5,880 research outputs found

    Social, Behavioural and Biological Risk Factors for Pregnancy in Adolescence: A Case-Control Study

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    Introdução: O melhor conhecimento dos factores de risco da gravidez na adolescência, especialmente a não desejada, pode ser uma forma de contribuir para a sua prevenção. Objectivo: Determinar possíveis factores de risco sociais, comportamentais e biológicos de gravidez na adolescência. Métodos: Estudo de caso-controlo comparando adolescentes grávidas (casos) com adolescentes que nunca estiveram grávidas (controlos). Foram analisados factores de risco (a) social: índice de Graffar, tipo de família, rendimento escolar e abandono escolar; (b) comportamental: hábitos de dependência, coitarca, contracepção e número de parceiros sexuais; e (c) biológico: idade, menarca, regularidade dos ciclos menstruais, índice de massa corporal e perturbações da saúde mental. Resultados: Foram incluídas 50 jovens em cada grupo, emparelhadas por idade. Os factores de risco de gravidez encontrados com significado estatístico foram (a) sociais: índice de Graffar ≥4 (OR: 4,96; IC 95%: 1,96-12,74), família não nuclear (OR: 4,64; IC 95%: 1,83-11,98), reprovações prévias (OR: 8,84; IC 95%: 3,20-25,16) e abandono escolar (OR: 9,01; IC 95%: 3,34-24,96); (b) comportamentais: hábitos de dependência (OR: 8,43; IC 95%: 1,65-57,87) e não utilização de contracepção (OR: 44,33; IC 95%: 5,05-100,92); e (c) biológicos: idade de menarca <12 anos (OR: 5,25; IC 95%: 1,89-15,02), irregularidade dos ciclos menstruais (OR: 4,51; IC 95%: 1,74-11,91) e índice de massa corporal >percentil 85 (OR: 2,95; IC 95%: 1,04-8,55). Não se revelaram factores de risco de gravidez a existência de mais de um parceiro sexual (OR: 4,42; IC: 0,5-99,31), idade de coitarca <15 anos (OR: 5,11; IC 95%: 0,93-36,71) e as perturbações da saúde mental (OR=1; IC 95%=0,15-6,63). Conclusão: Na promoção da saúde sexual e reprodutiva sugere-se que se dê atenção privilegiada às jovens de meio desfavorecido, de famílias não nucleares, com insucesso escolar, hábitos de dependência, idade menor de menarca, ausência de contracepção, irregularidade menstrual e excesso de peso

    Management of fetal tachycardia: a 15-year experience

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    Multiple gestation epidemiology--15 years survey

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    Between January of 1987 and December of 2001 were born 1243 twins related to 609 multiple pregnancies, in Maternidade Bissaya-Barreto. Data were grouped in periods of three years and several parameters were studied. The rate of multiple gestation has increased probably due to the contribution of the assisted conception techniques, and to the increase of the number of multiple fetal pregnancies (two or more) and to the increase of the mother age. These more frequent obstetric problems were preterm birth, gestational hypertension and abnormal sonographic data of fetal growth. The average age of delivery was 34 weeks and the birth weight has decreased. The most important factors for neonatal morbidity were hyaline membranous disease, intraventricular haemorrhage and the twin-twin transfusion syndrome. The neonatal mortality decreased in the last studied period

    Serum Levels of Vitamin D and Dental Caries in 7-Year-Old Children in Porto Metropolitan Area

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    Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with significant changes in dental structures. In children, it can induce enamel and dentin defects, which have been identified as risk factors for caries. This study aimed to assess the association between low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH) D) levels ( 0), and advanced caries (d3–6mft/D3–6MF > 0). Serum 25(OH) D was measured using a competitive electrochemiluminescence immunoassay protein-binding assay. Bivariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression were used. Advanced caries in permanent teeth was significantly associated with children’s vitamin D levels <30 ng/mL, gastrointestinal disorders, higher daily intake of cariogenic food, and having had a dental appointment at ≤7 years old. Optimal childhood levels of vitamin D may be considered an additional preventive measure for dental caries in the permanent dentition.Generation XXI was funded by Programa Operacional de Saúde (Regional Department of Ministry of Health). It has support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Ana Cristina Santos holds a FCT Investigator contract info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/Investigador FCT/IF/01060/2015/CP1319/CT0001/PT. The authors received no specific funding for this work

    Hypercalcemic crisis associated with primary hyperparathyroidism during pregnancy

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    Primary hyperparathyroidism is a rare occurrence in pregnancy with significant risks to the mother and the foetus, witch is related to the level of serum calcium. A 41-year-old women, gravida 2, para 1, presented at 22 weeks gestation with nausea, vomiting and mild cognitive dysfunction associated with hypercalcemic crisis. The hypercalcemia was observed to be related to parathyroid hyperplasia that was surgically removed. Complete resolution of her symptomatology and hypercalcemia occurred postoperatively. The pregnancy was complicated with transient hypertension. A small for gestational age healthy male infant was delivered at term with no neonatal complications related with this pathology

    Fimose e Circuncisão

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    A circuncisão é um procedimento cirúrgico muito frequente, por vezes com indicações clínicas pouco esclarecidas. Apesar de um método simples, tem riscos e complicações, pelo que deve ser bem ponderada a necessidade da sua realização, sobretudo em crianças e recém-nascidos. Torna-se necessário saber distinguir entre fimose fisiológica e fimose patológica. Nesta revisão pretende-se abordar as indicações cirúrgicas da circuncisão, as suas técnicas de execução e os diversos tratamentos alternativos

    In silico identification of potential chaperone genes that belong to type III and type IV secretion systems in Xanthomonas axonopodis pv citri

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    The secretion of bacterial virulence factors and flagellar components requires the assistance of specific type III and flagellar chaperones. Standard computational annotation of the genome of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv citri, a plant pathogen that causes citrus canker, initially did not identify any genes belonging to these chaperone categories since the primary sequence homology between them was very low. However, in a search for hypothetical proteins with characteristics similar to these chaperones, we have now identified 30 chromosomal and 10 plasmidial potential genes encoding chaperones belonging to types III/IV, and flagellar secretion systems in this organism. The significance of these findings is discussed.28232132

    Carcinoma Sarcomatóide da Bexiga

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    Os carcinomas sarcomatóides da bexiga são neoplasias raras e extremamente agressivas, contendo componentes malignos epiteliais e mesenquimatosos. Afectam predominantemente homens de meia idade, sendo a maioria das vezes localmente avançados aquando o diagnóstico. Apresentamos o caso de um doente com um carcinoma sarcomatóide da bexiga, com o diagnóstico prévio de carcinoma urotelial, submetido a cistectomia radical e quimioterapia complementar. Revemos os aspectos mais importantes da epidemiologia, etiologia, diagnóstico e terapêutica deste tipo de neoplasias
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