610 research outputs found

    Information and decision support needs of parents considering amniocentesis: interviews with pregnant women and health professionals

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    Abstract Objective Our aim was to clarify and categorize information and decision support needs of pregnant women deciding about amniocentesis. Background Prenatal screening for DownÕs syndrome (implemented in routine practice) generates a quantifiable risk of chromosome abnormality. To increase certainty, chromosomal material needs to be obtained through amniocentesis or other diagnostic test. Amniocentesis carries risks of pregnancy loss

    Increased population exposure to Amphan‐scale cyclones under future climates

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    International audienceAbstract Southern Asia experiences some of the most damaging climate events in the world, with loss of life from some cyclones in the hundreds of thousands. Despite this, research on climate extremes in the region is substantially lacking compared to other parts of the world. To understand the narrative of how an extreme event in the region may change in the future, we consider Super Cyclone Amphan, which made landfall in May 2020, bringing storm surges of 2–4 m to coastlines of India and Bangladesh. Using the latest CMIP6 climate model projections, coupled with storm surge, hydrological, and socio‐economic models, we consider how the population exposure to a storm surge of Amphan's scale changes in the future. We vary future sea level rise and population changes consistent with projections out to 2100, but keep other factors constant. Both India and Bangladesh will be negatively impacted, with India showing >200% increased exposure to extreme storm surge flooding (>3 m) under a high emissions scenario and Bangladesh showing an increase in exposure of >80% for low‐level flooding (>0.1 m). It is only when we follow a low‐emission scenario, consistent with the 2°C Paris Agreement Goal, that we see no real change in Bangladesh's storm surge exposure, mainly due to the population and climate signals cancelling each other out. For India, even with this low‐emission scenario, increases in flood exposure are still substantial (>50%). While here we attribute only the storm surge flooding component of the event to climate change, we highlight that tropical cyclones are multifaceted, and damages are often an integration of physical and social components. We recommend that future climate risk assessments explicitly account for potential compounding factors

    In vitro susceptibility to pyrimethamine of DHFR I164L single mutant Plasmodium falciparum

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recently, <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>parasites bearing <it>Pfdhfr </it>I164L single mutation were found in Madagascar. These new mutants may challenge the use of antifolates for the intermittent preventive treatment of malaria during pregnancy (IPTp). Assays with transgenic bacteria suggested that I164L parasites have a wild-type phenotype for pyrimethamine but it had to be confirmed by testing the parasites themselves.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Thirty <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>clinical isolates were collected in 2008 in the south-east of Madagascar. A part of <it>Pfdhfr </it>gene encompassing codons 6 to 206 was amplified by PCR and the determination of the presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms was performed by DNA sequencing. The multiplicity of infection was estimated by using an allelic family-specific nested PCR. Isolates that appeared monoclonal were submitted to culture adaptation. Determination of IC<sub>50s </sub>to pyrimethamine was performed on adapted isolates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Four different <it>Pfdhfr </it>alleles were found: the 164L single mutant-type (N = 13), the wild-type (N = 7), the triple mutant-type 51I/59R/108N (N = 9) and the double mutant-type 108N/164L (N = 1). Eleven out 30 (36.7%) of <it>P. falciparum </it>isolates were considered as monoclonal infection. Among them, five isolates were successfully adapted in culture and tested for pyrimethamine <it>in vitro </it>susceptibility. The wild-type allele was the most susceptible with a 50% inhibitory concentration (IC<sub>50</sub>) < 10 nM. The geometric mean of IC<sub>50 </sub>of the three I164L mutant isolates was 6-fold higher than the wild-type with 61.3 nM (SD = 3.2 nM, CI95%: 53.9-69.7 nM). These values remained largely below the IC<sub>50 </sub>of the triple mutant parasite (13,804 nM).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The IC<sub>50</sub>s of the I164L mutant isolates were significantly higher than those of the wild-type (6-fold higher) and close from those usually reported for simple mutants S108N (roughly10-fold higher than wild type). Given the observed values, the determination of IC<sub>50</sub>s directly on parasites did not confirm what has been found on transgenic bacteria. The prevalence increase of the <it>Pfdhfr </it>I164L single mutant parasite since 2006 could be explained by the selective advantage of this allele under sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine pressure. The emergence of highly resistant alleles should be considered in the future, in particular because an unexpected double mutant-type allele S108N/I164L has been already detected.</p

    VgrG and PAAR Proteins Define Distinct Versions of a Functional Type VI Secretion System

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    The Type VI secretion system (T6SS) is widespread among bacterial pathogens and acts as an effective weapon against competitor bacteria and eukaryotic hosts by delivering toxic effector proteins directly into target cells. The T6SS utilises a bacteriophage-like contractile machinery to expel a puncturing device based on a tube of Hcp topped with a VgrG spike, which can be extended by a final tip from a PAAR domain-containing protein. Effector proteins are believed to be delivered by specifically associating with particular Hcp, VgrG or PAAR proteins, either covalently ('specialised') or non-covalently ('cargo' effectors). Here we used the T6SS of the opportunistic pathogen Serratia marcescens, together with integratecd genetic, proteomic and biochemical approaches, to elucidate the role of specific VgrG and PAAR homologues in T6SS function and effector specificity, revealing new aspects and unexpected subtleties in effector delivery by the T6SS. We identified effectors, both cargo and specialised, absolutely dependent on a particular VgrG for delivery to target cells, and discovered that other cargo effectors can show a preference for a particular VgrG. The presence of at least one PAAR protein was found to be essential for T6SS function, consistent with designation as a 'core' T6SS component. We showed that specific VgrG-PAAR combinations are required to assemble a functional T6SS and that the three distinct VgrG-PAAR assemblies in S. marcescens exhibit distinct effector specificity and efficiency. Unexpectedly, we discovered that two different PAAR-containing Rhs proteins can functionally pair with the same VgrG protein. Showing that accessory EagR proteins are involved in these interactions, native VgrG-Rhs-EagR complexes were isolated and specific interactions between EagR and cognate Rhs proteins identified. This study defines an essential yet flexible role for PAAR proteins in the T6SS and highlights the existence of distinct versions of the machinery with differential effector specificity and efficiency of target cell delivery

    Navigating tensions in climate change-related planned relocation

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    The planned relocation of communities away from areas of climate-related risk has emerged as a critical strategy to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Empirical examples from around the world show, however, that such relocations often lead to poor outcomes for affected communities. To address this challenge, and contribute to developing guidelines for just and sustainable relocation processes, this paper calls attention to three fundamental tensions in planned relocation processes: (1) conceptualizations of risk and habitability; (2) community consultation and ownership; and (3) siloed policy frameworks and funding mechanisms. Drawing on the collective experience of 29 researchers, policymakers and practitioners from around the world working on planned relocations in the context of a changing climate, we provide strategies for collectively and collaboratively acknowledging and navigating these tensions among actors at all levels, to foster more equitable and sustainable relocation processes and outcomes

    ATP and its N6-substituted analogues: parameterization, molecular dynamics simulation and conformational analysis

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    In this work we used a combination of classical molecular dynamics and simulated annealing techniques to shed more light on the conformational flexibility of 12 adenosine triphosphate (ATP) analogues in a water environment. We present simulations in AMBER force field for ATP and 12 published analogues [Shah et al. (1997) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94: 3565–3570]. The calculations were carried out using the generalized Born (GB) solvation model in the presence of the cation Mg2+. The ion was placed at a close distance (2 Å) from the charged oxygen atoms of the beta and gamma phosphate groups of the −3 negatively charged ATP analogue molecules. Analysis of the results revealed the distribution of inter-proton distances H8–H1′ and H8–H2′ versus the torsion angle ψ (C4–N9-C1′–O4′) for all conformations of ATP analogues. There are two gaps in the distribution of torsion angle ψ values: the first is between −30 and 30 degrees and is described by cis-conformation; and the second is between 90 and 175 degrees, which mostly covers a region of anti conformation. Our results compare favorably with results obtained in experimental assays [Jiang and Mao (2002) Polyhedron 21:435–438]