49 research outputs found

    USF-1 Is Critical for Maintaining Genome Integrity in Response to UV-Induced DNA Photolesions

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    An important function of all organisms is to ensure that their genetic material remains intact and unaltered through generations. This is an extremely challenging task since the cell's DNA is constantly under assault by endogenous and environmental agents. To protect against this, cells have evolved effective mechanisms to recognize DNA damage, signal its presence, and mediate its repair. While these responses are expected to be highly regulated because they are critical to avoid human diseases, very little is known about the regulation of the expression of genes involved in mediating their effects. The Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER) is the major DNA–repair process involved in the recognition and removal of UV-mediated DNA damage. Here we use a combination of in vitro and in vivo assays with an intermittent UV-irradiation protocol to investigate the regulation of key players in the DNA–damage recognition step of NER sub-pathways (TCR and GGR). We show an up-regulation in gene expression of CSA and HR23A, which are involved in TCR and GGR, respectively. Importantly, we show that this occurs through a p53 independent mechanism and that it is coordinated by the stress-responsive transcription factor USF-1. Furthermore, using a mouse model we show that the loss of USF-1 compromises DNA repair, which suggests that USF-1 plays an important role in maintaining genomic stability

    PAX3 Expression in Normal Skin Melanocytes and Melanocytic Lesions (Naevi and Melanomas)

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    Background Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma is an aggressive form of skin cancer, arising in cutaneous melanocytes. The transcription factor PAX3 regulates melanocyte specification from neural crest cells during development but expression in differentiated melanocytes is uncertain. By contrast it is frequently found in melanomas and naevi and is a marker for melanoma staging and detection. In this study we analysed the expression of PAX3 across the spectrum of melanocytic cells, from normal melanocytes to cells of benign and malignant lesions to better assess its function in these various tissues. Pax3 and PAX3 (italicized) refer to the mouse and human gene, respectively; whereas Pax3 and PAX3 (non-italicized) refer to the corresponding mouse and human protein. Methodology and Principal Findings PAX3 expression was analysed by immunohistochemistry and qRT-PCR. Immunofluorescence was used for co-expression with differentiation, migration and survival markers. As expected PAX3 expression was observed in naevi and melanoma cells. It was also found in melanocytes of normal skin where it co-expressed with melanocyte markers, MITF and MLANA. Co-expression with its downstream target, antiapoptotic factor BCL2L1 confirms PAX3 as a cell survival regulator. PAX3 was also co-expressed with melanoma cell migration marker MCAM in dermal naevi and melanoma cell nests, but this downstream target of PAX3 was not present in normal epidermal melanocytes, suggesting differential roles for PAX3 in normal epidermal melanocytes and melanoma cells. Most interestingly, a proportion of PAX3-positive epidermal melanocytes in normal skin show HES1 and Ki67 co-expression, indicating their less differentiated proliferative phenotype. Conclusions and Significance Our results suggest that a previously identified role for PAX3, that of regulator of an undifferentiated plastic state, may operate in melanocytes of normal skin. This role, possibly required for cellular response to environmental stimuli, may contribute to formation and development of melanocytic lesions in which PAX3 expression is prominent

    An integrated analysis of molecular aberrations in NCI-60 cell lines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cancer is a complex disease where various types of molecular aberrations drive the development and progression of malignancies. Large-scale screenings of multiple types of molecular aberrations (e.g., mutations, copy number variations, DNA methylations, gene expressions) become increasingly important in the prognosis and study of cancer. Consequently, a computational model integrating multiple types of information is essential for the analysis of the comprehensive data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose an integrated modeling framework to identify the statistical and putative causal relations of various molecular aberrations and gene expressions in cancer. To reduce spurious associations among the massive number of probed features, we sequentially applied three layers of logistic regression models with increasing complexity and uncertainty regarding the possible mechanisms connecting molecular aberrations and gene expressions. Layer 1 models associate gene expressions with the molecular aberrations on the same loci. Layer 2 models associate expressions with the aberrations on different loci but have known mechanistic links. Layer 3 models associate expressions with nonlocal aberrations which have unknown mechanistic links. We applied the layered models to the integrated datasets of NCI-60 cancer cell lines and validated the results with large-scale statistical analysis. Furthermore, we discovered/reaffirmed the following prominent links: (1)Protein expressions are generally consistent with mRNA expressions. (2)Several gene expressions are modulated by composite local aberrations. For instance, CDKN2A expressions are repressed by either frame-shift mutations or DNA methylations. (3)Amplification of chromosome 6q in leukemia elevates the expression of MYB, and the downstream targets of MYB on other chromosomes are up-regulated accordingly. (4)Amplification of chromosome 3p and hypo-methylation of PAX3 together elevate MITF expression in melanoma, which up-regulates the downstream targets of MITF. (5)Mutations of TP53 are negatively associated with its direct target genes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The analysis results on NCI-60 data justify the utility of the layered models for the incoming flow of cancer genomic data. Experimental validations on selected prominent links and application of the layered modeling framework to other integrated datasets will be carried out subsequently.</p

    Development of copper based drugs, radiopharmaceuticals and medical materials

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    Recognition of the E-C4 element from the C4 complement gene promoter by the upstream stimulatory factor-1 transcription factor.

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    Activation of complement gene expression plays a major role in the response to antigenic challenge. The induction of complement synthesis occurs primarily in liver and in macrophages and is mediated, at least in part, by increased transcription of the complement genes. For example, transcription of the C4 complement gene, which plays a crucial role in the complement pathway, is induced in response to acute inflammation or tissue injury. Previous work has defined the elements present in the C4 complement gene promoter that are required for its expression. Particularly important is an E-box motif, E-C4, that is conserved between the mouse, human, and rat promoters and that directed up to 90% of transcription from the mouse C4 promoter. Here we have purified the E-C4-binding factor to homogeneity using a novel and rapid affinity purification procedure. Following N-terminal microsequencing and subsequent isolation of the corresponding cDNA, the factor binding the E-C4 element was identified as upstream stimulatory factor-1 (USF-1), a basic helix-loop-helix-leucine zipper transcription factor. We also show for the first time that in vivo USF-1 is a phosphoprotein, but that phosphorylation of USF-1 is severely reduced in cells in culture. Moreover, the phosphorylated form of USF-1 binds DNA preferentially, indicating that phosphorylation may enhance the ability of USF-1 to bind DNA. The implications of USF-1 phosphorylation for C4 complement gene expression and transcription regulation are discussed

    Recognition of the E-C4 element from the C4 complement gene promoter by the upstream stimulatory factor-1 transcription factor.

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    Activation of complement gene expression plays a major role in the response to antigenic challenge. The induction of complement synthesis occurs primarily in liver and in macrophages and is mediated, at least in part, by increased transcription of the complement genes. For example, transcription of the C4 complement gene, which plays a crucial role in the complement pathway, is induced in response to acute inflammation or tissue injury. Previous work has defined the elements present in the C4 complement gene promoter that are required for its expression. Particularly important is an E-box motif, E-C4, that is conserved between the mouse, human, and rat promoters and that directed up to 90% of transcription from the mouse C4 promoter. Here we have purified the E-C4-binding factor to homogeneity using a novel and rapid affinity purification procedure. Following N-terminal microsequencing and subsequent isolation of the corresponding cDNA, the factor binding the E-C4 element was identified as upstream stimulatory factor-1 (USF-1), a basic helix-loop-helix-leucine zipper transcription factor. We also show for the first time that in vivo USF-1 is a phosphoprotein, but that phosphorylation of USF-1 is severely reduced in cells in culture. Moreover, the phosphorylated form of USF-1 binds DNA preferentially, indicating that phosphorylation may enhance the ability of USF-1 to bind DNA. The implications of USF-1 phosphorylation for C4 complement gene expression and transcription regulation are discussed

    Pax3 and regulation of the melanocyte-specific tyrosinase-related protein-1 promoter.

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    Previous work has established that the melanocyte-specific tyrosinase-related protein-1 (TRP-1) promoter is regulated positively by the microphthalmia-associated transcription factor Mitf, acting through the conserved M box and negatively by the T-box factor Tbx2, which can bind two "melanocyte-specific elements" termed the MSEu and MSEi. Both the MSEu and MSEi, which share a 6-base pair GTGTGA consensus, are also recognized by a previously unidentified melanocyte-specific factor, MSF. Here we show using a combination of DNA binding assays, proteolytic clipping, and anti-Pax3 antibodies that MSF is indistinguishable from Pax3, a paired homeodomain transcription factor implicated genetically in melanocyte development and the regulation of the Mitf promoter. Consistent with Pax3 being able to bind the TRP-1 promoter, Pax3 is expressed in melanocytes and melanomas, and TRP-1 promoter activity is up-regulated by Pax3. The results identify a novel role for Pax3 in the expression of TRP-1, and the potential role of Pax3 in the melanocyte lineage is discussed

    UV-induced expression of key component of the tanning process, the POMC and MC1R genes, is dependent on the p-38-activated upstream stimulating factor-1 (USF-1).

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    Protection against UV-mediated DNA damage and the onset of oncogenesis is afforded by the tanning response in which UV irradiation triggers melanocytes to increase production of melanin that is then transferred to keratinocytes. A key component of the tanning process is the UV-mediated induction of the pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) and MC1R genes encoding the alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone and its receptor, respectively, which play a crucial role in pigmentation by regulating the intracellular levels of cAMP. How these genes are regulated in response to UV irradiation is not known. Here we have shown that UV-induced activation of the POMC and MC1R promoters is mediated by p38 stress-activated kinase signaling to the transcription factor, upstream stimulating factor-1 (USF-1). Importantly, melanocytes derived from USF-1 -/- mice exhibit a defective UV response and fail to activate POMC and MC1R expression in response to UV irradiation. The results define USF-1 as a critical UV-responsive activator of genes implicated in protection from solar radiation

    ERK-regulated differential expression of the Mitf 6a/b splicing isoforms in melanoma.

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    The master regulator of the melanocyte lineage Mitf is intimately involved in development as well as melanoma, controlling cell survival, differentiation, proliferation and metastasis/migration. Consistent with its central role, Mitf expression and Mitf post-translational modifications are tightly regulated. An additional potential level of regulation is afforded by differential splicing of Mitf exon-6 leading to the generation of two isoforms that differ by the presence of six amino-acids in the Mitf (+) isoform and which have differential effects on cell cycle progression. However, whether the ratio of the two isoforms is regulated and whether their expression correlates with melanoma progression is not known. Here, we show that the differential expression of the Mitf 6a/b isoforms is dependent on the MAPKinase signalling, being linked to the activation of MEK1-ERK2, but not to N-RAS/B-RAF mutation status. In addition, quantification of Mitf 6a/b splicing forms in 86 melanoma samples revealed substantially increased levels of the Mitf (-) form in a subset of metastatic melanomas. The results suggest that differential expression of the Mitf 6a/b isoforms may represent an additional mechanism for regulating Mitf function and melanoma biology