1,221 research outputs found

    Are species occurrence data in global online repositories fit for modeling species distributions? The case of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Final Report of the Task Group on GBIF Data Fitness for Use in Distribution Modelling.

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    Primary Biodiversity Data (PBD) are defined as the basic attributes of observations or records of the occurrences of species. PBD is a fundamental concept of biodiversity informatics since it is substantial in quantity and provides the links to organize other large and independent bodies of data concerning species (= taxonomic information) and environments. In fact, PBD is at the core of the exploding field of biodiversity informatics, which in some sense now underlies biogeography, macroecology, landscape ecology and several other subdisciplines of biology. A principal - and rapidly growing - class of research that can be performed using PBD is the estimation of a species' environmental requirements and the projection of these in both environmental and geographic spaces to estimate niches or distributional ranges, generally by using models of ecological niches and species' distributions (often called ENMs or SDMs, respectively). The largest point of access to PBD in the world is the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), and hundreds of papers have now used GBIF-mediated data to fit and apply ENM/SDM. Experience has shown that GBIF, like other aggregated data research infrastructures, holds a number of potential problems related to incomplete or difficult access to all the fields in its schema, inconsistent information among fields, or simply erroneous or incomplete data. These drawbacks complicate ENM/SDM analyses considerably, and detract from the enormous scientific value of this information storehouse. Three overlapping communities participate in GBIF's data process: providers (museums, herbaria, and observer's networks), users (scientists, analysts working for governments, NGOs or the private sector, the public) and the technical staff managing the huge databases, web services and servers at GBIF. Each can play a different role in fixing data issues of GBIF. Our main recommendations for the GBIF Secretariat are the following: GBIF.org should serve indicators of precision, quality, and uncertainty of data that can be calculated practically, and preferably "on the fly", as well as summaries and metrics of completeness of inventories, at scales and for regions defined by the user. The summaries should display maps and graphs of completeness by region, time-period and taxa. The implementation of the GBIF information resource should go beyond unique identifiers of queries (DOIs for downloads, including the capability to re-run queries, http://www.gbif.org/publishing-data/summary#supporteddatasettypes), and to include identifiers of the individual data that make up the queried data. GBIF.org should include applications or functionalities enabling users to annotate errors or problems, and communicate those changes directly to providers, as it may be practical and appropriate. This point may need to be discussed with providers. A procedure enabling users to make accessible versions of their databases that have been improved and annotated should be supported, but this functionality should not lose the vital tie back to the original data records and the actual data provider. GBIF should partner with and/or support initiatives to do more for training and guiding users on the proper use of the data; such initiatives should incorporate actual expert uses in ENM/SDM to assure that current best practices are followed

    Debye screening in strongly coupled N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma

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    Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we examine the behavior of correlators of Polyakov loops and other operators in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at non-zero temperature. The implications for Debye screening in this strongly coupled non-Abelian plasma, and comparisons with available results for thermal QCD, are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, significantly expanded discussion of Polyakov loop correlator and static quark-antiquark potentia

    On the effective action of confining strings

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    We study the low-energy effective action on confining strings (in the fundamental representation) in SU(N) gauge theories in D space-time dimensions. We write this action in terms of the physical transverse fluctuations of the string. We show that for any D, the four-derivative terms in the effective action must exactly match the ones in the Nambu-Goto action, generalizing a result of Luscher and Weisz for D=3. We then analyze the six-derivative terms, and we show that some of these terms are constrained. For D=3 this uniquely determines the effective action for closed strings to this order, while for D>3 one term is not uniquely determined by our considerations. This implies that for D=3 the energy levels of a closed string of length L agree with the Nambu-Goto result at least up to order 1/L^5. For any D we find that the partition function of a long string on a torus is unaffected by the free coefficient, so it is always equal to the Nambu-Goto partition function up to six-derivative order. For a closed string of length L, this means that for D>3 its energy can, in principle, deviate from the Nambu-Goto result at order 1/L^5, but such deviations must always cancel in the computation of the partition function. Next, we compute the effective action up to six-derivative order for the special case of confining strings in weakly-curved holographic backgrounds, at one-loop order (leading order in the curvature). Our computation is general, and applies in particular to backgrounds like the Witten background, the Maldacena-Nunez background, and the Klebanov-Strassler background. We show that this effective action obeys all of the constraints we derive, and in fact it precisely agrees with the Nambu-Goto action (the single allowed deviation does not appear).Comment: 71 pages, 7 figures. v2: added reference, minor corrections. v3: removed one term from the effective action since it is trivial. The conclusions on the corrections to energy levels are unchanged, but the claim that the holographic computation shows a deviation from Nambu-Goto was modified. v4: added reference

    Optimal Hypercontractivity for Fermi Fields and Related Non-Commutative Integration

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    Optimal hypercontractivity bounds for the fermion oscillator semigroup are obtained. These are the fermion analogs of the optimal hypercontractivity bounds for the boson oscillator semigroup obtained by Nelson. In the process, several results of independent interest in the theory of non-commutative integration are established. {}.Comment: 18 p., princeton/ecel/7-12-9

    Polyakov loop correlators from D0-brane interactions in bosonic string theory

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    In this paper we re-derive the effective Nambu-Goto theory result for the Polyakov loop correlator, starting from the free bosonic string and using a covariant quantization. The boundary conditions are those of an open string attached to two D0-branes at spatial distance R, in a target space with compact euclidean time. The one-loop free energy contains topologically distinct sectors corresponding to multiple covers of the cylinder in target space bordered by the Polyakov loops. The sector that winds once reproduces exactly the Nambu-Goto partition function. In our approach, the world-sheet duality between the open and closed channel is most evident and allows for an explicit interpretation of the free energy in terms of tree level exchange of closed strings between boundary states. Our treatment is fully consistent only in d=26; extension to generic d may be justified for large R, and is supported by Montecarlo data. At shorter scales, consistency and Montecarlo data seem to suggest the necessity of taking into account the Liouville mode of Polyakov's formulation.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, minor corrections, a few references added, version accepted for publication in JHE

    The partition function of interfaces from the Nambu-Goto effective string theory

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    We consider the Nambu-Goto bosonic string model as a description of the physics of interfaces. By using the standard covariant quantization of the bosonic string, we derive an exact expression for the partition function in dependence of the geometry of the interface. Our expression, obtained by operatorial methods, resums the loop expansion of the NG model in the "physical gauge" computed perturbatively by functional integral methods in the literature. Recently, very accurate Monte Carlo data for the interface free energy in the 3d Ising model became avaliable. Our proposed expression compares very well to the data for values of the area sufficiently large in terms of the inverse string tension. This pattern is expected on theoretical grounds and agrees with previous analyses of other observables in the Ising model.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Metamagnetic Quantum Criticality in Sr3Ru2O7

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    We consider the metamagnetic transition in the bilayer ruthenate, Sr3Ru2O7{\rm Sr_3Ru_2O_7}, and use this to motivate a renormalization group treatment of a zero-temperature quantum-critical end-point. We summarize the results of mean field theory and give a pedagogical derivation of the renormalization-group equations. These are then solved to yield numerical results for the susceptibility, the specific heat and the resistivity exponent which can be compared with measured data on Sr3Ru2O7{\rm Sr_3Ru_2O_7} to provide a powerful test for the standard framework of metallic quantum criticality. The observed approach to the critical point is well-described by our theory explaining a number of unusual features of experimental data. The puzzling behaviour very near to the critical point itself, though, is not accounted for by this, or any other theory with a Fermi surface

    Multipartite Entanglement and Quantum State Exchange

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    We investigate multipartite entanglement in relation to the theoretical process of quantum state exchange. In particular, we consider such entanglement for a certain pure state involving two groups of N trapped atoms. The state, which can be produced via quantum state exchange, is analogous to the steady-state intracavity state of the subthreshold optical nondegenerate parametric amplifier. We show that, first, it possesses some 2N-way entanglement. Second, we place a lower bound on the amount of such entanglement in the state using a novel measure called the entanglement of minimum bipartite entropy.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure