The review will try to answer to two main goals: the product classification and the productremoval in the nano-size range and specifically applied to wet suspensions. The productclassification means the removal of the coarse fraction from a size distribution, targetingspecific size regimes (e.g. those > 0.5 μm and those > 100nm). The product recovery is theremoval of all particles from a suspension, down to several nanometers. In that case however,the separation may be done differently if the product of interest is the solid (the separation isfocused on the recovery of particles in the nano-size range) or the liquid phase (the separationis focused on the liquid phase purification).Usually, one considers that nanoparticles are particles having their three dimensions lowerthan 100 nm. The size range covered by this review varies from a few nanometers to severalmicrons or even more. One raison is that nanoseparation processes are often not specifictechnologies but current technologies that have been extended towards the submicronic range