7.96 \pm 0.04, is ~0.26 dex lower than previous literature estimates for NGC 1705 based on the [O III]\lambda4363 line. From classical emission-line diagnostic diagrams, we exclude a major contribution from shock excitation. On the other hand, the radial behavior of the emission line ratios is consistent with the progressive dilution of radiation with increasing distance from the center of NGC 1705. This suggests that the strongest starburst located within the central \sim150 pc is responsible for the ionization of the gas out to at least \sim1 kpc. The gradual dilution of the radiation with increasing distance from the center reflects the gradual and continuous transition from the highly ionized H II regions in the proximity of the major starburst into the diffuse ionized gas.Comment: Accepted for publication on A

    Listening to galaxies tuning at z ~ 2.5 - 3.0: The first strikes of the Hubble fork

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    We investigate the morphological properties of 494 galaxies selected from the GMASS survey at z>1, primarily in their optical rest frame, using HST images, from the CANDELS survey. We propose that the Hubble sequence of galaxy morphologies takes shape at redshift 2.5<z<3. The fractions of both ellipticals and disks decrease with increasing lookback time at z>1, such that at redshifts z=2.5-2.7 and above, the Hubble types cannot be identified, and most galaxies are classified as irregular. The quantitative morphological analysis shows that, at 1<z<3, morphological parameters are not as effective in distinguishing the different morphological Hubble types as they are at low redshift. No significant morphological k-correction was found to be required for the Hubble type classification, with some exceptions. In general, different morphological types occupy the two peaks of the rest-frame (U-B) colour bimodality of galaxies: most irregulars occupy the blue peak, while ellipticals are mainly found in the red peak, though with some level of contamination. Disks are more evenly distributed than either irregulars and ellipticals. We find that the position of a galaxy in a UVJ diagram is related to its morphological type: the "quiescent" region of the plot is mainly occupied by ellipticals and, to a lesser extent, by disks. We find that only ~33% of all morphological ellipticals in our sample are red and passively evolving galaxies. Blue galaxies morphologically classified as ellipticals show a remarkable structural similarity to red ones. Almost all irregulars have a star-forming galaxy spectrum. In addition, the majority of disks show some sign of star-formation activity in their spectra, though in some cases their red continuum is indicative of old stellar populations. Finally, an elliptical morphology may be associated with either passively evolving or strongly star-forming galaxies.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figures, 5 tables. "Morphological atlas" in the appendix. Revised version accepted for publication in A&

    A new photometric technique for the joint selection of star-forming and passive galaxies at 1.4<z<2.5

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    A simple two color selection based on B-, z-, and K- band photometry is proposed for culling galaxies at 1.4<z<2.5 in K-selected samples and classifying them as star-forming or passive systems. The method is calibrated on the highly complete spectroscopic redshift database of the K20 survey, verified with simulations and tested on other datasets. Requiring BzK=(z-K)-(B-z)>-0.2 (AB) allows to select actively star-forming galaxies at z>1.4, independently on their dust reddening. Instead, objects with BzK<-0.2 and (z-K)>2.5 (AB) colors include passively evolving galaxies at z>1.4, often with spheroidal morphologies. Simple recipes to estimate the reddening, SFRs and masses of BzK-selected galaxies are derived, and calibrated on K<20 galaxies. Based on their UV (reddening-corrected), X-ray and radio luminosities, the BzK-selected star-forming galaxies with K<20 turn out to have average SFR ~ 200 Msun yr^-1, and median reddening E(B-V)~0.4. Besides missing the passively evolving galaxies, the UV selection appears to miss some relevant fraction of the z~2 star-forming galaxies with K<20, and hence of the (obscured) star-formation rate density at this redshift. The high SFRs and masses add to other existing evidence that these z=2 star-forming galaxies may be among the precursors of z=0 early-type galaxies. Theoretical models cannot reproduce simultaneously the space density of both passively evolving and highly star-forming galaxies at z=2. In view of Spitzer Space Telescope observations, an analogous technique based on the RJL photometry is proposed to complement the BzK selection and to identify massive galaxies at 2.5<z<4.0. These color criteria should help in completing the census of the stellar mass and of the star-formation rate density at high redshift (abridged).Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, to appear on ApJ (20 December 2004 issue

    The space density of Compton-thick AGN at z~0.8 in the zCOSMOS-Bright Survey

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    The obscured accretion phase in BH growth is a key ingredient in many models linking the AGN activity with the evolution of their host galaxy. At present, a complete census of obscured AGN is still missing. The purpose of this work is to assess the reliability of the [NeV] emission line at 3426 A to pick up obscured AGN up to z~1 by assuming that [NeV] is a reliable proxy of the intrinsic AGN luminosity and using moderately deep X-ray data to characterize the amount of obscuration. A sample of 69 narrow-line (Type 2) AGN at z=0.65-1.20 were selected from the 20k-zCOSMOS Bright galaxy sample on the basis of the presence of the [NeV] emission. The X-ray properties of these galaxies were then derived using the Chandra-COSMOS coverage of the field; the X-ray-to-[NeV] flux ratio, coupled with X-ray spectral and stacking analyses, was then used to infer whether Compton-thin or Compton-thick absorption were present in these sources. Then the [NeV] luminosity function was computed to estimate the space density of Compton-thick (CT) AGN at z~0.8. Twenty-three sources were detected by Chandra, and their properties are consistent with moderate obscuration (on average, ~a few 10^{22} cm^-2). The X-ray properties of the remaining 46 X-ray undetected Type 2 AGN were derived using X-ray stacking analysis. Current data indicate that a fraction as high as ~40% of the present sample is likely to be CT. The space density of CT AGN with logL_2-10keV>43.5 at z=0.83 is (9.1+/-2.1) 10^{-6} Mpc^{-3}, in good agreement with both XRB model expectations and the previously measured space density for objects in a similar redshift and luminosity range. We regard our selection technique for CT AGN as clean but not complete, since even a mild extinction in the NLR can suppress [NeV] emission. Therefore, our estimate of their space density should be considered as a lower limit.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, A&A, in pres