2,389 research outputs found

    Recurrence of Ganglion Cysts Following Re-excision

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    Previous studies have examined the recurrence of ganglion cysts after surgical excision at a rate of 4 to 40%. However, recurrence after revision surgical excision is unknown. The purpose of this study was to define the incidence of recurrent ganglion cysts in patients who underwent a 2nd excisional procedure.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/cwicposters/1032/thumbnail.jp

    Team-based Outreach to Improve Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates in an Urban Family Medicine Practice

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    Aims for Improvement Aim to increase CRCS rates for our resident team patients by 5% by May, 2021 Target Population (n=99): Age 50-74, due for CRCS, office visit within last 2 years, team resident listed as PCP, active on MyChart, and speak Englis

    Improving Blood Pressure Control Through Blood Pressure Measurement in an Ambulatory Urban Family Medicine Clinic

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    Aim Statement: To increase the percentage of patients over the age of 18 with BP controlled to a goal of \u3c140/90 from a baseline of 58% to 68% by April 2020

    Integer Versus Fractional Order SEIR Deterministic and Stochastic Models of Measles

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    In this paper, we compare the performance between systems of ordinary and (Caputo) fractional differential equations depicting the susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered (SEIR) models of diseases. In order to understand the origins of both approaches as mean-field approximations of integer and fractional stochastic processes, we introduce the fractional differential equations (FDEs) as approximations of some type of fractional nonlinear birth and death processes. Then, we examine validity of the two approaches against empirical courses of epidemics; we fit both of them to case counts of three measles epidemics that occurred during the pre-vaccination era in three different locations. While ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are commonly used to model epidemics, FDEs are more flexible in fitting empirical data and theoretically offer improved model predictions. The question arises whether, in practice, the benefits of using FDEs over ODEs outweigh the added computational complexities. While important differences in transient dynamics were observed, the FDE only outperformed the ODE in one of out three data sets. In general, FDE modeling approaches may be worth it in situations with large refined data sets and good numerical algorithms

    Approach to RUQ Pain

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    Objectives: Highlight the prevalence of RUQ pain Review the anatomy relevant to RUQ pain Discuss the broad differential associated Walk through important history, physical exam, and lab work components of the work up for RUQ pain Review the appropriateness/clinical utility of different imaging modalities Highlight common US findings associated with RUQ pain Case review and management of common RUQ diagnose

    Analysis of the Diferential Efcacy of the Reduced Version Over the Extended Version of an Afective‑Sexual Education Program for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

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    Recently, with the increase in demand, multiple intervention proposals aimed at improving the sexual health of people with intellectual disabilities have emerged. Among them is the SALUDIVERSEX program, which takes a positive approach to sexuality. It has an extended version, consisting of 16 sessions and whose efcacy has already been proven, and a reduced version of 10 sessions. Thus, the present study aimed to test the diferential efcacy of the two versions. A total of 208 participants (103 women and 105 men) aged between 19 and 67 years (M=37.23, SD=10.66) completed a battery of instruments before and after the intervention. Statistical analyses showed that users who participated in the reduced version of the program presented a signifcantly higher rate of improvement in their sexual behaviors compared to those who participated in the extended version (Sexual response: β10=− 0.46±0.19, p=.034; Sex practices: β10=− 0.52±0.23, p=.037; Use condoms: β10=− 1.56±0.59, p=.017), as well as a signifcantly higher decrease in the risk of sufering sexual abuse (β10=3.95±0.64, p<.001). However, no statistically signifcant diferences in sexuality knowledge were obtained with respect to the improvement between the two versions (β10=− 0.09±1.21, p=.94). Meanwhile, the professionals who applied the program found that those who participated in the reduced version, although they presented a signifcantly greater increase in their knowledge about privacy (β10=− 0.48±0.08, p<.001), did not improve their concerns about their inappropriate sexual behaviors as much as the users of the extended version (β10=− 1.35±0.21, p<.001). Thus, although both versions were efective, the reduced version seems to do so to a greater extent and in a shorter time, which makes it the more recommendable option

    A Multilevel Model to Assess the Effectiveness of an Affective-Sexual Education Program for People with Intellectual Disabilities: the Influence of Participants’ Characteristics

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    Introduction Personal characteristics have been shown to influence the psychosexual development of people with intellectual disabilities. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the SALUDIVERSEX program about affective-sexual education depending on gender, age, relationship status, and degree of autonomy. Methods Two hundred fifty-four participants, clustered within 28 daytime support services, completed a battery of instru- ments before and after the intervention. The data was collected between January 2021 and April 2022. Results Multilevel analyses, controlling for participant’s dependence within the same center, confirm that the program is equally effective regardless of gender. Likewise, younger participants, who have greater autonomy and who have a partner, seem to benefit more from the intervention. Conclusions This suggests that the SALUDIVERSEX program is a useful tool for educating adults with intellectual dis- abilities on sexuality, when they possess a high degree of autonomy. Policy Implications The present study contributes to the successful replication of the intervention being tested, providing information on the aspects that may be more difficult to learn depending on the personal characteristics of the individuals

    Identification of Novel Components of the Unfolded Protein Response in Arabidopsis

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    Unfavorable environmental and developmental conditions may cause disturbances in protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that are recognized and counteracted by components of the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) signaling pathways. The early cellular responses include transcriptional changes to increase the folding and processing capacity of the ER. In this study, we systematically screened a collection of inducible transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing a library of transcription factors for resistance toward UPR-inducing chemicals. We identified 23 candidate genes that may function as novel regulators of the UPR and of which only three genes (bZIP10, TBF1, and NF-YB3) were previously associated with the UPR. The putative role of identified candidate genes in the UPR signaling is supported by favorable expression patterns in both developmental and stress transcriptional analyses. We demonstrated that WRKY75 is a genuine regulator of the ER-stress cellular responses as its expression was found to be directly responding to ER stress-inducing chemicals. In addition, transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing WRKY75 showed resistance toward salt stress, connecting abiotic and ER-stress responses

    Finding Ways to Decrease the Number of Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Patients with a HbA1c over 8.5%

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    Background Problem Statement: Hemoglobin A1c is the standard of care for monitoring the metabolic control of patients with Type 1 Diabetes.1 Patients should have HbA1c checked every 3 months. Higher HbA1cs are linked to higher morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes.2 Project AIM: Develop, implement, and evaluate different methods to engage patients with a