1,484 research outputs found

    Uso potencial e toxidez da torta de pinhão-manso.

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    A expansão do cultivo do pinhão-manso é crescente, e vai de encontro com a necessidade do uso de fontes alternativas de óleo para a produção de biodiesel. O aproveitamento da torta de pinhão manso para a ração animal, da mesma forma como ocorre para o farelo de soja, geraria importante renda e viabilizaria economicamente a cultura. A torta, no entanto, possui diversos compostos tóxicos/antinutricinais, que devem ser mais bem conhecidos, tanto para questões de saúde pública quanto para que processos de destruição dos mesmos possam ser racionalmente desenvolvidos. O presente trabalho vem apresentar um levantamento dos casos de intoxicação pela planta e seu tratamento atual, dando uma visão realista e sem alarmismo dos riscos. Além disso, apresenta quais as estratégias a Embrapa tem estudado para destoxificação da torta para seu uso em ração animal.bitstream/item/17903/1/cot_01-1.pd

    Substâncias tóxicas, alergênicas e antinutricionais presentes no pinhão-manso e seus derivados e procedimentos adequados ao manuseio.

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    Método EPS para manejo da irrigação de forrageiras.

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    Adrenal Insufficiency and Glucocorticoid Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an emerging pandemic challenge. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in COVID-19 is characterized by a severe cytokine storm. Patients undergoing glucocorticoid (GC) replacement therapy for adrenal insufficiency (AI) represent a highly vulnerable group that could develop severe complications due to the SARS-CoV-2 infection. In this review, we highlight the strategies to avoid an adrenal crisis in patients with AI and COVID-19. Adrenal crisis is a medical emergency and an important cause of death. Once patients with AI present symptoms of COVID-19, the dose of GC replacement therapy should be immediately doubled. In the presence of any emergency warning signs or inability to administer oral GC doses, we recommend that patients should immediately seek Emergency services to evaluate COVID-19 symptoms and receive 100 mg hydrocortisone by intravenous injection, followed by 50 mg hydrocortisone intravenously every 6 h or 200 mg/day by continuous intravenous infusion

    Benchmarking Reproductive Efficiency and Transition Cow Health of Kansas Dairy Herds

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    Comparing key performance indicators across dairy farms may provide insightful information to dairy producers. Differences in management philosophies, facilities, and locations of dairy farms may influence overall performance of dairy operations. An ongoing extension program aims to benchmark reproductive performance and transition cow health of dairy farms located in Kansas and adjacent states. In this report, we compiled data from 2013 to 2015 of herds enrolled in the program and divided the data in warm and cool seasons to evaluate the impact of heat stress on key performance indicators. Annual pregnancy risk and warm to cool ratio of pregnancy risk varied from 20.9 to 22.5% and 75 to 82%, respectively. Annual insemination risk varied from 63.6 to 66.4% and warm to cool ratio of insemination risk varied from 96 to 97%, which suggests that heat stress does not remarkably affect insemination risk. In contrast, conception risk is significantly affected by heat stress because conception risk in the warm season ranged from 26.7 to 29.6% and in the cool season from 34.5 to 35.4% from 2013 to 2015. Percentage of cows that were treated for mastitis within 21 d after calving was below 4% annually. Warm to cool ratio of percentage of cows treated for mastitis ranged from 139 to 170%, indicating that during summer, cows are at increased risk of being affected by early postpartum mastitis. Benchmarking key performance indicators may assist dairy producers to identify areas of opportunity for improvement

    Assessing Training Methods to Educate Dairy Workers

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    Training employees is fundamental for dairy producers to achieve efficiency in order to increase profitability. Training videos offered online are becoming more common and recommended to train employees. The goals of this survey were to evaluate the comfort level of dairy employees in using computers and tablets, and preferred training delivery methods. A total of 71 employees from 6 dairies were interviewed. Interviews were conducted in the preferred language of the interviewee – English or Spanish. Of the respondents, 52 and 65.6% of employees consider computers and tablets easy to use, respectively. More than half of the employees reported that they do not use computers or tablets on a regular basis. The majority of employees (70%) would rather have a training session in a face-to-face format than a computer- or tablet-based format. This survey suggests that dairy employees may not be comfortable using computers in training sessions, which may limit the utility of some specific technologies to educate employees

    Pesquisa e desenvolvimento para aproveitamento da torta de pinhão-manso na alimentação animal.

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    O pinhão manso A torta de pinhão manso Tratamentos físico- químicos da torta de pinhão-manso Tratamento Físico- químicos da torta de pinhão-manso Tratamento microbiano da torta de pinhão-manso Melhoramento microbiano da torta de pinhão-manso Melhoramento genético para cultivares com baixos teores de ésteres de forbol Digestibilidade da torta tóxica de pinhão-manso Perspectivas.bitstream/item/61930/1/Folder-destoxificacao-pinhao-manso-2012.pd

    Dynamical trapping and relaxation of scalar gravitational fields

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    We present a framework for nonlinearly coupled scalar-tensor theory of gravity to address both inflation and core-collapse supernova problems. The unified approach is based on a novel dynamical trapping and relaxation of scalar gravity in highly energetic regimes. The new model provides a viable alternative mechanism of inflation free from various issues known to affect previous proposals. Furthermore, it could be related to observable violent astronomical events, specifically by releasing a significant amount of additional gravitational energy during core-collapse supernovae. A recent experiment at CERN relevant for testing this new model is briefly outlined.Comment: 4 pages; version to appear in PL

    Evaluation of Weather Information from On-Farm and Meteorological Stations to Assess Heat Stress in Dairy Cows in Southwest Kansas

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    Heat stress represents a challenge for the dairy industry. In order for producers to implement appropriate management practices, it is crucial for researchers to assess the extent of heat stress to which cows are exposed during the summer. Temperaturehumidity index (THI) may be used to determine the severity of heat stress that cows are exposed to during the summer. The objective of this study was to evaluate climate conditions by calculating THI using information from: 1) an official meteorological station, 2) loggers at the pen-level, and 3) loggers at the cow-level from a commercial dairy located in southwest Kansas. Temperature-humidity index at the cow-level was correlated with THI at the pen-level and THI from the nearest official meteorological station to the dairy. Despite the correlations, cow-level THI was 6.8 and 19.2 units greater than pen-level and station-level THI, respectively. Weather data obtained from farm-level measurements are more accurate than information collected from an official meteorological station to assess the intensity of heat stress conditions. Nonetheless, it is important to note that pen-level THI underestimates the index at the cow-level. This difference is likely to occur because of microclimates within the pen