1,313 research outputs found

    Extended shells around B[e] stars - implications for B[e] star evolution

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    Aims. The position of B[e] stars in the upper left part of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram creates a quandary. Are these stars young stars evolving onto the main sequence or old stars that are evolving off of it? Spectral characteristics suggest that B[e] stars can be placed into five subclasses and are not a homogeneous set. Such sub-classification is believed to coincide with varying origins and different evolutions. However, the evolutionary connection of B[e] stars – and notably sgB[e] – to other stars is unclear, particularly to evolved massive stars. We attempt to provide insight into the evolutionary past of B[e] stars. Methods. We performed an Hα narrow-band CCD imaging survey of B[e] stars, in the northern hemisphere. Prior to the current work, no emission-line survey of B[e] stars had yet been made, while only two B[e] stars appeared to have a shell nebula as seen in the Digital Sky Survey. Of nebulae around B[e] stars, only the ring nebula around MWC137 has been previously observed extensively. Results. In this presentation we report the findings from our narrow-band optical imaging survey of the environments of 25 B[e] stars. Of the objects surveyed, 7 show bipolar or uni- polar structures up to 15' across; 5 show faint, large, or filamentary shells; and 2 are compact planetary nebula-type systems. The most spectacular system observed is a large bipolar structure associated with MWC314. Conclusions. The possible links between B[e] stars and other evolved stars, implied by our observations, are investigated

    The enigmatic young object : Walker 90/V590 Monocerotis

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    Aims. We assess the evolutionary status of the intriguing object Walker 90/V590 Mon, which is located about 20 arcmin northwest of the Cone Nebula near the center of the open cluster NGC 2264. This object, according to its most recent optical spectral type determination (B7), which we confirmed, is at least 3 mag too faint in V for the cluster distance, but it shows the classical signs of a young pre-main sequence object, such as highly variable H emission, Mg II emission, IR excess, UV continuum, and optical variability. Methods. We analyzed a collection of archival and original data on Walker 90, covering 45 years including photometry, imaging, and spectroscopic data ranging from ultraviolet to near-infrared wavelengths. Results. According to star formation processes, it is expected that, as this object clears its primordial surroundings, it should become optically brighter, show a weakening of its IR excess and present decreasing line emissions. This behavior is supported by our observations and analysis, but timescales are expected to be longer than the one observed here. Based on photometric data secured in 2007, we find Walker 90 at its brightest recorded optical magnitude √(12.47 ± 0.06). We document an evolution in spectral type over the past five decades (from A2/A3 to currently B7 and as early as B4), along with a decrease in the near-infrared K fluxes. From near-infrared VISIR images secured in 2004, Walker 90 appears as a point source placing an upper limit of < 0.1" for its diameter. Evidence of turbulent inflows is found in rapidly changing inverse P-Cygni profiles in the lower Balmer lines, with a broadening of ±400 km s-1 in Hα and a redshifted component in Hβ with a terminal velocity of ~600 km s-1. The measured steep UV continuum fluxes (mimicking a star as early as B4), added to a tentative identification of N V emission, suggest a strong non-photospheric component, typically of fluxes arising from a thermally inhomogeneous accretion disk. We detect a well defined 2200 Å bump, indicative of dense material in the line-of-sight. We conclude that many observational features are explained if W90 is a flared disk system, surrounded by an inclined optically thick accretion disk

    Cold, Northern Winters: The Importance of Temperature to Overwinter Mortality of Age-0 White Crappies

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    Survival during the first winter of life can influence the recruitment of many fishes. We used field sampling and laboratory experiments to explore the mechanisms underlying first winter growth and survival of white crappie Pomoxis annularis, which exhibits variable recruitment. We sampled age-0 white crappies from four Ohio reservoirs before winter to evaluate whether large individuals had a greater energy density (kJ/g) than small ones and whether mean energy density differed among reservoirs. Energy density increased with fish size in all reservoirs, suggesting that small fish could die earlier if energy stores become limiting during winter. Mean energy density varied among reservoirs as well, suggesting that prewinter energy reserves could influence recruitment variability across reservoirs through their effects on winter starvation. Our laboratory experiment evaluated how fish size (small or large), feeding level (starved or fed), and winter severity (mild or severe) interact to influence the growth and survival of age-0 white crappies. The two winter severity treatments represented two extremes for Ohio winters (i.e., mild and severe). We calculated daily individual growth rates for all fish, energy density for a subset of fish, and percent survival across treatments. Winter severity strongly influenced survival: only 47% of all white crappies survived the severe winter, whereas 97% survived the mild winter. In the severe winter, neither size nor feeding level influenced mortality. Bomb calorimetry revealed energy density to be similar among fish that died and those that survived the severe winter, suggesting that energy depletion did not cause mortality. Rather, osmoregulatory failure may have occurred during exposure to temperatures colder than 4°C for at least 1 week. Thus, the availability of warm (≥4°C), oxygenated water during winter may be critical to the survival of age-0 white crappies. In the northern portion of their range, winter temperatures may account for some of the recruitment variability common to white crappie populations.This research was funded by Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Project F-69-P, administered jointly by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife, and the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology at the Ohio State University

    Spacecraft environments interactions: Protecting against the effects of spacecraft charging

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    The effects of the natural space environments on spacecraft design, development, and operation are the topic of a series of NASA Reference Publications currently being developed by the Electromagnetics and Environments Branch, Systems Analysis and Integration Laboratory, Marshall Space Flight Center. This primer, second in the series, describes the interactions between a spacecraft and the natural space plasma. Under certain environmental/spacecraft conditions, these interactions result in the phenomenon known as spacecraft charging. It is the focus of this publication to describe the phenomenon of spacecraft charging and its possible adverse effects on spacecraft and to present the key elements of a Spacecraft Charging Effects Protection Plan

    NASA Manned Launch Vehicle Lightning Protection Development

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    Historically, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) relied heavily on lightning avoidance to protect launch vehicles and crew from lightning effects. As NASA transitions from the Space Shuttle to the new Constellation family of launch vehicles and spacecraft, NASA engineers are imposing design and construction standards on the spacecraft and launch vehicles to withstand both the direct and indirect effects of lightning. A review of current Space Shuttle lightning constraints and protection methodology will be presented, as well as a historical review of Space Shuttle lightning requirements and design. The Space Shuttle lightning requirements document, NSTS 07636, Lightning Protection, Test and Analysis Requirements, (originally published as document number JSC 07636, Lightning Protection Criteria Document) was developed in response to the Apollo 12 lightning event and other experiences with NASA and the Department of Defense launch vehicles. This document defined the lightning environment, vehicle protection requirements, and design guidelines for meeting the requirements. The criteria developed in JSC 07636 were a precursor to the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) lightning standards. These SAE standards, along with Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) DO-160, Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment, are the basis for the current Constellation lightning design requirements. The development and derivation of these requirements will be presented. As budget and schedule constraints hampered lightning protection design and verification efforts, the Space Shuttle elements waived the design requirements and relied on lightning avoidance in the form of launch commit criteria (LCC) constraints and a catenary wire system for lightning protection at the launch pads. A better understanding of the lightning environment has highlighted the vulnerability of the protection schemes and associated risk to the vehicle, which has resulted in lost launch opportunities and increased expenditures in manpower to assess Space Shuttle vehicle health and safety after lightning events at the launch pad. Because of high-percentage launch availability and long-term on-pad requirements, LCC constraints are no longer considered feasible. The Constellation vehicles must be designed to withstand direct and indirect effects of lightning. A review of the vehicle design and potential concerns will be presented as well as the new catenary lightning protection system for the launch pad. This system is required to protect the Constellation vehicles during launch processing when vehicle lightning effects protection might be compromised by such items as umbilical connections and open access hatches

    Operating in the space plasma environment: A spacecraft charging study of the Solar X-ray Imager

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    This study presents the results of a spacecraft charging effects protection study conducted on the Solar X-ray Imager (SXI). The SXI is being developed by NASA Marshall Space Flight Center for NOAA's Space Environment Laboratory, and will be used to aid in forecasting energetic particle events and geomagnetic storms. Images will provide information on the intensity and location of solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and high speed solar streams. The SXI will be flown on a next-generation GOES sometime in the mid to late 1990's. Charging due to the encounter with a worst-case magnetic substorm environment is modeled using the NASCAP/GEO computer code. Charging levels of exterior surfaces and the floating potential of the spacecraft relative to plasma are determined as a function of spacecraft design, operational configuration, and orbital conditions. Areas where large surface voltage gradients exist on or near the SXI are identified as possible arc-discharge sites. Results of the charging analysis are then used to develop design recommendations that will limit the effects of spacecraft charging on the SXI operation

    The IIASA Energy-Multi Criteria Analysis Tool (ENE-MCA)

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    Researchers at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), building on work carried out within the framework of the Global Energy Assessment (GEA), have developed an interactive web-based scenario analysis tool that permits the concurrent assessment of synergies and trade-offs between multiple energy objectives at the global scale. This software, known as the IIASA Energy-Multi Criteria Analysis Policy Tool (ENE-MCA), is designed to assist national policy makers in their strategic policy planning processes. The tool extends work undertaken for the GEA and, as such, is built on the extensive set of global energy and environmental scenarios that have been generated as part of the GEA process. This document serves as an introduction to the ENE-MCA tool and as a brief manual for the typical user
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