585 research outputs found

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal hyphae reduce soil erosion by surface water flow in a greenhouse experiment

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    This research was funded by the SMART Joint Doctoral Programme (Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Union) and the DRS HONORS Fellowship programme of Freie Universität Berlin. This study is a contribution to an EU Marie Curie Career Integration Grant to T.C. (EC FP7-631399-SENSE

    Community Water Improvement, Household Water Insecurity, and Women’s Psychological Distress: An Intervention and Control Study in Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Over 650 million people worldwide lack access to safe water supplies, and even among those who have gained access to 'improved' sources, water may be seasonally unreliable, far from homes, expensive, and provide insufficient quantity. Measurement of water access at the level of communities and households remains crude, and better measures of household water insecurity are urgently needed to inform needs assessments and monitoring and evaluation. We set out to assess the validity of a quantitative scale of household water insecurity, and to investigate (1) whether improvements to community water supply reduce water insecurity, (2) whether water interventions affect women's psychological distress, and (3) the impacts of water insecurity on psychological distress, independent of socio-economic status, food security, and harvest quality. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Measures were taken before and one to six months after a community water supply improvement in three villages in rural northern Ethiopia. Villages similar in size and access to water sources and other amenities did not receive interventions, and served as controls. Household water insecurity was assessed using a 21-item scale based on prior qualitative work in Ethiopia. Women's psychological distress was assessed using the WHO Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Respondents were either female heads of household or wives of the heads of household (n = 247 at baseline, n = 223 at endline); 123 households provided data at both rounds. The intervention was associated with a decline of approximately 2 points on the water insecurity scale between baseline and endline compared to the control (beta -1.99; 95% CI's -3.15, -0.84). We did not find evidence of impact of the intervention on women's psychological distress. Water insecurity was, however, predictive of psychological distress (p <0.01), independent of household food security and the quality of the previous year's harvest. CONCLUSION: These results contribute to the construct validity of our water insecurity scale, and establish our approach to measuring water insecurity as a plausible means of evaluating water interventions. Improvements to community water supplies were effective in reducing household water insecurity, but not psychological distress, in this population. Water insecurity was an important predictor of psychological distress. This study contributes to an emerging literature on quantitative assessment of household water insecurity, and draws attention to the potential impact of improved access to water on women's mental well-being

    Characterization of Colletotrichum strains associated with olive anthracnose in Sicily

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    Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum spp. is the most damaging olive fruit disease in many countries, including Italy. This disease has been sporadically detected in Sicily, but new agronomic practices can increase risk of olive anthracnose in this region. An etiological study of the disease focused on local olive cultivars growing at the International Olive Germplasm Collection (IOGC) in Villa Zagaria, Enna, Sicily has been undertaken. During 2018 and 2019, 137 Colletotrichum strains were isolated from olives. Colony morphology, conidium characteristics, and multilocus sequence analyses aided identification of three species: C. acutatum (affecting 70% of symptomatic olives), C. gloeosporioides, and C. cigarro. Three C. acutatum strains (B1316, P77, and P185), and one stram of each C. gloeosporioides (C2.1) and C. cigarro (Perg6B) were evaluated for pathogenicity on olive fruits from 11 Sicilian cultivars, known for their high-quality oil. Differences in virulence were detected among strains and their pathogenicity to the cultivars. The C. acutatum isolates were more virulent than those of C. gloeosporioides or C. cigarro. The Sicilian olive cultivars Cavaliera, Carolea, Calatina, and Nocellara del Belice were the most susceptible to the pathogen, while the cultivars Biancolilla and Nocellara Etnea were the most tolerant. Cultivar response under field conditions showed that anthracnose severity and fruit-rot incidence were positively correlated. This is the first report of C. acutatum and C. cigarro affecting olive trees in Sicily. Control measures for anthracnose depend on accurate characterization of the etiological agents and host cultivar resistance

    Effect of sucrose replacement and resistant starch addition on textural properties of gluten-free doughs and biscuits

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    There is a need to develop low-sugar healthy products. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of maltitol and inulin as sucrose replacement alongside resistant starch (RS) and green banana flour (GBF) on the texture and physical properties of gluten-free doughs and biscuits formulated with buckwheat, sorghum and lentil flours. These properties are important to predict the dough workability, how easy the biscuits could be mass-produced and determine consumers’ acceptability. Results showed that partial and complete substitution of sucrose could be achieved and appropriate concentration of resistant starch or green banana flour contributed to better dough and biscuit texture. RS content showed the biggest influence on dough stickiness and biscuit hardness and could be used to correct the negative effect of sucrose replacement and to maximise both the dough processability and biscuit acceptability

    Indomethacin in vivo inhibits the enhancement of the progesterone secretion in response to gonadotrophin-releasing hormone by human corpus luteum

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    Different prostaglandins (PG) seem to have luteolytic or luteotrophic function in relation to the phases of life of the human corpus luteum and in-vitro studies demonstrate a luteotrophic function of PGE2, PGI2, PGD2. The present study evaluated the effect of an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis on the hypophyseal and luteal responses to gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in women during the mid-luteal phase. Twenty normal menstruating women participated in the study. Two different protocols were applied. After monitored ovulation (day 0), eight patients were treated with indomethacin for 7 days and 12 untreated patients served as controls. To evaluate luteal progesterone production, blood samples were taken every 15 min for 2 h basally and after a bolus of GnRH (25 micrograms i.v.); eight control patients were also treated with indomethacin for one day, and the endocrine study was repeated. The long-term administration of indomethacin significantly reduced basal as well as luteinizing hormone (LH)-stimulated progesterone production by the corpus luteum in respect to controls. Short-term administration failed to influence basal progesterone production, but abolished its secretory response to LH. A luteotrophic role for prostaglandins in human luteal function is suggeste

    Gastric adenomas: relationship between clinicopathological findings, Helicobacter pylori infection, APC mutations and COX-2 expression.

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    Gastric adenomas are rare neoplastic growths characterized by localized polypoid proliferations of dysplastic epithelium that tend to progress to infiltrating adenocarcinoma. Therefore, the identification of molecular markers that could reliably recognize adenomas at risk of progression is advocated in the clinical management. In this study we investigated, in a series of gastric adenoma specimens from an area at high risk of gastric cancer, the relationship between clinicopathological characteristics of adenoma and Helicobacter pylori infection, APC mutational status, and COX-2 and the down-stream enzyme mPGES1 expression. Helicobacter pylori infection, detected in 24%, and 33% by histology and PCR analyses, respectively, did not show any relationship with growth pattern, localization, size, dysplasia grade and presence of synchronous cancer. Pathogenetic mutations of MCR region (codons 1269-1589) of the APC gene were detected only in one case corresponding to a single, small size, low grade, H. pylori-negative adenoma. The expression of COX-2 largely matched that of mPGES(1). Both were overexpressed in 79% of cases showing a relationship with high-grade dysplasia, size >10 mm and presence of a synchronous carcinoma. In conclusion, COX-2 may play a key role in the development and progression of gastric adenoma and could be an attractive target in the management of gastric adenoma at major risk of cancer development

    Adhesions due to peritoneal carcinomatosis caused by a renal carcinoma leading to mechanical gastric outlet obstruction: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Gastric outlet obstruction is a clinical syndrome caused by a variety of mechanical obstructions. Peptic ulcer disease used to be responsible for most gastric outlet obstruction, but in the last 40 years the prevalence of malignant tumors has risen significantly. Adhesive disease is an infrequent and insidious cause of mechanical gastric outlet obstruction.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 78-year-old Caucasian man who had a clinical history of a right nephrectomy for malignancy three years earlier and who was admitted for a severe gastric outlet obstruction (score of 1) confirmed both by an upper endoscopy and by a fluoroscopic view after contrast injection. A computed tomography scan and a laparotomy, with omental biopsies, showed a peritoneal carcinomatosis with the development of abdominal adhesions that prompted an abnormal gastric rotation around the perpendicular axis of his antrum with a dislocation in the empty space of his right kidney. Symptoms disappeared after surgical bypass through a gastrojejunostomy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our patient experienced a very rare complication characterized by the development of adhesions due to peritoneal carcinomatosis caused by a renal carcinoma treated with nephrectomy. These adhesions prompted an abnormal dislocation of his antrum, as an internal hernia, in the empty space of his right kidney.</p

    Subjective versus objective risk in genetic counseling for hereditary breast and/or ovarian cancers

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    Background. Despite the fact that genetic counseling in oncology provides information regarding objective risks, it can be found a contrast between the subjective and objective risk. The aims of this study were to evaluate the accuracy of the perceived risk compared to the objective risk estimated by the BRCApro computer model and to evaluate any associations between medical, demographic and psychological variables and the accuracy of risk perception. Methods. 130 subjects were given medical-demographic file, Cancer and Genetic Risk Perception, Hospital Anxiety-Depression Scale. It was also computed an objective evaluation of the risk by the BRCApro model. Results. The subjective risk was significantly higher than objective risk. The risk of tumour was overestimated by 56%, and the genetic risk by 67%. The subjects with less cancer affected relatives significantly overestimated their risk of being mutation carriers and made a more innacurate estimation than high risk subjects. Conclusion. The description of this sample shows: general overestimation of the risk, inaccurate perception compared to BRCApro calculation and a more accurate estimation in those subjects with more cancer affected relatives (high risk subjects). No correlation was found between the levels of perception of risk and anxiety and depression. Based on our findings, it is worth pursuing improved communication strategies about the actual cancer and genetic risk, especially for subjects at "intermediate and slightly increased risk" of developing an hereditary breast and/or ovarian cancer or of being mutation carrier

    Sources of pro-cyclicality in east Asian financial systems

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    Procyclicality is a normal feature of economic systems, but financial sector weaknesses can exacerbate it sufficiently to pose a threat to macroeconomic and financial stability. These include shortcomings in bank risk management and governance, in supervision and in terms of dependence on volatile sources of funds. The paper tests econometrically for the importance of such features leading to pro-cyclicality in the financial systems of 11 East Asian countries. This analysis makes it possible to identify specific policy measures for East Asian countries that could limit the extent to which financial systems exacerbate pro-cyclicality
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