10 research outputs found

    Recommendations of the Neuroendocrinology Department of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism for the diagnosis of Cushing’s disease in Brazil

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    Grau de satisfação de usuários de um hospital privado Grado de satisfacción de usuarios de un hospital privado Degree of satisfaction of users of a private hospital

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    OBJETIVOS: Conhecer o grau de satisfação dos usuários de um hospital privado e os fatores intervenientes nessa satisfação, baseado no modelo de Parasuraman, Zeithaml e Berry. MÉTODOS: Estudo exploratório descritivo de abordagem quantitativa realizado em um hospital privado com amostra constituída de 288 usuários. A coleta dos dados ocorreu de abril a julho de 2009, por meio de um questionário e a análise estatística descritiva e inferencial. RESULTADOS: Identificaram os níveis de satisfação dos usuários, bem como as dimensões com maior escore: garantia e confiabilidade e com menor escore: responsividade e empatia. As equipes de enfermagem e médica obtiveram as maiores pontuações. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se a necessidade de intervenção nas áreas de nutrição e atendimento inicial. Assim, este estudo propiciou um diagnóstico multissetorial, subsidiando os gestores da instituição na revisão de processos assistenciais e gerenciais.<br>OBJETIVOS: Conocer el grado de satisfacción de usuarios de un hospital privado y los factores intervenientes en esa satisfacción, basado en el modelo de Parasuraman, Zeithaml y Berry. MÉTODOS: Estudio exploratorio descriptivo de abordaje cuantitativo realizado en un hospital privado con una muestra constituida por 288 usuarios. La recolección de los datos ocurrió de abril a julio de 2009, por medio de un cuestionario y el análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial. RESULTADOS: se identificaron los niveles de satisfacción de los usuarios, así como las dimensiones con mayor score: garantia y confiabilidad y con menor score: receptividad y empatía. Los equipos de enfermería y médica obtuvieron las mayores puntuaciones. CONCLUSIONES: Se observó la necesidad de intervención en las áreas de nutrición y atención inicial. Así, este estudio propició un diagnóstico multisectorial, subsidiando a los gestores de la institución en la revisión de procesos asistenciales y gerenciales.<br>OBJECTIVES: To know the degree of satisfaction of users of a private hospital and the factors involved in this satisfaction, based on the model of Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry. METHODS: A descriptive, exploratory, quantitative study conducted in a private hospital with a sample consisting of 288 users. Data collection occurred between April to July 2009, by means of a questionnaire and analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics. RESULTS: We identified levels of user satisfaction, and the dimensions with the highest scores: security and reliability, and with lower scores, responsiveness and empathy. The nursing and medical teams had the highest scores. CONCLUSIONS: There is a need for intervention in the areas of nutrition and initial care. Thus, this study provided a multisectoral diagnosis, assisting managers in reviewing the institution's clinical and managerial processes

    A utilização do mapeamento cruzado na pesquisa de enfermagem: uma revisão da literatura El uso del mapeo cruzado en las investigaciones de enfermería: una revisión de la literatura The use of cross-mapping in nursing researches: a literature review

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    Trata-se de um estudo de revisão de literatura cujo objetivo foi identificar e analisar a utilização do mapeamento cruzado nas pesquisas em enfermagem. Identificou-se que as pesquisas que utilizaram o mapeamento cruzado na enfermagem possuem relação com a criação dos sistemas de classificação e com a perspectiva do uso da informática nos serviços de saúde. Em relação aos países que realizaram pesquisas utilizando o mapeamento cruzado aparecem os Estados Unidos com 11 estudos, seguido do Brasil com 6 estudos, Holanda com 3 estudos e outros países da Europa e Ásia com 1 estudo cada. O mapeamento cruzado é uma ferramenta útil em estudos sobre linguagens padronizadas em enfermagem e pode favorecer o uso dos sistemas de classificação nos diferentes contextos.<br>Este estudio de revisión de la literatura tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar el mapeo cruzado en investigaciones en enfermería. Se identificó que las investigaciones con mapeo cruzado en enfermería poseen relación con la creación de los sistemas de clasificación y también con la perspectiva del uso de la informática en los servicios de salud. Los países que realizaron investigaciones utilizando el mapeo cruzado son Estados Unidos con 11 investigaciones, Brasil con 6 investigaciones, Holanda con 3 investigaciones y otros países de Europa y Asia con 1 investigación cada uno. El mapeo cruzado es una herramienta usada en estudios sobre los lenguajes estandarizados en enfermería y pueden favorecer el uso de los sistemas de clasificación en los distintos contextos.<br>This literature review aims to identify and to analyze the use of cross mapping in nursing researches. It was identified that researches that used cross mapping in nursing are related to the creation of classification systems and also with the prospect of the use of computers in health services. The United States performed 11 studies using the cross mapping followed by Brazil with 6 studies, Netherlands with 3 studies and other countries in Europe and Asia with 1 study. The cross mapping is a useful tool in studies on the standardized languages in nursing and can promote the use of the classification systems in different contexts

    Manipulation of Agricultural Habitats to Improve Conservation Biological Control in South America

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    International audienceStable and diversified agroecosystems provide farmers with important ecosystem services, which are unfortunately being lost at an alarming rate under the current conventional agriculture framework. Nevertheless, this concern can be tackled by using ecological intensification as an alternative strategy to recuperate ecosystem services (e.g., biological control of pests). To this end, the manipulation of agricultural habitats to enhance natural enemy conservation has been widely explored and reported in Western Europe and North America, whereas in other parts of the world, the investigation of such topic is lagging behind (e.g., South America). In this forum, we gathered published and unpublished information on the different ecological habitat management strategies that have been implemented in South America and their effects on pest control. Additionally, we identify the various challenges and analyze the outlook for the science of conservation biological control in South America. More specifically, we reviewed how different agricultural practices and habitat manipulation in South America have influenced pest management through natural enemy conservation. The main habitat manipulations reported include plant diversification (intercropping, insectary plants, agroforestry), conservation and management of non-crop vegetation, and application of artificial foods. Overall, we noticed that there is a significant discrepancy in the amount of research on conservation biological control among South American countries, and we found that, although intercropping, polycultures, and crop rotation have been reported in agroecosystems since pre-Inca times, more systematic studies are required to evaluate the true effects of habitat management to implement conservation biological control for pest control in South America

    Metabolism as an integral cog in the mammalian circadian clockwork

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    Nilotinib versus imatinib for newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia.

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    Manipulation of Agricultural Habitats to Improve Conservation Biological Control in South America

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