15 research outputs found

    Reinterpretando as Origens do Sistema Internacional: as possibilidade de paz em tempos de guerra ontem e hoje

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    O objetivo deste artigo é, em primeiro lugar, reinterpretar as origens do Sistema Internacional Moderno relacionando-as, de um lado, ao desenvolvimento da lógica de um equilíbrio instável de poder no contexto da Guerra de Trinta Anos Italiana (1423-1454) e, por outro, às possibilidades de paz em tempos de guerra como ocorrido no concerto italiano consagrado nos Acordos de Lodi em 1454. Com base nisso, busca-se refletir, ao final, sobre as reconfigurações nas disputas de poder entre as Grandes Potências neste início de Século XXI.

    Geração, tratamento e disposição final dos resíduos das estações de tratamento de água do estado de Pernambuco

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    This article deals with the generation, quantification and final disposal of the sludge generated at existing Water Treatment Plants (WTPs), operating in the state of Pernambuco. The research was carried out in the period between January 2015 and December 2016 by the collection, systematization and interpretation of data that showed 246 WTPs that generate residues, of which 69 in decanters and filters, 176 only in the filters and one in the desalination system. The largest number of conventional WTPs is in the metropolitan region of Recife and the highest production of sludge was observed in the Capibaribe river basin, which receives a load of between 50 and 50,000 kg / (m3day). It was verified that approximately 75% of the states WTPs discard their residues in water bodies and 22% in the soil, without any kind of treatment. Only 3% perform the degassing process, yet discarding the solid mass in the soil, without any control at the final disposal of the same.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Fundação de Amparo à Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de Pernambuco (FACEPE), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE), Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), COMPESA, ARPEinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sludge toxicity assessment of water and sewage treatment plant before and after vermicomposting, using germination test with lettuce seed (Lactuca sativa)

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the phytotoxicity of elutriate obtained from WTP and WWTP sludge before and after treatment by vermicomposting (TVC). The tests used the interfacial water of pure and consorted sludge in the 75, 50 and 25% of the respective sludge (mixture of WTP and WWTP sludge) sludges. To evaluate the toxicity were used seeds of lettuce, Lactuca sativa. The lettuce seeds were placed in Petri dishes with filter paper and moistened with 4 mL of elutriate solution, the plates were sealed with plastic film, to avoid evaporation of the elutriate, and later with aluminum foil, to preserve the absence of light, kept in a BOD type incubator at 25 ± 1 ºC for 120 hours. The design was completely randomized with 15 samples of each sludge mixture, before and 15 after the TVC, 5 dilutions (10, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) and three replications, totaling 450 sample plots and 6 plots of controls. Al concentrations were determined in all samples and controls. The toxicity test showed that there was an increase in germination index after CVT; As well as the elutriatro, with the highest dilution of 10% and lower Al concentration, obtained a more expressive result, showing that the germination of the seeds was reduced proportionally to the increase of aluminum concentrations present in the elutriate.Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a fitotoxicidade de elutriato obtido a partir do lodo de ETA e ETE antes e após o tratamento por vermicompostagem (TVC). Os ensaios utilizaram a água interfacial de lodos puros e consorciados nas parcelas de 75, 50 e 25% dos respectivos lodos (mistura dos lodos de ETA e ETE). Para a avaliação da toxicidade foram utilizadas sementes de alface, Lactuca sativa. As sementes foram colocadas em placas de Petri com papel de filtro e umedecidas com 4 mL de solução de elutriato; as placas foram vedadas com papel de filme plástico, para evitar a evaporação do elutriato, e posteriormente com papel alumínio, para preservar a ausência de luz, sendo mantidas numa incubadora, do tipo DBO5 a 25±1 ºC por 120 h. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com 15 amostras de cada mistura de lodo antes e 15 após o Tratamento por Vermicompostagem (TVC), 5 diluições (10, 25, 50, 75 e 100%) e três repetições, totalizando 450 parcelas de amostras e 6 parcelas de controles. Em todas as amostras e nos controles foram determinadas as concentrações de Al. O teste de toxicidade mostrou que houve um aumento no índice de germinação após TVC; assim como o elutriato com a maior diluição de 10% e menor concentração de Al, obtiveram-se resultados mais expressivos, mostrando que a germinação das sementes foi reduzida proporcionalmente ao aumento nas concentrações de Al presente no elutriato.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Possibility of Phytoxicity of Sewage Treatment Stations in the Germination of Lettuce Seed (Lactuca sativa)

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    The final treatment and disposal of sludge generated at sewage treatment plants has become a crucial step in the waste management process. The present work carried out an evaluation of the sludge toxicity after dehydration and treatment with vermicomposting, through an ecotoxicity test using Lactuca sativa as bio-indicator. The percentage of relative germination and relative growth inhibition of the primary roots was determined for 5 dilutions obtained from the sludge sample. The results of the bioassay with lactuva sativa seed showed that the treatment with vermicomposting interfered in the germination rate, increasing the same the relative growth of the roots.  This way, corroborates not to indicate the disposal of this residue directly in the soil without any type of treatment

    <b>Avifauna from a <em>campus</em> of Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Guarapuava, Paraná State, Brazil</b> - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v33i2.7710 <b>Avifauna from a <em>campus</em> of Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Guarapuava, Paraná State, Brazil</b> - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v33i2.7710

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    This study examined the structure and species richness of the avifauna in CEDETEG <em>campus</em> of Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (Unicentro), in the urban area of Guarapuava, at Paraná State. Data were monthly taken from July 2006 to June 2007 using transects. A total of 125 bird species belonging to 42 families and 16 orders was recorded. The absence of large frugivorous species reveals the destabilization of native vegetation, evidencing that the current floristic structure does not support more specialized species. However, from the total amount of registered birds, 47 (38%) are related to the forest environment in the study area and 25 species (20%) are exclusive of this environment, pointing out the strong relevance of this <em>campus</em> for the conservation of these populations.<br>This study examined the structure and species richness of the avifauna in CEDETEG <em>campus</em> of Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (Unicentro), in the urban area of Guarapuava, at Paraná State. Data were monthly taken from July 2006 to June 2007 using transects. A total of 125 bird species belonging to 42 families and 16 orders was recorded. The absence of large frugivorous species reveals the destabilization of native vegetation, evidencing that the current floristic structure does not support more specialized species. However, from the total amount of registered birds, 47 (38%) are related to the forest environment in the study area and 25 species (20%) are exclusive of this environment, pointing out the strong relevance of this <em>campus</em> for the conservation of these populations

    Caracterização de óxidos de ferro de solos do ambiente tabuleiros costeiros

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    Vários têm sido os trabalhos contemplando a gênese e as conseqüências da coesão em Argissolos e Latossolos nos tabuleiros costeiros e interioranos. Poucos, entretanto, sãos os estudos referentes à mineralogia da fração argila, sobretudo aqueles referentes à uma completa caracterização dos óxidos de Fe. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as características químicas e cristalográficas dos óxidos de Fe de solos vermelhos e amarelos, derivados de sedimentos da Formação Barreiras ou de materiais do Pré-Cambriano, que ocorrem na região dos Tabuleiros Costeiros ou Interioranos de diversos Estados do País. Para tanto, foram realizadas análises de difratometria de raios X, em amostras concentradas de óxidos de Fe, extrações sucessivas com DCB e extração com oxalato de amônio em amostras de argila, caracterização espectral por ERD, estimativa das propriedades cristalográficas da goethita, quantificação da substituição isomórfica de Fe por Al e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que: (a) a goethita mostrou-se como óxido de Fe predominante em todos os solos, mesmo naqueles com matizes 2,5YR, cujo valor de hematita foi inferior a 2,5 dag kg-1 de argila; (b) os valores de substituição isomórfica de Fe por Al das goethitas foram de três a seis vezes superiores aos da hematita, bem como não condizem com os valores estimados por modelos matemáticos, propostos pela literatura científica, indicando a necessidade de realização de novos estudos, a fim de demonstrar a existência de relações entre os parâmetros cristalográficos de goethitas naturais e suas propriedades químicas; (c) os resultados obtidos por difratometria de raios X e análise de dissolução química revelaram que as goethitas dos solos são distintas daquelas citadas, até o momento, na literatura; e (d) a posição das bandas obtidas nos espectros de espectroscopia de refletância difusa apresentou correlação com algumas propriedades cristalográficas das goethitas dos solos estudados, mostrando-se ser uma técnica promissora para o estudo dos óxidos de ferro.There have been several papers in the literature studying the genesis and consequences of particles cohesion in Argisols (Ultisols) and Latosols (Oxisols) from the Brazilian Inner and Coastal Plains. Just a few, however, provide insights into the clay fraction mineralogy, specially, the iron oxides complete characterization. The objective of this study was to investigate the chemical and crystallographic characteristics of iron oxides in red and yellow soils derived from the sediments of the Barreiras Formation or Pre-Cambrian rocks in the region of the coastal and central plateaus of several Brazilian states. The following research procedures were used: X-ray diffraction analyses in iron oxide-concentrated samples; successive extractions with CBD, and ammonium oxalate extraction in clay samples; spectral characterization by DRS; estimation of the crystallographic properties of goethite; quantification of isomorphic substitution of Fe for Al; and electronic transmission microscopy. According to the results, the following conclusions were drawn: (a) goethite was the predominant iron oxide in all soils, even in those with 2.5YR hues, of which the hematite value was below 2.5 dag kg-1 clay; (b) the values of the isomorphic Fe substitution by Al were 3 to 6 times higher for goethites than for hematites. These values did not agree with those estimated by mathematical models proposed in the scientific literature, which indicates the need for further studies of the relationships between crystallographic parameters of natural goethites and their chemical properties; (c) the results obtained by X ray diffractometry and chemical dissolution analysis revealed that the goethites in the soils differ from those cited, to date, in the literature; (d) the position of the bands obtained in the spectra of the diffuse reflectance spectroscopy was correlated with some crystallographic properties of the goethites in the soils, indicating a promising technique for the study of iron oxides

    Propriedades cristalográficas de caulinitas de solos do ambiente tabuleiros costeiros, Amazônia e Recôncavo Baiano

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    Grande parte das propriedades e características dos solos estão relacionadas à quantidade e ao tipo de mineral na fração argila. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram caracterizar a fração argila e estudar as características cristalográficas das caulinitas de solos vermelhos e amarelos, visando ao entendimento das relações desse mineral com as características e propriedades dos solos dominantes na região dos Tabuleiros Costeiros e mais interioranos do Brasil. Para isso, determinou-se a relação argila grossa/argila fina e foram realizadas análises mineralógicas (qualitativa e quantitativa) por meio de DRX e aplicação do método Rietveld; caracterização espectral por ERD, para determinação da relação hematita/goethita; estimativa de propriedades cristalográficas (tamanho e microtensões), por DRX e utilizando modelos matemáticos; da superfície específica, por BET-N2; da fractalidade; do grau de desordem estrutural, por diversos índices; e análises de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Os resultados permitiram as seguintes conclusões: (a) a quantificação dos minerais de argila pelo método Rietveld revelou predomínio marcante das caulinitas em todos os solos estudados; (b) a análise dos espectros de DRX, aplicando-se o método Rietveld, sugere a coexistência de caulinitas triclínicas e caulinitas com caráter monoclínico; (c) as caulinitas menores que 0,2 µm de todos os solos foram similares em superfície específica BET-N2, dimensão média do cristalito no plano (001), grau de desordem estrutural e dimensão fractal, mas diferentes em sua morfologia, que se apresentou correlacionada com o material de origem

    Mineralogy, magnetic susceptibility and geochemistry of Fe-rich Oxisols developed from several parent materials

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    Fe-rich Oxisols on mafic rocks in Brazil generally have high magnetic susceptibility with high contents of some trace elements. These are taxonomically similar soils; however, differences in magnetic and geochemical properties may affect agricultural or environmental usability and subsequent management. This study investigated the pedogenesis of Fe-rich Oxisols from various parent materials and evaluated the lithogenetic influence on magnetic susceptibility and trace elements contents. Soil samples were collected from Bw horizons in 13 Rhodic Oxisols and a Typic Oxisol developed from several parent materials in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Soils were analyzed by X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and magnetometry. Soil chemical analyses consisted of sulfuric and total (tri-acid) digestions and selective Fe oxides dissolutions and statistical correlations were determined. Fe-rich Oxisols presented a typical mineralogical composition of highly weathered soils with structural stability. The results confirm the difficulty to identify accurately magnetic minerals in different grain sizes using XRD. However, coarse fractions still exert dominant influence on the magnetic properties of the Fe-rich Rhodic Oxisols. In addition, coarse fractions probably contribute to the enrichment of superparamagnetic particles for the clay fraction. Although highly weathered, Fe-rich Oxisols may have their geochemical attributes still controlled by the parent material, where trace elements seem to be correlated with the magnetic minerals in the coarse fractions. Thus, the natural replacement of some trace elements from soil-solution equilibrium reactions during plant development could be more effective in soils with higher magnetic particles concentrations in the coarse fractions