404 research outputs found

    Chemical Composition And Ph Of The Meat Of Broilers Submitted To Pre-slaughter Heat Stress

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    In order to evaluate the chemical composition and pH of chicken meat subjected to heat stress during the pre-slaughter rest time, an experiment was conducted in a slaughterhouse. Twenty-five birds were randomly selected and housed in rooms without air conditioning for a 3-hour period, with an average temperature of 33°C and relative humidity of 83%. After slaughter, the carcasses were deboned and prime cuts were chilled (between 0 and 4 °C) for 24 hours for analysis of moisture levels, protein, fat, ash, and pH. The humidity values were 72.80, 71.47, and 70.30%, protein values were 16.81, 14.90, and 15.10%, lipid values were 0.78, 3.30, and 5.80%, ash values were 0.81, 0.88, and 0.89%, and pH values were 5.30, 6.10, and 6.54 for breast, thigh, and drumstick, respectively. Heat stress for 3 hours before slaughter led to changes in the chemical composition and pH of the chicken, which establishes an anomaly in the flesh of the PSE type (pale, soft, and exudative). It is evident that pre-slaughter management is important to ensure animal welfare and consequently high meat quality.44939

    Domain-size control by global feedback in bistable systems

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    We study domain structures in bistable systems such as the Ginzburg-Landau equation. The size of domains can be controlled by a global negative feedback. The domain-size control is applied for a localized spiral pattern

    Physical exercise on inflammatory markers in type 2 diabetes patients: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials

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    Background. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a serious disease associated with high morbidity and mortality. Scientific findings showed that physical exercise is an option for treatment of these patients. This study's objective is to investigate the effects of supervised aerobic and/or resistance physical training on inflammatory markers in subjects with T2DM. Methods. A systematic review was conducted on four databases, MEDLINE, CENTRAL, LILACS, and Scopus, and manual search from 21 to 30 November 2016. Randomized clinical trials involving individuals diagnosed with T2DM, who have undergone supervised training protocols, were selected in this study. Results. Eleven studies were included. Studies that evaluated control group versus aerobic exercise reported controversial results about the effectiveness of physical training in modifying C-reactive protein (CRP) and cytokine levels. The only variable analyzed by the six studies in comparison to the control group versus resistance exercise was CRP. This protein showed no significant difference between groups. Between the two modes of exercise (aerobic and resistance), only one study demonstrated that aerobic exercise was more effective in reducing CRP. Conclusion. The evidence was insufficient to prove that aerobic or resistance exercise improves systemic levels of inflammatory markers in patients with T2DM

    Movimentação Vertical Do íon Potássio Em Neossolos Quartzarênicos Sob Cultivo Com Cana-de-açúcar

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    The objective of this work was to determine the vertical movement of the potassium ion in the profile of Quartzipsamment Entisols cultivated with sugarcane. Two experiments were conducted in field conditions. The first one consisted of an assessment of ion movement in the soil profile, down to 1.80-m depth, for two years, in an area cultivated with sugarcane and in another one under cerrado. The second one consisted of the evaluation of ion movement to a depth of 1.00 m, under two water regimes: Natural and controlled. In the experiment under controlled conditions, evaluations were done with 0.5-m2 plots, delimited by galvanized sheets, receiving 80 kg ha-1 K2O followed by the addition of 1,200 mm of water. The area cropped with sugarcane showed greater soil organic matter content, greater pH, and, consequently, greater retention capacity of K+ in the superficial layers of the soil profile than the cerrado area. Moreover, in the area with sugarcane crop, the evaluation of K+ availability in the profile of the Quartzipsamment Entisol profile was affected by the adopted water regime (natural or controlled rainfall). Regardless of soil use, K+ moves rapidly through the soil profile.5191548155

    Soil biochemistry and microbial activity in vineyards under conventional and organic management at Northeast Brazil.

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    The São Francisco Submedium Valley is located at the Brazilian semiarid region and is an important center for irrigated fruit growing. This region is responsible for 97% of the national exportation of table grapes, including seedless grapes. Based on the fact that orgThe São Francisco Submedium Valley is located at the Brazilian semiarid region and is an important center for irrigated fruit growing. This region is responsible for 97% of the national exportation of table grapes, including seedless grapes. Based on the fact that organic fertilization can improve soil quality, we compared the effects of conventional and organic soil management on microbial activity and mycorrhization of seedless grape crops. We measured glomerospores number, most probable number (MPN) of propagules, richness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species, AMF root colonization, EE-BRSP production, carbon microbial biomass (C-MB), microbial respiration, fluorescein diacetate hydrolytic activity (FDA) and metabolic coefficient (qCO2). The organic management led to an increase in all variables with the exception of EE-BRSP and qCO2. Mycorrhizal colonization increased from 4.7% in conventional crops to 15.9% in organic crops. Spore number ranged from 4.1 to 12.4 per 50 g-1 soil in both management systems. The most probable number of AMF propagules increased from 79 cm-3 soil in the conventional system to 110 cm-3 soil in the organic system. Microbial carbon, CO2 emission, and FDA activity were increased by 100 to 200% in the organic crop. Thirteen species of AMF were identified, the majority in the organic cultivation system. Acaulospora excavata, Entrophospora infrequens, Glomus sp.3 and Scutellospora sp. were found only in the organically managed crop. S. gregaria was found only in the conventional crop. Organically managed vineyards increased mycorrhization and general soil microbial activity

    Cholesteryl hemiesters alter lysosome structure and function and induce proinflammatory cytokine production in macrophages

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    Rationale: Cholesteryl hemiesters are oxidation products of polyunsaturated fatty acid esters of cholesterol. Their oxo-ester precursors have been identified as important components of the "core aldehydes" of human atheromata and in oxidized lipoproteins (Ox-LDL). We had previously shown, for the first time, that a single compound of this family, cholesteryl hemisuccinate (ChS), is sufficient to cause irreversible lysosomal lipid accumulation (lipidosis), and is toxic to macrophages. These features, coupled to others such as inflammation, are typically seen in atherosclerosis. Objective: To obtain insights into the mechanism of cholesteryl hemiester-induced pathological changes in lysosome function and induction of inflammation in vitro and assess their impact in vivo. Methods and results: We have examined the effects of ChS on macrophages (murine cell lines and primary cultures) in detail. Specifically, lysosomal morphology, pH, and proteolytic capacity were examined. Exposure of macrophages to sub-toxic ChS concentrations caused enlargement of the lysosomes, changes in their luminal pH, and accumulation of cargo in them. In primary mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM), ChS-exposure increased the secretion of IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha and IL-6. In zebrafish larvae (wild-type All and PU.1:EGFP), fed with a ChS-enriched diet we observed lipid accumulation, myeloid cell-infiltration in their vasculature and decrease in larval survival. Under the same conditions the effects of ChS were more profound than the effects of free cholesterol (FC). Conclusions: Our data strongly suggest that cholesteryl hemiesters are pro-atherogenic lipids able to mimic features of Ox-LDL both in vitro and in vivo.NOVA4Health - UID/Multi/04462/2013, a program financially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministério da Educação e Ciência, through national funds and co-funded by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement. FCT fellowship references: SFRH/BPD/26843/2006, SFRH/BD/62126/2009, SFRH/BD/90258/2012, SFRH/BD/84685/2012, SFRH/BPD/102229/2014, SFRH/BD/52293/2013info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    [vasopressin Intravenous Infusion Causes Dose Dependent Adverse Cardiovascular Effects In Anesthetized Dogs].

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    BACKGROUND: Arginine vasopressin (AVP) has been broadly used in the management of vasodilatory shock. However, there are many concerns regarding its clinical use, especially in high doses, as it can be associated with adverse cardiovascular events. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the cardiovascular effects of AVP in continuous IV infusion on hemodynamic parameters in dogs. METHODS: Sixteen healthy mongrel dogs, anesthetized with pentobarbital were intravascularly catheterized, and randomly assigned to: control (saline-placebo; n=8) and AVP (n=8) groups. The study group was infused with AVP for three consecutive 10-minute periods at logarithmically increasing doses (0.01; 0.1 and 1.0 U/kg/min), at them 20-min intervals. Heart rate (HR) and intravascular pressures were continuously recorded. Cardiac output was measured by the thermodilution method. RESULTS: No significant hemodynamic effects were observed during 0.01 U/kg/min of AVP infusion, but at higher doses (0.1 and 1.0 U/kg/min) a progressive increase in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI) were observed, with a significant decrease in HR and the cardiac index (CI). A significant increase in the pulmonary vascular resistance index (PVRI) was also observed with the 1.0 U/kg/min dose, mainly due to the decrease in the CI. CONCLUSION: AVP, when administered at doses between 0.1 and 1.0 U/kg/min, induced significant increases in MAP and SVRI, with negative inotropic and chronotropic effects in healthy animals. Although these doses are ten to thousand times greater than those routinely used for the management of vasodilatory shock, our data confirm that AVP might be used carefully and under strict hemodynamic monitoring in clinical practice, especially if doses higher than 0.01 U/kg/min are needed.942213218, 229-234, 216-22