214 research outputs found

    Investigation into leaching of phenol and methylphenols applying the column test and the serial batch test

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    Within the framework of the Terms of Reference Plan for normalization commission 39011 on Leaching characteristics of building and waste materials, the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) is developing a set of leaching tests for various organic compounds. Laboratory investigations were performed for leaching tests of phenol and methylphenols (cresols) to assess the practical feasibility of the experimental set-up, the level of emissions and the reproducibility of the experiments. Additional experiments were performed to investigate the losses of phenols during the test. Leaching tets for phenols, based on Dutch pre-NVN 7344 and 7350, were performed on four different soils. The materials contained high levels of contaminants to ensure detectable leached quantities. With reference to the performance, the methods could be applied for phenols as well. In three of the soils, a high emission could be observed, especially in the first fractions of the eluates. For one soil, no leaching was found at all. Apparently, the phenols were not available as a result of an unknown characteristic element in that specific soil. The levels of emission from the (highly contaminated) materials were high in the range from 30 to 60 % relative to the soil concentrations. Levels were higher than ealier was found for PCBs and EOX, probably as a result of the higher water solubility of the phenols. Standard deviations (n=2) were good for most leaching test (2-20%).In het kader van het Taakstellend Plan ter ondersteuning van de normcommissie 390 11 Uitloogkarakterisering van bouw- en afvalstoffen (TSP), is onderzoek uitgevoerd ten behoeve van de uitloogproeven voor fenol en cresolen (methylfenolen).Uitloogproeven voor fenolen, gebaseerd op de ontwerpnormen 7344 en 7350 (kolom- en cascadeproeven voor PAK's, PCB's en EOX), zijn in tweevoud uitgevoerd op een viertal verschillende grondmonsters. Dit betrof in alle gevallen grondmonsters, omdat in de praktijk geen andere bouw- en afvalstoffen met fenolen-verontreiniging beschikbaar waren. Voor de onderzochte materialen is gekozen voor een hoog gehalte van de te onderzoeken contaminanten, omdat hierdoor gewaarborgd is, dat in de eluaten van de uitloogproeven voldoende hoge concentraties gemeten kunnen worden. Het doel van de werkzaamheden was gelegen in het vaststellen van de praktische uitvoerbaarheid van de proef, het niveau van de emissies en de herhaalbaarheid van de proef. In technisch opzicht blijken de ontwerpvoornormen praktisch uitvoerbaar. Het vooronderzoek naar het verliezen van fenolen aan onderdelen of gebruikte materialen van de proefopstellingen tijdens de uitvoering van de uitloogproeven, gaf aan dat er geen verliezen optreden, zodat de bovenstaande normen zonder verdere aanpassingen gevolgd zijn. Het verlies van de fenolen, dat tijdens het materialenonderzoek op basis van de massabalans is geconstateerd, geeft wel aanleiding tot een aanpassing van de methodiek, met name in de opvang en conservering (koeling) van de verschillende frakties. De emissies van de fenolen, die bepaald zijn met de kolomproef, liggen voor de verschillende component-materiaal combinaties ten opzichte van de uitgangsconcentraties in de materialen in een gebied tussen 30 en 60%. Voor de cascadeproef liggen deze waarden gelijk of hoger tot 80-90%. De gevonden waarden zijn veel hoger dan die in voorafgaand RIVM onderzoek betreffende de stofgroepen PCB's en EOX zijn vastgesteld. Tevens blijken de fenolen steeds snel, in de eerste fraktie(s) uit te logen in gronden waarin deze op basis van de (grond)eigenschappen redelijk beschikbaar zijn. Dit kan grotendeels verklaard worden uit de hogere wateroplosbaarheid van de fenolen. De relatieve standaarddeviaties (RSD) van de in tweevoud uitgevoerd kolom- en cascadeproeven waren over het algemeen goed (2-20%). Er zijn onvoldoende materialen onderzocht om een algemene uitspraak te kunnen doen over de uitloging van fenolen, mede omdat bij drie van de vier uitloogproeven een zeer forse uitloging optrad en bij een materiaal in het geheel niet. In ieder geval lijkt het niet bepaald te worden door de kolomproef

    The quick motor function test: a new tool to rate clinical severity and motor function in Pompe patients

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    Pompe disease is a lysosomal storage disorder characterized by progressive muscle weakness. With the emergence of new treatment options, psychometrically robust outcome measures are needed to monitor patients’ clinical status. We constructed a motor function test that is easy and quick to use. The Quick Motor Function Test (QMFT) was constructed on the basis of the clinical expertise of several physicians involved in the care of Pompe patients; the Gross Motor Function Measure and the IPA/Erasmus MC Pompe survey. The test comprises 16 items. Validity and test reliability were determined in a cohort of 91 Pompe patients (5 to 76 years of age). In addition, responsiveness of the scale to changes in clinical condition over time was examined in a subgroup of 18 patients receiving treatment and 23 untreated patients. Interrater and intrarater reliabilities were good (intraclass correlation coefficients: 0.78 to 0.98 and 0.76 to 0.98). The test correlated strongly with proximal muscle strength assessed by hand held dynamometry and manual muscle testing (rs= 0.81, rs=0.89), and showed significant differences between patient groups with different disease severities. A clinical-empirical exploration to assess responsiveness showed promising results, albeit it should be repeated in a larger group of patients. In conclusion, the Quick Motor Function Test can reliably rate clinical severity and motor function in children and adults with Pompe disease

    Estimation of incidence and social cost of colon cancer due to nitrate in drinking water in the EU: a tentative cost-benefit assessment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Presently, health costs associated with nitrate in drinking water are uncertain and not quantified. This limits proper evaluation of current policies and measures for solving or preventing nitrate pollution of drinking water resources. The cost for society associated with nitrate is also relevant for integrated assessment of EU nitrogen policies taking a perspective of welfare optimization. The overarching question is at which nitrogen mitigation level the social cost of measures, including their consequence for availability of food and energy, matches the social benefit of these measures for human health and biodiversity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Epidemiological studies suggest colon cancer to be possibly associated with nitrate in drinking water. In this study risk increase for colon cancer is based on a case-control study for Iowa, which is extrapolated to assess the social cost for 11 EU member states by using data on cancer incidence, nitrogen leaching and drinking water supply in the EU. Health costs are provisionally compared with nitrate mitigation costs and social benefits of fertilizer use.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For above median meat consumption the risk of colon cancer doubles when exposed to drinking water exceeding 25 mg/L of nitrate (NO<sub>3</sub>) for more than ten years. We estimate the associated increase of incidence of colon cancer from nitrate contamination of groundwater based drinking water in EU11 at 3%. This corresponds to a population-averaged health loss of 2.9 euro per capita or 0.7 euro per kg of nitrate-N leaching from fertilizer.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our cost estimates indicate that current measures to prevent exceedance of 50 mg/L NO<sub>3 </sub>are probably beneficial for society and that a stricter nitrate limit and additional measures may be justified. The present assessment of social cost is uncertain because it considers only one type of cancer, it is based on one epidemiological study in Iowa, and involves various assumptions regarding exposure. Our results highlight the need for improved epidemiological studies.</p

    A nationwide study on reproductive function, ovarian reserve, and risk of premature menopause in female survivors of childhood cancer: design and methodological challenges

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Advances in childhood cancer treatment over the past decades have significantly improved survival, resulting in a rapidly growing group of survivors. However, both chemo- and radiotherapy may adversely affect reproductive function. This paper describes the design and encountered methodological challenges of a nationwide study in the Netherlands investigating the effects of treatment on reproductive function, ovarian reserve, premature menopause and pregnancy outcomes in female childhood cancer survivors (CCS), the DCOG LATER-VEVO study.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study is a retrospective cohort study consisting of two parts: a questionnaire assessing medical, menstrual, and obstetric history, and a clinical assessment evaluating ovarian and uterine function by hormonal analyses and transvaginal ultrasound measurements. The eligible study population consists of adult female 5-year survivors of childhood cancer treated in the Netherlands, whereas the control group consists of age-matched sisters of the participating CCS. To date, study invitations have been sent to 1611 CCS and 429 sister controls, of which 1215 (75%) and 333 (78%) have responded so far. Of these responders, the majority consented to participate in both parts of the study (53% vs. 65% for CCS and sister controls respectively). Several challenges were encountered involving the study population: dealing with bias due to the differences in characteristics of several types of (non-) participants and finding an adequately sized and well-matched control group. Moreover, the challenges related to the data collection process included: differences in response rates between web-based and paper-based questionnaires, validity of self-reported outcomes, interpretation of clinical measurements of women using hormonal contraceptives, and inter- and intra-observer variation of the ultrasound measurements.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The DCOG LATER-VEVO study will provide valuable information about the reproductive potential of paediatric cancer patients as well as long-term survivors of childhood cancer. Other investigators planning to conduct large cohort studies on late effects may encounter similar challenges as those encountered during this study. The solutions to these challenges described in this paper may be useful to these investigators.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>NTR2922; <url>http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=2922</url></p

    Dietary Supplements and Sports Performance: Introduction and Vitamins

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    Sports success is dependent primarily on genetic endowment in athletes with morphologic, psychologic, physiologic and metabolic traits specific to performance characteristics vital to their sport. Such genetically-endowed athletes must also receive optimal training to increase physical power, enhance mental strength, and provide a mechanical advantage. However, athletes often attempt to go beyond training and use substances and techniques, often referred to as ergogenics, in attempts to gain a competitive advantage. Pharmacological agents, such as anabolic steroids and amphetamines, have been used in the past, but such practices by athletes have led to the establishment of anti-doping legislation and effective testing protocols to help deter their use. Thus, many athletes have turned to various dietary strategies, including the use of various dietary supplements (sports supplements), which they presume to be effective, safe and legal

    Mindful "Vitality in Practice": an intervention to improve the work engagement and energy balance among workers; the development and design of the randomised controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Modern working life has become more mental and less physical in nature, contributing to impaired mental health and a disturbed energy balance. This may result in mental health problems and overweight. Both are significant threats to the health of workers and thus also a financial burden for society, including employers. Targeting work engagement and energy balance could prevent impaired mental health and overweight, respectively.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The study population consists of highly educated workers in two Dutch research institutes. The intervention was systematically developed, based on the Intervention Mapping (IM) protocol, involving workers and management in the process. The workers' needs were assessed by combining the results of interviews, focus group discussions and a questionnaire with available literature. Suitable methods and strategies were selected resulting in an intervention including: eight weeks of customized mindfulness training, followed by eight sessions of e-coaching and supporting elements, such as providing fruit and snack vegetables at the workplace, lunch walking routes, and a buddy system. The effects of the intervention will be evaluated in a RCT, with measurements at baseline, six months (T1) and 12 months (T2). In addition, cost-effectiveness and process of the intervention will also be evaluated.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>At baseline the level of work engagement of the sample was "average". Of the study population, 60.1% did not engage in vigorous physical activity at all. An average working day consists of eight sedentary hours. For the Phase II RCT, there were no significant differences between the intervention and the control group at baseline, except for vigorous physical activity. The baseline characteristics of the study population were congruent with the results of the needs assessment. The IM protocol used for the systematic development of the intervention produced an appropriate intervention to test in the planned RCT.</p> <p>Trial registration number</p> <p>Netherlands Trial Register (NTR): <a href="http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=2199">NTR2199</a></p

    The impact of bisphosphonates on the osteoblast proliferation and Collagen gene expression in vitro

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bisphosphonates are widely used in the clinical treatment of bone diseases with increased bone resorption. In terms of side effects, they are known to be associated with osteonecrosis of the jaw (BONJ).</p> <p>The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of bisphosphonates on osteoblast proliferation by cell count and gene expression analysis of cyclin D1 <it>in vitro</it>. Furthermore, the gene expression of the extracellular matrix protein collagen type I was evaluated. Nitrogen-containing and non-nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates have been compared on gene expression levels.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Human osteoblast obtained from hip bone were stimulated with zoledronate, ibandronate and clodronate at concentrations of 5 × 10<sup>-5</sup>M over the experimental periods of 1, 2, 5, 10 and 14 days. At each point in time, the cells were dissolved, the mRNA extracted, and the gene expression level of cyclin D1 and collagen type I were quantified by Real-Time RT-PCR. The gene expression was compared to an unstimulated osteoblast cell culture for control.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The proliferation appeared to have been influenced only to a small degree by bisphosphonates. Zolendronate led to a lower cyclin D1 gene expression after 10 days. The collagen gene expression was enhanced by nitrogen containing bisphosphonates, decreased however after day 10. The non-nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate clodronate, however, did not significantly influence cyclin D1 and collagen gene expression.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The above data suggest a limited influence of bisphosphonates on osteoblast proliferation, except for zoledronate. The extracellular matrix production seems to be initially advanced and inhibited after 10 days. Interestingly, clodronate has little influence on osteoblast proliferation and extracellular matrix production in terms of cyclin D1 and collagen gene expression.</p

    Functional gait rehabilitation in elderly people following a fall-related hip fracture using a treadmill with visual context: design of a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Walking requires gait adjustments in order to walk safely in continually changing environments. Gait adaptability is reduced in older adults, and (near) falls, fall-related hip fractures and fear of falling are common in this population. Most falls occur due to inaccurate foot placement relative to environmental hazards, such as obstacles. The C-Mill is an innovative, instrumented treadmill on which visual context (e. g., obstacles) is projected. The C-Mill is well suited to train foot positioning relative to environmental properties while concurrently utilizing the high-intensity practice benefits associated with conventional treadmill training. The present protocol was designed to examine the efficacy of C-Mill gait adaptability treadmill training for improving walking ability and reducing fall incidence and fear of falling relative to conventional treadmill training and usual care. We hypothesize that C-Mill gait adaptability treadmill training and conventional treadmill training result in better walking ability than usual care due to the enhanced training intensity, with superior effects for C-Mill gait adaptability treadmill training on gait adaptability aspects of walking given the concurrent focus on practicing step adjustments. Methods/design: The protocol describes a parallel group, single-blind, superiority randomized controlled trial with pre-tests, post-tests, retention-tests and follow-up. Hundred-twenty-six older adults with a recent fall-related hip fracture will be recruited from inpatient rehabilitation care and allocated to six weeks of C-Mill gait adaptability treadmill training (high-intensity, adaptive stepping), conventional treadmill training (high-intensity, repetitive stepping) or usual care physical therapy using block randomization, with allocation concealment by opaque sequentially numbered envelopes. Only data collectors are blind to group allocation. Study parameters related to walking ability will be assessed as primary outcome pre-training, post-training, after 4 weeks retention and 12 months follow-up. Secondary study parameters are measures related to fall incidence, fear of falling and general health. Discussion: The study will shed light on the relative importance of adaptive versus repetitive stepping and practice intensity for effective intervention programs directed at improving walking ability and reducing fall risk and fear of falling in older adults with a recent fall-related hip fracture, which may help reduce future fall-related health-care costs

    Exercise capacity in children with isolated congenital complete atrioventricular block: does pacing make a difference?

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    Item does not contain fulltextThe management of patients with isolated congenital complete atrioventricular block (CCAVB) has changed during the last decades. The current policy is to pace the majority of patients based on a variety of criteria, among which is limited exercise capacity. Data regarding exercise capacity in this population stems from previous publications reporting small case series of unpaced patients. Therefore, we have investigated the exercise capacity of a group of contemporary children with CCAVB. Sixteen children (mean age 11.5 +/- 4; seven boys, nine girls) with CCAVB were tested. In 13 patients, a median number of three pacemakers were implanted, whereas in three patients no pacemaker was given. All patients had an echocardiogram and completed a cardiopulmonary cycle exercise test. Exercise parameters were determined and compared with reference values obtained from healthy Dutch peers. The peak oxygen uptake/body mass was reduced to 34.4 +/- 9.5 ml kg(-1) min(-1) (79 +/- 24% of predicted) and the ventilatory threshold was reduced to 52 +/- 17% of peak oxygen uptake (78 +/- 21% of predicted), whereas the peak work load/body mass was 2.8 +/- 0.6 W/kg (91 +/- 24% of predicted), which was similar to controls. Importantly, 25% of the paced patients showed upper rate restriction by the pacemaker. In conclusion, children with CCAVB show a reduced peak oxygen uptake and ventilatory threshold, whereas they show normal peak work rates. This indicates that they generate more energy during exercise from anaerobic energy sources. Paced children with CCAVB do not perform better than unpaced children.1 april 201