902 research outputs found

    Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome: Opening Pandora's Box

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    One of the purposes of antiretroviral therapy (ART) is to restore the immune system. However, it can sometimes lead to an aberrant inflammatory response and paradoxical clinical worsening known as the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). We describe a 23-year-old male, HIV1 infected with a rapid progression phenotype, who started ART with TCD4+ of 53 cells/mm(3) (3,3%) and HIV RNA = 890000 copies/mL (6 log). Four weeks later he was admitted to the intensive care unit with severe sepsis. The diagnostic pathway identified progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, digestive Kaposi sarcoma, and P. aeruginosa bacteraemia. Five weeks after starting ART, TCD4+ cell count was 259 cells/mm(3) (15%) and HIV RNA = 3500 copies/mL (4 log). He developed respiratory failure and progressed to septic shock and death. Those complications might justify the outcome but its autopsy opened Pandora's box: cerebral and cardiac toxoplasmosis was identified, as well as hemophagocytic syndrome, systemic candidiasis, and Mycobacterium avium complex infection. IRIS remains a concern and eventually a barrier to ART. Male gender, young age, low TCD4 cell count, and high viral load are risk factors. The high prevalence of subclinical opportunistic diseases highlights the need for new strategies to reduce IRIS incidence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Review: Removal of oversize & recovery of particles from suspensions in the nano size range

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    The review will try to answer to two main goals: the product classification and the productremoval in the nano-size range and specifically applied to wet suspensions. The productclassification means the removal of the coarse fraction from a size distribution, targetingspecific size regimes (e.g. those > 0.5 μm and those > 100nm). The product recovery is theremoval of all particles from a suspension, down to several nanometers. In that case however,the separation may be done differently if the product of interest is the solid (the separation isfocused on the recovery of particles in the nano-size range) or the liquid phase (the separationis focused on the liquid phase purification).Usually, one considers that nanoparticles are particles having their three dimensions lowerthan 100 nm. The size range covered by this review varies from a few nanometers to severalmicrons or even more. One raison is that nanoseparation processes are often not specifictechnologies but current technologies that have been extended towards the submicronic range

    Transitions Between Preexposure Prophylaxis Eligibility States and HIV Infection in the Lisbon Cohort of HIV-Negative Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Multistate Model Analysis

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    We aimed to describe transitions between preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) eligibility and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among HIV-negative men who have sex with men (MSM). We used data from 1,885 MSM, who had not used PrEP, enrolled in the Lisbon Cohort of MSM, with at least 2 consecutive measurements of PrEP eligibility from 2014–2020. A time-homogeneous Markov multistate model was applied to describe the transitions between states of PrEP eligibility—eligible and ineligible—and from these to HIV infection (HIV). The intensities of the transitions were closer for ineligible-to-eligible and eligible-to-ineligible transitions (intensity ratio, 1.107, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.080, 1.176), while the intensity of the eligible-to-HIV transition was higher than that for ineligible-to–HIV transition (intensity ratio, 9.558, 95% CI: 0.738, 65.048). The probabilities of transitions increased with time; for 90 days, the probabilities were similar for the ineligible-to-eligible and eligible-to-ineligible transitions (0.285 (95% CI: 0.252, 0.319) vs. 0.258 (95% CI: 0.228, 0.287)), while the eligible-to-HIV transition was more likely than ineligible-to-HIV (0.004 (95% CI: 0.003, 0.007) vs. 0.001 (95% CI: 0.001, 0.008)) but tended to become closer with time. Being classified as ineligible was a short-term indicator of a lower probability of acquiring HIV. Once an individual moved to eligible, he was at a higher risk of seroconversion, demanding a timely delivery of PrEP.This work was supported by national funds of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), under the scope of the project UIDB/04750/2020—Research Unit of Epidemiology–Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto (EPIUnit). P.M. was the recipient of doctoral grant SFRH/BD/112867/2015, co-funded by the FCT and the Programa Operacional Capital Humano/Fundo Social Europeu. C.M. was supported by Portuguese funds through FCT within the Project UID/MAT/00013/2013

    Produção sazonal de óleo essencial em uma população natural de Piper aduncum L. em Adrianópolis - PR.

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a produção sazonal de óleo essencial em uma população natural de Piper aduncum L. no município de Adrianópolis - PR

    Optimization and economic evaluation of pressurized liquid extraction of phenolic compounds from jabuticaba skins

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    AbstractThe optimization of the extraction of anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds from jabuticaba skins, a promising Brazilian source of these compounds, was studied using pressurized liquid extraction (PLE). An optimization study was performed using ethanol as a solvent and with extraction pressure (5–10MPa), temperature (313–393K) and static extraction time (3–15min) as independent variables. The optimum PLE conditions for all response variables were estimated; however, PLE conditions resulting in the highest recovery of anthocyanins (5MPa, 553K and 9min of static extraction time) were chosen for comparison with a conventional low-pressure solvent extraction (LPSE). The attributes compared were yield, content of anthocyanins and phenolic compounds and economic feasibility. Similar extraction yields were obtained by LPSE and PLE under optimized conditions; however 2.15 and 1.66-fold more anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds, respectively, were extracted using PLE, while the cost of manufacturing (COM) obtained for the PLE extract was 40-fold lower

    Ca2+-H+ antiport activity in synaptic vesicles isolated from sheep brain cortex

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    Synaptic vesicles isolated from sheep brain cortex exhibit an ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation that is inhibited by the protonophore uncoupler carbonyl cyanide m-chorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) and completely released by the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin. This transport activity was sensitive to the V-type ATPase inhibitor, bafilomycin, but not to the P-type ATPase inhibitor, vanadate. We also observed that the proton gradient, established across the synaptic vesicle membranes in the presence of ATP, is partially dissipated by the addition of Ca2+ (100-860 [mu]M) in correlation to an increase of ATP hydrolysis by the H+-pumping ATPase. In contrast, the activity of the H+-ATPase, measured under uncoupling conditions (presence of CCCP), appears to be unaltered by the calcium ion. The Ca2+-induced H+ release visualized by fluorescence quenching of acridine orange correlates well with the Ca2+ uptake determined isotopically. These results indicate that synaptic vesicles accumulate Ca2+, via a low affinity Ca2+-H+ antiport system energized by the protonmotive force originated from the H+-pumping ATPase activity.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T0G-3STG33F-M/1/23212cde5694bae6fc9101190baa18e

    Teores e conteúdo de NPK em folhas de alfavaca-cravo em função da adubação orgânica e épocas de corte.

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    Estudou-se o efeito da adubação orgânica e épocas de corte nos teores e extração de NPK em alfavaca-cravo nas condições de Botucatu - SP. Utilizou-se 04 doses de esterco de poedeira curtido (tratamentos principais) e 04 épocas de corte (outono, inverno e primavera do ano de 2001 e verão de 2002)

    Produção de biomassa, rendimento de óleo essencial e teor de timol em alecrim - pimenta, em função da adubação orgânica.

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    O objetivo deste foi avaliar cinco doses de esterco de galinha curtido (0; 1,5; 3,0; 4,5 e 6,0 kg/m2) na produção de biomassa, rendimento de óleo essencial e constituintes químicos deste óleo
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