665 research outputs found

    Movimentação Vertical Do íon Potássio Em Neossolos Quartzarênicos Sob Cultivo Com Cana-de-açúcar

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    The objective of this work was to determine the vertical movement of the potassium ion in the profile of Quartzipsamment Entisols cultivated with sugarcane. Two experiments were conducted in field conditions. The first one consisted of an assessment of ion movement in the soil profile, down to 1.80-m depth, for two years, in an area cultivated with sugarcane and in another one under cerrado. The second one consisted of the evaluation of ion movement to a depth of 1.00 m, under two water regimes: Natural and controlled. In the experiment under controlled conditions, evaluations were done with 0.5-m2 plots, delimited by galvanized sheets, receiving 80 kg ha-1 K2O followed by the addition of 1,200 mm of water. The area cropped with sugarcane showed greater soil organic matter content, greater pH, and, consequently, greater retention capacity of K+ in the superficial layers of the soil profile than the cerrado area. Moreover, in the area with sugarcane crop, the evaluation of K+ availability in the profile of the Quartzipsamment Entisol profile was affected by the adopted water regime (natural or controlled rainfall). Regardless of soil use, K+ moves rapidly through the soil profile.5191548155

    Schistosomiasis Mansoni In Urban Northeast Brazil: Influence Of Rainfall Regime On The Population Dynamics Of Biomphalaria Sp

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    Introduction: Our objective was to evaluate the infl uence of rainfall regime on the population dynamics of Biomphalaria in a potential urban focus of schistosomiasis in Aracaju, Brazil, during 2009-2010. Methods: Snails were collected monthly and were counted, measured and identifi ed; the level of infection and fecal contamination at the sampling sites was determined; rainfall data were obtained. Results: High levels of fecal contamination were observed, and the abundance of Biomphalaria glabrata increased during the rainy and post-rainy seasons. The snails' size was variable, and infected snails were identifi ed independently of rainfall. Conclusions: These results provide evidence of anthropogenic and climate interference in an urban focus of schistosomiasis in the Aracaju metropolitan area.465654657Pordeus, L.C., Aguiar, L.R., Quinino, L.R.M., Barbosa, C.S.A., Ocorrência das formas aguda e crônica da esquistossomose mansônica no Brasil no período de 1997 a 2006: Uma revisão de literatura (2008) Epidemiol Serv Saude, 17, pp. 163-175Souza, M.A.A., Barbosa, V.S., Wanderlei, T.N.G., Barbosa, C.S., Criadouros de Biomphalaria, temporários e permanentes, em Jaboatão dos Guararapes, PE (2008) Rev Soc Bras Med Trop, 41, pp. 252-256Araújo, K.C.G.M., Resendes, A.P.C., Souza-Santos, R., Silveira Jr., J.C., Barbosa, C.S., Análise espacial dos focos de Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818) e de casos humanos de esquistossomose mansônica em Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brasil, no ano 2000 (2007) Cad Saude Publica, 23, pp. 409-417Lima, L.C., Família Planorbidae (1995) Tópicos em Malacologia Médica., pp. 90-112. , In: Barbosa FS, editor. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Oswaldo Cruz(2005) Resolução CONAMA no 357, , http://www.cetesb.sp.gov.br/Agua/praias/res_conama_357_05.pdf, Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (CONAMA). de 17 de março de. [Cited 2011 February 23]. Available fromSouza, M.A.A., Barbosa, V.S., Albuquerque, J.O., Bocanegra, S., Souza-Santos, R., Paredes, H., Aspectos ecológicos e levantamento malacológico para identificação de áreas de risco para transmissão da esquistossomose mansoni no litoral norte de Pernambuco, Brasil (2010) Iheringia Serie Zoológica, 100, pp. 19-24Barbosa, F.S., Barbosa, C.S., The bioecology of snails vectors for schistosomiasis in Brazil (1994) Cad Saude Publica, 10, pp. 200-209Fernandez, M.A., Thiengo, S.C., Susceptibility of Biomphalaria straminea from Peixe Angical dam, Tocantins, Brazil to infection with three strains of Schistosoma mansoni (2010) Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 105, pp. 488-491Barbosa, C.S., Domingues, A.L.C., Abath, F., Montenegro, S.M.L., Guida, U., Carneiro, J., Epidemia de esquistossomose aguda na praia de Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brasil (2001) Cad Saude Publica, 17, pp. 725-728Rollemberg, C.V.V., Santos, C.M.B., Silva, M.M.B.L., Souza, A.M.B., Silva, A.M., Almeida, J.A.P., Aspectos epidemiológicos e distribuição geográfica da esquistossomose e geo-helmintos, no Estado de Sergipe, de acordo com os dados do Programa de Controle da Esquistossomose (2011) Rev Soc Bras Med Trop, 44, pp. 91-96Barbosa, C.S., Montenegro, S.M.L., Abath, F.G., Domingues, A.L.C., Eventos epidemiológicos relacionados à transmissão da esquistossomose em áreas rurais e urbanas de Pernambuco (2002) Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 96, pp. 169-172Departamento de Vigilância Epidemiológica (2008) Vigilância e controle de moluscos de importância epidemiológica: Diretrizes técnicas., , Ministério da Saúde. Programa de Vigilância e Controle da Esquistossomose (PCE). 2nded. Brasília: Ministério da Saúd

    Vegetative development, fruits yield and optimization of pineapple cv. Pérola with different levels of irrigation

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    Apesar de ser uma planta com necessidades hídricas relativamente baixas, o abacaxizeiro tem demanda permanente de água, variável ao longo do ciclo e dependente do seu estádio de desenvolvimento. Assim, objetivou-se analisar volumes de irrigação no desenvolvimento vegetativo, no rendimento da fruta e na otimização do abacaxizeiro cv. Pérola. O experimento foi realizado na Universidade Federal de Sergipe, município de São Cristóvão (11°01'S, 37°12'W), no delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos (lâminas de água) (100% da evaporação do tanque Classe A (523,7mm ano-1); 75% da evaporação do tanque Classe A (392,8mm ano-1), 50% da evaporação do tanque Classe A (261,8mm ano-1) e 0% da evaporação do tanque Classe A, seis repetições e 12 plantas úteis por parcela. O sistema de irrigação foi por aspersão convencional disposto em linha, com pressão de 20mca e vazão de 1,33m3 h-1. A área foliar (cm2) mínima atingida de 4552,6cm2 foi observada no volume de água de 122,9mm ano-1, enquanto a massa seca das folhas (147,6g) foi constatada com 17mm ano-1. O máximo comprimento da folha D (88,9cm) foi estimado com 532,7 mm ano-1. Já o máximo comprimento do fruto (23cm) foi observado na lâmina de 296,9mm ano-1. A massa do fruto máxima estimado de 1.736g foi constatado na lâmina de 356,4mm ano-1. No contexto, a irrigação contribui de forma positiva no desenvolvimento vegetativo e rendimento da fruta do abacaxizeiro. Ressalta-se remuneração mensal líquida de R 1.161,17ha-1, quando se adota lâmina de irrigação de 356,4mm ano-1. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: Regardless a relatively low water needs, pineapple fruit has a variable behavior related to water need throughout its biological cycle depending on the development stage. The objective of this work was to analyze irrigation on the vegetative development and fruits yield in pineapple cv. Pérola. The experiment was conducted at the Universidade Federal de Sergipe Experimental Station, at São Cristóvão - SE (11°01'S, 37°12'W), in a randomized block design, with four water level treatments as follow: 100% of Class-A (523.7mm ano-1) evaporation pan; 75% of Class-A (392.8mm ano-1) evaporation pan, 50% of Class-A (261.8mm ano-1) evaporation pan and 0% of Class-A evaporation pan, in six replications and twelve plants per plot. The splinkler watering system of irrigation was installed in a line, with an operating pression of 20 mca and a sprinkler dischrage of 1.33m3h-1. A minimum leaf area of 4552.6cm2 was observed, considering a water level of 122.9mm year-1, while a leaf dry matter was 147.6 g in 17mmyear-1. The maximum leaf length (D) of 88.9cm was estimated considering 532.7mmyear-1. The maximum fruit length of 23cm was observed, considering a water level of 296.9mmyear-1. The maximum estimated fruit weight was 1.736g in a water level of 356.4mm year-1. The irrigation seems to contribute in a positive way to the vegetative development in the pineapple fruit yield. It is important to mention that it could be observed a net profit of R 1,161.17 ha-1, when a water level of 356.4mm ano-1 of irrigation was adopted