1,723 research outputs found

    An Embedded Domain Specific Language to Model, Transform and Quality Assure Business Processes in Business-Driven Development

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    In Business-Driven Development (BDD), business process models are produced by business analysts. To ensure that the business requirements are satisfied, the IT solution is directly derived through a process of model refinement. If models do not contain all the required technical details or contain errors, the derived implementation would be incorrect and the BDD lifecycle would have to be repeated. In this project we present a functional domain specific language embedded in Haskell, with which: 1) models can rapidly be produced in a concise and abstract manner, 2) enables focus on the specifications rather than the implementation, 3) ensures that all the required details, to generate the executable code, are specified, 4) models can be transformed, analysed and interpreted in various ways, 5) quality assures models by carrying out three types of checks; by Haskell.s type checker, at construction-time and by functions that analyse the soundness of models, 6) enables users to define quality assured composite model transformations

    Spatio-temporal variation in the structure of a deep water Posidonia oceanica meadow assessed using non-destructive techniques

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    The Malta-Comino Channel (Maltese islands, central Mediterranean), supports extensive meadows of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica that in some places extend to a depth of around 43 m, which is rare for this seagrass. To assess spatial and temporal variation in the state of the deeper parts of the P. oceanica meadow with time, data on the structural characteristics of the seagrass meadow at its lower bathymetric limit were collected during the summers of 2001, 2003 and 2004 from four stations (two stations within each of two sites) located at a similar depth, over a spatial extent of 500 m. Shoot density was estimated in situ, while data on plant architecture (number of leaves, mean leaf length, and epiphyte load) were successfully obtained using an underwater photographic technique that was specifically designed to avoid destructive sampling of the seagrass. Results indicated that P. oceanica shoot density was lower than that recorded from the same meadow during a study undertaken in 1995; the observed decrease was attributed to the activities of an offshore aquaculture farm that operated during the period 1995–2000 in the vicinity of the meadow. ANOVA indicated significant spatial and temporal variations in meadow structural attributes at both sites during the 3-year study; for example, shoot density values increased overall with time at site A; a indication of potential recovery of the meadow following cessation of the aquaculture operations. Lower shoot density values recorded from site B (compared with site A) were attributed to higher epiphyte loads on the seagrass, relative to those at site A. The findings, which include new data on the structural characteristics of P. oceanica occurring at depths >40 m, are discussed with reference to the use of the nondestructive photographic technique to monitor the state of health of deep water seagrass meadows.peer-reviewe

    MCINERNY, Ralph, Ethica Thomistica : The Moral Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas

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    A Critique of Bernard HĂ€ring’s Application of the Double Effect Principle

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    LECLERCQ, Jean, Le mariage vu par les moines du XIIe siĂšcle

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    The Meaning and Implications of « Unlawfull » in Canada's Abortion Law

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    Comme le titre le suggÚre, l'auteur analyse la signification et les implications de « illégalement » et « unlawfully » dans les versions française et anglaise du Code criminel du Canada, ce qui l'amÚne à mettre en doute la justesse du terme français. Il soutient qu'une traduction fidÚle de « unlawfully » en français serait « sans autorisation légitime », et il poursuit en discutant des implications éthiques du terme dans le contexte de la législation canadienne sur l'avortement telle qu'était avant sa révision en 1969 et de son rÎle possible dans la législation sur l'avortement. Pour soutenir son argument, il recourt à l'Offences Against the Person Act britannique de 1861 et à l'affaire célÚbre de Rex v. Bourne (1938), et à la maniÚre dont ceux-ci furent appliqués dans les pratiques légale et médicale canadienne. Finalement, l'auteur concentre son attention sur la supériorité du langage éthique au langage socio-économique ou médical dans une législation sur l'avortement, et il souscrit à une législation sur l'avortement exprimée en termes éthiques

    RÉMY, Pierre, Il vit que cela Ă©tait bon

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    Baseline marine benthic surveys in the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean)

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    Extract from: MEDCOAST 97 : Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, Qawra, Malta / E. Ozhan (editor), (1997)During the period 1991 to 1997, extensive baseline studies of the submarine geomorphology, infralittoral habitats, macrobenthic assemblages, and demersal fish fauna, were carried out in 14 different sites around the Maltese Islands, using conventional SCUBA diving techniques. These were made as part of assessments of the environmental impact of existing or proposed projects, or in order to produce an inventory of coastal resources. In total, these surveys covered a sea-bed area of ca. 7.55KmÂČ and a coastline length of ca 24 km, and represent the most extensive biological surveys of the marine environment carried out to date in the Maltese Islands. The results of these surveys have been presented as maps showing the type, location, and spatial extent of these physical and biological features. The Peres & Picard (1964) scheme, as adapted by Pen~s (1967; 1982) was used to classify and characterize the benthic assemblages recorded during the surveys. Our results show that, in tenus of spatial extent, the most important macrobenthic assemblages are the communities of photophilic 'algae on hard substrata, meadows of the sea-grass Posidonia oceanica and communities of bare well-sorted sand. For all these, many subtypes and facies exist, depending on the light intensity, hydrodynamic conditions, microtopography, sediment granulometry and other edaphic factors, and anthropic influences, including pollution. Other assemblages with a limited spatial distribution include meadows of the sea-grass (vmodocea nodosa and of the Lessepsian immigrant Halophila stipu/acea on sandy bottoms, the assemblages of boulder fields which are complexes of photophilic and sciaphilic communities, and those of marine caves. Our maps are supplemented by descriptions of the different habitats and macrobenthjc assemblages, species lists, and semi-quantitative data on percentage cover for the dominant macroalgae, shoot density counts for sea-grass meadows, and population density counts for the main macrofaunal species. These maps and data-sets are intended to be used (i) for assessing the status of habitats, species assemblages, and individual species, around the Maltese Islands in order to recommend appropriate measures for their conservation, including inclusion in red data lists; (ii) for designation of marine protected areas; and (iii) as baselines against which future monitoring studies and surveys can be compared.peer-reviewe

    Clinical and financial consequences of setting up an asthma clinic at St. Luke’s Hospital

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    The effects of setting up an asthma clinic were assessed in an audit study. A comparison was made between the quality and quantity of medication used by patients before and after attending the asthma clinic. The number and severity of exacerbations during a six month period before and a six month period after attending were also assessed. The cost of treatment before and after was also calculated. In 14% of patients, occupational factors, drugs or underlying lung disease were significant contributors to asthma. The number of acute episodes of severe asthma were reduced from 98 to 47, with hospital admissions falling from 26 to 1. Pulmonary function (%FEV1) improved in the group as a whole with the number of patients having their best FEV above 80% improving from 44 to 71. In spite of the expense of high cost drugs and the running costs of the clinic there were substantial savings largely from the reduced number of hospital admissions. The calculated annual cost fell from Lm 22,769 to Lm 10,654.peer-reviewe

    Complete Clearance of Resistant Granuloma Faciale With Pulsed Dye Laser After Pre-treatment With Mometasone and Tacrolimus

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    Introduction: Granuloma faciale is an uncommon inflammatory dermatosis which usually affects the face and is often resistant to treatment.Case Report: A 39-year-old English lady with Fitzpatrick skin phototype II presented with typical lesions of granuloma faciale, confirmed on biopsy, on her cheeks and nose. Treatment with ScleroPlus pulsed dye laser (Candela Corporation, Wayland, Mass) produced no visible improvement. The patient re-presented 5 years later with the same lesions, now more prominent. No improvement was noted with topical mometasone, however addition of topical tacrolimus caused significant flattening. Since the erythema and telangiectases persisted, treatment with ScleroPlus pulsed dye laser was re-attempted. Treatments were performed with a wavelength of 595 nm, pulse duration of 1.5 ms and 7 mm spot at a fluence of 8.5 J/cm2 in the first session and 9.5 J/cm2 in the subsequent 2 sessions. This resulted in complete resolution without scarring or pigmentary change. There was no recurrence at follow-up one year later.Conclusion: Our observation supports the use of combination therapy in resistant cases of granuloma faciale. One such combination would be the application of a topical corticosteroid and tacrolimus followed by pulsed dye laser
